
xi - over the top

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, July 5, 2024 at 10:36:49 PM

Artist: xi
Title: over the top
Tags: the perennial featured artist fa electronic instrumental artcore yusuke ishiwata 石渡祐亮 trance diverse system dvsp-0145 hardcore underground doujin c89 comiket89 diversesystem コミケ89 コミックマーケット89 comicmarket89 m3-36 m32015春 m3 2015 spring ad:nearly 120 seconds dvsp-0131 streams 200bpm piano rsi epic hard world fragments world_fragments astronic anxient xidorn urition
BPM: 202
Filesize: 3992kb
Play Time: 02:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. anxient's hard (3.72 stars, 299 notes)
  2. astronic's normal (2.63 stars, 234 notes)
  3. astronic's transcending dimensions (7.8 stars, 1151 notes)
  4. expert (6.68 stars, 947 notes)
  5. interstellar dimensions (7.63 stars, 1102 notes)
  6. uri's extra (6.14 stars, 829 notes)
  7. xidorn's insane (4.96 stars, 544 notes)
Download: xi - over the top
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Old Set Finals nm2 for The Perennial

Congratz Akolibed!

Arsalan / too

Normal: Astronic
Hard: Anxient
Insane: xidorn
Extra: Urition
Expert: -Tynamo
interstellar dimensions: -Tynamo
transcending dimensions: Astronic

don't look at the beatmap set ID

Hitsounds: -Tynamo
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