
KOTOKO - Genzai no Requiem

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02:31:950 (1) - Make the slider more symmetrical?

00:53:807 (3) - Up one grid?
02:03:664 (3) - Maybe 2 grids up,2 grids right? Looks weird right now.

02:04:521 (7) - 2 grids down? Makes a nice straight line with the previous notes and also aligns with (8)
02:25:092 (1) - 2 grids left?
02:26:807 (1) - One grid right?

01:22:307 (3) - One grid to the left. I think it looks really ugly now xD
03:21:021 (1) - Down one grid?
03:21:664 (4) - Right one grid?

03:39:664 (2) - Down one grid?
03:49:092 (1) - Left one grid?
03:56:378 (1) - Up one grid?

Overall,nice job. #star
Okay, doing a recheck:

01:14:807 through 01:42:235 and 02:28:521 through 02:59:378 should have Kiai Time. Otherwise this map seems kinda boring :o

00:16:521 - Maybe put a note here?
01:39:235 (1) - Well... Seeing as you didn't delete the notes after this spinner, I guess I'll actually finish modding this difficulty. Anyway, could you at least add a break after this?

00:13:521 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Huh... Even though you're using distance snapping, these still seem close to the previous combo... Oh well :?
00:21:878 (1) - Make this start on an earlier white tick?
01:08:592 (6,7) - Rawr, you didn't move these :? (Too close to (5)'s slider's end; you might also have to move the notes after these.)
02:15:878 (1) - Too close to the previous combo
02:24:449 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - These probably could be arranged neater, but I can't think of a pattern :o
02:27:450 (2,3,4) - Make these into a repeating slider; you did something like this earlier in the difficulty.

00:38:164 (1) - Well crap... After I suggested that you should make (6) line up with (4) and (7) line up with (3) [00:36:878], this note [00:38:164 (1)] now becomes a bit too close to the previous combo... Sorry :o
01:03:128 (2,3) - Put (2) above (1) and then (3) to the right of (2). Otherwise, the next combo will be too close.
01:06:235 (1) - Too close to the previous combo
01:34:092 (1) - Oy, you didn't fix this :o Move this away from the previous combo.
01:51:878 (1) - Same case as 00:38:164's comment... REALLY sorry about this :?
02:19:950 (1,2,3,4,5) - "Whole section is too close to the previous combo; move them away [and can you make (1) stack on (2)?]". (Reposting this with the correct time this time since I have no idea what happened before. And no, I didn't type out the time manually last time.)
02:23:378 (1) - Too close to the previous combo
03:16:521 (4) - Probably better if you made this a new combo
03:18:235 (5) - New combo?
04:02:807 - "Add Kiai Time here? If you do, make Kiai Time end after the last note in this difficulty." (Reposting this for obvious reasons :P)
04:12:664 (4) - This seems to be the only note out of this combo that's spaced differently...
04:22:092 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Flip this whole section vertically? The first (1) is too close to the previous combo.

And... That's about it for now. Once again, this is just my opinion.

Noob Man wrote:

Ohai ! o/
Je te conseille d'aligner en gardant appuyé sur la touche "MAJ", ça fera plus joli. :D
God, le coup du "MAJ", je savais pas ! xD

Tu m'a appris un truc la o/
There are still some issues...

00:13:521 (1) - Too close to the previous combo
00:38:164 (1) - A bit close to the previous combo
00:45:664 (1) - Too close to the previous combo
01:09:664 (1) - ^
01:27:235 (1) - ^
01:51:878 (1) - A bit close to the previous combo
02:13:092 (1) - Way too close to the previous combo
02:40:950 (1) - Too close to the previous combo

01:06:235 (1) - You didn't fix this... It's still way too close to the previous combo.
01:34:092 (1) - If you're not gonna fix this, at least tell me why you won't...
02:19:950 (1) - ^
02:47:807 (1) - Way too close to the previous combo
03:43:950 (1) - ^

I don't mind if you ignore some of the things I listed, but at LEAST post a reason as to why you won't do them :?
Topic Starter

Blazevoir wrote:

There are still some issues...

00:13:521 (1) - Too close to the previous combo I can place it nowhere when I move it with distance snapping on, so I can place it pretty much where I want
00:38:164 (1) - A bit close to the previous combo Fixed.
00:45:664 (1) - Too close to the previous combo Fixed.
01:09:664 (1) - ^ Flipped horizontally.
01:27:235 (1) - ^ Same as 00:13:521 comment.
01:51:878 (1) - A bit close to the previous combo Fixed.
02:13:092 (1) - Way too close to the previous combo Fixed.
02:40:950 (1) - Too close to the previous combo Fixed.

01:06:235 (1) - You didn't fix this... It's still way too close to the previous combo. Fixed.
01:34:092 (1) - If you're not gonna fix this, at least tell me why you won't... I can place it nowhere with distance snapping on, so I can place it where I want. Flipped vertically anyway.
02:19:950 (1) - ^ I want to keep my pattern here, and I don't think it is that much of a problem because it's a new combo.
02:47:807 (1) - Way too close to the previous combo Same here, but I moved the (1) and (2).
03:43:950 (1) - ^ Flipped horizontally.

I don't mind if you ignore some of the things I listed, but at LEAST post a reason as to why you won't do them :?
Every time it was because of distance snapping that made it impossible to place a circle on the map.
Thanks a lot for modding so much, too.
You are clearly a new mapper, so I will try to be as constructive as possible.

This map is very square in many places. While there's nothing wrong with square patterns, they generally look stale. You do have a mix of square and curved patterns, which is good.

I commend you for having actually mapped the music. Many mappers add their own beats all over the map, dissociating the map from the song. You've done a great job at beat placement, even if it is repetitive (due to the song's nature).

01:06:235 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This is the best pattern in the map. It flows very well with the music, employs directional changes, 'pulling' the player across the screen, and blends nicely with other square patterns in the map. 00:59:378 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) is comparable. I was also pleased to see hold stacks and small jumps at 03:52:092 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3), 04:11:378 (1,2,3,4), et. al.

It may be useful to relocate after some 2/1 pauses. For example, at 00:52:521, you can move the pattern further toward the lower-left corner. In fact, you need to employ the outer edges of the play area more: Press Ctrl-A and see many areas around the edges (especially at the bottom corners) do not contain any hit objects. Spacing out a map makes the map more interesting and also frees the player's movement, making them feel less cramped and enclosed in a smaller play area.

04:30:235 - You can probably make the finish better by adding a spinner at the very end of the map, holding until 04:33:664.

I'm too lazy to mod the other difficulties. =[

EDIT: Ah, je vois que vous êtes français ! Vous voudriez une traduction ? =X (Peut-être demandez à Krius ou Sushi, parce que je suis nul à écrire le français (comme vous pouvez voire =X)).

Odaril wrote:

Every time it was because of distance snapping that made it impossible to place a circle on the map.
Thanks a lot for modding so much, too.
Lol, I wish you would've told me this sooner :? Anyway, for now I guess everything looks okay in my opinion. You definitely deserve both a normal AND kudosu star for your efforts~

And you're welcome :)
Tomoka Rin

01:52:521 (1) - Move up 1 unit??

Normal +

Feels like a regular normal to me.

00:08:271 (2) - Turn grid snap off and correctly center this note.

00:09:985 (2) - ^

01:10:735 (2,3,4) - Any reason why these notes are closer together?


03:26:807 (1,1,2,3) - Find a more creative spot for these????

I don't mod taikos sorry....

New irc stuff.


00:31:092 (4) Place this circle again, it's a bit off to the right
00:41:378 (8) ^ (a bit too up)
01:15:128 (2.3) Check distnace snap
01:45:664 - 01:58:414 Suggestion: Flip all these horizontally, since it has almost the same pattern as here 00:31:950...
01:55:092 (3) A bit too put
02:04:092 (5.6.7) Check distance snap


00:36:235 ( Distance snap
00:53:807 (5) Place this again, if you intended it to be right under 4
01:45:664 - 01:58:414 Same flip suggestion as in Normal
01:49:950 ( Distance snap
02:45:664 (9) Place this again, if you intended it to be right under 8
02:52:092 (3) ^ (under1)
03:21:450 (3.4) note 3 one grid right, note 4 one grip up
03:26:807 (1) Place this a bit more away from the previous notes?
03:28:307(1.2.3) ^
03:46:735 ( Distance snap (if not intended to be rising)
04:02:807 Kiai timing?
04:07:092 (2) Place this again

Nice map, not big problems. Enjoy my nazi mod ^^
urr.... I know you asked me to keep it under 4 minutes, buut.. errr... >.<

No idea if this turned out well either, so I guess you should judge and decide wether you want it or not :?

Download: KOTOKO - Genzai no Requiem (Odaril) [CXu's Something].osu
Topic Starter

Mianki wrote:



00:31:092 (4) Place this circle again, it's a bit off to the right Fixed.
00:41:378 (8) ^ (a bit too up) Fixed.
01:15:128 (2.3) Check distnace snap Distance snapping is 0.7x here.
01:45:664 - 01:58:414 Suggestion: Flip all these horizontally, since it has almost the same pattern as here 00:31:950... The patterns are exactly the same, that was made on purpose.
01:55:092 (3) A bit too put Fixed.
02:04:092 (5.6.7) Check distance snap Fixed.


00:36:235 ( Distance snap Fixed.
00:53:807 (5) Place this again, if you intended it to be right under 4 Fixed.
01:45:664 - 01:58:414 Same flip suggestion as in Normal It was made in purpose here again.
01:49:950 ( Distance snap Fixed.
02:45:664 (9) Place this again, if you intended it to be right under 8 Fixed.
02:52:092 (3) ^ (under1) Fixed.
03:21:450 (3.4) note 3 one grid right, note 4 one grip up Fixed.
03:26:807 (1) Place this a bit more away from the previous notes? Fixed.
03:28:307(1.2.3) ^ Fixed.
03:46:735 ( Distance snap (if not intended to be rising) Fixed.
04:02:807 Kiai timing? Done.
04:07:092 (2) Place this again Fixed.

Nice map, not big problems. Enjoy my nazi mod ^^
CXu's Insane
More combo colours, please.
Breaks are poorly positioned. The ones at 01:46:092 and 02:59:807 are good; the other two are bad, making the map feel very off balance.
Hitsounds aren't very good, as has been pointed out in IRC. I can't help much with that, though.

Here's a partial list of things of things which are very wrong in this map:
00:09:235 (3,4,3,1) - Spacing.
00:09:664 (1,1,2) - Combos.
00:16:521 (1,2,3,4) - Anti-jumps.
00:31:092 (4) -
00:43:950 (1,2,4) - Stacking/beat patterns.
01:09:664 (1,2,3,4) -
02:11:378 (5) - Make 1/2 to match music.
02:22:021 (2,3) - Stacking.
03:14:164 (6,1,2,1) - (6,1), (1,2), and optionally (2,1) should have the same distances.
03:15:879 (6,1,2,1) - ^
03:17:378 (3,1) - Song is 4/4, not 3/4.
03:18:664 (3,1) - ^
03:21:021 (6,1,2,1) - ^ a few
03:22:735 (6,1,2,1) - ^
03:51:878 (1) - Off-beat combo start/jump...?
04:03:664 (3,4) - Stacking.

And here's personal opinion crap:
00:18:235 (1,1) - Swap.
00:31:735 (5,1) - Too early for this kinda stuff. No build-up.
00:35:700 (2,3,4,5,6) - ^; very hard to read due to stacking.
00:41:378 (5) - Ugly.
00:44:914 (5,6) - Too close.
00:55:307 (6,7) - Too close.
01:01:092 (6,1) - Swap combos.
01:02:807 (5,1) - Swap combos.
01:04:521 (3) - New combo.
01:05:592 (1) - Remove new combo?
01:06:235 (3) - New combo.
01:07:735 (9) - Doesn't fit the music IMO.
01:23:378 (1,2,3,4) - Move closer together to make 1/4 clear.
01:42:235 (1) - Remove?
02:09:664 (1,2,3,4,5) - Move closer together to make 1/4 clear.
02:28:307 (7,1) - Too close.
02:37:093 (1,2,3,4) - Move closer together to make 1/4 clear.
02:55:950 (1) - Remove?
03:48:235 (1,2,3) - Move closer together to make 1/4 clear.
04:01:092 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Move closer together to make 1/4 clear? Definitely on (5,1), though.
04:11:378 (1,2,3,4,5) - Move closer together to make 1/4 clear.
04:13:950 (9,1,2) - Stacking sucks, especially with combo changes.

My overall opinion is that, although it is fun at times, generally it's annoying to read and somewhat frustrating to play. It doesn't feel natural for the most part.
maybe add 1 more combo color?

00:33:664 (1) - no new combo?
00:40:521 (1) - ^
01:07:950 (1) - ^
01:11:378 (1) - ^
01:38:378 (5) - gets a little close to the hp bar

01:36:450 (4) - new combo?

00:21:450 (1,2) - maybe center these? up to you
01:42:021 (1,2) - ^
04:30:021 (1,2) - ^

everything is fine for me
Topic Starter

roflninja wrote:

maybe add 1 more combo color? What's wrong with two ? :( Added two violet colours.

00:33:664 (1) - no new combo? Done.
00:40:521 (1) - ^ Done.
01:07:950 (1) - ^ Done.
01:11:378 (1) - ^ Done.
01:38:378 (5) - gets a little close to the hp bar Moved under (4).

01:36:450 (4) - new combo? Done.

00:21:450 (1,2) - maybe center these? up to you They will be hidden by the 300 (or 100) from completing the slider if I center them.
01:42:021 (1,2) - ^ Same.
04:30:021 (1,2) - ^ Same.

everything is fine for me
Said everything in the chat already.
Nice map!
*Teta268 dropped a llama star and went away!*
Card N'FoRcE
- Easy:
  • .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    02:25:735 (2) - move a tiny bit farther like 02:27:450 (2), just to make sure noone gets confused.
    02:31:950 (1) - come one, make this a bit better, it looks ugly :(
- Normal:
  • .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:07:949 (1,2,3) - 00:09:664 (1,2,3) - I think that 3/4 beats right at the beginning are a bit too much in a Normal.
    00:56:807 (2,3) - make the distance match like 00:59:378 (1,2,3)
    01:14:807 (1,2,3) - ^
    01:35:378 (1,2,3) - ^
    I'm writing about all these because you used a strict type of spacing and you Should make it perfectly consistent D:
    Anyway, i noticed that you're going with this "new" distance, so you should decide if you want to use the spacing like 00:59:378 (1,2,3) or the spacing like 01:35:378 (1,2,3) for the whole map in order to make it consistent. It's a kinda nazi request anyway and the map is fine anyway, so it's your choice.
    02:39:664 (2) - stack correctly
    .Errors/Mistakes: (Bad gameplay issues or badly applied changes)
    01:28:842 (2) - 01:30:557 (4) - the ends of this sliders are not snapped correctly.
- Hard:
  • .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    01:02:164 (4,1) - This is the same kind of thing i pointed out in Normal. You used a kind of beat placement that requires to be followed strictly (if you want it to look cool too) and sometimes you slightly change it: this makes the map look a bit weird. It plays fine but looks a bit weird to see this continuous change for 1/2 and 3/4 spacing. Again, they're all playable but they just don't feel so right D:
    If you want to make this changes, at least don't do that in the same kind of patterns, like here: 01:00:449 (4,1) - 01:02:164 (4,1).
    In a few words: they play fine but they don't feel right for some reason (to me, at least)
Nothing else.
That spacing inconsistence makes me a bit perplexed, but actually i don't think it's a big issue. I thought i had to tell you anyway.
Good luck.
Topic Starter

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

- Easy:
  • .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    02:25:735 (2) - move a tiny bit farther like 02:27:450 (2), just to make sure noone gets confused. Fixed.
    02:31:950 (1) - come one, make this a bit better, it looks ugly :( that's mean
- Normal:
  • .Opinions: (Just some thoughts, I'd personally like if you follow them)
    .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    00:07:949 (1,2,3) - 00:09:664 (1,2,3) - I think that 3/4 beats right at the beginning are a bit too much in a Normal. Turned into repeat sliders.
    00:56:807 (2,3) - make the distance match like 00:59:378 (1,2,3) Fixed.
    01:14:807 (1,2,3) - ^ This one is distance snapped with 0,7x, this is made on purpose.
    01:35:378 (1,2,3) - ^ ^
    I'm writing about all these because you used a strict type of spacing and you Should make it perfectly consistent D:
    Anyway, i noticed that you're going with this "new" distance, so you should decide if you want to use the spacing like 00:59:378 (1,2,3) or the spacing like 01:35:378 (1,2,3) for the whole map in order to make it consistent. It's a kinda nazi request anyway and the map is fine anyway, so it's your choice. I switched regularly between 0,7x and 0,8x all over the beatmap, I think it makes it somehow less boring without losing too much the player since the distances aren't exactly the same.
    02:39:664 (2) - stack correctly derp
    .Errors/Mistakes: (Bad gameplay issues or badly applied changes)
    01:28:842 (2) - 01:30:557 (4) - the ends of this sliders are not snapped correctly.Oh shi - that's the first time this happens. Thanks for noticing.
- Hard:
  • .Suggestions: (Fixing this should make gameplay/aesthetics a bit better)
    01:02:164 (4,1) - This is the same kind of thing i pointed out in Normal. You used a kind of beat placement that requires to be followed strictly (if you want it to look cool too) and sometimes you slightly change it: this makes the map look a bit weird. It plays fine but looks a bit weird to see this continuous change for 1/2 and 3/4 spacing. Again, they're all playable but they just don't feel so right D:
    If you want to make this changes, at least don't do that in the same kind of patterns, like here: 01:00:449 (4,1) - 01:02:164 (4,1).
    In a few words: they play fine but they don't feel right for some reason (to me, at least) The whole map was supposed to be snapped using 0,9x (except for the mini jumps), those are errors. I'll check the whole map.
Nothing else.
That spacing inconsistence makes me a bit perplexed, but actually i don't think it's a big issue. I thought i had to tell you anyway.
Good luck.
Can't really believe a 2010 person like me is modding a 2009 map, haha.

In general, I'd tweak Stack Leniency a bit, since some overlaps don't stack. Every time you place an overlap (especially ones that aren't stacked), think of how it'd work out when played with Hidden.

Can't really see anything wrong here. It's easy, and it's simple.

In general, some sections are copy-pasted without any changes to then at all. The copy-pasting is usually justified because the song does repeat things a few times, but at least flip things in that case.
00:49:092 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Alter the positioning of this so it isn't the exact same as the measures before it,
01:45:664 (1) - I sense a direct copy-paste of 00:31:950 (1).
02:06:235 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - This pattern is cool. I like it a lot.
02:45:021 (2,3,4,1) - Here's one example of the the stack leniency being too low.

Lots of little short break sections all over the place. Not sure if they're truly necessary. Some parts are a bit easy-going for a Hard and feel like only a small step above Normal, though.
01:42:021 (1,2) - Even though it's the same type of sound as 00:21:450 (1,2,1), it's mapped differently here. Missing spinner, which isn't really consistent with the last instance of this pattern/cadence.
02:55:735 (1,1) - Same as the above, except instead of a missing spinner, it's a missing hitcircle.
03:23:378 (1,2,1,2) - Shift these over to the right so they mirror perfectly over the Y axis.
03:57:235 (1,1) - The first spinner starts a bit early, and the second spinner doesn't seem completely necessary. Place a hitcircle where the first spinner currently starts instead. Start a spinner at 03:57:664 and have it end where the second spinner currently ends.
04:01:092 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This little thing seems a bit unneeded, but I can see where you're coming from by placing it down.
04:30:021 (1,2,1) - Hooray, this is almost the same as 00:21:450 (1,2,1), except the spinner should start a lot closer to (2), just like it does in 00:21:450 (1,2,1).

Solid map. Also an old map.
Download: KOTOKO - Genzai no Requiem (Odaril) [Modified Hard].osu

I added a death stream to account for the high total score. I hope you don't mind.

Edit: Any changes I made can be fixed or put back to their original state, even the death stream if you don't like it.

Edit2: I don't suggest replacing your hard mode with this version until you contact me. There are some things in it that I require your opinion on.
Just here to say, if you ask others to do the maps for you, you wont learn as a mapper, it will be the same in the end for others, but it's up to you if you really wanna learn or not =/
It's up to you but, look at all those stars you have, you have earned them yourself, would you feel right if someone comes and modifies one of your maps for you, so it's less boring? you should try to make it interesting yourself. Anyways i'll be modding this soon gonna use this same post when i do.
[osz File Scan!]
Empty .osb file, please remove and Full Submit.

Incoherent Mapping, Difficulty lengths are different. Come on...

I still see the notes near the sliders (not at the center, but still close in timeline)
This feels more like a Normal. But hey we're all here to learn, I'm going to make you some suggestions to make this harder because according to your friend, you cant figure it out without people telling you what to do =/
00:08:592 (3) - This slider could have been more curve, although that's beside the point, that's just cosmetical.
00:09:664 (1,2,3,4,5) - Theese could have been a vertical mirror of the previous one.
00:11:378 (6,7) - You could use a spinner here.
00:13:521 (1,2,3) - Could be more spaced out.
00:15:878 (1,2,3) - Could move theese down more.
00:21:450 (1,2) - You should really remove theese 2 notes and extend the next spinner to where theese 2 notes start
00:36:235 (3,4,5,6,7) - Make this more symmetrical
00:40:521 (7,8,9,10,11) - Could form a different pattern and be spaced more and start with a new combo
00:49:092 (1,2,3,4,5) - At this point this pattern starts getting repetitive and boring, maybe try to swap patterns a bit around here.
00:55:949 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Could have done a sudden reversed direction change
01:06:235 (...) Here's a good excuse to follow instruments in a fast paced full action part with sliders and circles.

Theese are just examples, u should seriously try to figure it out, coz you need to develop your own style, Good Luck!~

Oh my this difficulty is still short, maybe you should shorten Hard to this i mean seriously 4:30 is too long and peppy has told me before that just because a song is long it doesnt make it an exception from the 10m max score rule, because the rule is there to prevent long songs rather.
I see a lot of the patterns you used in Hard here... that's bad, dont reuse patterns on hard, makes Hard play more like a Normal, regardless of the OD or circle size your using, try to be creative.
This map does play ok for a Normal. i Still would like it longer (or Hard shorter)

Oh wow now easy is longer than Normal...
However Easy did feel ok, so i have no other comments

Your difficulty lengths still arent coherent enough, i hope you listen this time, all i want is to help you avoid problems in the future, but it's up to you in the end if you wanna listen to me or not. If you decide to work on this on your own please PM and i'll remod, oh yeah, i WILL know if you do it on your own or not, so dont try to outsmart me =)
And here we go. Just a quickie mod since it's WIP.

Move this to WIP, according to that 20 second hard diff. :P
Why have such a high tick rate and then silence them half the time?

With a low distance snap like this, it makes things get rather jumbled up when trying various patterns. (Like 00:15:235 (2,3) )
01:39:235 (1) - This sounds better ending at 01:42:235.
Technically fine, though a lot of little overlaps and things due to distance snap that made me to eeeh.

In general, your combos run a bit long for a Normal.
02:07:521 (3) - I can see what you're going for, but I don't know about an anti-jump like this in a Normal.
02:09:235 (3) - ^
02:23:378 (1,2,3) - Oooh? Doesn't feel like a jumpy spot for the song, especially with how the rest of the map went up until this point.
Those last two spinners... I'd end the first one on the red tick and start the next one on the white tick.

Weird seeing the exact same patterns from Normal mode in here. I tend to think of collabs as showcases for style, not something to rehash something done on the same mapset.
02:13:092 (1) - Check your spacing in this section. It's fluxuating in a bad way.
It's okay - didn't like some of the patterns, but eh. They're technically fine.

OP Post wrote:

So, you still want me to mod this? Just to clear things up :o
Just a quick since I already had a look just yesterday. >>

Double check your storyboard on the collab. The names just appear suddenly at odd times, disappear at others. At one point I saw both names at once. Try to have them fade in or something too, instead of just popping in and out.

I didn't like the 2x in insane at all. Doesn't fit the music to me. There's barley enough escalation to tell that it's the chorus, let alone justify 2x. Meh.
[osz File Scan]
I see a smutty BG
Empty .osb file, Please remove and Full Submit!

Inconsistent difficulty lengths... once again
I'm not liking this ENII diff spread, rankable but i dont like it

Oh my... masterpiece v2
The 2x sections are too sudden, they need a warning.

Try not to put Storyboard behind spinners: as they will be covered by the spinners like so:
03:55:092 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Are you mad?!

00:47:378 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Reusing the same patterns than in the collab eh, theese feel boring by repeating the exact same thing 3 times in a row, why dont you change the patterns while keeping the same rythm instead?


Ok, it's better yeah, but still diff lengths are inconsistent sorry, no star yet
IRC Help.

  1. I got offset: 7,946
  2. That background is too big. The maximum size for Backgrounds are 1024x768, while yours is 1280x960 :o
  3. No tags? Maybe you could throw "Vocal Electronic" in there, just to fill the space.

00:18:235 (1) - Not sure if you think this might make it too long, but I think this spinner would sound better if it ended at 00:25:092.
00:38:807 (1,2,3,4) - Flip these horizontally? Its an exact copy of the bit before currently, so it could use something to differentiate it.
01:39:450 (1) - End this at 01:45:664 maybe?


01:38:807 (1) - Why not make this bit like the spinners at the start, with 2 spinners?
02:52:521 (1) - These sound off to the music. Making the first spinner a whole beat shorter, and moving the second spinner a whole beat backwards sounds much better IMO.


Im not keen on the jumps in this difficulty at all. Im just sayin'

Turn the hitsounds down in the intro? Those normal sounds sound too loud imo.

00:46:092 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - I don't think these jumps fit at all. I would just remove them and space these normally. nothing in the song calls for jumps like these IMO.
01:09:664 (1,2,3) - I don't like these ones either. Not as much as the ones at the start, but nonetheless, I don't think they fit.
01:33:021 (1,2) - I see what you were doing with these, but I still find then unintuitive. Perhaps remove these too?
02:52:950 (1) - Make this 1/4 longer, and push the 2nd spinner 1/4 forward? They sound off-the-beat.

There are others, but the ones I pointed out were the bigger issues I found, The ones that really threw me off.

Hmm. Easy and Normal were pretty solid, and most of the time, Insane is alright too, with some nice patterns and good hitsounding going on, but I just didn't like some of the jumps in Insane. It seems to me that you were trying to make it insane at times when the song didn't really need it. Overall, its alright, but those jumps really need an overhaul.


00:18:767 (1) - What does this spinner fit? Please make it start here: 00:18:231, in order to fit the vocal voice; also add a finish
00:31:946 (1) - Finish at the start
00:37:946 (1,1) - Use 0,6x Distance snap here :( same thing here: 00:44:803 (1,1)
00:52:517 (1) - Is really necessary this jump? Even if it not ruins the diff spread
01:29:588 (1,1,1,1) - Weird pattern. I mean too many combos and spacing is not respected (it may confuses a new player. Up to you!)
01:38:374 (5) - Finish at the end


01:42:231 (1) - Make this start 1/1 earlier and then make it longer of another 1/1
02:00:445 (2) - Hey, previous spacing issue in this diff were negligible, this can really confuse the player..strongly reccommend to fix it02:40:946 (1) - As above
02:09:660 (1) - Quite hard for a Normal, consider to reduce this jump


00:21:660 (x) - What do you think -to make the diff more hard- to add a hitcircle here? and here 02:55:946 (x)
02:46:303 (1) - Ugly position, also the spacing is not respected
o.o very nice :)
00:31:946 (1,2) - Sliders are a bit ugly.
00:57:874 (1,2,3,4) - Jumps overdo it a bit?
01:05:588 (3,4,5) - Closer to (2)?
01:20:374 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - Spacing is so inconsistent that i had no idea what was happening there at all :<
01:29:160 (3,4,5) - Don't these jumps hurt the player quite a bit...?
01:30:874 (3,4,5) - ^
01:32:374 (6,7,8,1) - ^
01:36:445 (3,4,5) - Spacing is so inconsistent that i had no idea what was happening there at all :<
01:42:231 (1) - Why is this ending on a 1/4 tick?
01:45:660 (1,2) - Ugly
02:07:517 (5) - Move a bit farther away from (4)?
02:09:660 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - A little confusing perhaps.
02:11:588 (1,2,3,4) - So jumpyyyyyy
02:45:660 - 02:47:803 - It's a little weird how it's so silent around here.
02:50:160 (4,5,6,7) - thosejumps thosejumps thosejumps

Increase OD a lil bit

Topic Starter

Larto wrote:

00:31:946 (1,2) - Sliders are a bit ugly. Fixed.
00:57:874 (1,2,3,4) - Jumps overdo it a bit? Reduced jumps.
01:05:588 (3,4,5) - Closer to (2)? Moved 3 closer to 2 and re-spaced 4 and 5.
01:20:374 (1,2,1,2,3,4) - Spacing is so inconsistent that i had no idea what was happening there at all :< ;_; fixed
01:29:160 (3,4,5) - Don't these jumps hurt the player quite a bit...? fixed
01:30:874 (3,4,5) - ^ ^
01:32:374 (6,7,8,1) - ^ ^
01:36:445 (3,4,5) - Spacing is so inconsistent that i had no idea what was happening there at all :< ;_; changed and made (5) a new combo
01:42:231 (1) - Why is this ending on a 1/4 tick? I moved it and forgot to re-time the end -_- fixed
01:45:660 (1,2) - Ugly not "a bit" anymore ? ;_; fixed
02:07:517 (5) - Move a bit farther away from (4)? distance snapped it to 1,5x
02:09:660 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - A little confusing perhaps. Changed
02:11:588 (1,2,3,4) - So jumpyyyyyy changed
02:45:660 - 02:47:803 - It's a little weird how it's so silent around here. added notes
02:50:160 (4,5,6,7) - thosejumps thosejumps thosejumps made (4) a new combo and distance snapped to 2,0

Increase OD a lil bit increased by 2

Kay yay
Remember that these are just suggestions you can totally ignore :P

~All Diffs~
- It would be nice if you can find a background a bit... brightr than this one ._.

00:46:517 (2) - Nazi! Move 1 grid down so it's parallel to the previous slider, like you did in the next combos.

00:34:303 (4) - Maybe move the sliderend a bit up so the slider can be totally visible?
00:47:374 (1,2,3,4,5) - Compare the spacing between the previous combo and the next one with this D:
01:42:338 (1) - Move to the white tick.

00:18:231 (1,1,1) - I liked this when they were just 2 spinners ;x;
01:10:303 (3) - Stack the endpoint properly.
01:32:803 (8,1) - This jump is a bit harsh imo... Suggestion:
01:37:517 (1,2,3,4) - This is just weird xD Mantain the same distance on the whole combo, please~
02:09:231 (5) - Make this a copypaste of the previous (5)?
02:31:946 (6) - New Combo.
02:42:874 (2,3,4) - Same problem with the distances. Even being jumps, make (3,4) distance the same as (2,3).
02:44:588 (2,3,4) - ^
02:52:946 (1,1,1) - Same as I said with the first spinner ;x;

Hmmm, not bad, some of the jumps on Insane feel a bit random imo...
Anyways, good luck with this :3 *star*
All difficulties:
  1. On Insane, the intro has a quieter volume, but none of the other difficulties do. (see note on Insane before changing.)
  2. Insane's total score is 250% higher than Normal's (with my changes). Consider adding a Hard.
  3. Please replace soft-slidertick with something non-silent. The default soft-slidertick at 50% volume would do fine. (Catch me online at home if you need the wavs.)
  1. 00:12:017 (2), etc. - Short sliders like this on Easy feel tacky. Consider replacing with two stacked circles.
  2. 00:15:231 (2) - Move back by a 1/4; lengthen by a 1/4.
  3. 01:00:231 (3,1), etc. - Stacking notes under slider ends like this could be confusing to an Easy player.
  4. 02:36:446 (2,3) - I don't think it's fair for an Easy player to have to read approach circles after a kick slider.
  5. 02:50:160 (2) - ^
  1. 01:37:088 (4,5,6,7) - Unattractive overlap.
  1. Set tick rate 2.
  2. Raise the stacking leniency 2 ticks so that 1/1s stack.
  3. 00:15:445 (3) - This slider is mostly covered up by the other two.
  4. 00:21:660 (1) - Lame
  5. 00:31:946 (1) - Begin 100% volume at this note. The hitsounds (besides hitnormalclaps) in this part are far too quiet.
  6. 01:34:088 (1) - Symmetrify.
  7. 01:35:374 (2) - ^
  8. 01:59:588 (2,3,4,6) - This stuff overlaps in a very confusing way.
Umm just rechecking a small bit, BG is over the size limit, resize to 1024x768 which is the limit.
I'm also still concerned about the notes in between sliders on [Insane] but ehh that's about it.

Dont kudosu this post
You earned a shiny star!
Here's a star, I like this map :P
Bwarf, quelque suggestion même si sa va bientôt être ranked


00:44:803 (1) - Clap?
01:39:446 (1) - 5/4 plus tôt et rallonge de 5/4?


01:06:235 (1) - Clap au début
01:06:235 (1) - ^
01:07:949 (5) - ^
01:08:807 (7) - Clap
01:09:664 (1) - Clap sur le reverse
01:10:735 (2) - Clap a la fin
01:11:160 (3,4) - Clap
01:12:017 (5,6) - ^
01:14:807 (1,2,3) - Un petit problème dans le spacing de ces 3 notes
01:37:521 (8) - New combo ?
01:42:231 (1) - 1/4 plus tôt et rallonge de 1/4
02:55:946 (1) - ^

00:21:660 (1) - 1/4 plus tôt et rallonge de 1/4
01:05:803 (5) - Spacing
01:37:945 (2) - Caché par la lifebar :/
01:39:231 (1) - 3/4 plus tôt et rallonge de 3/4
02:55:946 (1) - 1/4 plus tôt et rallonge de 1/4

Bon ce n'est que des suggestion pour la plupart, après tu fais comme tu veux.
Pas la peine que je Kudostar, sa va bientôt être ranked :)
Changed a few spacing related things on Insane and Easy.
  1. Why is the background still 1280x960? (Are you full submitting? I wouldn't be the first one to point this out)
  2. Cut the mp3 if you can...
  3. I feel offset 7,952 works better.
  4. Overall, not bad for your first map. Still some nitpicky things I could point out, but they're usually common between first-mappers. I could sum it up like this: make sliders prettier and make spacing more consistent (counting grids). Also could use more patterns, but I see you have some in your map (which makes me happy). =]
For the moment I'll pop this.
Topic Starter

Gens wrote:

  1. Why is the background still 1280x960? (Are you full submitting? I wouldn't be the first one to point this out) Fixed.
  2. Cut the mp3 if you can...
  3. I feel offset 7,952 works better. Fixed.
  4. Overall, not bad for your first map. Still some nitpicky things I could point out, but they're usually common between first-mappers. I could sum it up like this: make sliders prettier and make spacing more consistent (counting grids). Also could use more patterns, but I see you have some in your map (which makes me happy). =] Revised most sliders and fixed some spacing issues.
For the moment I'll pop this.
Hooray, all fixed.
there are quite a few patterns on this map that make little sense to me on insane I'm not popping but you should really take a look
examples 00:09:666 (1,2,3,4) -
Please change the backdrop to something less painful on the eyes. Those scanlines are just nasty.

Otherwise, apply a blur to make that effect more subtle.
Topic Starter

MetalMario201 wrote:

Please change the backdrop to something less painful on the eyes. Those scanlines are just nasty.

Otherwise, apply a blur to make that effect more subtle.
Changed the background.

ztrot wrote:

there are quite a few patterns on this map that make little sense to me on insane I'm not popping but you should really take a look
examples 00:09:666 (1,2,3,4) -
Pattern changes:
00:09:666 (1,2,3,4) - reversed (1), (2) and (3)
02:18:237 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - became
02:34:094 (1,2,3) - Replaced (2) with a circle on the white tick:
02:35:380 (1,2,3) - ^ symmetrically
02:42:666 (1,2,3,4) - Replaced (1) with a circle on the white tick:
02:44:380 (1,2,3,4) - ^ symmetrically
02:45:987 (5) - Removed.
02:47:809 (1,2,3) - Turned (2) into a single hitcircle.
Okay... changed something in 02:13:309 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) and done~

As everything has been fixed again I'll rebubble...
I would be expecting more "congratulations on your first ranked map" comments in this thread but yeeaaahhh... guess not many people get those kind of things
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