
7p Jester Mafia (Jester/Mafia win host lose)

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the sequel to 5p Jester Mafia \:D/

standard rules copied from NoHItter

NoHitter wrote:

1) Do not quote your role PM or anything the mod gives to you.
2) Do not post screenshots or any sort of factual evidence of private communications, either with the mod or amongst yourselves.
3) Do not edit your posts.
4) Do not talk outside of the thread, unless your role PM allows so.
5) Mod has the final say on any issue. If the mod makes a mistake, feel free to PM him to sort it out.
6) If you need any help, or have questions, or just want to talk in general, feel free to PM the mod.
7) Dead people may not post in the thread.

1) Game starts at Day.
2) Deadlines will be 72 hours tentatively. Extensions may be placed depending on the activity.
3) You may vote someone by using this format: Vote : Player. You may also choose to not lynch anyone: Vote: No-Lynch
4) You may also remove your vote by using this format: Unvote
5) When a player receives more than half of the total votes at any point during the day, that player is automatically lynched.
6) Once a player is lynched, there shall be no posting in the thread even before the mod posts the lynch scene. Night will commence shortly.
7) If no one has been lynched, and the deadline has passed, the person with the most votes gets lynched. If there is a tie, the one who reached the tying amount of votes first, is lynched.
8) A player has to remain active, at least one post per 24 hours. If a player has not posted for 24 hours, one may request for them to be prodded.
9) If the player prodded doesn't respond, a he/she will be replaced.
10) If the player gets prodded three times already and still becomes inactive he/she will be automatically replaced.
11) If no replacement can be found. The player will be modkilled instead.

1) Night lasts 24 hours.
2) Any roles or factions with active night abilities may choose to use them by PM-ing the mod (see the Role PM for role-specific instructions).
3) Once the deadline for night has passed, all actions not received will count as a No Action.

  1. days are 72 hours. I can end night early if mafia wants
  2. Game ends if Jester is lynched. This is different from last time. Mafia can joint win with Jester
  3. don't do anything stupid plz
  4. Everything else follows the standard rules above from NoHItter
  1. 1 Mafia Goon
  2. 1 Jester
  3. 5 Vanilla Townies
Role PMs:
Mafia Goon
You are a Mafia Goon. Each night, you may PM me with the name of a player to kill.

You win when you control half the votes during the Day or nothing can stop this from happening.
You are a Jester.

You win if you are lynched. You lose if you are killed in any other way or survive to endgame.
Vanilla Townie
You are a Vanilla Townie. You have no special abilities.

You win when all threats to the Town are gone.

Living players:
  1. Nyquill
  2. NoHItter
  3. SenaSaki
  4. Lincolm - Mafia Goon
  5. Irreversible
  6. DakeDekaane
  7. LadySuburu
Dead players:
  1. DakeDekaane - Vanilla Townie - lynched D1
  2. LadySuburu - Vanilla Townie - killed N1
  3. Nyquill - Vanilla Townie - lynched D2
  4. Irreversible - Vanilla Townie - killed N2
  5. NoHItter - Jester - lynched D3
  6. SenaSaki - Vanilla Townie - endgamed

  1. start p/2558983
  2. votecounts 1.1, 1.2
  3. D1 end/D2 start p/2565043
  4. N2 start p/2565436
  5. D3 start p/2566255
  6. ok p/2566489
Mafia can not joint win with Jester if Jester wins at 3p LyLo.
Ehh guess i wont in.
Topic Starter
the original 5p game was kind of broken cause mafia/jester instawon if both survived to LyLo, that's there to prevent that = =
if you srsly think it's better the other way let me know plz
EDIT: wow I'm baka, nvm changed
Mafia + Jester should be able to joint win.
Also, /in
Wouldn't it be impossible for town to win if mafia and jester can joint at lylo
Topic Starter
that's what I thought too = =
then I realized if mafia and jester can't joint win there isn't a conclusive end
Jester has to vote him/herself to win, mafia has to vote townie, and townie has to vote mafia. it just becomes "whoever votes first wins" orz
Sakura ... ster_Mafia ... ster_Mafia

Apparently Jester win doesnt end the game in the common setups, however those are 10p/12p instead of 7p


Mafiawiki wrote:

In practice, the Jester always wins, which raises balance concerns. 10-players is also not a particularly favourable number for the town to begin with. Most recent games using this setup have used 11P.
Topic Starter
now I remember why the first game didn't end if Jester got lynched OTL But either way, if Jester plays to win town can't win on 3p LyLo anyway, cause even if town lynches Jester mafia wins in endgame.

7p might be more balanced cause town only has to make it 3 days without lynching Jester, and they have only one mafia to find. If you look at above, it's really more like 2 days.. this setup is kind of an experiment anyway so I think it'd be acceptable to try this way = = (besides, some big games even ended if Jester got lynched)
Oh look. My idiocy will appear again in this one. /in
I guess in :x
inb4 Irre is Jester and doesn't die

/in as I've never player a Jester game :P
It's like mountainous with 1 player less and night start. *runs*

Well guess Jester ending the game here makes it a little different.
Topic Starter
all role PMs sent

Everyone showed up to the house, conveniently at the same time. They all had a letter from the host, pieguy, inviting them over for a party. They first went into the living room only for the power to go out. When it came back on, they found out someone had taken all the furniture and stacked it right outside the living room entrance so no one could get out. Clearly something has to be going on here!

It is Day 1. With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch. Deadline is 9/11 7:00 GMT (87:39 from now).
vote: Sakura
i found the jester
Vote: LadySuburu

or should I say LadyJester
Claim: Jester
Vote: DakeDekaane

Lol this game is already fucked but its okay.

Vote: Lincolm

Nyquill wrote:

Lol this game is already fucked but its okay.
What makes you think that?
Posting before I fall asleep.

Jester is still pretty OP in this setup. All Jester has to do is to claim and then wait for end game for Mafia to not get caught.
Town may not lynch Jester, but should it come to a 3-p game, it's an auto-win for Mafia and Jester.

Well town can theoretically lynch Mafia, but chances are, Mafia will survive up until endgame.
The only potential screw up for Jester is if I kill him which Mafia won't likely do.

Also, did Dake just claim Jester?

Irreversible wrote:

Nyquill wrote:

Lol this game is already fucked but its okay.
What makes you think that?

DakeDekaane wrote:

Claim: Jester
Vote: DakeDekaane

Well, the setup is different from the last time. If we lynch jester, the game end. But in LyLo he still can win with Mafia.

Vote : NH
You aren't townie or jester, are you?
compromise: make it so you can't vote yourself in this game
or give me a few vig shots
I'll probably miss so I need at least three
Not really sure if Dake is bluffing or not, my main thought is that he pretends to be Jester, so we should vote him. -> We'll think "Dake, you think we're stupid?", so we're not going to vote him. In real he's mafia, and he's going to win, because we think that. Get what I mean?

Vote: DakeDekaane
Wahh >< messed things up, it's supposed to be like this:

Vote: DakeDekaane

I forgot to unvote
Yeah a vig shot would have been good.
Also why don't we just move the fucking furniture away its not like we have to vote to fucking hang someone just because furniture got stacked.
NH is the real Jester, I don't think mafia would make such a big slip as shooting Jester where there are only VT. That's at least what I think.
Dake, I still want to know whether you're Mafia or Townie, your slip was quite big.
Hi guys.

Too much wifom and RVS atm. Hurrah.

Irreversible wrote:

Dake, I still want to know whether you're Mafia or Townie, your slip was quite big.
What slip? I've just fake?claimed Jester, it's sure I'm not scum.

DakeDekaane wrote:

NH is the real Jester, I don't think mafia would make such a big slip as shooting Jester where there are only VT. That's at least what I think.
... What slip?
Topic Starter
votecount 1.1

DakeDekaane (1) - Irreversible
Lincolm (1) - Nyquill
NoHItter (1) - Lincolm

deadline is in 71:28

NoHitter wrote:

The only potential screw up for Jester is if I kill him which Mafia won't likely do.
This one.
Yeah. I am the Jester. Please lynch me!
Vote: NoHitter
this game is stupid


SenaSaki wrote:

vote: Sakura
i found the jester

Irreversible wrote:

Vote: LadySuburu
or should I say LadyJester
Trying to lynch jester I see
Wait did NH just counter claim dake?

LOL okay guys we're at lylo.
k guys. I'll just afk for the rest of the game.
I hope you don't get lynched Mafia.
oh... LOL ok that was really stupid from me.

Nyquill wrote:

LOL okay guys we're at lylo.

NoHitter wrote:

k guys. I'll just afk for the rest of the game.
I hope you don't get lynched Mafia.
A nonsense, NH.


Saki is jester.
Vote: DakeDake
Any one?
Vote: NoHitter
Vote: NH

Let's not be too hasty here guys xD
Topic Starter
votecount 1.2

NoHItter (2) - Nyquill, DakeDekaane
DakeDekaane (2) - Irreversible, LadySuburu

deadline is in 29:40
Dake: wagon much?
Vote : Dake

I agree with this one right now.


Hey guys, let's keep the activity ya.
okay so both dake and nh are obviously not jester
well, nobody has posted something really informative so far.
brb Hurrying up the day.

Vote: Dake (That's hammer folks)
Hope I didn't just screw myself over ;_;
I'm onto you nh :P
Well, that was worse than I expected, I have only WIFOM in my head about this ;_;, but I know you guys can handle it.

Go town!
hammer = inste lynch?
insta* #-#
Yes, Irre.

Also looks like I didn't screw myself /o/
what are you aiming at with saying that all the time?

DakeDekaane wrote:

Well, that was worse than I expected, I have only WIFOM in my head about this ;_;, but I know you guys can handle it.

Go town!

NoHitter wrote:

Yes, Irre.

Also looks like I didn't screw myself /o/
wait so you wanted to lynch town?

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