i think that the decreased approach rate makes it harder to read
Git gud /jI AM VERY SMART wrote:
The only problem with EZ is the lower AR, which makes the map extremely hard to read the more circles appear on screen.
Low AR + High stars = bad
Git gud /srsRezq wrote:
Git gud /jI AM VERY SMART wrote:
The only problem with EZ is the lower AR, which makes the map extremely hard to read the more circles appear on screen.
Low AR + High stars = bad
That's really it, though. Because of how note-dense the higher SR's are, increasing the number of notes you have to deal with at once makes it significantly harder to parse and play properly. That's why Hyperspeed is often used in GH/RB, as that has a similar effect to increasing the AR by reducing the number of notes visible on-screen (Just not when you're supposed to hit them). I never really used it myself, though.I AM VERY SMART wrote:
The only problem with EZ is the lower AR, which makes the map extremely hard to read the more circles appear on screen.
Low AR + High stars = bad
Of course if the CS is high asf, EZ is literally the only option lolnominomu wrote:
ez is harder to play with for almost all maps imo, but there are some exceptions such as beatmapsets/1729139#osu/3533781 (cs 10 map)