
ITT 2: We post shit that is neither funny nor interesting

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If only, if only. One place this backwater state has is an unemployment problem. I'm finishing my degree and hightailing it outta here

Jazz wrote:

I thought you guys already work
I fucking wish.
Unfortunately it turns out that jobs don't grow on job trees in a job garden.

Azure_Kite wrote:

If only, if only. One place this backwater state has is an unemployment problem. I'm finishing my degree and hightailing it outta here
get your ass over here

Sonatora wrote:

So Night of Champions is over

and I'm dissapointed

because Super Cena won the title

and worst of all he won as of disqualification

wwe rarely entertains people
tfw the last time I liked that shit was when I was 9
the only things i get from my job garden are student loans :(
Trash Boat
Hi Static o/ do you know NEDM's whereabouts? people are missing here somehow, like Lewder. where's him too btw?
I never enjoyed that shit in the first place

But it's a guilty pleasure.

Trash Boat wrote:

Hi Static o/ do you know NEDM's whereabouts? people are missing here somehow, like Lewder. where's him too btw?
Lewder left a long time ago
NEDM is M.I.A.
Kanye quitted too
Hika is lurking
Mara is MIA or something

So yeah thats the recap
I've left this shithole even before Lewder, and #finnish for the most part. Now I'm just staying in-game to mod every once in a while and map even more rarely and spam on #ctb and also on forums on Post you IRL thread. Also Mafia subforum. I do post on this thread every now and then (well, like once a week), too, but usually managed to slide away unnoticed.

So yeah.
I think your definition of "leaving for the most part" differs from that of most people

BrokenArrow wrote:

I think your definition of "leaving for the most part" differs from that of most people
It's because of the dicksucking attitude that almost everyone here posses for some magical reason is the reason everyone quitting

that includes you :oops:
not exactly sure what you mean by "dicksucking attitude" but I'm only like that to you
I'm not responsible for any of the previously mentioned users quitting nor have I even talked to 80% of them, ever
but I love sucking dicks ;_;

BrokenArrow wrote:

I think your definition of "leaving for the most part" differs from that of most people
I'm sorry, I didn't intend to express my willingness to post on this shit thread in the future, nor really anywhere else on the forums either, now that I posted enough dicksucking on the IRL thread and Finnish subforum is dead, thankfully.

Let me circlejerk in-game, though, please, will you?
Trash Boat
Who can restrain you from doing that? Oh yeah, Mods perhaps. GL out there, you'll need it

Static Noise Bird wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

I think your definition of "leaving for the most part" differs from that of most people
I'm sorry, I didn't intend to express my willingness to post on this shit thread in the future, nor really anywhere else on the forums either, now that I posted enough dicksucking on the IRL thread and Finnish subforum is dead, thankfully.

Let me circlejerk in-game, though, please, will you?
;-; I didn't mean to be offensive
I just found it funny that you started your sentence with "I've left" and then listed 10 million things you are still doing here
alright move on

Sonatora wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

I think your definition of "leaving for the most part" differs from that of most people
It's because of the dicksucking attitude that almost everyone here posses for some magical reason is the reason everyone quitting

that includes you :oops:
As if you're not one of them.
what exactly is this "dicksucking attitude"?
is it the new term for circlejerk?
it's the new term for circlejerk because circlejerk is geometrically incorrect
Blue Stig
So yeah Quake Live is on Steam now.

omg loadouts they ruined quake
Her fucking hand looks like spider legs

Who's hand?

just got kicked, twice, from the only populated BF3 server... *sigh

Blue Stig wrote:

So yeah Quake Live is on Steam now.

Gosh darn. you didn't know

But I suck at quake so I wont download it
welp, apparently having your youtube account in bad standing means you cant upload videos to unlisted

B1rd wrote:

Who's hand?

just got kicked, twice, from the only populated BF3 server... *sigh
Is it normal to think BF3 is a plethora of times better than BF4
Vuelo Eluko

IppE wrote:

omg loadouts they ruined quake
yeah seriously, the game is about item spawn and zone control, whats even the fucking point if you can start with weapons.
so glad the duel mode is still pristene quake III

i was going to just play starting with a railgun + lightning gun every time i spawned but i realized it just wouldnt be as fun as playing the game the way it was meant to be played.

kirueggy wrote:

B1rd wrote:

Who's hand?

just got kicked, twice, from the only populated BF3 server... *sigh
Is it normal to think BF3 is a plethora of times better than BF4
The bugs made it worse
the legend of korra is good.


holy crap.
Kyonko Hizara

Tanzklaue wrote:

the legend of korra is good.


holy crap.
I should try and keep up with it but I always forget
I hate how after I dropped it people started saying it got better, so I continued watching it
That book 3 ending tho, it makes sense but whyyyyyyyyy why did they do that
I got bored after the first season.

Just spilt a cup of tea on my Ducky DK9078tkl keyboard. But after blow dryering it it works perfectly, LEDs and all. Such a nice keyboard.
Not as good as the Last Airbender, which was fucking superb to be frank, but decent so far. Book 2 was poor though, I didn't enjoy it much, but they redeemed it in Book 3 in my opinion.
I want a show that revolves around Zuko to be honest.
But admittedly, I don't think it would work.

Part of a Building Materials project. Too busy with this and other classes to do anything else.

um, nice stone thing.
Oh yeah, it's concrete. We're doing studies on concrete casting and concrete blocks right now.
Sexy limestone studies.

Brian OA wrote:

Part of a Building Materials project. Too busy with this and other classes to do anything else.

What's your major? Architecture?

LaVolpe024 wrote:

Not as good as the Last Airbender, which was fucking superb to be frank, but decent so far. Book 2 was poor though, I didn't enjoy it much, but they redeemed it in Book 3 in my opinion.
i didnt like the final part of book 2, it just didnt feel like avatar. overall the series is really good tho.

but yeah, doesnt beat the last airbender toph<3

Well, okay then.
You aren't doing anything illegal there now are you?
Of coooooooooooouuuuuuuuurse not.
What do you think I am, some kind of pirate ?
That's your loss, I pirate on the seven seas of the internet all the time. Yarr.
Kyonko Hizara
My pirated version of Photoshop broke after I got a new HDD a few months ago so I got my friend to lend me the disc with his legit version of Photoshop
I got a pirated version of Skyrim since I'm a one cheap bastard

Brian OA wrote:

Part of a Building Materials project. Too busy with this and other classes to do anything else.

oh wow, I didn't know you're an Architecture student too
one of our final plates for this sem is to make a stable mini bridge using wood since cement is too fucking expensive
Blue Stig

Brian OA wrote:

Too busy with this and other classes to do anything else.
Know that feel man.
It's worse when you work at a retail grocery store on top of classes.
I hope your stuff brings Beetlejuce to shame.

Also aaasdfsafsaf
I'm now glad I have not had time to buy a video card so far.

Now all I have to do is wait for it to come in stock

Update on build so far I hope this thing works.
i go back on what i said about korra.

season 1 was good, season 2, especially with that ending, felt like horrible fanfiction and i don't think that even with good writing season 3 can safe it from the deep pile of shit it rode (wrote) itself in.
season 2 didn't give any clear explanation as to how stuff happened
I still don't get how that giant Korra came to be and how the fuck Jinora saved the day with blinding light

season 3 enemies were awesome
Lava bending + armless water bender with tentacles + Combustion Lady + Air bender turned Super Saiyan
season 3 also had a lot of scenes that will make you gasp
that Zhao cameo, the Earth Queen's death (this is exactly why only air nomads can air bend because they are disciplined) and last but not the fucking least P'Li's death(I THOUGHT THIS WAS A KID'S SHOW???)

Jazz wrote:

season 3 enemies were awesome
armless water bender with tentacles
that was so badass
but i think how she got defeated was kinda anti-climactic, all that epic fighting, and right when she "powers up" she gets electrocuted out of nowhere and it's over
Should i be ashamed of the fact that i never watched the show?
Should I be ashamed that I thought Avatar: The Last Airbender / Legend of Korra was an anime that originated in Japan until today?
they are trying really hard to make you think that, so unless you were interested in it it's no surprise you didnt know
i thought this type of shit was the reason they added QAT
QAT is only there to control quality against lazy/dumb BATs. Sadly it just suffers from the same flaw once the QATs get lazy/dumb. To counteract this you need either a huge team, something to motivate them, and/or actively include the community in quality control.

Thus far I don't think the ranking system changes have done much of a difference
Kyonko Hizara
The same people that worked on Avatar: The Last Airbender also worked on The Boondocks.

silmarilen wrote:

Jazz wrote:

season 3 enemies were awesome
armless water bender with tentacles
that was so badass
but i think how she got defeated was kinda anti-climactic, all that epic fighting, and right when she "powers up" she gets electrocuted out of nowhere and it's over
Actually I've been complaining how stupid Mako is because he never did it the first time they were fighting.
His lightning bending skills were just like Azula's and not Zuko's so he can pretty much lightning bend anytime he wants.

Jazz wrote:

silmarilen wrote:

that was so badass
but i think how she got defeated was kinda anti-climactic, all that epic fighting, and right when she "powers up" she gets electrocuted out of nowhere and it's over
Actually I've been complaining how stupid Mako is because he never did it the first time they were fighting.
His lightning bending skills were just like Azula's and not Zuko's so he can pretty much lightning bend anytime he wants.
that's what i ment, he couldve used it anytime he wanted, but he has to do it at the moment that just feels like it is the worst moment to do it.

silmarilen wrote:

i thought this type of shit was the reason they added QAT
This shouldn't exist. What the fuck is this.

haters gonna hate.

silmarilen wrote:

i thought this type of shit was the reason they added QAT
i-is that an extra with circle size 2?
Kyonko Hizara
Circles size 3 is ugly enough but 2 is just horrifying.

Tanzklaue wrote:

i go back on what i said about korra.

season 1 was good, season 2, especially with that ending, felt like horrible fanfiction and i don't think that even with good writing season 3 can safe it from the deep pile of shit it rode (wrote) itself in.
Have you seen season 3? I genuinely think it made up for the rubbish that happened in season 2.
Trash Boat
Night Off-Topic, what did I miss?
I realized why people avoid me IRL. I have this "fuck you" expression glued on my face all the time except at home.

Trash Boat wrote:

Night Off-Topic, what did I miss?
Nothing much really

Also Thanks Trash Boat
Poor Peppy
Kyonko Hizara
I've notice that when the DDoS's happen, that they happen a lot at one time, then stop for a while, and then happen for a number of days when they happen again
Who would have a otive to DDos osu!? >:(

Frostei wrote:

I realized why people avoid me IRL. I have this "fuck you" expression glued on my face all the time except at home.
IKR. This is why I always wear sunglasses besides the reason that outside is bright as f*ck, I don't have to even try to have a pleasant expression on my face.
Morning OT



给知乎上的学生狗一点建议:走上社会以后,不要把精力花在人际交往上,对家人好点,很多人穷极一生交的朋友,恐怕你死了都不会再来看你一眼。 很多人走后大概不知道,很多所谓的称兄道弟的好友在自己的奠堂还喜笑颜开,所谓的亲人哭的梨花带雨(其实是哭给人看的)。真正心痛的人,哭是哭不出来的。(据我所看,很多人刚得知亲人过世的时候是长时间的静默,类似于大脑空白,女性也许会忍不住哭出来但是不至于有多惨,有些人是明显的来的人越多哭的声音越大的。没人的时候就不哭了我操我要是他老公我特么的复活起来杀人啊)人啊,先取悦自己,再选择性的取悦几个家人和知己吧,善待自己,人生要自私一点,听我的没错。
再说说我了解的一点火葬场秘闻吧。一般来说都是先殡仪馆再火葬场的。但是有些无主尸体如果没有做标本价值或者什么更黑的我不知道的,就直接拖去火葬场了。所以如果有直接拖去火葬场的要么是很穷的家庭没摆殡仪馆或者乡下的拉来火葬的,多半是无主尸体火葬场是要多收一点费用才会火化的。煤炭大县的应该也知道这点,本市几个煤窑在的地方经常拖些你懂的无主尸体来直接火化。原先火葬场管理混乱的时候,有里面的工作人员偷尸肉出来做香肠卖的。现在估计没有了。有网上谣传火葬场拿尸油出来当食用油卖的,据我所知本市是没有,主要是炼化部分简陋,尸油直接渗透到大熔炉的地面直接无法利用了。最最主要的是尸油真的不多,而且火葬场还很忙二十四小时开工的。。看不到什么时候有机会收集。 火葬场看着是挺惨的,有好些十几岁二十几岁的青年不知道什么原因就死了,看着照片长的还挺俊的,珍惜生命啊各位,赖活着比什么都强。
原来我也不太明白为啥会有很多人为了那么一点蝇头小利做违法犯罪的勾当。直到我大概2年前在我本市的百度贴吧看到一个招聘的帖子,大意是说要找人捞偏门,发歪财的,印象让我深刻的是最后他说:有胆子的来,没胆子的就乖乖回家修地球。我那时候才恍然大悟,并不是所有中国人都像城里长大的孩子一样有很多选择,对于农村的孩子(no offence)来说,确实不在城里找到出路,就只能回家种地了。每个人的底线应该是自己拥有的决定的。当一个人什么都没有,又面临巨大的生活压力,做出不明智的决策好像就那么有点原因了。
1,警察。这个职业我只能说,在中国没有比这更加阴暗的职业了。在中国,当警察是最不讨好的职业,凡是说警察素质不高的,素质低下的都去实习看看。你碰到过刁民死活不承认在办公室跟你对骂不能还口吗?你碰到过,泼妇直接在女民警办公室里拉屎拉尿吗?有一些新任女民警直接被骂哭的也有。还有在中国,刑讯逼供什么的,不全是警察的错。中国警察比例警察与人口比例:1.3‰,美国是多少,3.25 ‰,香港多少?4.57 ‰,中国的治安跟香港和美国相比差了很多,在基层其实警察比例更加低,这就要求我们用人家三分之一的人去干人家一个人的工作,人民还要求效果,什么命案要求必破,这明显不符合现实情况的要求啊!不刑讯逼供根本破不了案子,你以为现在的犯罪嫌疑人都是小学生,我见过,进来的没一个认为自己是罪犯,都TM认为自己是无辜的,社会逼的,父母打骂,不管的,周围人欺负的,总之被逼的。实际上破案最快的方法就是刑讯逼供,坦白说,碰到冤案的概率远远低于正常的案子,那些人就算是为大局牺牲了吧!我也见过不少案子,真正觉得冤的某些案子集中出现在打黑时期,某些案子确实有点过分,网上爆出过一些,但是还有一些。有的时候就因为一两句话,人的前途,一辈子也就毁了。

























Apex wrote:

Morning OT



给知乎上的学生狗一点建议:走上社会以后,不要把精力花在人际交往上,对家人好点,很多人穷极一生交的朋友,恐怕你死了都不会再来看你一眼。 很多人走后大概不知道,很多所谓的称兄道弟的好友在自己的奠堂还喜笑颜开,所谓的亲人哭的梨花带雨(其实是哭给人看的)。真正心痛的人,哭是哭不出来的。(据我所看,很多人刚得知亲人过世的时候是长时间的静默,类似于大脑空白,女性也许会忍不住哭出来但是不至于有多惨,有些人是明显的来的人越多哭的声音越大的。没人的时候就不哭了我操我要是他老公我特么的复活起来杀人啊)人啊,先取悦自己,再选择性的取悦几个家人和知己吧,善待自己,人生要自私一点,听我的没错。
再说说我了解的一点火葬场秘闻吧。一般来说都是先殡仪馆再火葬场的。但是有些无主尸体如果没有做标本价值或者什么更黑的我不知道的,就直接拖去火葬场了。所以如果有直接拖去火葬场的要么是很穷的家庭没摆殡仪馆或者乡下的拉来火葬的,多半是无主尸体火葬场是要多收一点费用才会火化的。煤炭大县的应该也知道这点,本市几个煤窑在的地方经常拖些你懂的无主尸体来直接火化。原先火葬场管理混乱的时候,有里面的工作人员偷尸肉出来做香肠卖的。现在估计没有了。有网上谣传火葬场拿尸油出来当食用油卖的,据我所知本市是没有,主要是炼化部分简陋,尸油直接渗透到大熔炉的地面直接无法利用了。最最主要的是尸油真的不多,而且火葬场还很忙二十四小时开工的。。看不到什么时候有机会收集。 火葬场看着是挺惨的,有好些十几岁二十几岁的青年不知道什么原因就死了,看着照片长的还挺俊的,珍惜生命啊各位,赖活着比什么都强。
原来我也不太明白为啥会有很多人为了那么一点蝇头小利做违法犯罪的勾当。直到我大概2年前在我本市的百度贴吧看到一个招聘的帖子,大意是说要找人捞偏门,发歪财的,印象让我深刻的是最后他说:有胆子的来,没胆子的就乖乖回家修地球。我那时候才恍然大悟,并不是所有中国人都像城里长大的孩子一样有很多选择,对于农村的孩子(no offence)来说,确实不在城里找到出路,就只能回家种地了。每个人的底线应该是自己拥有的决定的。当一个人什么都没有,又面临巨大的生活压力,做出不明智的决策好像就那么有点原因了。
1,警察。这个职业我只能说,在中国没有比这更加阴暗的职业了。在中国,当警察是最不讨好的职业,凡是说警察素质不高的,素质低下的都去实习看看。你碰到过刁民死活不承认在办公室跟你对骂不能还口吗?你碰到过,泼妇直接在女民警办公室里拉屎拉尿吗?有一些新任女民警直接被骂哭的也有。还有在中国,刑讯逼供什么的,不全是警察的错。中国警察比例警察与人口比例:1.3‰,美国是多少,3.25 ‰,香港多少?4.57 ‰,中国的治安跟香港和美国相比差了很多,在基层其实警察比例更加低,这就要求我们用人家三分之一的人去干人家一个人的工作,人民还要求效果,什么命案要求必破,这明显不符合现实情况的要求啊!不刑讯逼供根本破不了案子,你以为现在的犯罪嫌疑人都是小学生,我见过,进来的没一个认为自己是罪犯,都TM认为自己是无辜的,社会逼的,父母打骂,不管的,周围人欺负的,总之被逼的。实际上破案最快的方法就是刑讯逼供,坦白说,碰到冤案的概率远远低于正常的案子,那些人就算是为大局牺牲了吧!我也见过不少案子,真正觉得冤的某些案子集中出现在打黑时期,某些案子确实有点过分,网上爆出过一些,但是还有一些。有的时候就因为一两句话,人的前途,一辈子也就毁了。

























translation taken from google translate
Within the jurisdiction of a home in good condition, the old man first to run pure water, after contracting farms. But his son contracted a bad habit of skating. Every slip past the ice just like a madman, beat his wife, playing father and mother, hit the company's accounting, anyway, telling anyone to play. And made his wife ran the company also opened not go on. Like to see the plague family to see the same. After arresting the trial asked why it hit, he said glided up the ice on the uncontrollable, telling anyone to play.
Another person contrary, no ice to slip when he beat his wife, with his wife for money. Wife giving money out to buy ice back after playing the game honestly cool in the room. Two days to continue to beat his wife guilty of ice addiction, so ad infinitum.
Everyone glided ice response are not the same, the investigators saw a wonderful process, gliding through the ice on the demolition in the room playing with lighters, demolished and then installed, along with a few lighter removed, interchangeable parts, and then installed, on this kind of thing can do a night, do not stop.
Much better one.
One night someone in the bathroom, police said wallet was stolen. Police to the scene and found a row of migrant workers in the hall bathroom, claiming purse in the bathroom taking a shower when lost, requiring bathroom compensation (a look that is a drunken state). Police officers back to the police station to take the relevant investigations, this stock is not fit. Sapo curse pound the table while the bench while occasionally whipped call. No choice but to notify colleagues forced to bring it back to the police station. After an investigation, in which the goods are destined for the bathroom wallet on the way back to the hostel for a group of workers calling in the ...... kept the bathroom door is in fact dozens of crazy dial 110.
Mother house demolition, son no copies. Son in front of numerous neighbors face cursed "old **"
IV play at home with a personal, family members are afraid to meet. Just grab a purse or meet a gold necklace and ran.
Hundreds of fraternizing in the community, into a detention center, can not wait for meritorious commutation old brother on the road spitting related discipline reflected.
A young man, only 20 years old, each looking like prostitutes forties women. It is good for the hair and asked him mouth. The answer was "I feel good and love ah!"
Another guy to do on site security staff, salary 4k-5k. Addicted to gambling machines, year-end awards were lost to the cleaners, workers still owe a debt ass. Wondered back home no money to buy gifts for children. Night holding a knife robbed a taxi driver 200 dollars. When the escape was arrested police at the police station from regret slapped.
In order to avoid combat drug traffickers, their HIV blood injection successfully infected with HIV. Results take a large cargo was captured (enough shooting). No room now waiting for shot.
A small ruffian, a teenager was stabbed to death his father, mother and find a husband, a son never pipe. Son just live with his uncle. 14-year-old uncle began to ask for money every day, do not give money to Za Boli. Later, together with affray case people were killed. The first thing is to ask whether the notification mother lose money ......
Site of a worker contracted quirks. I could not sleep on every night filled Chuaimen. Someone answered the door after door to leave the house, no one answered the door into the room on what what means, change purse on the table for charging cell phones. The most excessive time to see a girl naked, people could not help but touch the white and big breasts (confession said).
On another site workers, could not sleep at night on the bike on the road around. Seen a single pass to touch a woman. Helpless local women are more sturdy, once when the crime was vocal dislodge with high heels, looks at crime victims remembered another occasion, after a day on the street looking for. Was eventually found, seized and turned over to the police station. The most excessive was the victim grabbed the suspect arm, to the police station to go on the road, the suspect still in the victim's hand touch ......
Work every day in the brush three concept.
Some people actually point praise, plus a few.
Hospital died, relatives and tour various medical trouble. Advice at the side of the pole could not beat Goutoujunshi are eight relatives, waiting for money to be able to pay would much trouble some money.
When a rogue police encountered while playing the police shouted, "I can beat you, but you are a civil servant can not beat me!"
My high school was invited riffraff done for some time.
Why is invited? Because lead is my boss made ​​a small, heavyset Bangdayaoyuan he saw me, their relationship and iron, they invited me to do a cameo, filling individual numbers.
In that two years, I've seen a lot of even more exciting than fiction movie story. Most of them are family or school tragedy, is a good boy sensible rules into five evil scum of course.
For example, there is such a good junior high school students to learn, the mother of premature death, often from childhood chores was beaten because of his alcoholic father. Until he was fourteen years old, he was already tall enough, strong enough to rise up the courage to fight his own father. Since then, all of a sudden he seems to have lost the shackles of the past have not tried to start to try new things, and poor teenagers hanging out together, smoking and drinking all night playing games, lawlessness up. Finally, and did not participate in the exam, become unemployed dropout teenager.
For example, there is such a delicate and simple girl, when two days were great lure their teenage boys and deflowered. After the two broke up, she is no longer love yourself, become private life casually, dissolute behavior, until people have called her "the charge sheet." When I see her again in high school, has not believe that wearing several pounds of earrings, hair girls two colors, that is my memory of that time talking to people face will be red children.
Of course, there myself. I did not realize the situation in their own the next day becomes oppressive up, and always think they are right. I have seen a couple in the tease an old man begging at the mall entrance, and then shot and wounded a companion that the couple then fled. I worked in bookstores, others wore the chest with a knife, then handcuffed me until the police took me still wearing handcuffs beat each other's head. As for as low grade school teacher spotted his own brother to jump the queue, back to school brother to avenge the beating that sort of thing is simply endless.
Until then I came to their senses, I realized how I walked detours, Gerry so much as my dark side of metamorphosis. Even more frightening is that many boys and girls like me twisted depravity converging together for warmth.
So even though I normally finish high school and later promoted to 211 college, I still can not forget that two years of experience. I will always remember that a normal person will be how fast the fall.
So contact with the dark side of human nature the most professional, is this dark itself.
Most of the suspects Interpol is not long in my career, contacts are junior high school or less education, everything commit crimes. I have seen the following events:
The first case is to run two 30-year-old man and a 15-year-old, a 13-year-old girl sitting in a room drugs. Keep the toilet several condom.
Organization dozen 14-year-old girl into prostitution. 80 Daitao, 100 not Daitao.
Pedal boat playing several high school girls in middle school, also hinted them into prostitution to make money.
Xiao San poisoning, a corpse two lives. Mother to kill the child. Son told the father. Nephew cut t. Or do anything for the benefit of various disputes.
A provincial leader in paper media house stolen goods worth tens of millions. Then within a week to solve the case and recover items.
Some can not say. Can not say more.

The vast majority of police officers are not bad, but not good. That something totally inadequate to raise wages too much uprightness, but can basically guarantee the survival of a well-off state (although the police did too). Now more and more stringent supervision, so it is not going to Zhanxiaopianyi, but not necessarily a big temptation. Whatever will do some charity. Long working hours, more or less have cardiovascular disease. Police wearing police uniforms but most ordinary people, the usual physical training and policing skills to learn about zero, long-term irregular overtime and rest overnight, more than 80% of men police endocrine disorders, unless armed police and special police, do not imagine working five over the years how good the police physical fitness. Occasionally there will be a public private car, police posted the money work situation. Arrest rely on uniforms as a deterrent, not a gun is commonplace, thanks to the experience encountered unexpected situations. Typical are stereotyped, do not see the respect for the individual itself. Seriously out in reality, according to the typical standard to go, waiting for overwork go die before the age of 40.

Each person you meet, whether the suspect or the victim, often have a very strong negative emotions. The former you want to try them, with a majesty and anger, like a dynamite package. The latter solution you want to open them, particularly nagging to whinge like a trash can.
I want to talk about is the funeral home and other garden after many unknown things in life
Many life before the scenery, after the death of his family heritage in order to fight the numerous funeral home. Some former life did not get much care, after the death of their loved ones in front of others in order to reflect their love, willing to spend large sums of money to burn in the funeral home to get hold of burial, and most are ill-treated the deceased during his lifetime. To give an example, the city counted five lines of small western cities, urban per capita income of more than one thousand a month, the number of basic standard funeral is spent hundreds of thousands of once spent fifty thousand funeral home, cemetery spent fifty thousand. How much hypocrisy of friendship, family, after the death of that person would not need to cover up, naked competing interests, as well as their loved ones the opportunity to sell insurance, a small three-abuse and wife beating, really do not know what state of mind
The city has a municipal leaders started the legend of his wife is dead, his subordinates to buy a wreath to the funeral home to carry not cope, then walk in the door, I heard that in addition to his dead wife still the boss himself (she died in a car accident ), most subordinate to throw a wreath at the door was gone. So obsessed with leadership scenery careful examination of civil servants away, and thought how respected leadership is illusion, in essence, nothing more respect for that position, Renzouchaliang this sentence is the truth. (Some have questioned the authenticity of this one, no one is dead, first flew open memorial service, the official announcement is usually made ​​to come later, and this time difference is a manifestation of friendship and emotional time. Friendship is certainly the best appear immediately, Secondly, those with high emotional intelligence informed. kind of official notice to pick up either rivals or is the same unit but did not dealt there is a municipal leader is a very broad concept, looking for any one to level city official website, several dozens of officials at this level yet, here we have a deputy mayor 8.)
Revenue in our city a head, in the morning my mom just breathed, he hastened panic bulk SMS informing him know, why? It took the opportunity to collect money, their loved ones died first thought was money, but also really sad. (I think of it, that morning was New Year's Eve ah, received a taste of his message is what you experience, fearing others will not go because of New Year's Eve gift of .. hey)
A branch of the city's two deputy governors and governors sat with a car, a large truck with coal after turning when it overturned just because of overloading the pressure in that portion of the car. The remains of three people absolutely can not see, drag the funeral home when surgeons have no idea, and finally engage in the hall of opaque loaded pendulum. Is the most wonderful family actually did not come the first day, and later heard that the family division of the property in order to fight at home. . The results of the first day vigil is the funeral home staff and some subordinates, the idea.
To know the students on a little dog almost advice: go after the social, do not put effort spent on interpersonal relationships, his family good point, a lot of people very poor life post friend, I'm afraid you're dead will not look at you. A lot of people probably do not know gone, many so-called friends fraternizing lay in his church still smile, so-called loved ones cry Ewha rain (in fact, crying posters). Really sad person, crying lament. (As far as I see, a lot of people just learned that their loved ones died when a long silence, similar to the brain blank, women might be tempted to cry out but not miserable, some people are more obvious to the people much larger voice crying nobody stopped crying when I speak my husband and I especially what if he's resurrected them to kill ah) ah, please yourself first, and then selectively to please a few family and friends, right, treat yourself, life is to be a little selfish, listen to my right.
To say who the real winner is? Of course, the most fun is the funeral home, the Chinese people are so smart to buy a bargain but also ethnic dishes that making money, few people would go bargain huh. Funeral home in the city restaurants incidental year contract price is more than three million. Probably 1000 level position, but also more expensive than downtown. China is the most black which department? In fact, I think it is the Civil Affairs Bureau, the funeral business is a windfall profits, and this franchise is the Civil Affairs Bureau monopolized.
Let me say I know a little crematorium Confidential bar. In general are the first funeral home again crematorium. But some unclaimed corpses specimens worth doing if there is no more black or what I do not know, a direct dragged crematorium. So if there is a direct dragged crematorium either poor families did not put the funeral home or cremation pull the countryside, mostly unclaimed corpses to the crematorium is a little overcharged fees will be cremated. Coal counties should also know this, several coal mines in the city where you know something is often drag unclaimed corpses to direct cremation. When the original crematorium chaotic management, staff have stolen the corpse inside out sausage meat sold. Now estimated gone. There are online rumors crematorium take the corpse out when the edible oil sold, as far as I know the city is not, primarily crude refining part, corpse oil directly penetrate into the melting pot of the ground can not use directly. The most important is the corpse of oil really is not much, but still busy twenty-four hours crematorium started. . When there is the opportunity to see the collection. Crematorium saw that it was quite miserable, quite a number of young teens twenties do not know why he died, looking at the photo long kinda Jun, cherish life ah you, Lai alive stronger than anything else.
About stealing body part I repeat, this thing is not my personal experiences of the past it was so dry, no one thought it was the main body, the family came to the door and later found the body incomplete, so the report, steal this thing was dead meat white world . This matter is to be investigated criminal record, I am willing to bear legal responsibility, Once again, not now it was so dry, is in the past.
Another problem is the question itself is tendentious, selective so I said something bad side of the industry, in fact, mostly the elderly or old patient died on the idea that no event, after all, how many families have such expectations, explain basic funeral finished, if it is 90 years of age or older almost even wedding, so the idea is caused by the sudden death.
Originally, I do not quite understand why so many people to do a little petty criminal acts. Until two years ago, I probably in my city of Baidu Post Bar to see a recruitment post, to the effect that people are looking for fishing Pianmen, hair askew wealth, impressed me deeply was the last he said: to have courage, no guts of the earth obediently home repair. I then did he realize that not all Chinese people are like children who grow up in town as there are many choices for rural children (no offence) is indeed out of town to find a way out, you can only go home farming the . The bottom line is that everyone should own the decision. When a person is nothing, they face enormous pressure, to make unwise decisions seems to be so little why.
After reminded, delete some of my own views section gives only some of the food is good or bad, I know a good ranking, the food industry is the basis for this is based on processing of raw materials for reference purposes only,
Their own police, police spent more than a year, was already looking back psychological imbalance can say perverted point of it, or the anonymous bar ...
Once at the police station encountered one case, but also on the newspaper, two men and a woman, this woman is one of a man's girlfriend, no place to make money, and wanted to learn from others to find a sister organization of prostitution, this woman also participate to help. Several people went to the salon called two lady, lie said to pack the night lured his residence, coaxing intimidation to compel him to give in to fight rape, kept in his residence. Both woman looking for a chance to throw a piece of paper which we rescued, came to the police station to help the woman involved in this life and death are not accountable, grinding for a long time, and then the first time I ever hit a woman, then these people are sentenced I do not know at the time how out of control, can only say well done too.
There are a lot of things, think again add it.
In fact, a lot of wonderful things come into contact with a lot of humanity dark side of society, coupled with the heavy work, and finally you have to face their inner dark side.
A wonderful thing to say it, there was a time can basically every day on duty police received a warning that someone in their home doorway throwing feces, put tramp insulted her, in fact, the survey found after a neighbor suspected her of her affair with her husband, in fact, the person who is in his fifties, and this is the woman suspected her husband was also paralyzed in bed next to serve every day, because no one lacks evidence to also take this neighbor no way, then, through investigation, the neighbors the husband has been impotent for several years, I really do not know this are what matter.
Police on duty are basically overnight summer, because drinking trouble, ah, once the police have a drunk drunk run knock someone's home rang the doorbell, said nearly one hour of downtown do not go, we went to persuade does not move, pull not pull away, well, I fire, open play directly in front of the masses, the masses have a look at police hands have to lend a helping hand, fully embodies the police a pro, but then I see something wrong, and quickly pull the car gone. Then to pull another police station area dropped, so the police will not bother us.
Well, in that I really like to become the dark side of human nature, you are willing to look to see, to curses, and I have anonymous, do not report me. I would also like to see a little torture can say something ...
1, the police. This career, I can only say that in China there is no more dark than this profession. In China, when the police are the most thankless profession, who police say is not high quality, low quality have to practice and see. You come across trouble-making life and death do not recognize the name calling in the office can also tell you mouth it? You come across, directly in the female police office bitch shit urinated in it? There are some new female police directly criticize cry too. As well as in China, what torture is, not all the fault of the police. Chinese police police Proportion of population: 1.3 ‰, the United States is the number, 3.25 ‰, Hong Kong's number? 4.57 ‰, China's public security compared with Hong Kong and the United States a lot worse, in fact, much lower proportion of police at the grassroots level, which requires us to buckle down to the people who work with people of a third person, the people also requested effect, what murder requirements must be broken, which obviously does not meet the requirements of reality, ah! Not torture simply can not break the case, do you think now people are primary suspects, I have seen, no one came think of themselves as criminals, both TM consider themselves innocent, social force, the parents abuse, regardless of , bully people around, in short forced. The fastest way is to actually solve the case of torture, and frankly, the probability of encounter injustice is far below the normal case, even as the overall situation of those who sacrificed it! I have seen a lot of cases, the real injustice is that some of the cases concentrated in the period hitting some cases is a bit too much, online broke some, but there are some. Sometimes just because one or two words, people's future, it ruined my life.

During my internship a student, holding a broken shield holding two knives to deal with a mental patient, and another brother went to uniforms. That scene directly to scare him, stepped back, and brothers still live uniforms, when the crowd gathered a lot, no one would dare to help, so my classmates even this did not participate in the civil service examination, direct afraid, quit a. Such scenes too much trouble encountered drunkard, rogue finding fault, and now people just anything about the situation, all the TM hit 110, from 6:00 am to 14:00, basically every day, the police, family gossip. Drug abuse, theft, prostitution, abuse of parents, abuse of children, indecent women, see more, individuals are numb. Like more than 100, I'll give you about a case, Guarantee let everyone know what is the dark side of human nature.

AIDS mentioned above, in principle, not a small matter AIDS guilty tube, sent to detention centers, they do not close, on the police station, also Guanfan, you still can not put them how, since they are dead , bite you, I guarantee that a normal person are afraid to die, as well as searches, when if it was a needle, or to tie you to know you, but unarmed. Oh, you will hit the jackpot, in this city, every year the police because it was infected with AIDS.

I sometimes admire a handful of good cop, in that kind of environment can maintain noble personality, but fortunately so many people, otherwise I began to suspect evil of human nature.

Police in this environment is basically not normal, and most of the police produced a superior feeling, conscious and happy to have a painful power, this is the effect of Lucifer. In fact the police have higher divorce rates, this is the work and life are not separated.

The identity of the police and criminals is very easy to convert, for example, they are beaten prisoners, torture, they are police or criminals in the end, this issue may they themselves are confused!

2 counselors. Let yourself fall in love with the female customers this kind of thing is too easy, however, and above that impossible, you read psychology books? Know what is empathy works? Counselors know too much about human psychology secrets, if and when the police know is that the open sin, then when counselors is to know too much hidden evil. In fact, not all evil, and what small occupational stress, exam pressure, the big psychological disorder, psychological shadow formed several years ago, and some fart big point because he kept small, self psychology continued to enlarge, downtown suicide special habit, if self-protection awareness is not strong, it is easy to be anti-addicted, because counselors itself must empathy. Counselors do this trip, if not for the money to go, in fact, most will be in production, mostly from other psychological problems before they have to learn psychology, the results of the people around them are attracted to each other, and self-realization so there are a lot of wonderful psychology, but went to have a lot of mental training, uncle, aunt, and their enthusiasm is also high, they are regarded as the practical value of psychology found a group of people. In other countries, counselors basically have their own counselors, in China, huh up.

For 2013 ago, basically an individual will be able to get permits to attend training courses in the industry, this I must agree, different levels of cohabitation, especially in large cities, social transition, this is entirely a supply and demand imbalance in the market, many brand-name appears counselors basically is the root cause of secondary injury. Hodge consultant basically can not find the problem, find the problem, not the next symptomatic drugs, the most terrible psychological problems exposed, but do not know how to do? Patient suffering endless, and yourself? Anyway, the income-generating livelihoods, the fundamental matter.

Worked as counselors and police, you know in the end how high the quality of the Chinese people, and China in the end how confusing!

If a man for a long time staring into the abyss, the abyss also gazed at you.

Sometimes, too much to deal with the devil, the devil himself into is not surprising.

ps: actually 100 likes, and then tell you a case of it, very funny, ha ha, real case, though not in our jurisdiction after, but I've heard very interesting, go to a local investigated, does have this woman and child .

In a year in a city somewhere, a girl would have been obedient handsome good girl, this is her neighbors said, to the middle, and outside the school bully a rogue stir together, there is no school, and all day wandered slowly infected with drug addiction, prostitution, money went slowly infected with AIDS, as well as a rogue and punks do not know what the life of a child, her parents saw her father a few years the mad, and my mom went back home and she no longer contacted.

Hear this, you may feel this is just an ordinary girl stumble course, if only so not worth me to personally investigate, she had fun on the fun in the children.

The kids really like with kids playing around, but these children must not play with him, he would hide behind these kids, you know my city is called the mountain, it is inevitable when these kids play high standing place, so this slip girl child appeared rather abruptly, pushing down these children, but also appeared to push under the pool, anyway, he would like to do this kind of thing, there are about twelve dead and wounding five. No way around parents do to find the police station, police station, there is no way, 10-year-olds, not to mention criminal penalties, even a civil no way, but his mother did not care that he is dead, local police said that every times called the children to questioning, his mother said to him, police uncle tell you the story, to give you candy, do not approach the local police, so the police sent to juvenile detention, juvenile detention did not receive, because the children found to have AIDS.

Dear viewers, how do you feel?

The child was still gone, his mother has been looking for him, crazy, over the more miserable, long before it died. Reportedly was discovered dead for a long time, I think she was dead when it is how the idea?

Of course, you also interesting to think about why this child is gone, in the end is how to disappear?

We can think of!

Locals did not careful, said police also taboo issue. I am afraid that the truth has long been submerged in time inside the (literary of a)

My analysis, this child to make such behavior, it is clear that his mother-induced, resulting in a tendency to take revenge on society, and this child should have antisocial personality, antisocial personality, but there are more in the adult, appeared in 10-year-old child on rare, had wanted to investigate more time long past, in addition to an old police to understand, then those who are transferred, the old police when it comes to this matter is a lot of emotion, but the feeling is still there to hide.

When the police there are more interesting for me is that you can understand some of the truth, or that some of the reasons for this outcome, but I will choose to privately investigate the most interesting, of course, is against the rules, ha ha! Some things through my investigation, I found that they really are innocent, from the psychology that they are the plaything of fate, also won over, I still find great satisfaction, because their truth only I and god knows, people make some behavior is a deep reason. This is also known later Psychology

Read some people, they checked some cases, I found that just to get to know them, you will find that they are normal people, the most frightening thing is that those people and things simply can not understand, this is a bit beyond human understanding.

Some people come in this world is to suffer!
Born as a human, they are very sorry!

Comments which referred to the disappearance of the children of reasons, many people have mentioned other parents killed. I did not think so, at least not simple think so, because one person to kill another person, there must be a lot of conditions, to kill this extreme human behavior, even if you have a lot of reasons to hate a person, there is enough conditions and tools to murder each other, you still Xiabu Qu hand, I have not killed people, specifically my description does not come out.
people DDos'd a live mafia game on twitch yesterday.

also a dota 2 team got DDos'd out of a tournament.
god bless makers of v-ray
Too bad vray is too slow to be used in video games.
Kyonko Hizara
What the fuck I bit my lip really hard in my sleep and it's still bleeding
I'm already used to waiting for programs when rendering
Gun Monkeys doesen't fucking work out

Trash Boat

B1rd wrote:

Who would have a motive to DDos osu!? >:(
the ones that doesn't have enough money for an attorney, perhaps? idk

Zelda wrote:

Too bad vray is too slow to be used in video games.
Carmack and his realtime 60fps raytracing engine would like to have a word with you.

IppE wrote:

Zelda wrote:

Too bad vray is too slow to be used in video games.
Carmack and his realtime 60fps raytracing engine would like to have a word with you.
Wouldn't it be lovely if that could run on the PS4 so developers would actually use it ? :^)
But PS4 is the premium gaming platform and the most powerful one too!
Trash Boat
PS4... uf, why technology obsolets itself?
Kyonko Hizara
You can smoke a rare type of orchid
Trash Boat
and live to tell it?
Kyonko Hizara
No I've just read and heard a lot
Can't play chimps with guns

Brian OA wrote:

Can't play chimps with guns
But chimps can play with guns.
Trash Boat
DJ Angel
Nippon banzai.
when did this turn into the moonrunes subforum?
次にお前は「what the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch」という
i said i had sex with your mom
are you his father

oh looks page op

aqo where are all the useful links that were on your userpage?
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