
Shuggie Otis - Aht Uh Mi Hed

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on martes, 16 de febrero de 2010 at 8:06:53

Artist: Shuggie Otis
Title: Aht Uh Mi Hed
Tags: Inspiration Information
BPM: 102,61
Filesize: 6249kb
Play Time: 02:29
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,03 stars, 88 notes)
  2. Normal (2,35 stars, 230 notes)
  3. Relaxing! (4,72 stars, 463 notes)
Download: Shuggie Otis - Aht Uh Mi Hed
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Noooo! I deleted all my edits!! T______________T

So, I thank this people again for helping me modding my map ^^: Blissfulyoshi, Mikhe, Vexed, Mrtn, Mukku, StarrodKirby86, Agent Spin Here, Alvisto, EEeee, Teara, Card N'Force, 0_o, minyeob, ztrot, Symbolic, K2J, WyndII, JarJarJacob, yeahyeahyeahhh, j35u5891221, kingcobra52, vytalibus, Yes, RandomJibberish, Alex0686, Shulin, jericho2442, osuplayer111, Kytoxid, Leorda and Lizbeth.

Special thanks to: Gens (who made me a background and helped me a lot via irc :D), mrtn (for the bubble :D), and kingcobra52 for the rank! ^^

And of course thanks to everyone who gave me a star ;)
Good song sesito.

Ya la miraré mas detenidamente. ^^ pero me gusta.

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thanks hyperluigi ^^
buen mapa ^^
BPM: 102.63 (this is not a flat decimal and mixmeister's number did seem to work)
Offset: 3427

I would recommend you keep the slider tick velocity the same for all difficulties.

I would resnap all notes to the new timing. Also, I would recommend you use distance snap because the placement of your notes sometimes is very disorienting.
Also, 02:23:12 (1) - illegal spinner (auto only got 1k)
I am a little unsure about some of the problems with combos in some parts of the map, but since the snapping is weird right now, I will ignore it for now.

Besides that, I like your patterns, and I believe this map will go well with some editing.
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thanks, I also moved one note in [Easy] (0:34), and removed the spinner you said! But if I change the BPM a lot of notes sounds bad. I resnapped them, and I had to put it normal because it sounded bad. And abour the ticking rate, it's different because 4 sounds bad in [Easy] so I had to put 2 ^^

Anyway, thanks again for your help!
Great :D
Did you not listen to blissfulyoshi? Why does this thing still have 103 as its BPM?

Use something like 102.65 (or 102.63 like blis said). After that you'll have to rearrange a lot of notes, kinda like mapping it again the entire time.

No star from me since it was timed wrongly. Sorry.
voto por ver una version insane ^^
y por reducir un poco las pausas... xD

sta bastante bien, estrellita *-*
Slow but fun ;)

You have my star
Beautyful and relaxing song.

I don't see anything wrong, and if it has, it will be silly things ^^

Cya =D

Bien, bien, te doy una estrella; me gusta el map en su mayoría; algun fallito, yo diría:
[easy]: La parte final... no le pillo ritmo, si puedes intentar mejorarla (no digo que lo que haya este mal)
[hard]: Tiene algunos fallos importantes de distancias en algunos puntos... y que en cierto momento hay tres slider que tienen la misma separación entre ellos... y entre los dos primeros hay mas tiempo que el entre el segundo y tercero.

Por lo demas, no tiene fallos bestias, se puede hacer.

Saludos :D
P.D: Digo lo mismo que skr, una insane porfi :)
P.D2: Lo siento si no he sdo lo suficientemente especifico... no tengo mucho tiempo ahora :P
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mikhe, muchas gracias por tu ayuda, lo que había pasado en [Easy] es que había cambiado el BPM y el Offset y se me habían movido las notas de sitio. Las cambié, pero parece que me olvide del final xDD Ya está cambiado y ahora suena bien ^^ Gracias a ti que me lo has recordado ;)

Respecto a [Hard], ya he arreglado esos sliders, tenías razón, estaban mal colocados >.<

Te doy un kudosu por tu ayuda :D

A propósito, voy a intentar hacer una insane, aunque será un poco díficil ya que se me dan un poco mal :3 pero haré lo que pueda ^^

I like it! :D

Relaxing song, maybe i'll try to mod it XD

*gives star* ;)
Good map sesito

Well. I just modded easy and half of hard and lost the page so im not doing it again.
Make the Tickrate (2) for all difficulties. You will have to mess with the sliders a bit after you change it but im sure you can handle it. It's not that big of a deal.

Basicly there was nothing here other than some obvious issues with spacing that im sure i don't need to mention.
The biggest thing with this difficulty is that you have far too much wasted space. Especially the break in the middle. You are gonna have to map some of that.

I will however remod this section.
00:12:19 (5) - New combo
00:14:53 (1) - ^
00:26:22 (3) - ^
00:56:04 (1,2,3) - add whistle. Just try it. sounds good.
01:14:16 (1,2,3) - Remove clap and try same as above with whistle.
01:23:37 (3,4,5,6) - Whistle
01:41:05 (9) - New combo. You did not go over but still. Just try it :].
01:42:81 (1) - Add finish
01:56:25 (1) - This is a 3x jump. Is this intentional?
02:24:32 (1) - Remove new combo
02:24:32 (4) - ^
02:24:90 (5) - Add combo
02:26:07 (5) - ^
02:26:66 (1) - Remove new combo
02:27:24 (5) - New combo
02:39:52 (1,2,3,4,5) - Add hit sounds?
03:15:76 (4) - New combo

00:10:73 (5,6) - spacing to close.
00:12:19 (11) - New combo. The combo stream is longer than allowed.
00:40:84 (4) - New combo.
00:47:85 (6) - ^
00:49:02 (4) - ^
01:15:04 (4) - ^
01:32:28 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:40:76 (10) - New combo. Limit exceeded.
01:52:75 (1,2,3) - keep these staggered but line them up parallel with eachother.
01:58:89 (6) - New combo.
02:18:47 (12) - Pfft..... New combo.
Well that's it for now. Looks like you went a bit wild with the spacing and i just don't have it in me to point out every spacing issue. I suggest you back through and use distance spacing except for where you want jumps. I don't think this difficulty being named crazy is enough of an excuse to make the spacing ok.
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thank you, I've changed all you said ^^

About this in [Hard]: 01:56:25 (1) - This is a 3x jump. Is this intentional?

Yes, it is intentional xD It sounds good for me :P

bye and thanks again ^^

sesito71 wrote:

thank you, I've changed all you said ^^

About this in [Hard]: 01:56:25 (1) - This is a 3x jump. Is this intentional?

Yes, it is intentional xD It sounds good for me :P

bye and thanks again ^^
hmm. I just went to play it and it's not asking me to update. Maybe they have not taken effect but it should have by now. Maybe upload again full.
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It worked for me. Anyways, I have re-uploaded it again. It should work now ^^
that good map I hope to see but of these! :?: :P
00:18:33 (2) - sounds weird
00:25:05 (4) - ^
00:28:27 (2) - ^
00:39:38 (2,3) - bad spacing
00:57:51 - reinsert break
01:14:16 (1) - sounds weird
01:20:45 (4,6) - sound weird
spacing is weird through the entire difficulty. take a look at it again and use distance snap to make life easier

spacing is weird through the entire difficulty. take a look at it again and use distance snap to make life easier
00:56:92 - reinsert break

spacing is weird through the entire difficulty. take a look at it again and use distance snap to make life easier
faster sliders please
00:36:16 (6) - new combo
00:57:21 - reinsert break
01:43:69 - reinsert break
03:28:92 (7) - new combo

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thanks ^^

about the space, is there a special part which is really needed to change the spacing??

bye ^^
don't know how to mod this

too slow for me

but starred anyway..cuz i trust the other's who modded it already 8-) :lol: ;) 8-) :lol:
[00:28:273] (2) This slider is too close to 1. Since this is easy, the players will be beginners and are easily confused by these kinds of spacing issues (I have the expierence D:)
[00:39:381] (2) Make this slider 1/2 beat shorter and make it repeat. (Follows the lyrics better)
[00:41:428] ( ) add an extra note here?
[00:42:012] (1) Finish
[00:42:597] (2) Clap whole slider
[02:20:814] (3) Clap the first repeat circle and ending. (Sounds better imo)

[00:47:858] (3) Clap this repeat circle
[01:32:874] (1) Make this slider 1/4 beat longer
[01:37:551] ( ) Add an extra note here?
[01:56:259] (1) This circle is way too far away.
[01:56:551] (2) A big jump here too. You want this jump to be here?
[02:37:913] (6) Spacing issue. Its too far away.

[00:50:781] (1) Clap the ending
[01:33:166] (2,3,4) This stack is too close to 1
[02:06:782] (2) Whistle the repeat and ending.
[02:07:513] (2) Whistle this circle
[02:09:413] (5) Clap
[02:09:851] (2) Whistle
[02:10:290] (4) Clap
[02:10:728] (6) Whistle
[02:20:813] (3,7,9) Clap the circles and slider beginning
[03:20:445] (14) Clap the ending

Nice map, starred.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Thanx for your comments ^^

Now waiting for rank !!! :D
This map is very boring, though I guess that's because the song isn't all that mappable imo. Use offset 503

Make these hitcircles bigger. Needs LOTS more hitsounds.

Bigger hitcircles and hitsounds. This difficulty is very poorly spaced. Please space it because as it is it's very uneven and confusing. T_T
00:15:41 (3) - back 1/4 and add one more reverse
00:30:90 (1) - Spacing?
01:53:92 (2) - shortern by 1/4
02:07:07 (1) - lengthen by 1/4
03:07:58 (1,1,1) - Replace these spinners with a break

I think these tiny hitcircles are ok here. HITSOUNDS!
Lots of spacing incosistencies, please use distance snap!
00:22:86 (7) - forward 1/4
02:24:32 (1,2,3) - move these up a bit?
03:02:61 (15) - new combo

Why did so many people star this? It needs a LOOOT of work.
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I'm fed up of using distance snap, I can fix some timing incosistences but not the whole map because it'd destroy my work U_U

Just in Easy and Hard ¬¬

I think there are worse maps that has been ranked, and the mine one isn't as bad to not be ranked...
Mmm strange song but nice map.

01:28:342 - Let slider start at 1/4 earlier, it match with "in" vocal
01:31:412 - elider ends here, it match with "ride"

00:35:580 - This slider, which is shorter than the previous slider, make it sounds weird
02:17:597 - add a note here ?
02:39:374 - I think it will sound better if you add a sound here

00:12:780 - clap at end of slider ?
00:34:995 - align slider properly
01:27:612 - I thought I will hear a clap here, coz it's very obvious. Consider adding it ?
01:29:365 (2.7) - Add clap too ?
01:55:966 - imo, slider ends here better

Ok, I will be frank, this song is boring, but kudos for you because in CRAZY, you actually map those really well, it makes CRAZY really interesting. As in EASY, I nearly dozed off... lol. no offense here =D

Star for awesome CRAZY difficulty !
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Alvisto, thank you very much!! ^^

I looked your map (again) and I saw no problems, anyways I gave you a star ^^

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Ok, I modded with the mindset of a new player since only new players really play easy, already spotted a few confusing parts :D

00:27:39 (1) - Hiding under a slider, this is no good :)

01:54:79 (3) - Only part in the song that requires fast clicking, and a newbie will miss this 1/5 times ( not really a problem )

02:02:68 (1) - With pretty long sliders one can be creative :D not that its bad, but I think you can do better. ^^

02:14:38 (3) - < another hiding note ( even if its pretty slow, I think its best to keep appearing notes always visible )

Otherwise pretty well done, even though I almost fell asleep, nice relaxing song


01:20:59 (1) - Align with 01:17:96 (4) ?
01:37:11 (2) - Remove finish? doesn't sound nice clap sounds worse, if you have to have a hitsounds, maybe make it a finish again :)
03:18:10 (2) - Copy 03:16:93 (1) maybe and flip it?
03:19:27 (3) - ^
03:20:44 (4) - ^ of course, make it a mirror?
03:36:91 - add 1 note here?


00:27:10 (4) - Move up the grid (Grid 3) three times? ( with distance snapping at 0.8x )
01:21:47 (9) - Move right once? (Grid 3) ?
01:30:24 (4,5,6) - Stack with slider?
01:34:04 (6) - Not aligned nicely with (4,5)
01:39:88 (3) - Add new combo
01:40:18 (1) - Remove new combo
01:42:22 (1) - New Combo? ( makes Tag coop a little more challanging :D )
02:22:85 (4) - Move one to the right? (Grid 3)
02:52:96 (3) - Align with 1,2
02:53:25 (4) - Stack on 3 ( only works nice if you have ^ aligned with 1,2
03:35:35 - Add note \/
03:35:64 - Add note > I can see a nice jump here :)

I enjoyed crazy, good job ^^
Card N'FoRcE
- Easy:
02:23:15 (1) - why new combo?

- Hard:
00:37:62 (1) - i think it's kinda weird because the spacing changes suddently (it should be OK, anyway)
02:45:65 (3,4) - move 1 or 2 square(s) to the right, it's more readable that way
03:28:62 (1,2) - wow for sudden cruel jump xD

- Crazy:
01:40:76 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - try moving this stack down and right, so that the first beat starts in a better position
2:15:00 - 2:20:00 don't you think this sections misses some hitsounds? xD
02:28:99 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - WHAT? If you used 1/6 divisor, you failed D: Fix pls

Consider this starred when the 1/6 stack is fixed somehow.
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Card N'FoRcE wrote:

- Easy:
02:23:15 (1) - why new combo?

- Hard:
00:37:62 (1) - i think it's kinda weird because the spacing changes suddently (it should be OK, anyway)
02:45:65 (3,4) - move 1 or 2 square(s) to the right, it's more readable that way
03:28:62 (1,2) - wow for sudden cruel jump xD

- Crazy:
01:40:76 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - try moving this stack down and right, so that the first beat starts in a better position
2:15:00 - 2:20:00 don't you think this sections misses some hitsounds? xD
02:28:99 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - WHAT? If you used 1/6 divisor, you failed D: Fix pls

Consider this starred when the 1/6 stack is fixed somehow.
Thx for modding ^^
01:37:11 (2) - don't like the clap
02:36:59 (5) - sounds weird, try shortening it to the length of 4, then adding a hitcircle where 5 ends now?
My problem with this difficulty is the inconsitency. 90% of the difficulty plays like a Normal, but the big jumps at the end and some of the stacks/streams play like a Hard. The problem with this is that people who are at the Normal level are gonna be beat by the hard parts, and people going into it looking for a "hard" difficulty are gonna be bored. Personally I would take out some of the tricky bits and just call this Normal.

00:18:04 (1) - Too short, I would just take it out
00:19:50 (3) - Lengthen to white tick?
00:27:54 (1) - Overlapping the previous note, start this 1/4 ahead
00:55:45 (12) - Can you move this so it doesn't overlap? Looks/plays better that way
02:33:96 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Centre these so they are all equidistant...
I like jumps, but really, the jumps at the end just don't make a lot of sense to me; doesn't really fit the music or the rest of the map =/
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Give a kudosu to 0_o

01:24:68 (1) - Start this spinner on the red tick (make 1/2 beat faster)
02:28:99 (1~9) - This part isn't like normal.

02:31:18 (2) - Extend 1/4 beat!

Star for you :D
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modded in irc Yay! nice relaxing map Star
If you need another modd after taking care of that slider problem ask me
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ztrot wrote:

modded in irc Yay! nice relaxing map Star
If you need another modd after taking care of that slider problem ask me
Thanks for modding! Kudosu for U~

00:20:96 (3) - Delete the last 2 bounces.
00:21:84 (x) - Add a note here.
00:42:59 (3) - Let this start 1/2 earlier and then extend it 1/2.
01:32:28 (x) - Add a note here with whistle.


00:11:90 (x) - Add a note here.
00:14:24 (x) - ^
00:21:25 (x) - ^
00:23:59 (x) - ^
00:35:58 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:21:76 (x) - Add note.
01:53:91 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:58:22 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - These jumps don't fit and aren't intuitive for [Normal], remove them.


00:01:08 (3) - Clap
00:03:42 (3) - ^
00:05:76 (3) - ^
00:06:05 (4) - Clap on endpoint
00:08:10 (6) - Clap
00:09:27 (x) - Add note with clap.
Add claps all over like that.
00:54:58 (6,7) - Clap
02:58:52 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - Change this pattern lol..

Boring song but nice map.
Starred *
  1. Hm, since you're not mapping the whole song, maybe cut the mp3? To save space... and stuff.
  2. Maybe as well lower hitvolume abit? YES I NOTICED.
  1. Offset is perfectly set, but BPM is slightly off. Change it to 102.62 and you should be good to go.
  1. Overall, it's pretty good... The only things I can complain about are *some* spinners, a few were in a weird place to me... Also, I think you could also use a final spinner. Aside from that, I think everything else is just a personal opinion.
  1. Isn't the HP Drain abit harsh for a Normal?
  2. Try to lower stack leniency.
00:37:62 (1,2,3) - IMO this is screwed. You need to make the spacing more notable. In other words, (1) is too close to (2).
01:33:75 (2) - I wouldn't leave the starting point of this slider hidden... It would look really better if you move it abit.

[Crazy!] (It isn't that crazy :P )

00:30:31 (1,2) - I wouldn't do this either.
03:21:90 (1,2) - Don'tcha know how to restack? You just use Distance snap with a multiplier of 0.0x, turn grid snap off, and tada~

~ ~ ~

I hate when people say it's a boring song.
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Thx Gens, I didn't know how to restack :O

01:56:56 (2,3,4) - Try moving these out from beneath the slider.
03:21:92 (2) - A bit too close with the spacing just prior. Try moving down.


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Thx for modding :D
Fine! =D

00:15:55 (3) - check spacing
01:56:26 (1,2,3,4) - check spacing here and 01:55:10 (1) - observe timeline D:
everything is fine to me xD

00:53:12 (3) - Try to place this somewhere else?
00:54:29 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Try to rearrange the pattern here too?
01:20:60 (4,5,6,7,8) - Recheck your spacing here, also try to respace the others too.
01:29:66 (3) - ^
02:02:11 (1) - groove~
03:02:63 (1) - center this please

Nice map! Starred
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thx ^^

It seems to be lacking hitsounds in a lot of sections. As a general rule here, each combo should have at least one sound.

00:15:12 (2) - Add finish.
00:56:04 (1,2,3) - It's a bit cruel, isn't it?
01:21:04 (3,4) - ^
01:23:38 (3,4,5,6) - ^
01:27:62 (1) - 1/1 forward, having a note right after a spinner gives the player little time to react.
01:32:59 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:36:97 (1,2) - Cruel.
01:39:60 (4,8,4) - Remove to solve cruel.
01:42:52 (1) - 1/2 back, remove last circle.
01:53:93 (2) - Shorten 1/4.
01:55:10 (1) - Remove new combo, shorten 1/4.
02:02:26 (1) - 1/4 back.

And this song does my head in from here.
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A few things I could point out, but they're nazi and are fine as they are, so i won't mention it. One thing I can suggest though it go a little bit easier on the claps. For a nice relaxing song the claps are really loud and there's quite a few of them. Maybe lower the volume and/or reduce the amount of claps.



Maps pretty cleaned up, not much modding I can do ^^ songs really nice btw!
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yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

A few things I could point out, but they're nazi and are fine as they are, so i won't mention it. One thing I can suggest though it go a little bit easier on the claps. For a nice relaxing song the claps are really loud and there's quite a few of them. Maybe lower the volume and/or reduce the amount of claps.



Maps pretty cleaned up, not much modding I can do ^^ songs really nice btw!
Thanks ^^
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
-You can up the hit volume a bit more.


00:56:04 (1) - Place back around 1/2 beat, extend by 1/2 beat.


-Lower hp drain 1 please.

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Thx kingcobra52! :D
Resnap everything on the difficulties. I noticed a few notes being a bit off.

01:28:35 (1) - Move the starting point back to the white tick.
01:33:46 (1) - Move the starting point forward to the red tick.

You're almost there.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
00:20:08 (3) - one more repeat?
00:47:86 (1) - clap?
00:49:03 (1) - ^
01:17:68 (5) - ^
01:33:75 (5) - whistle
01:34:05 (6) - whistle for slider beginning
01:41:06 (3) - clap
01:41:65 (7) - ^
01:41:94 (9) - ^
03:06:72 (1) - ^
03:30:69 (4) - finish

hm some people say it needs less claps but i think adding these hitsounds would sound nice. not really sure about them though ,_, they are just suggestions ^^
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Yes wrote:

00:20:08 (3) - one more repeat? Done~
00:47:86 (1) - clap? I prefer the way it is now :P
00:49:03 (1) - ^ ^
01:17:68 (5) - ^ Ok
01:33:75 (5) - whistle Ok
01:34:05 (6) - whistle for slider beginning Ok
01:41:06 (3) - clap Ok
01:41:65 (7) - ^ Ok
01:41:94 (9) - ^ Wow, this sounds really good :D
03:06:72 (1) - ^ Ok
03:30:69 (4) - finish I prefer how it is now :P

hm some people say it needs less claps but i think adding these hitsounds would sound nice. not really sure about them though ,_, they are just suggestions ^^
Thanks for modding ;)
Pretty good map.

The only breaks are in the first half. You might want to spread them out more.

First of all, The difficulty of the map is anything but relaxing :P

01:20:60 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - I find these really irritating to decipher. That's not really saying much though, so it's not really important :P
02:02:11 (1) - This slider could be more symmetrical and neat.
02:12:05 (2,3,4) - You can't tell which beat is the slider.

Otherwise, wonderful.

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Thx for modding, and for the star ;)
I'm not a picky modder. These are just suggestions!

00:57:80 (Break) - Damn thats one long break. D; Add something to shorten it please! :D
01:37:56 (1) - Please change this, it's kinda boring. D; (Even though Easy is usually boring. ;p)
02:24:33 (1) - ^

00:57:22 (Break) - Kinda long too. :(
02:15:56 (1) - Yawn...? (Boring, change it up a bit!)
02:37:92 (7) - Pull back 1/2th and extend 1/2th?

02:02:11 (1) - Length 1/4th? (So that it ends at 02:06:794)
02:06:79 (2) - If ^ remove this.
02:07:08 (x) - If ^ add a beat here, and on the following blue tick.

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Thx, I fixed some things ;)

Here are my suggestions, all hitsounds the spacing plays well to me:


00:21:84 - Add a beat?
01:16:51 (2) - Clap the end of the slider so it matches, 01:14:17 (1) -
01:32:29 (1) - Clap
01:54:80 (3) - Remove the clap at the end of the slider so it matches, 01:53:93 (2) -
02:16:14 (3) - Remove the clap at the start and then put a clap and every other beat like at 02:20:82 (3) -

00:15:12 (2) - Add a clap instead of finish.
00:17:45 (2) - ^
00:24:47 (2) - Clap end of slider.
00:42:01 (2) - Clap middle beat.
00:45:52 (3) - Clap
00:56:924 - 01:13:149 - Very long break, you could do something here, but I'm going to stop being captain obvious.
01:15:04 (4) - Clap end of slider.
01:22:94 (2) - Clap
01:36:68 (3) - Clap
03:02:63 (8) - Finish?


01:21:77 (10) - Finish?
01:52:76 (1,2,3) - Align these sliders?

That''s all, this was a really relaxing and peaceful map, star!

fine to me


fine to me


01:28:20 (8) - spacing is too close to (7)
01:33:75 (5,6) - this part was iratating to play because the combo makes it so blind, maybe find a better way to put these 2 notes?

very good maps, star :)
set a preview time for all difficulties
use bpm 102,61

02:02:11 (1,1) - recovery time is too short
Topic Starter

mrtn wrote:

set a preview time for all difficulties
use bpm 102,61

02:02:11 (1,1) - recovery time is too short

Thx for modding!! ^^
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Source? Tags?
Consider changing the background colour to white or the off-white in the background image.
I would remove the countdown; it doesn't really fit.
You don't have a storyboard, so you can delete the .osb file if you'd like.
Consider adding inherited sections to change hitsound volume, some parts are too quiet.

NOTE: Many of the things below might just be a byproduct of the fact that this isn't the average kind of song to beatmap to. Take things with a grain of salt.

Spinners felt inappropriately placed.


If you keep the countdown, don't make it half-speed here.

00:21:055 (4) - This might sound better 1/2 later.
00:55:076 (1) - Awkward time, maybe shift it 1/2 later, although that'd make it awfully short.
02:20:084 (3,4) - Move these 1/2 earlier?

Felt really empty, although that may just be a byproduct of the song.


00:46:098 (3) - Shorten by a repeat, and add a note on 00:49:032?
01:28:079 (2,3), 01:33:076 (2,3,4) - Sudden increase in spacing? Please fix.
01:55:011 (3,1,2,3,4) - Inconsistent spacing.
02:20:025 (2) - Move this 1/2 back, add a note where it was.
02:30:078 (1) to 02:47:073 (1)- Here, the notes feel counterintuitive. Consider remapping it a different way.
02:58:026 (1) - Random increase in spacing again, although it's a bit more predictable here.
03:05:028 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - These didn't really seem to fit.
03:14:063 (1) - Once again, mapping feels a bit weird from here to the end.


This isn't the hardest map around, 8m might be a bit much.
I dislike the small hitcircles.

00:25:093 (2,3) - Line up with 1?
01:27:004 (2,3,4) - Sudden change in spacing here, I recommend not doing this and keeping 1/4s touching.
02:02:012 (1) - The length of this slider felt awkward.

Overall, I felt that Relaxing! felt the best out of all the difficulties in terms of flow.

Have a star.
Topic Starter
thanks for modding!
Hola Amigos!

Fix this FIRST!!
I think BPM is 102,63 (Remember, resnap all note first and make sure all difficulty is set this BPM)
Use 1/4 Beat Snap Divisor (Remember, resnap all note first too and make sure all difficulty is this beat snap divisor)

00:44:076 (4) - Move backward to white tick
00:46:022 (1) - Move backward to white tick
00:50:090 (2) - ^
00:56:016 (1) - ^
01:27:000 (2) - Move backward to red tick
01:33:014 (1) - Move forward to white tick and extend 01:36:006
02:10:041 (1) - Move backward to white tick
02:11:058 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) - Move backward to white tick

00:56:062 (2) - Remove clap hitsound and add finish hitsound

00:07:081 (5) - Make parallel

I think this song is comfortable for Me
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