This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 2:10:02 PM
Artist: Jodeci
Title: Freek'n You (TV Size)
Source: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 黄金の風
Tags: RAUPAIN JoJo JoJo's Bizarre Adventure JoJo no Kimyō Kimyou na Bōken Bouken Part 5: Golden Wind Anime ED Ending Freek Freekn Freak'n Freakn Freaky Giorno Giovanna ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ GioGio Gold Experience Requiem Passione Gang-Star english hip-hop hip hop R&B soul rap DeVante De Vante Da Vante Swing K-Ci Joel Hailey Mr. Dalvin DeGrate The Show, The After Party, The Hotel
BPM: 67.07
Filesize: 4539kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
2022 cuz remap. 2024 fixed some overmapping. INDONESIA X NEPAL
Thanks for mp3 provided by defreeyay. Thanks RAUPAIN for the Hard diff gd. 🙏

Thx for favorites and hypes
Artist: Jodeci
Title: Freek'n You (TV Size)
Source: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 黄金の風
Tags: RAUPAIN JoJo JoJo's Bizarre Adventure JoJo no Kimyō Kimyou na Bōken Bouken Part 5: Golden Wind Anime ED Ending Freek Freekn Freak'n Freakn Freaky Giorno Giovanna ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ GioGio Gold Experience Requiem Passione Gang-Star english hip-hop hip hop R&B soul rap DeVante De Vante Da Vante Swing K-Ci Joel Hailey Mr. Dalvin DeGrate The Show, The After Party, The Hotel
BPM: 67.07
Filesize: 4539kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
- Golden Tonight (Re:quiem) (5.28 stars, 231 notes)
- Insane (4.31 stars, 228 notes)
- Normal (1.77 stars, 130 notes)
- Raupain's Hard (2.68 stars, 190 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
2022 cuz remap. 2024 fixed some overmapping. INDONESIA X NEPAL
Ready for Ranked BNs: too / fedora
Enable custom hitsounds for Golden Experience
- Normal : ✅️
- Raupain's Hard by RAUPAIN : ✅️
- Insane : ✅️
- Golden Tonight (Re:quiem) : ✅️
Enable custom hitsounds for Golden Experience
- Normal : ✅️
- Raupain's Hard by RAUPAIN : ✅️
- Insane : ✅️
- Golden Tonight (Re:quiem) : ✅️
Thanks for mp3 provided by defreeyay. Thanks RAUPAIN for the Hard diff gd. 🙏
Thx for favorites and hypes