This is an osu!mania 4 key 1v1 tournaments for players with an o!m 4keys rank of 10k-50k
This is a one day tournament, make sure to be free for 5 hours
The tournament uses ScoreV2
The matches are self-reffed until semi-finals
The matches are BO5 until semi-finals and finals which are BO7
You can see the match guidelines in the Discord server
Mappool is already available
This is a one day tournament, make sure to be free for 5 hours
The tournament uses ScoreV2
The matches are self-reffed until semi-finals
The matches are BO5 until semi-finals and finals which are BO7
You can see the match guidelines in the Discord server
Mappool is already available
Registrations will end on December 1st 23:59 UTC+0
The matches will be played starting December 2nd 15:00UTC+0 and should end less than 5 hours later
The matches will be played starting December 2nd 15:00UTC+0 and should end less than 5 hours later
If you want to provide prizes feel free to contact me
First please join the Discord server and rename yourself to your osu! username.
Comment 1v1 to the forum post
Make sure you are in the rank range both at registration and at the end of registration
Comment 1v1 to the forum post
Make sure you are in the rank range both at registration and at the end of registration