
JIN feat. Matsuyama Kouta (BYEE the ROUND) - Lo...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 12 July 2024 at 21:54:11

Artist: JIN feat. Matsuyama Kouta (BYEE the ROUND)
Title: Lost Time Memory (TV Size)
Source: メカクシティアクターズ
Tags: Mekakucity Actors メカクシ団 Mekakushi Dan カゲロウプロジェクト Kagerou Kagerō カゲロウ project purojekuto カゲプロ kagepro Losstime Rosutaimu Rosuto Taimu Memorī Memorii ed ending japanese anime rock j-rock jrock ft. featuring vocaloid ia 中西亮輔 Ryosuke Nakanishi cover 初音ミク -Project DIVA- F 2nd second 自然の敵P Shizen no Teki P Teki-P TekiP Blindfold daze days 如月伸太郎 Kisaragi Shintarou Shintarō 楯山文乃 Tateyama Ayano Zhuosh E_S_I_A [-E_S_I_A-] ESIA [-ESIA-]
BPM: 200
Filesize: 22043kb
Play Time: 02:23
Difficulties Available:
  1. Forgotten Memory (5,4 stars, 892 notes)
  2. Futsuu (2,49 stars, 446 notes)
  3. Kantan (1,57 stars, 244 notes)
  4. Muzukashii (3,74 stars, 629 notes)
  5. Zhuosh's Oni (4,28 stars, 782 notes)
Download: JIN feat. Matsuyama Kouta (BYEE the ROUND) - Lost Time Memory (TV Size)
Download: JIN feat. Matsuyama Kouta (BYEE the ROUND) - Lost Time Memory (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
#48 Ranked!
Kantan - me
Futsuu - me
Muzukashii - me
Oni - Zhuosh
Forgotten Memory - me
Full Version
Check out the full version of this song here!
Lost Time Memory (JIN Youtube Official)
Lost Time Memory (by luxoDeh)
Lost Time Memory (by Nevo)
Lost Time Memory (by me)
Other Mapset
Check out the other set of this song here!
Lost Time Memory (TV Size) (by Nevo)
Lost Time Memory (TV Size) (by captin1)
Audio edited from the full ver by myself
BG Source:
Kantan -> here
Futsuu -> here (deleted)
Muzukashii -> here
Oni -> here (my favourite bg :D)
Forgotten Memory -> here
Thanks for nomination! <3

Ognjen3800 / Eyenine
(12/07/2024) Redownload for new BG on Muzukashii (Thanks Noffy)
I died, I'm sorry.
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