
Paul K. Joyce feat. Neil Morrissey - Can We Fix...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024년 11월 13일 수요일 at 오후 4:46:04

Artist: Paul K. Joyce feat. Neil Morrissey
Title: Can We Fix It? (TV Size)
Source: Bob the Builder
Tags: MetalStream TV series Never Mind the Breeze Blocks British version Theme song HOT Animation anime english rock
BPM: 134.02
Filesize: 1381kb
Play Time: 00:50
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (1.77 stars, 97 notes)
  2. Kantan (1.17 stars, 60 notes)
  3. Muzukashii (2.43 stars, 148 notes)
  4. Oni (3.03 stars, 202 notes)
  5. Yes We Can! (3.7 stars, 263 notes)
Download: Paul K. Joyce feat. Neil Morrissey - Can We Fix It? (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
BNs : Greenshell / meiqth

Please re-download this mapset after March 3rd 2024! I changed offset and BPM!

mp3 and tags from Secre's osu!catch mapset
Background source :
I need a serious feedback for every single diffs especially Muzukashii and Oni, please help ;w;

The last diff name is not related with Obama.

Kantan : 100% by me
Futsuu : 100% by me
Muzukashii : 100% by me
Oni : 100% by me
Yes We Can! : 100% by me

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