These are the winners of the remaining brackets:For the 700-899K Bracket - Wimpy Cursed!
For the 300-499K Bracket - THETM!
For the 100-149K Bracket - Aveil!
And for the 50-99K Bracket - Flareling22/Nominomu!
These four players will be awarded one month's supporter.
Furthermore, for FCing all of their scores,
Ravener will also be awarded one month's supporter. Wimpy, IAVS and Aveil barely missed this bonus as all three were 9/10.
Thank you, once again, for everyone who stuck with the challenge until the end. I'd like to extend an extra bit of appreciation to Uchuuj1n who still stuck around and tried to compete even after I completely forgot to remove them from the challenge when asked. I'm still sorry I missed that, though.
As stated, the earliest I can get the supporter sent out is Monday (tomorrow). I will bump the thread one more time when this happens. Please wait patiently until then.
If you are signed up for the July challenge, please don't forget to submit your scores for ROund 1. I also have a poll set up for an artist's challenge
here to determine which artist will be used for a challenge in a couple months, so please be sure to cast your votes. I also need to remember to set up a series of poll for next year as well, so keep an eye out for that.
Once again, thank you for participating. Please feel free to leave any comments here as well.