This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, December 28, 2024 at 13:49:44
Artist: Okehazama Arisa
Title: Illumination
Source: お兄ちゃんはおしまい!
Tags: instrumental piano anime Sanayui Sana not your kitty not_your_kitty Sightread [Yoshino] OST official soundtrack sound track christmas xmas Alisa おにまい Onimai Oniichan wa Oshimai Onii-chan ha Iruminēshon Onii chan 緒山真尋 Mahiro Oyama 緒山みはり Mihari 穂月かえで Kaede Hozuki 穂月もみじ Momiji 桜花あさひ Asahi Oka 室崎みよ Miyo Murosaki 阿知波大輔 Daisuke Achiwa
BPM: 80
Filesize: 4906kb
Play Time: 02:24
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

crazy no one mapped Onimai OSTs yet other than me :0
Easy by [Yoshino]
Normal by me
Hard by Sanayui
Sparkling stars upon the tree by me
Timing stuff by Creamy Candy
Hitsounds by me
Banner by Akshiro
BG Source from the series
Artist: Okehazama Arisa
Title: Illumination
Source: お兄ちゃんはおしまい!
Tags: instrumental piano anime Sanayui Sana not your kitty not_your_kitty Sightread [Yoshino] OST official soundtrack sound track christmas xmas Alisa おにまい Onimai Oniichan wa Oshimai Onii-chan ha Iruminēshon Onii chan 緒山真尋 Mahiro Oyama 緒山みはり Mihari 穂月かえで Kaede Hozuki 穂月もみじ Momiji 桜花あさひ Asahi Oka 室崎みよ Miyo Murosaki 阿知波大輔 Daisuke Achiwa
BPM: 80
Filesize: 4906kb
Play Time: 02:24
Difficulties Available:
- Normal (1.74 stars, 178 notes)
- Sana's Hard (2.22 stars, 210 notes)
- Sightread's Easy (1.18 stars, 111 notes)
- Sparkling stars upon the tree (3.22 stars, 315 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
crazy no one mapped Onimai OSTs yet other than me :0
Timing stuff by Creamy Candy
Banner by Akshiro
BG Source from the series