
Shimokawa Mikuni - Mou Ichido Kimi ni Aitai (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2014 at 21:40:04

Artist: Shimokawa Mikuni
Title: Mou Ichido Kimi ni Aitai (TV Size)
Source: Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid
Tags: fmp tsr kaname chidori sagara sousuke mecha tessa teletha testarossa
BPM: 80
Filesize: 22943kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4,36 stars, 142 notes)
  2. Normal (1,62 stars, 72 notes)
Download: Shimokawa Mikuni - Mou Ichido Kimi ni Aitai (TV Size)
Download: Shimokawa Mikuni - Mou Ichido Kimi ni Aitai (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I want to dedicate this map to the person I love most in this world.

Click to read the reason why i'm mapping this. (English Translation)
I know these last few months we have not seen each other a lot, and sometimes I feel that it is my fault, like in the last week, I forgot to tell you I'd get the weekend off in the house of my relatives and left you waiting for me...
I. .. I always made ​​you wait a long time for me, now it's my turn, I'll wait no matter how long it is, it may take years, but even then I'll wait, I'll be here for you. If Takahashi waited years to be together with Yano then I can also xD
I will not give you up, at least not until you get tired of me you know lol.
I love you, and I will love you forever. I want to be with you again as soon as possible ><

You can not be reading this right now, but even so, you did so much for me ... now I want to at least do something to leave you happy, as you always do to me.

And yeah, i bad at using the right words to tell this srry ;--;

Portuguese Brazil Version (Click here to read):
Eu sei que nesses últimos meses a gente não tem visto muito um ao outro, e as vezes sinto que a culpa é minha, que nem semana passada, eu tinha esquecído de avisar a você que ia ficar fim de semana fora na casa dos meus parentes e deixei você me esperando... sempre fiz você esperar muito tempo por mim, agora é minha vez, vou te esperar não importa quanto tempo for, pode levar anos, mas mesmo assim te esperarei, vou estar aquí pra você. Se a Takahashi esperou praticamente anos pra ficar junto com o Yano então eu também posso xD

Não vou abrir mão de você, pelo menos não até você se cansar de mim você sabe rsrs.

Eu te amo, e vou te amar pra sempre. Quero estar com você de novo o mais rápido possível ><

Você não pode estar lendo isso agora, mas mesmo assim, você fez tanta coisa por mim...agora eu quero pelo menos fazer algo que te deixe feliz, como você sempre faz comigo.

Eu sei que não sou boa em usar as palavras certas, mas é isso...queria muito que vc estivesse lendo isso agora...


Hard and Normal - By me

Ready for mods.

♪ Donna ni tooku hanarete ite mo
Kono utakoe ga kimi ni todoku youni ♪
finalmente minha musica favorita do fmp com um mapping style mais recente :)


offset -14
source > "Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid"
desabilite countdown e letterbox during breaks. a musica nao tem tempo suficiente pro countdown aparecer e tambem nao tem breaks :D
widescreen support nao é necessário e esta ativado apenas na normal
algumas sugestões de tags: fmp tsr kaname chidori sagara sousuke mecha tessa teletha testarossa


od e hp +1 ... essa dificuldade é basicamente uma easy. com as settings atuais + 80 bpm e ritmo 1/2 fica muito fácil tirar SS na 1a tentativa

00:00:406 (1) - finish combina perfeitamente aki (você adicionou na hard)
00:24:406 (1) - ^ (finish do drum sampleset)
00:27:406 (3) - ^

00:27:406 (3) - new combo e remove o da próxima nota ? (imagino que esta tentando dar mais destaque aos instrumentos nessa parte, pra isso o melhor seria adicionar new combo nos dois sliders e isso seria ainda mais estranho e inconsistente a sua lógica de new combo)
e tambem, voce esta usando essa lógica na hard

01:09:406 (1,1) - dois spinners longos juntos com ritmos e sentimentos ( nao achei palavra melhor pra descrever o: ) diferentes.
eu acho que voce deveria usar apenas um spinner aqui e mapear o outro. ate porque não muitas notas depois já tem o "spinner do final do map" e ter 3 spiners assim faz o final perder o efeito "WOW *-*"

01:19:531 - remove whistle? eu acho que assim ficaria autentico
01:20:656 - add um whistle junto com o clap e remover whistle na próxima nota? (a ultima nota deveria ser um som baixo de acordo com a musica)



sua lógica de new combo não funciona bem nessa musica na minha opinião. eu preferia q vc tentasse algo similar ao que fez na normal

00:00:373 (1) - unsnapped
00:24:406 (1) - add finish do drum sampleset
00:27:406 (3) - ^
00:35:093 - eu mudaria essa inherit pra soft custom 1, o barulho de estalo de dedos não soa muito realista quando usado tantas vezes assim nessa velocidade
00:35:281 (2,3,4,5,1) - o slider esta mirando pra parte inferior esquerda mas os circles querem ir pra direita o:
o flow estava parecendo bem natural ate essa parte

00:36:218 - remove whistle? era pra ser um som baixo aki, de acordo com a musica
01:20:656 - add um whistle junto com o clap e remover whistle na próxima nota? (a ultima nota deveria ser um som baixo de acordo com a musica)

otimo map, uns 5 mods obrigatórios já seriam o suficiente na minha opinião 8-)

Topic Starter

pimpG wrote:

finalmente minha musica favorita do fmp com um mapping style mais recente :) Miniiiinu quanto tempo :D e sim, é minha música favorita de fmp tbm rsrs


offset -14 Ok
source > "Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid" Consertado!
desabilite countdown e letterbox during breaks. a musica nao tem tempo suficiente pro countdown aparecer e tambem nao tem breaks :D Uguuh "--" esquecí totalmente de desabilitar isso
widescreen support nao é necessário e esta ativado apenas na normal Ok
algumas sugestões de tags: fmp tsr kaname chidori sagara sousuke mecha tessa teletha testarossa Ok


od e hp +1 ... essa dificuldade é basicamente uma easy. com as settings atuais + 80 bpm e ritmo 1/2 fica muito fácil tirar SS na 1a tentativa Ok, mas essa diff foi projetada pra ser uma easy mas ao mesmo tempo um normal...tlvz n tenha dado mto certo.

00:00:406 (1) - finish combina perfeitamente aki (você adicionou na hard) lol como é q eu pude esqueçer ><
00:24:406 (1) - ^ (finish do drum sampleset) add
00:27:406 (3) - ^ added

00:27:406 (3) - new combo e remove o da próxima nota ? (imagino que esta tentando dar mais destaque aos instrumentos nessa parte, pra isso o melhor seria adicionar new combo nos dois sliders e isso seria ainda mais estranho e inconsistente a sua lógica de new combo)
e tambem, voce esta usando essa lógica na hard ok

01:09:406 (1,1) - dois spinners longos juntos com ritmos e sentimentos ( nao achei palavra melhor pra descrever o: ) diferentes.
eu acho que voce deveria usar apenas um spinner aqui e mapear o outro. ate porque não muitas notas depois já tem o "spinner do final do map" e ter 3 spiners assim faz o final perder o efeito "WOW *-*" Ok

01:19:531 - remove whistle? eu acho que assim ficaria autentico Ok
01:20:656 - add um whistle junto com o clap e remover whistle na próxima nota? (a ultima nota deveria ser um som baixo de acordo com a musica) Ok



sua lógica de new combo não funciona bem nessa musica na minha opinião. eu preferia q vc tentasse algo similar ao que fez na normal Vou revisar os combos e mudar para algo melhor ^^

00:00:373 (1) - unsnapped Ok
00:24:406 (1) - add finish do drum sampleset Ok
00:27:406 (3) - ^ Ok
00:35:093 - eu mudaria essa inherit pra soft custom 1, o barulho de estalo de dedos não soa muito realista quando usado tantas vezes assim nessa velocidade Entendo...devo ter conseguido concertar
00:35:281 (2,3,4,5,1) - o slider esta mirando pra parte inferior esquerda mas os circles querem ir pra direita o:
o flow estava parecendo bem natural ate essa parte Sim, acho q o flow aquí ficou mto bom ><

00:36:218 - remove whistle? era pra ser um som baixo aki, de acordo com a musica Ok
01:20:656 - add um whistle junto com o clap e remover whistle na próxima nota? (a ultima nota deveria ser um som baixo de acordo com a musica) Ok

otimo map, uns 5 mods obrigatórios já seriam o suficiente na minha opinião 8-)

Vlw pela star pimG e pelo mod! :D
00:10:892 (2) - drum
00:35:267 (2,3,4,5,1) - 00:55:142 (2,3,4) - 01:17:829 (4) - remove it or move to 01:18:204 (5) - ?

00:44:642 (2,1,2,3) - try this 01:12:392 (1) -
i like this song and map :D
Topic Starter

Evil_Twilight wrote:

00:10:892 (2) - drum Ok
00:35:267 (2,3,4,5,1) - Fixed 00:55:142 (2,3,4) - Fixed01:17:829 (4) - remove it or move to 01:18:204 (5) - ? Fixed

00:44:642 (2,1,2,3) - try this Good, but i think my pattern here fits better with the diff spread and song. 01:12:392 (1) - I think my slider here is better
i like this song and map :D Thanks <3
Thanks for mod!

Edit: Will update later because for some reason i can't update my map.
Edit 2: Updated!
Hello~ (M4M)

00:00:392 (1) - whistle at slider end
00:28:892 (2) - remove whistle and add drum hitsound
00:30:017 (3) - remove whistle
01:05:267 (2) - remove the middle point of the slider

00:01:892 (3) - whistle at slider start. also remove the middle point of the slider
00:04:892 (1) - remove NC
00:11:079 (1) - ^
00:16:892 (1) - ^
00:22:892 (1) - ^
00:22:892 (1) - move slider whistle to slider end and
00:23:267 (2) - remove whistle at start
00:36:392 (1) - remove NC
01:03:392 (1) - whistle at slider start

Nice map. placement and flow seem nice :D
Topic Starter

RatedNC17 wrote:

Hello~ (M4M)

00:00:392 (1) - whistle at slider end Kay
00:28:892 (2) - remove whistle and add drum hitsound No, because instrumental here makes more a soft sound here, drum hitsound here really doesn't fit with the map.
00:30:017 (3) - remove whistle Kay
01:05:267 (2) - remove the middle point of the slider Flow, a straight slider here doesn't goes well with the flow granted here, current slider goes very well here too so don't fixed.

00:01:892 (3) - whistle at slider start. also remove the middle point of the slider Fixed the whistle at slider start, but i don't removed the middle point here because of the same reason at last suggestion in normal diff.
00:04:892 (1) - remove NC I think will keep this for now, because of drum sound...
00:11:079 (1) - ^ ^
00:16:892 (1) - ^ ^
00:22:892 (1) - ^ ^ but now is because of a new sound here.
00:22:892 (1) - move slider whistle to slider end and I think a whistle fit better with the instrumental sound here
00:23:267 (2) - remove whistle at start ^
00:36:392 (1) - remove NC Because this part makes a sound that sounds like a "end" sound, i decided to put a nc here, but if more persons point this i will change
01:03:392 (1) - whistle at slider start there's a finish sound here in instrumental...

Nice map. placement and flow seem nice :D Thanks for the mod!
Aeonian Sonder

Could you change the Audio Lead In to 2.5-3 seconds? If it doesn't show up in the setting in Osu editor, you can change this by opening the files with notepad.

01:15:392 to 01:15:767 - What's with the random Kiai?

00:23:267 (2) - Move this closer to the previous end, most of the combos have this spacing
00:41:079 (3,4) - Could you move these two somewhere else besides where that are right now?
00:48:204 (6,1) - Do either of the two following if you feel like it could be changed: Move these two combos farther so that it's not confusing, or space all them out with the same distance

00:50:079 (4,5) - ^
01:01:517 (5,1,2) - Try lining them up in a straight lined arrangement if you would like
01:09:392 (1) - Move the point before the red point so that the curve looks are circular

00:00:392 (1) - Instead of having whistle on the hold slider, actually click the endings of the sliders and then have whistle on them. I have a skin that has a very audiable "soft-slidewhistle", so I can usually tell when someone is being lazy or not with their soft-slidewhistle's.

01:12:392 (1) - Try making the curve look are circular
01:15:392 (1) - There's no hitfinish, like Aitai
Yeah I can't mod non-insane difficulties, but I always try my best.

Personally, I would have never created a map in devotion to someone dear in my life. Hope this will get ranked in the foreseeable future. ;)


00:32:642 (3) - Try to stack this underneath the slider tail of 00:30:392 (1) - to make the pattern look nicer

00:45:392 (1) - See if adding finish at 00:45:392 (slider head) works well

01:06:392 (1) - Make this in the same position as 01:04:142 (1) -

01:07:517 (1) - The pattern would flow better if this note was at (328,64)


00:16:517 (2) - I think the stream would look better if this was placed at (48,200) to make the stream straight

00:19:892 (3) - Stack this on top of the head of 00:18:392 (1) -

00:35:267 (2) - Ctrl + H but keep this slider in the same position, and it'll look good

Thats all, this is a very good beatmap so I didnt spot a lot of things that could be improved, good job. Good luck and I hope I helped
Hello~ m4m plz

audio preview time conflict with other diff , you must fix it


00:26:642 - add whistle
00:32:642 (3) -^
not find problem more~


00:24:392(1) add whistle at tail slider
00:41:642 (4) add whistle at tail
00:44:267 (5) -^
00:45:392 (1) maybe try to move a bit to x 312 y 224 for perfecr stack with 00:44:267 (5) tail slider
00:50:267 (5) add whistle at tail slider
00:51:392 (1) -^
00:53:267 (4) -^
01:00:017 (1) remove whistle , i think it not consistant previous

good placement~
hope it useful for you
Topic Starter

-APXH wrote:


Could you change the Audio Lead In to 2.5-3 seconds? If it doesn't show up in the setting in Osu editor, you can change this by opening the files with notepad.

01:15:392 to 01:15:767 - What's with the random Kiai?

00:23:267 (2) - Move this closer to the previous end, most of the combos have this spacing Ok
00:41:079 (3,4) - Could you move these two somewhere else besides where that are right now? I think they will look better stacked...
00:48:204 (6,1) - Do either of the two following if you feel like it could be changed: Move these two combos farther so that it's not confusing, or space all them out with the same distance This patterns plays fine, i think isn't confusing...

00:50:079 (4,5) - ^ ^
01:01:517 (5,1,2) - Try lining them up in a straight lined arrangement if you would like I think flow will mess up here if make a straight line here.
01:09:392 (1) - Move the point before the red point so that the curve looks are circular Ok, fixed i think...

00:00:392 (1) - Instead of having whistle on the hold slider, actually click the endings of the sliders and then have whistle on them. I have a skin that has a very audiable "soft-slidewhistle", so I can usually tell when someone is being lazy or not with their soft-slidewhistle's. Fix

01:12:392 (1) - Try making the curve look are circular I think this slider looks better...
01:15:392 (1) - There's no hitfinish, like Aitai Fixed
Yeah I can't mod non-insane difficulties, but I always try my best. ^^

Personally, I would have never created a map in devotion to someone dear in my life. Hope this will get ranked in the foreseeable future. ;) Thanks! :D

ritsu-tanaika wrote:



00:32:642 (3) - Try to stack this underneath the slider tail of 00:30:392 (1) - to make the pattern look nicer Ok

00:45:392 (1) - See if adding finish at 00:45:392 (slider head) works well No, there's a soft sound here so whistle is better.

01:06:392 (1) - Make this in the same position as 01:04:142 (1) - Ok

01:07:517 (1) - The pattern would flow better if this note was at (328,64) Made another thing..


00:16:517 (2) - I think the stream would look better if this was placed at (48,200) to make the stream straight I like this way, flow looks better for me.

00:19:892 (3) - Stack this on top of the head of 00:18:392 (1) - Ok

00:35:267 (2) - Ctrl + H but keep this slider in the same position, and it'll look good This way makes flow looks better.

Thats all, this is a very good beatmap so I didnt spot a lot of things that could be improved, good job. Good luck and I hope I helped Thanks~

aonkub555 wrote:

Hello~ m4m plz

audio preview time conflict with other diff , you must fix it


00:26:642 - add whistle Ok
00:32:642 (3) -^ Ok
not find problem more~


00:24:392(1) add whistle at tail slider Nah, doesn't sounds good...
00:41:642 (4) add whistle at tail Sounds better without
00:44:267 (5) -^
00:45:392 (1) maybe try to move a bit to x 312 y 224 for perfecr stack with 00:44:267 (5) tail slider I think this already better stacked..
00:50:267 (5) add whistle at tail slider same reason as 44:267
00:51:392 (1) -^ ^
00:53:267 (4) -^ ^
01:00:017 (1) remove whistle , i think it not consistant previous Ok

good placement~
hope it useful for you Thanks~
Thanks everyone for the mods, but for some reason i can't update my maps so will apply the changes i made later.
Ayesha Altugle
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