This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, January 1, 2025 at 9:52:57 PM
Artist: toby fox
Title: Death by Glamour
Tags: themagicanimals the magic animals arphimigon deglegneg take sinyus20 startone penta -penta thecosmicchef the cosmic chef an3 andrai mettaton neo ost original sound track electronic radiation undertale indie game rpg jrpg video videogame vgm instrumental soundtrack
BPM: 148
Filesize: 6114kb
Play Time: 02:12
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
< #5 >
🤖 Okoayu 💭 / 💛 Aranel Mattay 🤖
inspo from this set (luv u arphi <3)
Artist: toby fox
Title: Death by Glamour
Tags: themagicanimals the magic animals arphimigon deglegneg take sinyus20 startone penta -penta thecosmicchef the cosmic chef an3 andrai mettaton neo ost original sound track electronic radiation undertale indie game rpg jrpg video videogame vgm instrumental soundtrack
BPM: 148
Filesize: 6114kb
Play Time: 02:12
Difficulties Available:
- an3's Extra (5.65 stars, 566 notes)
- Arphimigon's Advanced (3.13 stars, 260 notes)
- Collab Another (4.99 stars, 497 notes)
- deg's Hyper (3.67 stars, 413 notes)
- Easy (1.45 stars, 114 notes)
- EX (6.42 stars, 634 notes)
- Take's Insane (4.5 stars, 475 notes)
- velamagic's Normal (2.44 stars, 233 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
🤖 Okoayu 💭 / 💛
◉ Easy
◉ Me & TheMagicAnimals's Normal
◉ Arphimigon's Advanced
◉ deglegneg's Hyper
◉ Take's Insane
◉ startone & The Cosmic Chef's Collab Another
◉ vetoed's Hidden Extra (couldnt be pushed here :c)
◉ an3's Extra + hs <3
◉ EX
◉ Me & TheMagicAnimals's Normal
◉ Arphimigon's Advanced
◉ deglegneg's Hyper
◉ Take's Insane
◉ startone & The Cosmic Chef's Collab Another
◉ vetoed's Hidden Extra (couldnt be pushed here :c)
◉ an3's Extra + hs <3
◉ EX
inspo from this set (luv u arphi <3)