
toby fox - Ruins

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on martes, 19 de noviembre de 2024 at 17:23:05

Artist: toby fox
Title: Ruins
Tags: aefrogdog shaper tactic sevenend7 molneya fatfan kolek fatfan_kolek mysty electronic video game music vgm ost original soundtrack instrumental
BPM: 138
Filesize: 6026kb
Play Time: 01:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Beginner feat. aefrogdog (0,98 stars, 63 notes)
  2. Fatfan's Tiny Insane (3,6 stars, 272 notes)
  3. molneya's Hard (3,06 stars, 234 notes)
  4. Press [Enter] to play maps! (4,25 stars, 285 notes)
  5. Seven's Advanced (2,45 stars, 171 notes)
  6. Shaper's Easy (1,37 stars, 90 notes)
  7. Tactic's Normal (2,07 stars, 166 notes)
Download: toby fox - Ruins
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

#12 - toby fox - Ruins

Another set to help my friends to rank their first gd, this time with another toby fox song that surprisingly wasnt ranked yet, very chill and relaxing -w-

Made this map in one sitting in late October 2023 and uploaded after unrestriction iykyk ☻

Beginner - aefrogdog (His first ranked gd)
Easy - Shaper (His first ranked gd)
Normal - Tactic
Advanced - SevenEnd7 (His first ranked gd)
Hard - molneya
Insane - Fatfan Kolek
Press [Enter] to play maps! - Me

Banner - Kheops
Hitsounds - Mysty

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