
BEMANI Sound Team "Virkato Wakhmaninov" - Piano...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 4:44:04 AM

Artist: BEMANI Sound Team "Virkato Wakhmaninov"
Title: Piano Dokusou Mugonka "Kaijin"
Tags: classical instrumental video game threnody piano recital song without words "dream of ashes" lied ohne worte "asche-traum" wac 脇田潤 jun wakita sdvx nostalgia ノスタルジア op.3 nosutarujia op3 mission bingo jubeat festo afterglow of symphony phase line 1 beatmania iidx 29 casthour world tourism pop'n music 解明リドルズ kaimei riddles ポップンミュージック 解明!mn探偵社 kaimei! mn tanteisha pnm popn bemani symphony concert 2022 konami 573
BPM: 150
Filesize: 5090kb
Play Time: 02:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. ADVANCED - 5Key (2.26 stars, 810 notes)
  2. EXCEED: "Return to dust" - 5Key (4.26 stars, 1593 notes)
  3. EXHAUST - 5Key (2.99 stars, 1144 notes)
  4. MAXIMUM - 5Key (3.55 stars, 1447 notes)
  5. NOVICE - 5Key (1.43 stars, 454 notes)
Download: BEMANI Sound Team "Virkato Wakhmaninov" - Piano Dokusou Mugonka "Kaijin"
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
It's what returns to life that burns away.
Re-DL after August 3, 2024 for a higher quality audio file.
The timing is still intact though so it's no biggie if you don't.

Nominators: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH | Carpihat

BG Sources
BG by me. Guy playing the piano is taken from this video. The butterfly is this 3D model. And I can't find a primary source for the flowers. The most I can tell you is that they're chrysanthemums. Cool, huh?

Update Aug. 2, 2024: Re-timed in Quaver because osu! sucks ass and I can't figure out ArrowVortex for the life of me.
The fucked up ~20ms desync is fixed now I think.

If you want to get something done, harassment is your answer.
I hate you all.
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