
Muzakashi's GFX!「 Re-CLOSED 」

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Are you interrested? o.o

Will see when you've made some pictures
Total votes: 344
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Everything you order from this thread will be free of charge.

  1. Name:
  2. Image link:
  3. Shape:
  4. Border:
  5. Colors:
  6. Font: <-(Clickable link!)
  7. Extras:
Bold text is required, if none of the others are selected I will choose what I think looks nice.
The "Font" is clickable and will take you to a place to find fonts.

  1. Please follow the request template listed above.
  2. I don't mind if you ask in several threads, just tell me if you choose another artist before i complete my work.
  3. Please give me feedback so I can change the request to your liking. [Not really a rule..]

  1. Content
  2. Title
  1. Edited grammar
  1. Updated entire thread
  2. Added images for titles
  3. Added thread-header
  4. Edited title
  1. Added donation button
  1. Changed thread header
  1. Reopened Thread!
  2. Updated thread header!
  1. Added support banner.
  1. Revamped the entire post with new images!
  2. Removed support banner. No-one uses those anyways.
  3. Opened up for easter! (27.03.18 -> 02.04.18)
  1. Re-vamp and re-opening!
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~ I moved the content of this post up to the main post, please ignore this. ~
I couldn't delete it...
Alright let's give this a try ;p
Looking to get a new userpage banner. I have the image I want for it, but just not sure what to do with it, so I'll leave it up to you ^^
Name: (no need)
Dimensions: 640x190
Thanks in advance. I'll stalk your stream while you're at it :D
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Now offline due to no requests. ._.
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Still taking requests btw o.o I see people are answering the poll! ^^
I don't Have a request but your doiing a good job man keep it up ! `ィ(´∀`∩

_-[Sakai-kun]-_ wrote:

I saw Pannari's forum post this morning and I wanted to to the same. c: I feel like such a copycat. ;_;

Don't worry about that i am pretty sure more people will do this kind of stuf now
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SoG Tava wrote:

I don't Have a request but your doiing a good job man keep it up ! `ィ(´∀`∩

_-[Sakai-kun]-_ wrote:

I saw Pannari's forum post this morning and I wanted to to the same. c: I feel like such a copycat. ;_;

Don't worry about that i am pretty sure more people will do this kind of stuf now
Haha, thanks. ^^I've got no further requests though, after the first one. ;_; Seems I'm not good enough.

_-[Sakai-kun]-_ wrote:

I've got no further requests though, after the first one. ;_; Seems I'm not good enough.

Thats a matter of popularity just dont give up once people get to know who you are and what u do , u will get bombarded with requests
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Lol, thanks for the confidence-boost. xD I guess I just need more popularity on my post.
Saw you helping Pannari and your avatars looked really epic
Picture: ... 75/128x128
Colors: Dark Blue ^^
Font?: Destroy
Can you use the template on Pannari's account?
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I'll do your picture when I get home from vacation! (I'll be home this sunday..) I don't have Photoshop available on my moms laptop and it would be difficult to bring my desktop to Spain ._.

And yes, I'll use Pannari's template. :3
T-t-thank you for your patience >_<

Edit: I think your link might be broken. ._.
Okay then i post another link and i only want the head not sure if it fits
Link : ... katana.jpg

Edit : another link!
Link 2 : ... /05/MM.jpg
blond girl
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Judging by your avatar, I guess I was too late..?
No you werent :)
Edit : Yours are prettier.
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Woo x3 Anyways.. One day less until I get home to my desktop... ._.
You can use the head of the blond girl Link 2 :) deny the other ones
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Will do! :3
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Here's your avatar, Kami c:
I hope that you like it and please tell me if there is anything you want done differently!

The scource image was somewhat low resolution so the pixelation can't be helped.. Sorry!
haha turned out way better than i ever expected thanks
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Glad you liked it! :3
[ Pingu ]

_-[Sakai-kun]-_ wrote:

Glad you liked it! :3
Tell me what you use to make these awesome stuff. ^o^ plz
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I used Photoshop CS6 :o And as ordered, Pannari's template. (You can find it on his userpage)
Heya!~ I decided, why not? So I'ma gonna give this a try. :3

Oh and one more thing, can you use Pannari's 4th template? (Shown in the thread) Thanks. x3

Name: Sonic

Picture: EDIT: Can you put most of Sonic's body in the avatar too please? But putting the text/font where his body is, so most of his face is showing. That'd be great. ^w^

Colours: I'd like it if it were Dark Blue, sorta like the aurora colour surrounding Sonic in the picture. Though the background of the picture can stay the same, if that's owkay with you? :I

Font: Zenzai Itacha

Owkay~ That's what I want for my avatar to be. :3 And thanks a lot for making these for me and everyone else. :D
Topic Starter
Thanks for your request, Sonic!
Here's your avatar!

I hope that you like it, and please tell me if you want something different.

Edit: I didn't have access to Pannari's template so I tried to make something similar.

You could put the avatar you made for me in your "COLLECTION OF STUFF I MADE c:" box if you want, since you made it. :D
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Done! Thanks for the idea. :3

_-[Sakai-kun]-_ wrote:

Thanks for your request, Sonic!
Here's your avatar!

I hope that you like it, and please tell me if you want something different.

Edit: I didn't have access to Pannari's template so I tried to make something similar.

Oh wow it's... it's, IT'S AWESOME!!! :D Thanks Sakai! It turned out better then expected! I love it so much! ^A^
Topic Starter

MasterSonic10 wrote:

Oh wow it's... it's, IT'S AWESOME!!! :D Thanks Sakai! It turned out better then expected! I love it so much! ^A^
I'm glad you like it! ^-^
Name: Rose
Colors: Red
Font: I'm not sure what font to use or where to find fonts so I'll leave it up to you.
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Here's your requested picture! :3
Thank you for choosing me. ^-^

Please tell me if you want something done differently and I will change it ASAP!
Hi :D

Name: Laviolli
Picture: ... view_1.png

I don't know what color or font looks good here,so you can choose

I hope you can make it :)
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[url=]Here[/img] you go, Laviolli! I hope you are satisfied. :3

Please do tell me if you want me to do something differently. c:


_-[Sakai-kun]-_ wrote:

[url=]Here[/img] you go, Laviolli! I hope you are satisfied. :3

Please do tell me if you want me to do something differently. c:

Tnank you :o but i can't open the link, I Have download it from the Preview and there, the Purple of the text a bit weaker as seen in the Preview and also the effect on the general picture is different, or is that normal ?

can you please do another one for a good friend ? :)

Name: Syyno
Picture: ... 5wov8m.jpg
Colors: Red or Blue
and the font is up to you again ^^
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Here is your image, Lavi. Here.. I forgot to close the tag.. Hehe.
And I'm working on your friend's image now. :3 Sorry for the late reply btw.

_-[Sakai-kun]-_ wrote:

Here is your image, Lavi. Here.. I forgot to close the tag.. Hehe.
And I'm working on your friend's image now. :3 Sorry for the late reply btw.
yeah now it works :D I hope the picture for my friend get also so great ^.^
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CORRECT NAME! Here's the image to your friend. :3 Can you please link me his profile so I can add the image to my collections-post?
Please introduce him to the forum-thread so he can give me feedback if neccesary! ^-^

Hey Sakai-kun! I kind of want to change my avatar a bit so here's my request.
Name: Penguinsanez
Pic: ... 5zvduy.png
Colors: Whatever you think looks best c:
Font: Simplesnails
Also, could it be in a square template this time instead of a rounded square?

_-[Sakai-kun]-_ wrote:

CORRECT NAME! Here's the image to your friend. :3 Can you please link me his profile so I can add the image to my collections-post? there you go ^^

he really like it :)
sorry Sakai-kun If i'm bothering you but can you just only change the frame in a round one ? like Syynos ? :) when it will not work with the font than can you change it ? when it works than it can stay at this font it's really cool

the Profile Picture yet is really great but when im Playing I have a little white frame above the black frame :/ it looks weird but i guess it's not you fault but I Think with a diffrent frame it would be fixed or ? or maybe is this normal ?
Topic Starter
Here you go, Penguin! I hope you are satified with the result! :3
And as always, please tell me if you want me to change something!

Thank you so much! It looks fantastic. I really like the way it turned out. You did Another great job! :D
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I updated the image, so if you have already downloaded it, please do so again!
No problem at all, Laviolli! Here's the updated verion. :3

I hope you enjoy it. c:

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Penguinsanez wrote:

You did Another great job! :D
I got that pun! Another epic anime. ;D

_-[Sakai-kun]-_ wrote:

Here's your requested picture! :3
Thank you for choosing me. ^-^

Please tell me if you want something done differently and I will change it ASAP!
I would like the background to be a little bit less red or make it the same white background also can you make it so I can download it? when I tried to download it from the tinypic site I put it on imgur so I can have it safe but it came out very... very weird...
oh and here, _-[Sakai-kun]-_ and everyone:

Here's the 4th (Square) template: ... Square.psd
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Haha, thanks. :P
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kojie2u wrote:

I would like the background to be a little bit less red or make it the same white background also can you make it so I can download it? when I tried to download it from the tinypic site I put it on imgur so I can have it safe but it came out very... very weird...
I'm really sorry about not seeing your post earlier. I will change it tomorrow when I have time. Also, to download the image not from Tinypic, you could have simply right-clicked the image in the preview box and clicked "Save image as".
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Here's the new image I made a little brighter red, I hope it works for you. I also made one with the original background.
Anything else?


_-[Sakai-kun]-_ wrote:

Here's the new image I made a little brighter red, I hope it works for you. I also made one with the original background.
Anything else?

No it's perfect! thank you!
Topic Starter
You were able to save it, right?
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