M4M 0/2
NM 1/1
My beatmap: http://osu.ppy.sh/s/107015
Some things about me you should know:
1)Sorry for my poor eng
2)I'm slow.
3)I am beginner mapper. So do not expect anything. I just want to gain experience and make your beatmap a bit better
4)Not so good with hitsounds D:
5)If your map unrankable (wrong timing, not finished or something else) I will skip it.
6)If you do not like my mod, You do not have to give me Kudos.
1)Only standart osu!
2)Map is not more than 4 minutes and not more then 4 diffs
3)Read my last post
4)3 slots. 2 M4M and 1 NM .
5)Write "gift" so that I know that you read the rules.
6)When M4M: You will mod my map then I'll mod your map
NM 1/1
My beatmap: http://osu.ppy.sh/s/107015
Some things about me you should know:
1)Sorry for my poor eng
2)I'm slow.
3)I am beginner mapper. So do not expect anything. I just want to gain experience and make your beatmap a bit better
4)Not so good with hitsounds D:
5)If your map unrankable (wrong timing, not finished or something else) I will skip it.
6)If you do not like my mod, You do not have to give me Kudos.
1)Only standart osu!
2)Map is not more than 4 minutes and not more then 4 diffs
3)Read my last post
4)3 slots. 2 M4M and 1 NM .
5)Write "gift" so that I know that you read the rules.
6)When M4M: You will mod my map then I'll mod your map