
Duca - Answer (Game Ver.) [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, 31 October 2024 at 07:22:13

Artist: Duca
Title: Answer (Game Ver.)
Source: アインシュタインより愛を込めて
Tags: Raisky757 Einstein Ainshutain Yori Ai wo Komete Glovety 2nd OP Opening Theme Short Version Visual Novel VN Eroge Video Game Japanese Rock Jrock J-rock Pop Jpop J-pop
BPM: 183
Filesize: 27245kb
Play Time: 02:12
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy - 4Key (1,54 stars, 528 notes)
  2. Glittering Mirage - 4Key (3,59 stars, 1454 notes)
  3. Normal - 4Key (2,05 stars, 778 notes)
  4. Raisky's Hard - 4Key (2,92 stars, 1250 notes)
Download: Duca - Answer (Game Ver.)
Download: Duca - Answer (Game Ver.) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

"If the universe can be bound by equations, then love is the one variable that breaks free-endlessly changing, rewriting everything we thought we knew."

Easy by FerdiXIA-
Normal by FerdiXIA-
Hard by Raisky757
Glittering Mirage by FerdXIA-
Hitsound by Raisky757
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