
Mizuki - I lost it all when you were in Yunlin ...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年11月18日 at 下午 11:01:10

Artist: Mizuki
Title: I lost it all when you were in Yunlin
Tags: Phan Mạnh Quỳnh Có Chàng Trai Viết Lên Cây manh quynh co chang viet len cay 抖音 李明軒 李明轩 Diiton 滴燙 Ni Zhan Zai Yun Lin Wo Shu De Che Di Chinese Mandarin Taiwan Taiwanese Rock tiktok meme Vtuber Virtual Youtuber 伊蓮 日向夜一 Carnival 千層雪球 Joylintp RiverKnowFarm Xinhong1003 ilv_Rem 第三屆 踩白塊華人盃 第三屆踩白塊華人盃 PTCT3 Piano Tiles Chinese Tournament 3 Round of 32 RO32 三十二強 MALT MAL7 osu!mania Apprentice-level 7K Tournament Round of 16 RO16 Hybrid HB 2 你站在雲林我輸得徹底 你站在云林我输得彻底 cover MizukiVtuberTW HinataYoruichi hinata yoruichi 伊蓮san remix arrangement female vocals c-rock crock li ming xuan mingxuan
BPM: 125
Filesize: 4632kb
Play Time: 01:45
Difficulties Available:
  1. 4K Giddiness - 4Key (3.32 stars, 1010 notes)
  2. 7K Dizziness - 7Key (4.09 stars, 1412 notes)
  3. 7K Easy - 7Key (1.38 stars, 431 notes)
  4. 7K Hard - 7Key (3.07 stars, 1051 notes)
  5. 7K Normal - 7Key (2.23 stars, 812 notes)
  6. Joylintp's 4K Hard - 4Key (2.51 stars, 827 notes)
  7. RiverKnowFarm's 4K Easy - 4Key (1.26 stars, 346 notes)
  8. XinH's 4K Normal - 4Key (1.85 stars, 605 notes)
Download: Mizuki - I lost it all when you were in Yunlin
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

riverknowfarm 4k easy
xinhong 4k normal
joylintp 4k hard
ilv_Rem applause

4K Giddiness used in PTCT3 - Piano Tiles Chinese Tournament 3 as hybrid 2
7K Dizziness used in MALT - osu!mania Apprentice-level 7K Tournament as hybrid 2

Ilham | hoshimegu mio

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