writting this because today the meta is only speed and with the mrekk's new pp record i think that the meta can change not a lot but change considerally, but what changes in the mind of a new osu player?
when i started the meta was aim and i grinded aim alot at the time but if someone that starts today looking at sytho's azul play, he possibly will think that the game is 100% in it and he will test thinking that is easy but suddently he plays and see that is hard then quit osu because he has seen some whole different game that he is playing.
sorry for the bad english bc im training it and its my first topic and i would apriciate if can discuss with me
when i started the meta was aim and i grinded aim alot at the time but if someone that starts today looking at sytho's azul play, he possibly will think that the game is 100% in it and he will test thinking that is easy but suddently he plays and see that is hard then quit osu because he has seen some whole different game that he is playing.
sorry for the bad english bc im training it and its my first topic and i would apriciate if can discuss with me