
Du Vel Mat Te - 1104 [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 7:45:16 AM

Artist: Du Vel Mat Te
Title: 1104
Source: Blessed Magical Story
Tags: worldbeat fantasybms fantasy bms hyparpax mitch downvell electronic instrumental
BPM: 110
Filesize: 4512kb
Play Time: 01:54
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another - 4Key (3.14 stars, 1181 notes)
  2. Beginner - 4Key (1.37 stars, 431 notes)
  3. Green Another - 4Key (3.51 stars, 1316 notes)
  4. Hyper - 4Key (2.38 stars, 946 notes)
  5. Normal - 4Key (2.05 stars, 730 notes)
Download: Du Vel Mat Te - 1104
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Clean and simple! the top diff is a nice little intro to 4 note jacks
I actually really like the lower diffs tbh, I had to get a bit creative to make sure they weren't boring, but they turned out well enough that I actually warm up on these a lot

7/10/24 update: top diff doesn't have those annoying trills in the intro/outro and the 4 note jack sections are a bit more balanced between hands so they play more smoothly

Artist Info
I had to dig into the *depths* of the BMS mines to find this artist and needed to do some sleuthing to find these links to their stuff (turns out Du Vel Mat Te is an alias). There's literally like one youtube video for the song and its unofficial. But it's SUCH a cool song, and the artist's other tracks are really neat if you want to check them out!

Official Website
Scotty (BN check!)
Muse Dash (BN check!)

BG source
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