First of all, I know that what is comfortable for you is something personal and different for everybody, but I just want some tips on how to find what makes me comfortable, not like an exact setup. So I've been playing osu with a tablet for about 3 months or so, and I've found a grip that I feel comfortable playing with and an area that I like. However, everything else from hand movement where I feel uncomfortable when trying to hit notes on the right side of the map (I'm right-handed), hand/arm placement and also the placement of my tablet all feel off. It also doesn't help that I don't have consisting placement for my tablet, I just kinda put it somewhere and play with it, but most of the time it feels off. I often get slight pain in my wrist from playing which I'm pretty sure isn't a good sign too. I don't know if what I'm asking for is too vague, but I appreciate y'all just for reading this long ass paragraph.