
Reol - No title (Cut Ver.) [CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 4:45:10 PM

Artist: Reol
Title: No title (Cut Ver.)
Tags: chickenbible muya- phob crowley -rustyy title+ title- jpop j-pop electronic japanese english れをる Giga-P Giga_P GigaP ギガP okiku お菊
BPM: 200
Filesize: 5239kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Crowley's Rain (4.06 stars, 304 notes)
  2. Cup (1.54 stars, 240 notes)
  3. Masquerade (5.33 stars, 302 notes)
  4. Phob's Salad (2.17 stars, 296 notes)
  5. Phob's (6.06 stars, 389 notes)
  6. Rustyy's Platter (3.19 stars, 273 notes)
Download: Reol - No title (Cut Ver.)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
everyone on this set sucks and doesnt wanna host it so i got forced to

phob salad
rustyy platter
crowley rain
phob's (no title)
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