
Kugimiya Rie - Dream On

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Topic Starter
照着上面那个办就是了……BPM 127.014 offset 806
我现在处于现在非常不信任人耳朵的一个时期请无视我上面一段废话= =
虽然现在skin可以直接禁了,怎样的skin都无所谓,但是还是觉得如果没有特殊意义 放skin没什么太大用处:3
00:32:321 (5) - 什么情况
00:34:211 (6) - ^
00:36:219 (2) - 提前1/4?我感觉和timing有关系
00:23:935 (2) -
Topic Starter
00:40:722 (6) - NC
01:13:080 (2,4,5,6) - 和8重叠
01:40:951 - note?
02:24:411 (1) - End at 02:27:481 -
>02:27:953 - Drag break start here
02:44:015 - Drag break end here
03:15:192 - note
00:40:722 (6) - NC
有时一大段都没有音效……加几个whistle吧 比如
00:49:934 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
01:48:982 (2) - 没包好
02:52:754 (1) - 尾部clap
02:53:698 (2) - 头部去clap尾部clap
Topic Starter

ts8zs wrote:

00:40:722 (6) - NC
01:13:080 (2,4,5,6) - 和8重叠
01:40:951 - note?
02:24:411 (1) - End at 02:27:481 -
>02:27:953 - Drag break start here
02:44:015 - Drag break end here
03:15:192 - note
00:40:722 (6) - NC
有时一大段都没有音效……加几个whistle吧 比如
00:49:934 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
01:48:982 (2) - 没包好
02:52:754 (1) - 尾部clap
02:53:698 (2) - 头部去clap尾部clap
We did a IRC mod~

14:45 zlfence: 你好..
14:45 Fycho: 你好~
14:47 zlfence: 还记得你在我的第一张图哪里留了言吗?
14:48 zlfence: 我现在基本已经做完了 - -该拉出来见BAT了- -
14:48 zlfence: 能帮忙看下哪里有些小问题么?谢谢 - -
14:50 Fycho: 0,0
14:50 zlfence: 基本已经完成啦- -
14:50 zlfence:
14:50 Fycho: redl下让irc了
14:50 zlfence: 真是麻烦你了。。
14:50 Fycho: irc可以不
14:51 zlfence: 稍微看下就可以了
14:51 zlfence: irc是什么?
14:51 Fycho: 就是游戏内直接聊天的mod
14:51 zlfence: OK
14:51 Fycho: 把log po到论坛那张
14:51 zlfence: 这个可以- -
14:51 Fycho: 那种
14:51 zlfence: 知道了
14:52 zlfence: 以前ponper也是这么做的- -
14:53 zlfence: 第一次作图,很蠢,求原谅- -
14:53 Fycho: .....
14:53 Fycho: 图做的好不好又不是对错的 何谈原谅
14:54 zlfence: 我这是怕伤了你的眼睛- -
14:54 Fycho: 那么多BAT在你forum里留言都是你找的?
14:57 zlfence: 那些事BAT?
14:57 zlfence: 不知道啊。。
14:57 zlfence: 我不知道哪些是BAT- -
14:57 zlfence: 哪里有写着?
14:57 Fycho: 妮妮泡泡之类的
14:57 Fycho: LKs也来了
14:58 zlfence: 嗯,我找的- -
14:59 zlfence: 不过不知道他们是BAT- -
14:59 Fycho: 下不下来。。
15:00 zlfence: 要不我PUUSH给你?
15:00 Fycho: 好
15:02 zlfence: 他们都给了我好大的帮助,业界良心爱情。
15:02 zlfence: 业界良心- -
15:02 zlfence:
15:03 zlfence: β君告诉了我好多基础zhishi- -
15:03 Fycho: β君是谁。。
15:03 zlfence: 姿势- -
15:05 zlfence: 妮姆芙- -
15:05 zlfence: 他现在是我的好基友 - -
15:05 zlfence: 等你MOD过来我就不回了,这样排版舒服点..
15:21 *Fycho is editing [ Kugimiya Rie - Dream On [Hard]]
15:21 Fycho: snap所有绿线
15:21 Fycho: kiai
15:21 Fycho: 你改了OFFSET 然后绿线没snap
15:22 zlfence: snap ALL THE NOTE 这个选项么?
15:22 Fycho: 不是
15:22 Fycho: 是绿线
15:23 Fycho: inherit section
15:23 Fycho: 所有绿线+8
15:24 Fycho: 不对 不是+8
15:24 Fycho: 你改了bpm?
15:24 Fycho: 把所有绿线手动调到线上
15:24 Fycho: KIAI也要
15:24 zlfence: 嗯
15:24 Fycho: 然后TAGS
15:24 Fycho: EAZY里
15:24 Fycho: 偶像大师 アイドルマスター
15:24 Fycho: 中间两个空格改成一个
15:24 Fycho: TAGS所有难度要相同
15:25 Fycho: 如果改完了最好说声 我可以继续
15:25 zlfence: 手动怎么改绿线?
15:25 Fycho: 如果来不及改就说可以,,然后以后慢慢改也行
15:26 Fycho: 手动改就是把原来的绿线删掉重插
15:26 Fycho: 重新在线上插绿线
15:26 zlfence: 了解!
15:26 zlfence: 马上改好
15:27 Fycho: 这个可能费事 以后在改吧
15:28 Fycho: 然后
15:28 Fycho: 把letterbox去掉
15:28 zlfence: 这个又是啥- -
15:28 Fycho: 所有diff都要去
15:29 Fycho: song setup里
15:29 zlfence: 很抱歉这些知识我不知道,麻烦你了
15:29 Fycho: F6
15:29 Fycho: 按F6
15:29 zlfence: 改好el
15:29 zlfence: 勾去掉了
15:29 Fycho: DESIGN里
15:29 zlfence: 你说SONG SETUP我就知道额
15:29 Fycho: 恩好
15:30 Fycho: 00:15:922 (1) -
15:31 Fycho: 加个whistle在滑条上
15:31 Fycho: 00:16:394 (2,5) - 和这些统一
15:32 Fycho: 最好及时回复下 我担心又掉线了
15:32 zlfence: 原来的不行么?
15:32 Fycho: 会不知道什么时候突然掉了...
15:32 Fycho: 什么不行
15:32 zlfence: 我觉得原来的也不差吧?
15:33 Fycho: 00:17:811 (1) -
15:33 Fycho: 因为你这个上面有whistlea
15:33 Fycho: 最好统一下
15:33 Fycho: 当然不统一也没事 随你了
15:33 zlfence: 懂了,这个我自己去搞定
15:33 zlfence: 当初可能是不小心加上去的
15:33 zlfence: 我自己统一下
15:34 Fycho: 00:20:646 (3,4) -
15:34 Fycho: 00:21:000 (5) - 包好?
15:34 Fycho: 00:22:063 (2,3) - 在同一水平线?
15:34 Fycho: 00:21:590 (1,2,3,4) - 这个形状有点难看 可以做个正方形
15:35 zlfence: 好的,
15:35 zlfence: 我回去琢磨下这里
15:35 zlfence: 请继续
15:36 Fycho: 00:31:274 (2,4) - 这里加了clap
15:36 Fycho: 00:39:305 (2,3,4) -
15:36 Fycho: 为什么后面没加呢
15:37 Fycho: 00:40:722 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这两句歌词 音效最好也统一啊
15:38 zlfence: 了解- -
15:39 Fycho: 00:42:612 (6,1) - 分开点=。=
15:39 Fycho: 这里减速不能用原来的spacing了
15:39 zlfence: 看到了
15:40 Fycho: 00:31:983 (4,5) - 00:31:983 (4,5,4,5) - 这两个还是用这样的节奏比较好00:35:762 (4,5) -
15:40 zlfence: 不在红线上 - -
15:40 Fycho: 跟00:35:762 (4,5) - 一样
15:40 Fycho: 00:41:431 (2) - 加finish
15:40 Fycho: 00:41:903 (4) - ^
15:41 Fycho: 00:43:084 (1) -
15:42 Fycho: 我又掉了?
15:42 Fycho: 最后一条是什么
15:42 zlfence: 最后一句是那里加FINISH
15:42 zlfence: 00:41:431 (2) - IFNISH
15:42 Fycho: 00:41:903 (4) - 这个也finish
15:43 Fycho: 00:43:084 (1) - 这里试试这样的节奏和排列
15:44 Fycho: 00:46:154 (4) - finish
15:44 Fycho: 00:48:989 - 这里加一个1/2滑条跟鼓点
15:45 Fycho: 00:53:713 (1) - finish
15:46 Fycho: 00:56:075 (5) - finish啊
15:46 Fycho: 00:56:429 (7) - 首finish
15:46 Fycho: 感觉这块好多都可以加finish
15:46 Fycho: 00:57:492 (3) - fini
15:46 zlfence: 真的好多
15:46 Fycho: 00:58:436 (6) - 首clap换成finish
15:47 Fycho: 这几句歌词上对称的音效上finish最好也对应了
15:47 Fycho: 同一句歌词哪几个地方的finish
15:47 Fycho: KIAI音效上你想试试2,4白线的clap吗
15:48 Fycho: 想的话我发一个clap给你
15:48 zlfence: 现在NOTE基本没啥问题,音效问题严重-完全不会下
15:48 Fycho: 恩看出来了
15:48 Fycho: 我主要mod 音效
15:48 zlfence: 求发...
15:49 Fycho: 稍等
15:51 Fycho:
15:51 Fycho:
15:51 Fycho: 你看看合适不合适 。。
15:51 zlfence: finish的?
15:52 Fycho: clap
15:52 Fycho: 我觉这曲子很多段应该全白线加clap
15:52 zlfence: 我觉得曲子节奏不错,就是我人太蠢,做不好- -
15:52 Fycho: 01:06:467 (8,1) - 离远点
15:53 Fycho: 容易读出1/2
15:53 Fycho: 或者stack起来
15:53 Fycho: 01:13:080 (2) - 叠好啊
15:53 Fycho: 01:15:442 (1,3) - 故意不叠好吗
15:54 zlfence: OK
15:54 Fycho: 01:16:387 (4,5) - 这两个交换,节奏上先滑条 再note
15:54 Fycho: 要跟鼓音啊 不要盖住
15:54 zlfence: 因为我叠不好,这些细节问题总是做不好
15:55 Fycho: editor不是可以自己stack的吗
15:55 Fycho: 鼠标放附近自动对位的
15:55 Fycho: 如果离的太远可以放近点放note再把 note拖远
15:55 Fycho: 01:16:387 (4,5) -
15:56 Fycho: 这个你可以尝试把5变成1/2的滑条
15:56 Fycho: 因为中间01:16:860 - 白线上有音
15:56 Fycho: 长滑条有点别扭
15:56 Fycho: 不理解的话就说 我发图给你
15:57 zlfence: 理解- -
15:57 Fycho: 01:27:724 (6) - NC在这里 大白线
15:57 Fycho: 01:28:197 (1) - 不是这里
15:57 Fycho: 01:08:829 (8) - 这个也NC
15:57 zlfence: 拆掉就是了
15:57 Fycho: 变速滑条
15:58 zlfence: 要告诉别人是变速滑条是吧。
15:58 Fycho: NC就可以了
15:59 Fycho: 而且你NC是几根大白线一次?
15:59 Fycho: 有的地方是一根有的地方是两根
16:00 zlfence: 那个我好想不会自动stack- -
16:00 Fycho: 那手慢慢对准或者开格子
16:00 Fycho: 或者你放物件 移到需要对齐的物件附近(时间上),最后在时间轴上拖一下
16:03 Fycho: 。。。
16:04 zlfence: 你掉线了 0 0
16:04 Fycho: 你也掉了啊
16:04 Fycho: 或者你放物件 移到需要对齐的物件附近(时间上),最后在时间轴上拖一下
16:04 Fycho: 最后一句
16:04 zlfence: 不知道为什么会掉- -
16:04 zlfence: 感觉好麻烦你了。
16:05 Fycho: 如果你要用刚才那个clap
16:05 Fycho: 那音效改动就要大点了
16:05 zlfence: 还是不用了- -
16:05 Fycho: 你原来有些拍手可以保留
16:05 Fycho: 不过要用S2
16:06 zlfence: 这样吧,你先MOD完- -
16:06 zlfence: 我慢慢按照你的MOD改- -
16:07 Fycho: 01:37:172 (1) - 从这开始的一大段
16:07 Fycho: 建议跟鼓点啊
16:07 zlfence: 节省你的时间呀,不懂我自己去问就是 - -
16:07 Fycho: 恩好的。。
16:09 Fycho:
16:09 Fycho: 只是建议
16:10 Fycho: 01:44:730 (3) - finish
16:10 Fycho: 01:43:785 (3) - 尾finish 和第一段一致 这个不说了
16:10 Fycho: 01:47:801 (3) - 之前这些都是跟的人声,为什么这里不跟了
16:11 Fycho: 最好放到蓝线上来
16:11 Fycho: 01:57:130 - 这里有人声
16:11 Fycho: 01:57:248 (6) - 建议这个从蓝线开始
16:12 zlfence: 听到了- -
16:12 Fycho:
16:12 Fycho: 01:58:666 (5) -
16:12 Fycho: 盖住鼓点不舒服
16:12 Fycho:
16:12 Fycho: 试试这个节奏
16:13 Fycho: 基本修改和这个00:43:084 (1) - 一样
16:13 Fycho: 02:03:626 (3) - finish
16:13 Fycho: 02:04:570 (6) - 首^
16:14 Fycho: 02:04:570 (6) - 话说 我自己听了下
16:14 Fycho: 这个结尾的音在1/3线上
16:14 Fycho: 你自己听听看
16:15 Fycho: 02:04:925 (7) -
16:15 Fycho: 这个后移到大白线
16:15 Fycho: 不对 是小白线
16:15 Fycho: 02:05:043 -
16:16 zlfence: 不科学,网速傲娇
16:16 zlfence: 最后的几个滑条形状不好看,我觉得好修改- -
16:16 zlfence: 和前面统一点- -
16:16 Fycho: 算了漏掉的 我post的时候你在看吧
16:16 zlfence: 要修改- -
16:16 Fycho: 不重复发了
16:17 Fycho: 马上po了过后你再检查下...
16:17 zlfence: 嗯
16:18 Fycho: 02:12:365 (6) -
16:18 Fycho: 这个多余
16:18 zlfence: 这样就可以了- -
16:18 Fycho: 02:12:837 - 这里可以add note
16:18 zlfence: 最后请教一个问题
16:18 zlfence: 24clap?
16:19 zlfence: 这个原理不是很懂- -
16:20 Fycho: 什么原理
16:20 zlfence: 那个啥白线24clap- -
16:20 Fycho: 2,4白线加clap音
16:20 Fycho: 作为鼓点
16:21 zlfence: 2,4是什么意思?
16:21 zlfence: 截个图- -
16:21 Fycho: 第二根白线和第四根
16:21 Fycho: 02:09:294 - 比如这个,大白线是第一根
16:21 Fycho: 02:09:767 - 这就是第二根
16:22 Fycho: 02:10:711 -
16:22 Fycho: 这是第四根
16:22 Fycho: 02:11:184 - 然后这个又是第一根
16:22 zlfence: 了解!
16:22 zlfence: 涨姿势了-
16:22 zlfence: 懂了- -
16:22 Fycho: 4/4拍的通用
16:22 Fycho: 华尔兹不能。。
16:22 zlfence: 小问题好严重- -
16:23 zlfence: 新手基本都是这样么?
16:23 zlfence: 早知道做简单点了- -
16:23 zlfence: 如果当初做TV siva --
16:23 Fycho: 什么简单点
16:23 zlfence: size- -
16:23 Fycho: 我第一张图靠近4分钟 ...
16:23 zlfence: 既然做了之能做完。
16:24 zlfence: 我冲动了下,第二张图也上传了 - -4分钟。。
16:24 zlfence: 麻婆之路好遥远。
16:25 Fycho: 0.0
16:26 zlfence: Post吧。。
16:26 Fycho: 01:38:825 (5,1) - 离远点
16:26 Fycho: 不继续了吗。。。
16:26 zlfence: 还没做完啊- -
16:26 zlfence: w我以为结束克 0
16:27 Fycho: 第二段kiai复制第一段的?
16:27 Fycho: 如果是最好别这样偷懒没什么好处的。。。那我这块也skip了,修改的话和之前一样
16:28 zlfence: 一半吧。
16:28 zlfence: 我是复制了,然后重新修改了一半。
16:29 Fycho: 说个nazi的
16:29 zlfence: 你就跳过好了
16:29 zlfence: 往下面看 --
16:29 Fycho: 02:28:426 - 这里map下的话然后02:45:196 - 到02:52:754 - 休息时间
16:29 Fycho: 这是nazi
16:29 Fycho: 很nazid
16:30 Fycho: 03:01:493 (3) - 跟人声的话
16:30 Fycho: 03:01:611 -
16:30 Fycho: 这里也要
16:30 Fycho: 03:03:146 (5) - ^
16:30 Fycho: 03:05:980 (8) -
16:30 Fycho: 觉得没有减速的必要
16:31 Fycho: 03:08:815 (3) - 滑条拉拉好
16:31 Fycho: 三点定滑条知道吗
16:31 zlfence: 前面的都减速了
16:31 Fycho: 不要那么多点
16:31 Fycho: 所以前面也没有减速的必要感觉 这里音和之前一样
16:31 zlfence: 会的-
16:32 Fycho: 03:08:815 (3) - l蓝线
16:32 Fycho: 后面不说了自己检查下吧
16:32 zlfence: 01:08:829 (1) -
16:32 zlfence: 这里啊。因为都是lu的音
16:32 zlfence: 前面都减速而来。
16:32 Fycho: 03:13:302 (1) - 这里把大白线放在尾很别扭
16:32 Fycho: 如果要减速啊 我建议
16:33 Fycho: 03:13:302 (1,2) - 这两个合并为一个 减速
16:33 Fycho: 02:22:049 (4,5) -
16:33 Fycho: 这里请跟人声
16:33 Fycho: 02:22:285 - 02:22:757 - 也减速
16:33 Fycho: 对应段
16:34 Fycho: 01:16:387 (4,5) - 这里也是
16:34 Fycho: 不过这里刚才好像说过01:16:860 - 这个音漏了
16:34 Fycho: 你cut短了跟鼓点了
16:34 zlfence: 了解。
16:34 zlfence: 跟Vocal
16:34 Fycho: 03:15:428 (1) - 这个转盘啊
16:35 Fycho: 03:17:908 - 03:20:152 - 放在这里
16:35 zlfence: 这个怎么。
16:35 Fycho: 03:15:428 - 03:17:790 - 用滑条和note代替
16:35 Fycho: 这个强烈推荐fix
16:36 zlfence: fix???
16:36 Fycho: 修改
16:36 zlfence: OK
16:36 Fycho: 03:17:790 - 转盘跟人声 这个la~
16:36 Fycho: 其他基本类似的问题 自己check一边吧
16:36 Fycho: 一遍8
16:36 zlfence: 基本都是小问题?
16:37 Fycho: e恩
16:37 zlfence: 没特别严重的吧?
16:37 Fycho: 小问题很多 变成大问题了
16:37 Fycho: 节奏 音效不对应 不对称 。
16:37 Fycho: 排列上的细节 spacing
16:37 Fycho: 滑条美观
16:37 Fycho: 大体上要是第一张图的话这算水平很高了
16:37 zlfence: 回去继续默默的修改- -
16:37 *Fycho is editing [ Kugimiya Rie - Dream On [Normal]]
16:38 Fycho: 下面normal
16:38 zlfence: 音效苦手..
16:38 Fycho: 感觉你easy略难啊啊
16:38 Fycho: 和normal比起来区分不大
16:38 Fycho: 最好降降easy的星
16:38 zlfence: - -
16:38 Fycho: 降到两星或者更少
16:39 Fycho: 00:16:867 (3) -
16:39 Fycho: normal
16:39 Fycho: 折返箭头没对上音
16:39 zlfence: 算简单的吧- -
16:39 zlfence: 我试过给玩了1,2天的人玩,基本都有95以上ACC- -
16:39 Fycho:
16:39 zlfence: 所以难度就不改了- -
16:39 Fycho: 试试这个
16:40 Fycho: 给玩家玩当然可以。。但是rank要讲究个什么diff spread
16:40 Fycho: 当然不修改也可以
16:41 Fycho: 以后做的时候可以稍微 注意下
16:41 zlfence: 先放置吧- -
16:41 Fycho: normal
16:41 Fycho: 节奏。。刚才那图
16:41 zlfence: 嗯,知道了,
16:41 Fycho: 00:31:038 (8,1) - 交换nc啊
16:41 Fycho: nc推荐在大白线
16:42 Fycho: 大白线上加个finish
16:42 Fycho: finish应该还可以加更多和hard一样
16:42 Fycho: 00:37:179 (5) - finish
16:42 Fycho: 00:39:777 (4) -
16:43 Fycho: 这个应该是蓝线开始啊
16:43 Fycho: 听人声
16:43 Fycho: 00:41:431 (8) - 蓝线结束
16:43 Fycho: 00:42:848 (2) -
16:44 Fycho: 当然全跟鼓点也可以
16:44 zlfence: N难度我基本跟鼓点了- -
16:44 Fycho: 00:39:777 (4) - 这个滑条 你开头明明是跟的人声
16:44 Fycho: 跟鼓点应该00:40:013 -
16:44 Fycho: 这里开始
16:45 Fycho: 00:40:722 (5,6,7) - 这三个也是跟的人声啊
16:45 Fycho: 要跟鼓点一个note就够了
16:45 zlfence: 总会有那么几个的- -
16:45 Fycho: 00:41:431 (8) - 然后这突然跟着鼓点会别扭
16:45 Fycho: 用pop那句话。。。跟的轨就跟定了
16:45 Fycho: 别变来变去
16:45 Fycho: 打着不舒服i
16:45 zlfence: 是因为稍微跟E难度区别一下- -
16:46 Fycho: 一会鼓点一会人声,打着难受
16:46 zlfence: 妮姆芙说要灵活shiyong- -
16:46 zlfence: 使用。。
16:46 Fycho: 00:42:612 (1) -
16:46 Fycho: 跟鼓点的话这个应该在大白线
16:46 Fycho: 而不是大白线空着
16:46 Fycho: 妮妮说的那个要有足够经验啊
16:46 zlfence: 我注意下。
16:46 Fycho: 在哪些段跟人声哪些跟鼓点
16:47 Fycho: 这多数数经验
16:47 zlfence: 经验太少了- -
16:47 Fycho: 但是在同一句歌词里
16:47 Fycho: 别变化
16:47 Fycho: 对应的歌词段也别变化
16:47 Fycho: 就比如你第一段主歌跟的是鼓点,第二段也最好对应着
16:47 zlfence: 懂了
16:48 Fycho: 往往在某些特殊带可以换着跟
16:48 zlfence: 歌词节奏基本一样就不要变是吧?
16:48 Fycho: 比如这首歌01:37:172 - 往后
16:48 Fycho: 可以不跟人声
16:48 Fycho: 因为鼓点不丰富 可以在高难度只跟鼓点
16:48 Fycho: 低难度还是跟上人声
16:49 Fycho: 01:47:565 (4) - 像这些 是跟人声就蓝线结束
16:49 Fycho: 01:48:746 (1,2) - 这个
16:50 Fycho: 跟人声的话01:49:218 - 滑条从这开始
16:50 Fycho: 跟鼓点的话01:48:746 (1) - 这个放到前面大白线
16:50 Fycho: 这样不人吧鼓好别扭的说;w;
16:50 Fycho: 不人不鼓
16:51 zlfence: 我注意下。
16:51 zlfence: 我看看到底是跟那个。。
16:51 Fycho: 当然跟鼓点的话01:48:982 (2) - 必须白线结婚速
16:51 zlfence: 晚上再琢磨下到底跟那个- -
16:51 Fycho: 结束01:48:982 (2) - 也就是这个
16:51 Fycho: 跟鼓点的normal这种平常的曲子最容易做了,基本下满白线就是
16:51 Fycho: 曲子的鼓点节奏变化几乎没有
16:52 Fycho: 全在白线的、
16:52 Fycho: 当然这曲子要全跟鼓点有些平淡
16:52 Fycho: 这曲子的特色就是3/4
16:52 Fycho: 3/4的人声
16:52 zlfence: 4/3?
16:52 Fycho: 这个图的成败就在于这个特色发挥好与坏
16:52 zlfence: budong- -
16:52 zlfence: 不懂
16:52 Fycho: 3/4的人声,,就是人声在蓝线上
16:52 Fycho: 很多
16:53 zlfence: 了解。;
16:53 Fycho: 一拍子分成四份的,很多人声开始结尾都在第三根线上
16:53 zlfence: 我起手就是先做Hard难度的
16:53 Fycho: 一拍子是一根白线
16:54 zlfence: N E是后来补上的。
16:54 Fycho: 01:54:178 (2,3,4,5) - 排列上的细节
16:54 Fycho: 这些可以做几何形状
16:54 Fycho: 出现的位置别太random
16:54 Fycho: 01:57:012 (2) - 像这些 可能是尝试着跟人声
16:54 Fycho: 但是没根上
16:55 zlfence: 慢了
16:55 Fycho: 0.0?
16:56 zlfence: Vocal略快于滑条
16:56 Fycho: 要跟人声的话就和开头的节奏一样
16:56 Fycho: 因为人声是蓝线的
16:56 Fycho: 不跟人声也可以
16:56 zlfence: 回头再考虑到底跟Vocal还是鼓点。
16:57 Fycho: 01:37:408 - 如果跟人声 这些别空
16:57 Fycho: 01:35:283 (4,5,6,7,8) - 从这些可以看出跟的 鼓点
16:57 Fycho: 01:37:408 - 然后这里自然的也跟着鼓点
16:57 Fycho: 01:39:062 (3) - 这个也跟着鼓点
16:57 Fycho: 01:38:825 - 如果跟人声应该在这
16:57 Fycho: 所以就自己抉择啦
16:58 zlfence: 嗯
16:58 zlfence: 我知道- -
16:58 Fycho: 01:44:730 (4,5,6) -
16:58 Fycho: 这三个鼓点
16:58 Fycho: 01:45:911 (7) - 这个人声 也别扭着;w;
16:58 zlfence: 现在的Rank的要求很高么?
16:58 Fycho: 01:45:911 (7) - 但是这个跟人声应该是蓝线开始
16:59 Fycho: rank对图要求有一定的质量
16:59 Fycho: 并不是满足rank rule就可以的
16:59 Fycho: 01:47:565 (4) - 恩。这个蓝线结束的
16:59 Fycho: 01:48:509 (1) - 之前几个,大白线都空着跟的vocal这里;w;
17:00 Fycho: 这个问题不说了
17:00 Fycho: 02:24:411 (1) - 这个转盘感觉不适合啊
17:00 Fycho: 02:45:196 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - 基本上 全下满白线也足够了
17:01 Fycho: 03:05:980 (1,2,3,4) - 别摆太近
17:01 Fycho: 太紧
17:01 Fycho: 2和3水平着摆
17:01 Fycho: 03:13:302 (5) - 可以尝试拉上下对称了
17:01 zlfence: 这个就这样- -
17:01 zlfence: 我特意摆的- -
17:01 Fycho: 恩好
17:02 zlfence: Snap也没问题
17:02 Fycho: 恩
17:02 zlfence: 只是看起来近而已
17:02 Fycho: EASY
17:02 zlfence: 基本都是滑条
17:02 zlfence: 跟鼓点
17:02 Fycho: easy看了前面 全跟的鼓点...
17:03 Fycho: 00:33:872 (5) - 别把大白线放滑条尾
17:03 Fycho: 长滑条可以从大白线开始
17:03 Fycho: 00:44:737 (1) - 这个上面的whistle?
17:04 zlfence: 漏网之鱼
17:04 Fycho: 00:51:823 (3) - clap换finish
17:04 Fycho: 00:56:075 (2) - 尾finish
17:05 zlfence: E,N难度跟鼓点很容易做
17:06 zlfence: 还有我稍微偷了下懒,后面基本重复的就是复制的- -
17:06 zlfence: 他们告诉我一般歌曲把Hard和Ins做好就可以,简单的难度只要不出大问题就可以
17:06 Fycho: 恩
17:07 Fycho: 一般normal把白线下满
17:07 Fycho: EZ多长滑条就是
17:07 zlfence: 我修改N难度好了。
17:07 zlfence: 跟鼓点。。
17:07 zlfence: 主要是Hard难度- -
17:07 Fycho: 但是会和EZ差不多
17:08 zlfence: 好多歌词都是蓝线起的 - -
17:08 zlfence: 所以我直接奔Hard难度,简单难度就放置play了。
17:09 Fycho: 建议normal多跟人声
17:09 Fycho: 和ez区分开
17:09 zlfence: 嗯
17:09 Fycho: 跟人声的话 难点 适合normal
17:09 zlfence: 好的,真的是太感谢你了- -
17:12 zlfence: 业界良心- -给跪了。
17:13 Fycho: ...
17:13 Fycho: 那我savelog了啊
17:13 zlfence: 嗯,Post吧
Not bad for a first map.

Keep it up :)



00:15:922(1,3)-add finish on the start of sliders
00:19:701(5)-add whistle
00:21:590(1,2,3,4)- (1)-add finish; (2,4)-add clap; (3)-add whistle
00:38:596(6,1)-(6)-add nc (1)-remove nc (1)-add whistle or finish

关于音效方面 其他难度也是一样 我认为用sampleset里的normal音不错 而且是用在2&4白线上 怎么听都觉得clap音有点违和 或者你可以找新的音效

如果你愿意按照我这样改的话我就来recheck一下 这个音效我觉得有点蛋疼 mod不下去

不过排版和节奏还是可以的 作为第一张我觉得已经非常非常棒了 加油
Little IRC mod!

the log
18:19 zlfence: Excause me ,Can take a little of your time?
18:19 -Bakari-: why not? :)
18:19 zlfence: It is my first time to map a beatmap but I cant do it well
18:19 zlfence: Can you give me a little help?
18:19 -Bakari-: Sure!
18:20 zlfence: tks a lot!
18:20 *zlfence is listening to [ Kugimiya Rie - Dream On]
18:20 zlfence: you can solo it first.
18:20 zlfence: i will watch you- -
18:22 zlfence: Omg i have a little change it
18:22 zlfence: But please solo it thanks
18:22 -Bakari-: ok :)
18:26 -Bakari-: Pretty nice [Hard], good job!
18:28 zlfence: sorry my poor net
18:28 -Bakari-: that's ok, don't worry
18:28 -Bakari-: by the way, pretty nice [Hard]!
18:30 zlfence: IF you have some Good idea , please post to my thread
18:30 -Bakari-: Can't we discuss it in-game?
18:30 -Bakari-: I'll post the chatlog later, if you want :)
18:31 zlfence: i think it must can be improved a lot --
18:31 zlfence: But my net is so poor- -
18:32 zlfence: it is right all the time but this time seems so poor
18:32 -Bakari-: Well, it's one of your first maps. Of course, it needs a lot of work
18:32 zlfence: IRC mod is also well
18:32 -Bakari-: But it's not bad :)
18:33 zlfence: NoNoNo it must ne the 1st beatmap
18:33 zlfence: other beatmap have not map yet
18:33 zlfence: only upload it
18:33 -Bakari-: oh, ok
18:33 -Bakari-: let's start
18:33 zlfence: OK
18:34 -Bakari-: 00:17:339 - 00:19:229 - I feel sad about these beats. they're louder than the beats on blue ticks.
18:34 -Bakari-: and you're ignoring them
18:34 -Bakari-: try to emphasize them a bit, even something like [ this] would be good
18:36 -Bakari-: 00:21:590 (6) - feels like it's better to put a new combo here. It'd make your comboing consistent and it fits with music and your pattern!
18:36 zlfence: UFO!ORZ。
18:37 -Bakari-: just let me know if I'm going too fast and I'll wait for you
18:37 -Bakari-: 00:35:762 (4,6) - finishes here? c'mon, they don't really fit
18:38 -Bakari-: there're no finish hitsounds in music, therefore it's better to avoid using them here :)
18:38 -Bakari-: Try to replace them with whistles, should fit better!
18:38 zlfence: yes
18:39 -Bakari-: 00:41:785 (3,4,5) - as a player, I don't like such stacks. 1/4 and 1/2 beats are stacked together
18:39 zlfence: OK
18:39 -Bakari-: it's kinda hard to hit, try to unstack it
18:39 -Bakari-: 00:45:210 (1) - are you sure about this new combo? feels kinda extra here :<
18:40 zlfence: i can be better
18:40 zlfence: this is fixed
18:40 zlfence: so i cant watch you just now
18:41 -Bakari-: oh, ok :)
18:41 -Bakari-: 00:48:989 - 00:49:225 - usually, you follow both vocals and music. here you ignored the music for no reason
18:41 -Bakari-: it feels weird, how about mapping these beats?
18:42 -Bakari-: 00:50:288 (2) - by the way, you can remove this circle. It follows almost nothing in music, anyway!
18:42 zlfence: double note is better!
18:42 zlfence: it sound better than before
18:43 zlfence: follow the vocal
18:43 -Bakari-: it's better to follow rhythm of the song, there's no need to add extra circles
18:44 -Bakari-: try to use 25% playback and you'll hear it!
18:44 zlfence: you should know i am a Chinese my English is so poor
18:44 zlfence: but i can understand what you says
18:45 -Bakari-: c'mon, my english is poor too! just try to focus on modding and ignore spelling/grammar mistakes :)
18:45 -Bakari-: 00:45:210 (1) - probably this NC is already removed, but I'll mention it, anyway
18:46 zlfence: yes
18:46 zlfence: no problems
18:47 -Bakari-: 00:59:854 (3) - minor thing - making a [ square pattern] here would be a good idea
18:48 -Bakari-: 01:10:246 (5) - actually, if you follow vocals, this circle should be removed :P
18:49 -Bakari-: 01:13:553 (3,4,5) - this stack is a little bit tricky. howver, you're free to keep it! I kinda liked it :)
18:50 -Bakari-: 01:27:724 (6) - I've already mentioned similar pattern. Be consistent and place here a new combo, too!
18:50 zlfence: i am so so sorry i shoud AFK for 5 minutes
18:50 zlfence: i will back soon but please go no !
18:50 zlfence: *on
18:50 -Bakari-: ok :3
18:55 -Bakari-: 01:38:353 (4,4) - feels overmapped. try to use 25% playback rate and see yourself
18:58 zlfence: i am back
18:58 -Bakari-: 01:48:509 - why do you ignore some random beats? it breaks consistency and plays weird :<
18:58 -Bakari-: you may say that you're followving vocals BUT
18:58 -Bakari-: 01:49:926 (4,5,6) - why these three are mapped, then?
19:01 zlfence: let me have a thiink
19:01 zlfence: think
19:02 zlfence: i will take your advice
19:02 -Bakari-: 01:57:721 (7) - well, and maybe new combo here to emphasize vocals
19:02 -Bakari-: well, there's noneed to change your rhythm right now
19:02 -Bakari-: get more opinions, think about it yourself :)
19:03 -Bakari-: 02:22:757 (5) - pretty much the same, as above. NC here would work great!
19:06 zlfence: uhh- -
19:06 -Bakari-: 02:41:416 - here and untill 02:43:306 - you could place a spinner, it'd fit
19:07 zlfence: sound good
19:09 -Bakari-: 03:09:760 (4,5,6,7) - feels too fast, you didn't place similar jumps before
19:10 -Bakari-: try to reduce distance of your jumps, that'd make sense with your patterns
19:10 -Bakari-: and maybe a new combo on 03:13:302 (8) -
19:12 -Bakari-: oh, and you could set some custom combo colours
19:13 -Bakari-: for example, try [ my colors]
19:14 zlfence: lolor?
19:14 zlfence: color?
19:14 zlfence: how to set it?
19:14 -Bakari-: Song Setup > Colours :)
19:19 -Bakari-: oh, and are you sure about your BPM?
19:22 -Bakari-: oh, and are you sure about your BPM?
19:23 zlfence: my poor net sorry out of link
19:23 zlfence: it is says that i have used Vpn now
19:23 -Bakari-: oh :<
19:24 -Bakari-: oh, and are you sure about your BPM?
19:24 zlfence: yes
19:24 zlfence: 127
19:24 -Bakari-: it feels kinda off in the end of the song, but I'm not sure :D
19:24 zlfence: 。016
19:24 zlfence: 127.015
19:25 zlfence: pls go on !
19:25 -Bakari-: 01:03:160 (2) - NC bug
19:26 -Bakari-: osu! says that the circle is (1) but NC is not enabled
19:26 -Bakari-: it's better to fix it.
19:26 -Bakari-:
19:26 zlfence: you are really a good and kindly person
19:27 zlfence: i see
19:27 zlfence: it is says that i should do NC it
19:28 -Bakari-: well, yea
19:28 -Bakari-: since it's a bug, we should fix it :)
19:28 -Bakari-: by the way, you can use AiBat, too!
19:28 zlfence: it is my first to know this byg
19:28 zlfence: bug
19:29 zlfence: after spinner i should NC it even it looks like NC yet
19:30 -Bakari-: It's not like you have to do it
19:30 -Bakari-: but it's better to avoid bugs :>
19:31 zlfence: yes
19:31 zlfence: and pls go on
19:31 -Bakari-: nothing else to say about the [Hard] diff :)
19:31 -Bakari-: You can try to make it better visually, tho
19:32 zlfence: thanks for you Mod- -
19:32 -Bakari-: Should I post the log? :)

We've done:
  1. Minor hitsound improvements
  2. Some comboing fixes
  3. Discussed rhythm consistency
  4. Discussed diff settings
Actually, that's a pretty nice diff. I liked it!

Good luck!
I forgot to post this

IRC mod~

00:05 zlfence: Excause me ,Can take a little of your time?
00:05 Lissette: sure
00:05 zlfence: It is my first time to map a beatmap but I cant do it well
00:06 zlfence: Can you give me a little help?
00:06 Lissette: in what exactly?
00:07 zlfence: If you have free time to help me Mod is best but if you are quite busy can you give me some advice?
00:08 Lissette: yeah, I dont have too much time for mod, but I could test your map
00:08 Lissette: can you link it?
00:09 zlfence: t/142920
00:10 zlfence: if you think it is not to bad and you have free time ,Can you help me to Mod a little?
00:10 Lissette: ill see what I can do
00:11 zlfence: Mod or not depend on yourself~~
00:13 zlfence: thanks a lot
00:14 Lissette: Hard diff looks pretty good to me
00:15 zlfence: and how can i improve it?
00:17 zlfence: N Diff is so terrible that i should remap it
00:18 Lissette: is not terrible, but maybe you should re-check your combo pattern here
00:18 Lissette: I noticed few inconsistence
00:18 zlfence: yes i am not good at nc
00:19 zlfence: it is my first time to map a beatmap you should know
00:19 zlfence: it is very hard to map a beatmap
00:20 zlfence: E Diss is much better than N Diff
00:20 zlfence: *Diff
00:20 Lissette: this is a really good to be your first, I must say
00:20 zlfence: N Diff will be remaped in the future
00:20 Lissette: Normal 00:36:707 (4) - wrong spacing here
00:20 Lissette: I see
00:21 Lissette: remaps are always good
00:21 zlfence: try E Diff
00:21 zlfence: you will find it is much better than N Diff
00:22 *Lissette is playing [ Kugimiya Rie - Dream On [Easy]]
00:22 Lissette: hitsounds are different here
00:22 zlfence: yes
00:22 zlfence: E Diff is remap over
00:23 Lissette: i like better the hitsounds on Hard
00:23 Lissette: Soft hitsounds fits way better the song
00:24 zlfence: i am think about what should i take N or S
00:24 zlfence: so the E Diff is Normal
00:25 Lissette: actually this Easy could work as a normal
00:25 Lissette: Easy 01:22:056 (1) - this is to near to the previous spinner for an easy
00:27 Lissette: 01:40:006 (5,6,1) - that overlap looks kinda bad
00:28 Lissette: 01:42:841 (2) - wrong spacing
00:28 Lissette: but, now that I think it better, about making this one Normal, maybe is too easy
00:28 Lissette: so, I dont know
00:29 zlfence: yes
00:29 zlfence: i think Normal is as easy as E Diff so i should remap it
00:31 zlfence: Thanks , i have fixed this wrong spaceing and pverlap
00:31 zlfence: *overlap
00:31 Lissette: nice
00:32 zlfence: i think i need some Mod in H Diff- -
00:32 Lissette: Hard
00:33 Lissette: 00:36:707 (6) - maybe this should be in new combo
00:33 Lissette: according to the other patterns
00:35 Lissette: 01:27:724 (6,7,8,9) - make the spacing even, moving 7 a bit far from 6
00:36 Lissette: maybe 01:27:724 (6,7,8,9) - should have new combo? according to your pattern
00:37 Lissette: plus will emphasize the change on spacing
00:38 zlfence: sure
00:40 zlfence: 02:53:698 (2,3,4) -
00:40 Lissette: 01:56:776 (3,4,5,6) - this is a bit overmapped, sinces music doesnt call for these 1/4 notes, but thats my opinion, some ppl like it iguess
00:40 zlfence: is it overlap?
00:41 Lissette: no, overmapped
00:41 Lissette: with less notes will work better, for me
00:44 Lissette: 02:41:416 (1) - find a better spot to end this slider
00:44 Lissette: doesnt sounds very well as it is
00:45 zlfence: uhh
00:46 Lissette: 03:01:257 (2,3) - I think slider sould start at 03:01:257 - and end here 03:01:729 -
00:46 Lissette: then add a note here 03:01:965 -
00:46 Lissette: sounds better to me
00:47 Lissette: just select 03:01:257 (2,3) - and press Ctrl + G
00:47 Lissette: then fix the spacing
00:47 Lissette: (these are suggestions tho) hehe
00:48 Lissette: you will need to fix hitsounds too, if you do this
00:49 zlfence: yes it must be
00:49 Lissette: well, that was a pretty quick mod, hehe
00:49 Lissette: hope it was helpfull, and good luck with your first map <3
00:50 zlfence: tks a lot~
00:50 zlfence: it must be helpful~
00:50 Lissette: :)
as your request

  1. 00:15:922 (1,2,3,4) 沒包好,所謂的包好就是這樣 注意圈圈和三角形 這樣不是好看多了嗎 :)
  2. slider能拉好就拉好,像這樣 注意描點的位置
  3. 00:19:701 (1,2,3,4,5) slider (1,2) 平行,(3,4)和兩個slider的尾巴形成三角形,(5) 的slider包住 (3,4) 有沒有好看多了?
  4. 00:21:590 (6,7,8,9) 像這種時候就用 ctrl+shift+D 只要是排多邊形都可以用這個,三角形五邊形都可以
  5. 01:03:160 (1) 像這種slider 只要一個描點就夠了
  6. 01:10:719 (7) 多用描點
  7. 01:16:387 (1,2,3,4) 多善用三角形等各種角形,像這樣
    (4) slider是先複製 (3) slider ,然後 ctrl+H 翻轉,ctrl+G 交換頭尾
  8. 01:25:835 (1,2) 這種flow非常好用,即使要大跳也沒有問題
  9. 02:16:616 (6,7) 這樣也是可以的
全部的問題就是圖的排列沒有組織性,節奏和音效方面沒有甚麼問題,多善用各種角形(三角形、四角形、五角形=星型、平行四邊形等等)、善用對稱、來回的兩組slider像 01:25:835 (1,2)
祝好運 ;)
from PM request

HP Drain -1

00:19:683 (5,1) - switch NC
00:27:242 (1) - add NC
00:42:833 (7,1) - switch NC
00:46:140 (3) - add NC, and add whistle at beginning?
00:53:699 (4,1) - switch NC, and (4) add whistle at beginning?
01:06:927 (5) - add NC
01:25:825 (5,1) - same as 00:19:683 (5,1) -
01:33:384 (5) - same as 00:27:242 (1) - add NC
01:41:415 (6,1) - switch NC
01:44:723 (6,1) - ^
01:48:974 (7,1) - ^
01:52:282 (4) - same as 00:46:140 (3) -
01:59:841 (1) - add whistle at beginning.
00:44:250 (3) - add whistle?
00:44:723 (1,5) - switch NC
00:47:321 (1) - remove NC
01:50:864 (1,5) - same as 00:44:723 (1,5) -
01:53:463 (1) - same as 00:47:321 (1) -
02:06:455 (1) - ↓like this. same as 01:00:313 (1) -
add clap at chorus part.
00:22:518 (8) - add whistle?
00:23:226 () - add note? ↓like this
00:46:140 (4,6) - add whistle it better for me.
00:49:447 (10) - add clap
00:53:699 (1,3) - same as 00:46:140 (4,6) -
00:56:415 (7) - add finish at beginning? This sound is the same as 00:55:589 (4) -
01:06:691 () - add note?
01:07:872 (3) - add whistle?
01:08:345 (6) - ^
01:14:250 () - add note?
01:28:660 (8) - same as 00:22:518 (8)
01:29:368 () - add note? ↓like this
01:52:282 (1,3) - same as 00:46:140 (4,6) -
01:57:242 (7) - add clap at slider end.
01:59:841 (1,3) - same as 00:46:140 (4,6) -
02:12:833 () - add note?
02:14:013 (3) - add whistle?
02:14:486 (6) - ^
02:45:195 (1) - add finish? same as Normal diff.
03:05:037 (3,4) - same as 02:14:013 (3) -

Good luck :D
You have very different combo colors on each difficulty. I would suggest making them all the same for consistency.

You have some unsnapped green lines, please snap these.

00:32:321 (5) - Add a whistle to the head of this slider, the lack of hitsound here makes the hitsound rhythm feel empty.
00:34:211 (6) - ^
00:38:817 (4) - The new combo should start here instead of the previous note. This follows the patterns of new combos starting on vocal phrases.
00:46:140 (4) - Add a new combo here, similar to 00:53:699 (1) - .
00:49:447 (10) - Add a clap hitsound to keep the rhythm.
01:03:148 (1) - How come you stopped using clap hitsounds in the kiai? You should keep using them for consistency and the fact they establish rhythm in the beats.
01:57:242 (7) - Add a clap on the slidertail to keep the rhythm.
02:09:289 (1) - Same as last kiai, keep using the clap hitsounds.
02:24:171 (1) - Unnecessary combo, remove it because it doesn't represent any changes or special beats.
02:44:250 (1,2) - The rhythm here isn't accurate, it should be more like this: This is accurate the the vocal, the only thing happening in the music, so it should be followed.
03:00:313 (1) - Just like the other kiai, use the clap hitsounds.

This rhythm is too advanced for a normal. This is really just another hard because of the huge amount of 1/2 constant rhythms. Normals for songs like this should be on a difficulty scale related to your easy, with the option of adding 1/2 here and there to follow the song's respective rhythm. All in all, you should just make a new easy, rename the current easy normal, rename the current normal hard, and the current hard something else if you don't want to name it insane.
Just a few things about the hardest diff.

  1. Diff name relevance?
  2. OD7 would be more suitable here.
  3. 00:35:746 (4,5) - Here, it looks like you're sacrificing rhythmic consistency with 00:31:967 (4,5) - and 00:33:856 (5,6) - just to have a rotational pattern. It would be nice if you managed to do both of these things together instead of just using 1/2 rhythms.
  4. 01:08:817 (1) - New combo is definitely unnecessary here. Also remove the new combos from all the other times you do this.
  5. 01:32:793 (6) - Starting here, not sure if sliderwhistle turned on was intentional, but I don't think it fits very well considering you don't do it for the previous phrases.
  6. 01:56:770 (3,4,5,6,7) - Would be cool if you changed this rhythm; reserving the 5 1/4 notes for the parts in the song where the artist sings (like 00:46:140 (1,2,3,4,5) - and 01:52:282 (1,2,3,4,5) - ) would make this more unique.
  7. 02:56:534 (1,2,3,4) - Unsounded here, perhaps you missed this section?
00:23:463 (1) - Please throw a finish on the start of this slider.
01:04:093 (2) - I don't feel that this finish is necessary. But then again, you seem to do this all throughout so its not that irking to have consistency.
02:03:384 (1) - Missing a finish at the end of this slider?

Eh? Combo 2 is inconsistent with the rest of the diffuculties.
02:02:203 (5) - Judging from the song, the finish should be on the repeat, not the head.
02:52:754 (1) - Like those said, you need to have hitsounds here man
03:01:730 (5) - You forgot a clap hereee
03:08:817 (2) - I personally think this will be cooler symmetrical to (1), but I guess thats up to you. You should definitely remove the finish from the head of this slider though.

>>Edit: Bubbled ~
00:55:116 (1) - remove NC and add NC at 00:57:478 (4) -
You can see this comparison on 02:01:258 (3) - as you don't have NC here and it is started on 02:03:620 (1) - as I suggested with 00:57:478 (4) -
02:12:123 (5) - unsnapped slider
02:19:682 (5) - unsnapped slider

00:31:022 (x) -
01:37:163 (x) -
would be nice if you can add a circle on both points I mentioned above. Starting a new phrase on later 1/2 beat(red) is not that good idea. It sounds a bit strange. It is ok if you want to keep it according to following to the vocal.
02:12:123 (6) - unsnapped slider
02:14:013 (5) - unsnapped slider
02:19:682 (6) - unsnapped slider
02:22:989 (8) - unsnapped slider


I will rank it after fixing these :D
Congratulation for the first ranked map. :)
no answers from the creator, that made me laugh a bit lol

btw Gratz, and nice for first map owo/
Topic Starter
Thanks for everyone who used to help me a lot .
I get a lot Mod from others and it is really helpful.
I dont know what should i say now when my 1st beatmap Ranked.
It must be a good experience for me .
Thanks a lot for everyone.
so quick
头像是tiny dungeon里的勇者女儿啊,老实说我觉得这游戏画风不咋的._.
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Tiny Dungeon
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ts8zs wrote:

- -
Wow! Gratz for first ranked!!~ :D
Topic Starter

Oyatsu wrote:

Wow! Gratz for first ranked!!~ :D
Thanks a lot and i think it is really fun~
aw crap I'm too late :cry:

congrats :oops:
So moe -w-
nice job
繼續努力哦 :)
Topic Starter

UnitedWeSin wrote:

So moe -w-
^ _ ^
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Azure wrote:

nice job
繼續努力哦 :)
Dark Fang
yay \o/
Topic Starter

Dark Fang wrote:

yay \o/
hi~ Wish your beatmap rank soon~
hope you did get to know how a map gets ranked
尼玛最后那4连狗是什么情况 吓尿了啊
发现第一次见到no kd rank
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:


zlfence wrote:

kanpakyin wrote:

你说得对,因为一颗星也没有啊 ._.
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