
livetune adding Fukase(from SEKAI NO OWARI) - Take Your Way

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, 15 August, 2013 at 10:19:50

Artist: livetune adding Fukase(from SEKAI NO OWARI)
Title: Take Your Way (TV Size)
Tags: opening Shin Megami Tensei kz Atlus
BPM: 134
Filesize: 9812kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.91 stars, 88 notes)
  2. Hard (4.81 stars, 182 notes)
  3. Normal (4.22 stars, 130 notes)
  4. Survive (5 stars, 260 notes)
Download: livetune adding Fukase(from SEKAI NO OWARI) - Take Your Way (TV Size)
Download: livetune adding Fukase(from SEKAI NO OWARI) - Take Your Way (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
/'-')/ Hibiki~

Survive diff = Insane

thanks to everyone who helped me~
Yasora uda balik O.o

Edit : A little suggestion from me in IRC for the hardest diff :3

  1. Found that the offset is too late by 11ms.
2013-05-26 12:00 Yasora: yee new pending beatmap~
2013-05-26 12:00 Yasora: ACTION is editing [ livetune adding Fukase(from SEKAI NO OWARI) - Take Your Way (TV Size) [Survive]]
2013-05-26 12:17 Miya: alamak circle sizenya =3=
2013-05-26 12:19 Yasora: kenapa??
2013-05-26 12:19 Yasora: kekecilan kah..
2013-05-26 12:19 Miya: liat deh miya main
2013-05-26 12:19 Miya: xD
2013-05-26 12:21 Miya: kyknya offsetnya harus di fix lagi
2013-05-26 12:21 Yasora: edann
2013-05-26 12:21 Miya: ato arnya kurang cpt ya?
2013-05-26 12:21 Yasora: gatau
2013-05-26 12:21 Yasora: tapi pas aku tes, offsetnya buat aku oke o.O
2013-05-26 12:22 Miya: bnyk 100nya ><
2013-05-26 12:23 Miya: kyknya sih offsetnya
2013-05-26 12:23 Yasora: sok atuh
2013-05-26 12:23 Yasora: tolong fix..
2013-05-26 12:26 Miya: kq kurang enak y? =3=
2013-05-26 12:28 Yasora: udah offsetnya?
2013-05-26 12:28 Yasora: gimance
2013-05-26 12:28 Miya: yup ketelatan
2013-05-26 12:28 Miya: harunys -10
2013-05-26 12:28 Yasora: hoo
2013-05-26 12:28 Yasora: coba
2013-05-26 12:29 Miya: btw 00:49:265 (1) - ini extend lagi 1/2 lebih panjang
2013-05-26 12:29 Yasora: biarin ah biar epic xD
2013-05-26 12:29 Miya: itu soalnya g ngikut vocal =3=
2013-05-26 12:30 Yasora: sengaja biar vokal selanjutnya "gaada note"
2013-05-26 12:30 Yasora: ini serius kan -10 ya?
2013-05-26 12:30 Miya: jujur aja soalnya g ada note disini 00:49:489 - jadi agak aneh dgrnya ><
2013-05-26 12:31 Yasora: ya.. gapapa '3'
2013-05-26 12:31 Yasora: ntar kalo ada yang protes lagi, dipikirin lagi
2013-05-26 12:31 Miya: yup
2013-05-26 12:32 Yasora: oh ya,
2013-05-26 12:32 Miya: uda bisa perfect di putih biru merah kyk gini 00:59:116 (1,2,3) -
2013-05-26 12:32 Miya: btw offset miya 12 :o
2013-05-26 12:32 Yasora: jadi gimana
2013-05-26 12:32 Miya: yaa
2013-05-26 12:32 Yasora: -11 atuh -.-
2013-05-26 12:32 Miya: itu berapa? miya lupa offset yasora
2013-05-26 12:32 Miya: lol
2013-05-26 12:33 Yasora: kela
2013-05-26 12:33 Miya: trus cs -1 lebih enjoyable deh
2013-05-26 12:33 Miya: ><
2013-05-26 12:33 Miya: personal opinion aja xD
2013-05-26 12:33 Yasora: ga ah.. soalnya di kompi rumah, itu gede loh
2013-05-26 12:34 Yasora: cs nya--
2013-05-26 12:34 Miya: terserah yasora kalo itu mah xD
2013-05-26 12:34 Miya: paling sgtu aja sih dari diff yg paling susah ><
Topic Starter
balik ke hatimu

makasih XD!
bisa saya buat taiko diff??? (kalau mau)
Topic Starter
maaf.. saya pengen mapset std dan buatan saya doang '3'
Hello, from queue
noob modder, so mostly suggestions


  • All preview time should be 01:04:489 -
    01:04:489 - this section still have the emphasis, too bad the kiai ends there, kinda feels empty imo. I suggest you to add a flash kiai before it ends
    And i suggest you to add more clap in your hitsound pattern :3

  • OD+1?

    00:47:922 (2,1) - sorry, nazi, should stack properly

    overall is fine to me


  • 00:03:593 (1,2,3) - prefer if you do the same hitsound pattern with 00:00:011 (1,2,3) -
    00:16:130 (1) - add clap at slider's end
    00:34:489 (5) - nc?
    00:31:130 (2) - the previous slider ends at upbeat, and this circle ends at the next downbeat, so the gap is a bit long imo, only suggestion, maybe you can move this circle to 00:31:130 -
    01:01:802 (3) - align with 01:00:907 (1) - ?


  • 01:09:862 (1) - it's touching the percent board and nearly touching the scores, you should change the position
that's all =w= u p r o

suggestion for Survive diff : CS-1 /runs such a small circles like that are used for insane diff with simple rhythm pattern, but your insane diff has some difficult rhythm. though it's only suggestion

ok that's all, sorry for poor mod, and good luck~
Shohei Ohtani
I can't think of a funny statement to put here so um yeah.

00:10:310 (5) - Add clap on beginning of slider
00:17:250 (5) - Add clap on repeat
00:24:190 (5,6,7,8) - Not sure why jumps like oh no. It doesn't seem fitting, nor is there a new combocolor indicating such.
00:35:832 (1) - My arm is wanting to go left of the previous note, but this is placed to the right, making me force myself to go there.
01:05:832 (4) - Try avoiding this overlap

Tick rate 2? This will make the quarter note triplets much easier to read.
01:20:160 (5) - This might be better finishing the diamond pattern rather than being an oddly placed jump.

Tick Rate 2. Same reason as hard
00:05:384 (1) - Allow for more space after this spinner for the normal player.
00:10:310 (4) - Add clap
00:57:996 (2) - Make this curve more notable
01:07:623 (3) - Add drumwhistle on beginning of slider
01:18:817 (1) - Make this curve more pronounced. Right now it's not kawaii

00:00:011 (1) - Maybe extend this slider and all others to the 4th white tick, instead of having it end randomly on a blue tick (I know it goes with the music, but this might be easier to follow)
01:08:071 (1) - The sliderspeed is too slow to make this kind of slider, make a regular curve :3

nyan nyan~
Topic Starter
i'm in the mood to reply '-'

AlpacaCokelat wrote:

Hello, from queue
noob modder, so mostly suggestions


  • All preview time should be 01:04:489 -
    01:04:489 - this section still have the emphasis, too bad the kiai ends there, kinda feels empty imo. I suggest you to add a flash kiai before it ends
    And i suggest you to add more clap in your hitsound pattern :3

  • OD+1?

    00:47:922 (2,1) - sorry, nazi, should stack properly

    overall is fine to me


  • 00:03:593 (1,2,3) - prefer if you do the same hitsound pattern with 00:00:011 (1,2,3) - nope, I will keep this cuz sound still fit with music imo~
    00:16:130 (1) - add clap at slider's end
    00:34:489 (5) - nc?
    00:31:130 (2) - the previous slider ends at upbeat, and this circle ends at the next downbeat, so the gap is a bit long imo, only suggestion, maybe you can move this circle to 00:31:130 - I'm not follow your suggestion, but I add circle in 00:30:907
    01:01:802 (3) - align with 01:00:907 (1) - ?


  • 01:09:862 (1) - it's touching the percent board and nearly touching the scores, you should change the position in my screen isn't touching lol. fixed anyway
that's all =w= u p r o

suggestion for Survive diff : CS-1 /runs such a small circles like that are used for insane diff with simple rhythm pattern, but your insane diff has some difficult rhythm. though it's only suggestion but I guess current cs is fine ;-;

ok that's all, sorry for poor mod, and good luck~
thanks for mod and star :3

CDFA wrote:

I can't think of a funny statement to put here so um yeah.

00:10:310 (5) - Add clap on beginning of slider same as normal
00:17:250 (5) - Add clap on repeat ^
00:24:190 (5,6,7,8) - Not sure why jumps like oh no. It doesn't seem fitting, nor is there a new combocolor indicating such. kay, will do something '3'
00:35:832 (1) - My arm is wanting to go left of the previous note, but this is placed to the right, making me force myself to go there. ..
01:05:832 (4) - Try avoiding this overlap

Tick rate 2? This will make the quarter note triplets much easier to read.same as in normal
01:20:160 (5) - This might be better finishing the diamond pattern rather than being an oddly placed jump.not following your suggestion, but I do ctrl+g (5) & (6)

Tick Rate 2. Same reason as hard ng, I want to think again later
00:05:384 (1) - Allow for more space after this spinner for the normal player.
00:10:310 (4) - Add clap no because whistle already in there and if add clap the sound become weird for me
00:57:996 (2) - Make this curve more notable
01:07:623 (3) - Add drumwhistle on beginning of slider but I want whistle sound for piano in music
01:18:817 (1) - Make this curve more pronounced. Right now it's not kawaii

00:00:011 (1) - Maybe extend this slider and all others to the 4th white tick, instead of having it end randomly on a blue tick (I know it goes with the music, but this might be easier to follow)
01:08:071 (1) - The sliderspeed is too slow to make this kind of slider, make a regular curve :3

nyan nyan~
:D Hi~ from #modreq

  1. Background images must be at a maximum of 1024x768 pixels.
    Although 1024x768 is recommended, most background ratios that are 4:3 should also work reasonably well (for example, 800x600). Using an image with a different ratio is fine, but will result in letterboxing (black bars at the top/bottom of the screen).
Placing by the constant distance between notes is recommended Easy and Normal
  1. 00:44:339 (2) - this object is too close from the previous object
  2. 00:46:130 (4) - this object is too close from the previous object
  1. 00:08:519 (2) - this object is too far from the previous object
Good Luck!
Topic Starter

BoWAct wrote:

:D Hi~ from #modreq

  1. Background images must be at a maximum of 1024x768 pixels.
    Although 1024x768 is recommended, most background ratios that are 4:3 should also work reasonably well (for example, 800x600). Using an image with a different ratio is fine, but will result in letterboxing (black bars at the top/bottom of the screen).
Placing by the constant distance between notes is recommended Easy and Normal
  1. 00:44:339 (2) - this object is too close from the previous object
  2. 00:46:130 (4) - this object is too close from the previous object
  1. 00:08:519 (2) - this object is too far from the previous object
Good Luck!
yeah, i doubt about bg-- so change then
for distance in easy & normal, I guess that's ok too cuz still readable
thanks for remind me~
wut the bg is fine actually


Tinggal baca rule yang baru aja, itu rule yang maksimum 1024x768 uda outdated. Monggo diliat
Topic Starter
oh begitukah.. okedeh :'' males baca hehe
M4M o3o

I'm noob, only can suggest positions
you may or may not follow these

nothing found here "'º|¯|_

00:13:220 (2,3) - curve blanket
01:18:817 (1) - x 502 y 172
01:19:936 (2) - x 448 118

00:30:011 (3) - curve slider (then stack all the objects)[Survive]
00:08:407 (5) - x 395 y 213
00:08:519 (6) - x 376 y 192
01:20:608 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - tidy streams

good luck!
Topic Starter
fix only curving slider in hard and do move a bit triplet in insane
the rest seems fine so not fix
thank you :3

As m4m req :>
And just mod as suggestions, not necessary. : )

  1. Flow and parttern is good, so only give some rythem suggestions
  1. first, Drum-whistle sounds bad in this diff :(
  2. 00:03:593 (3) - not good.... plz don't paste 00:00:011 (1) -
  3. 00:48:369 (3) - use 1.0 ds?
  1. 00:21:056 (5) - 00:21:280 (6) - I think follow the vocal in normal is better and I haven't pointed all
  1. 00:21:056 (5,6) - add? if you do this delete the finish in 00:20:384 (4) - and add to 00:21:056 (5) - also delete finish in top of 00:21:504 (1) - and add whistle
  1. 00:58:220 (3) - try this
  2. 00:26:877 (5) - delete nc
  3. 00:30:235 (6) - ^
fin... sry I'm a newbie mapper D:
hello yasora!

I try to m4m with you.
but I can't assure my mod's quality T.T


-How about using this custom hitsound?(soft hitclap)

-Using hitclap in KIAI time sound better imo. Clap sound will makes player more fun.
And Kiai time is highlight of song, so it needs various hitsound.


-00:42:996 (1) - remove NC

-00:44:339 (2) - Add NC

-00:48:369 (3) - Ctrl + g?

-01:12:548 (1,2,3) - it would be childish suggesion... how about this?


-00:03:593 (1,2,3) - follow the whistle with this part 00:00:011 (1,2,3)

-00:16:130 (1) - lengthen this slider 1/4 more, and add clap on middle of slider + delete clap on end.

-00:42:996 (1) - delete NC

-00:44:339 (2) - Add NC

-00:48:369 (1,2) - How about this rhythm?

-01:14:787 (6) - ctrl + g would be better.


-01:02:698 (4) - remove one repeat and add a slider on 01:03:145
and I suggest two rhythm : 01:03:145 (5) - end this slider or 01:03:369 or 01:03:593(and delete circle)


-00:04:936 (7,8,1) - I think his antijump will make player confuse. give more distance would be better.

-00:58:220 (3) - lengthen this slider 1/4 more.(like this one 01:12:548 (5,6))

Hard and Survive diffs are look fun :)

Good luck!
m4m from your queue :3

00:06:056 (7,8,9) - 153|130 , 138|132 , 125|138 for more beautiful shape :x
00:33:369 - try this beat? also u can change slide to note instead.
00:47:250 (3) - 324|260 looks better

00:06:280 - add slider, end it at about 00:06:616 ?
00:18:257 / 00:18:369 - add note? and add clap at 00:18:369
00:39:190 (4) - 168|108 for blanket
01:07:847 (4) - 2 grid down and move 01:08:071 (1) to 124|288

looks fine 0.0

00:16:578 (4) - move center to 272|88 and move tail to 220|88
00:30:459 (1) - distance error
01:09:414 (2,3,4) - 205|89 , 305|89 , 205|89
01:20:608 (1) - a bit touch hp bar. move it down a bit or move to other place

that's all good luck :D
Hello! From ffstar & lemi's modding queue

Nice one.

00:09:862 (3) - Low AR makes it confusing imo. Move somewhere. (First impression)
00:48:369 (1) - Makes it a 1/1 slider.

00:06:280 (3) - Add a 1/1 slider here. Remove this 00:06:727 (4) - .
00:28:668 (5) - Pull this to a 1/1.
00:39:414 (1) - The blanket. Edit it nicely
00:42:101 (4) - You can just do it like this for this slider
00:58:668 (4) - Why don't just move this backward for a 1/4 beat, and extend for 1/4 beat too. Since you did this at the later part of the map.
01:00:907 (1) - Move the end to x:276 y:108
01:07:175 (3,1) - Make it a better blanket shape.

00:04:936 (7,8,1) - Stack these maybe.
00:06:056 (7,8,9) - Curve it more.
00:22:847 (3) - This is weird, try this (combo 2 is on 00:22:623 (2) - )
00:26:877 (1) - Change to a circle, leaving a gap after sounds better imo.
00:29:563 (3,4,5) - Remove 4 and 5 and make a 1/2 single reverse slider on 3.
00:30:795 (2) - Remove.
00:32:698 (2) - Change to one circle and add a 1/1 slider after that.
00:34:041 (1) - I suggest this changes. 00:34:041 (1) - Circle 00:34:265 (2) - Circle 00:34:489 (3) - 1/1 slider.
00:47:026 (2,3,4,5) - Remove 3,4 and 5. Make 2 a 1/1 slider.
00:48:369 (1,2,3,4,5) - Remove and add spinner from 00:47:922 (3) - until 00:48:817 (4) -
00:58:220 (3,4) - Remove 4 and make 3 to this thing (Idk what it's called)
01:21:951 (13,14) - 14 should be placed at 13. Add one more repeat at the end too.
Topic Starter
thanks all~ your mod is useful
sorry didn't reply cuz I'm lazy hehe xD

ohai ~
from my queue

Remove "op" in tags? soalnya udh termasuk opening

00:01:802 (2) - 424,284? biar gk kerasa random aja skalian dikit branket (if yes fix branket after this ~)
00:11:653 (2) - change to whistle?
00:25:086 (4) - NC for consistency
00:35:832 - finish?
00:38:519 (4) - hmm d pindah? nyentuh durasi waktunya
00:42:101 (2) - whistle?
00:44:339 (2,4) - use normal spacing?
00:51:951 (3) - nazi, 1 grid up
01:00:907 (3) - NC for consistency?

00:01:802 - whistle?
00:08:519 (2) - spacing 1,09x?
00:32:922 (2) - 1 grid down? avoid touched with previous (if yes fix spacing after this)
00:35:832 - same with easy
00:35:832 (1) - 220,304 for stacked with 00:33:817 (4) - ?
00:49:713 (3) - spacing 0,92x?
00:57:324 (3,1) - swap NC?
00:59:116 (4) - NC for consistency
01:09:862 (3) - ^
01:13:444 (3) - ^
01:14:787 (6) - spacing 1.06x?

00:09:862 (3,4,1) - make all slider have same shape? it's better imo
00:25:757 (5) - NC?
00:28:668 (5,1) - swap NC?
00:34:265 (4) - NC?
00:35:832 - same as easy
00:39:414 (1) - spacing 1,03 in here itentional? you can put 00:39:190 (4) - 168,100
00:42:660 (5) - use 0.9x as spacing? you did it before and in 01:12:884 (4) -
00:44:787 (3) - NC?
00:59:116 (5) - ^
01:03:145 (5) - same as 00:42:660 (5) - , also 01:02:698 (4) - NC
01:22:399 (5) - maybe NC?

HP-1? too much hard HP 7 with CS5
00:04:936 (7) - NC? due anti jump
00:14:675 (2,3,2,3) - this 1/4.. itentional to make different spacing?
00:44:227 (4) - same here, spacing?
01:02:250 (3) - spacing issue (0,93x)
01:03:145 (5) - ^ (0.94x) i think better use normal spacing
01:06:616 (6) - same with 00:14:675 (2,3,2,3) -
01:21:504 (9) - how about NC in here?

okedeh segitu aja
udh keren mappu nyaa
Good Luck Yasora (:
Topic Starter
fixed some~
makasih :3
00:30:459 (1) - reconsider the shape of slider?

00:38:295 (5) - change rhythm
00:48:369 (1) - move to X:276 y:248
01:00:907 (1) - better be same shape as 01:01:802 (3) -

00:52:623 (1) - change rhythm

00:12:884 (2) -
00:18:257 (2) -
01:21:951 (13) - change rhythm?

good mapset。And good luck :)
Topic Starter
fixed thing in normal and some in survive diff
Hi Hi~from my queue

nm 0w0

good map,kiss


a custom soft sliderslide is necessary,sliders' hitsound now is noisy


00:02:922 ctrl j ,take full use of space


;w; great diff so just sth nazi



good diff too ;w; hard to mod sth



01:11:653(1) make it smoothly

01:20:608 try this rhythm
00:21:056 - 00:21:280 add sth, I think

00:44:004(3,1) I think then are not pretty.;w;

overlap can be more perfect imo

for example


Topic Starter
fixed thing in normal and some in survive diff~
thanks a lot xD!
Hi :),


  1. The Hard diff has differents tags.
  1. 00:16:578 (4) - Curved it a little bit because of 00:17:922 (1). It looks better like this imo:
  2. 00:33:593 (4) - NC? This combo is a little bit long for an easy diff.
  3. 00:37:623 (3,1) - Try avoiding the overlapping.
  4. 00:46:130 (4) - Maybe a 1/2 beat long slider starting from 00:45:907 instead?
  5. 01:20:608 (1) - I think this slider should have a hitsound at the end. Not a Finish but maybe a Whistle or a Clap.
  1. 00:15:235 (3,4,2,3) - Did you try some sort of symmetry with these notes?
  2. 00:34:489 (1,2,3,1) - It's nearly a square. Move 00:35:832 (1) to x=228 y=300 if you want one.
  3. 00:41:653 (5) - Same here. Move it to x=276 y=92 for a square.
  4. 00:46:130 (2,3) - Try doing a blanket here.
  5. 00:55:533 (1,3) - Maybe you could make it at the same high as well as 00:56:877 (2,1).
  6. 01:21:727 (3) - Same remark as in the Easy diff.
  1. 00:32:250 (1,2) - Why not making an overlapping like 00:18:817 (1,3)?
  2. 00:52:623 (1,2) - It would be better imo if they were the same slider but rotated 180°.
  3. 01:22:399 (5) - This time you put something! Try being consistent in all diff for the hitsounds.
  1. 01:22:399 (5) - A Finish here too......
~Good Luck~
hi hi here from your queue ;3

Let'su go !


Just to say, i'm really maniac with blanket ! >3<
- 00:01:802 (2) - move to x:432,y:268
- 00:10:310 (4,1) - What about put the same position as before 00:08:071 (1,2) - ?
- 00:17:922 (1) - ctrl + J, and then move to x:384,y:188 better ? :o
- 00:25:086 (1) - x:436,y:220
- 00:34:041 (5) - down one grid
- 00:37:623 (3) - x:392,y:184
- 00:40:310 (2) - x:176,y:80
- 00:52:847 (5) - what about reverse slider >
- 01:07:623 (4) - x:268,y:264 then
- 01:08:071 (1) - center to x:196,y:244; end to x:248,y:256
- 01:20:608 (1) - never seen this form so funny :D !


maybe 1.1 distance spacing, because when your try to do blanket there are too close >.<
- 00:19:713 (3) - move to x:208,y:68
- 00:21:504 (1,3) - stack
nothing else to say :3


- 00:06:280 - add a note here ? :o
- 00:13:668 (2) - x:280,y:144
- 00:15:235 (6) - end to x:224,y:152
- 00:32:026 (4) - delete and start the previous slider here ? it follow better the voice
- 01:22:175 (4,5) - why this 2 note ? maybe delete it follow nothing, better to start the spinner at 01:22:399 -


- 00:34:489 (1) - x:156,y:96
- 00:42:548 (5) - end to x:84,y:280
- 01:02:250 (3,5) - try to stack the end of the 5 with the 3

that's all, Fighto !
Topic Starter
fixed some
thank you~~
Hey~ Lets mod this map!

(Btw, this is M4M)


  1. 00:16:578 (4) - Honestly, if you don't add clap's to the slider ticks then there really no need to add a clap here, cause there basically the same thing and just makes you sound lazy. (following your hitsound pattern)
  2. 00:27:772 (4) - Its better to remove the whistle in end, and add to start and only apply the below if you do this.
  3. 00:28:668 (1) - Maybe you should add a whistle here too. Just to emphasize this strong beat?
  4. 00:14:339 (1) - I would love it if you curved this slider a little more, it looks a little bit crooked I suppose , but its not a big issue, just want to improve slider design because its an easy.
  5. 00:20:608 (4) - I don't necessarily think NC should be here, but since this is a kick slider to start the following rhythm, then adding it won't be a very bad idea :3
  6. 01:14:787 (3) - Might as well just stack this with 01:16:578 (2) - , it'll be better honestly, cause the overlap looks pretty bad ><
  7. 00:48:369 (3) - Add new combo here, so its consistent with the last slider in this map.
  8. 01:14:339 (2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2) - And tbh, this section could of been better mapped, its not that well constructed
  9. 01:09:862 (3,4) - I guess you can make this symmetrical? cause you have room to do that, and you need to reposition this note 01:09:414 (2) - if you do fix this too.

  1. 00:19:713 (3) - This slider should be like this slider 00:18:817 (2) - , I feel like this is a forced blanket ><
  2. 00:46:578 (3) - I'm guessing your trying to follow instruments here, but it would be better if you make the slider end at a white tick because thats where the vocals are.
  3. 00:58:668 (3) - Again, I don't like these circle overlaps, a better position would be at x:224 y:220 and make sure you fix spacing of notes after if you change this
  4. 01:07:623 (3) - It would feel better , if you just make this just a circle, to make it be like what you did in kiai, leaving a break at 01:07:847 , but its your choice
  5. 01:10:757 (2) - Maybe remove whistle here, it sounds kinda noisy and kinda inconsistent (sorry I don't quite understand your whistle pattern hehe)
  6. 01:18:369 (2) - You should replace this with two circles , just to distinguish this from 01:15:235 (1,2) - and there is slight vocal change here compared to 01:18:369 (2) -

  1. 00:06:616 - I guess you missed a note here, it follows the instruments
  2. 00:32:026 (1) - and I think this is intentional too, because you missed a beat at the white tick, looking at how you mapped this part, I guess you can add a note and stack it? like this make sure you also add a whistle at the appropriate place.
  3. 00:57:101 (5) - It wouldn't be a big problem , if you move this note up more, a jump to the next note feels really good tbh (or was this intentional too?
  4. 01:15:235 (1) - you might want to increase spacing here also , hehe the end kinda lacks jumps and this would be a good place to put them if you want to put them
  5. 01:21:280 (2) - Change sampleset to drum and add finish here too? ><
  6. 01:15:235 (1) - ^
  7. 00:03:593 (3) - I would rather you add soft finish (and decrease volume ) to the start of this slider
  8. 00:52:623 (3) - Ahhh, this note could of been curved slightly I guess, so its similar to the next note
  9. 00:59:116 (1) - oh and 1 more thing, I noticed that NC was missing here, and it really should be here, because its unconsistent with 01:13:444 (1) - in a way

  1. some people might hate the CS (I know alot of people already mentioned it xDDD)
  2. 00:06:280 (9) - usually you add a nc after a stream, so maybe add it here?
  3. 00:08:742 (7) - You can possibly add drum samplesets + finish here, like in hard, but its your choice
  4. 00:09:638 (3) - ^
  5. 00:13:220 (3) - ^
  6. 00:11:429 (4) - ^ blah blah blah
  7. 00:16:578 (3) - and might need to move this down so it can allign with the previous two notes
  8. 00:38:966 (5,6,7) - and you might want to increase spacing here as well, to somewhere around here
  9. 01:09:638 (7) - Move this more down I guess
  10. 01:15:235 (1) - Drum samplset+ finish as explained in hard

Insane was nicely done!

Good Luck ><
Topic Starter
fixed some
thanks for mod :3
Hey there!

Omg this map is so nice ;w; prepare for th weak mod~

01:17:026 (3,1) - Nazi beat blanket >->

00:24:638 (4,1) - The end of the slider touches the next one :c nazi again, get the last anchor a bit to right :|
00:32:250 (1,2) - detail at the blanket ._.
00:33:593 (3,4) - The end of the slider is closer to the circle than the beginning of the slider, just move a bit the last anchor
00:46:130 (2,3) - ^
01:14:787 (3,1) - ^ and bit of the blanket >.>

00:27:772 (4,1) - The beat blanket needs work here .-.
Nothing else, well done~

00:22:623 (2,3) - The end of the slider 3 could be a better curve for the previous one in my opinion
00:27:324 (1,2) - You could make blanket there
01:15:235 (1,2) - The curve could be better blanket for the circle :|

Well nothing else, the mapset has potential, well done Yasora :) Get a star~
Topic Starter
okay fixed some blanket thing
thank you :3
Yo m4m o/


  1. 00:17:250 (5) - I guess the repeat should have a drum finish to keep it consistent.
  2. 00:30:795 (2) - Try removing this note, it sounds oddly overmapped.
  3. 00:32:250 (1) - Remove whistle on body and add it on start and end xD
  4. 00:57:324 (1) - Finish the start instead of whistle?
  5. 00:59:451 (2,4) - The drum finishes are coming far too sudden, try whistles instead?
  6. 01:11:653 (1) - Finish on the start instead of whistle?
  7. 01:14:339 (2,4) - Same as for the finishes before.
  8. 01:15:235 (1) - Add a finish to the start, or at least a whistle.


  1. 00:04:936 (5,6) - Move both a bit down? Would flow better I guess.
  2. 00:09:862 (3,4) - Clap on 3's end and 4's start?
  3. 00:13:668 (2) - Clap?
  4. 00:24:638 (1) - Add a whistle to the repeat? Sounds empty due to the piano.
  5. 00:32:026 (1) - Whistle on the end?
  6. 00:59:116 (1,2) - Replace drum finishes with whistles?
  7. 01:00:907 (1) - Finish instead of whistle on the head?
  8. 01:08:071 (1) - Same as above.
  9. 01:13:444 (1,2) - Same thing about the drum finishes.
  10. 01:15:235 (1) - Either add whistle or finish to the start.


  1. 00:13:668 (3) - Clap the tail?
  2. 00:24:638 (4,1) - Totemo nazi, but disable grid snap and prevent them from touching.
  3. 00:26:429 (3) - Whistle?
  4. 00:57:324 (3) - Finish instead of whistle?
  5. 01:08:071 (1) - Same as above.


  1. 00:57:324 (5) - Finish instead of whistle?
  2. 01:08:071 (1) - Same ~
  3. 01:09:414 (2,3,4) - Highlight them and pull them to the middle of the grid to make them symmetrical.
  4. 01:19:265 (3) - Try to make a blanket with 4? Would look more pleasing I guess.

Nice mapset Yasora xD

Good luck ~
if you finished update ^, i will mod this :)
Topic Starter
fixed some
thanks konei :3
Hi, from #modreqs

AR+1 seems better, the beginners can do it! :oops:

00:07:623 - Add a circle
All clear the rest is good

00:07:959 - Add a circle, triplet seems better here
00:16:466 - Add a circle with clap
00:17:922 (5) - replace this reverse slider for a common with 2 circles in 00:18:257 - and 00:18:369 - and add clap
00:21:056 - Add a circle


seems better.

00:00:795 - Add a circle or a reverse slider
00:01:914 - Add a circle
00:02:362 - Add a circle
00:02:586 - Add a circle
00:04:936 (1,2) - Look for the spacing here, after (2) starts a stream and confuses > _ <
00:21:056 - Add a circle
01:00:795 - Add a circle, seems better
01:04:713 (2) - change this slider for a triplet
01:16:466 - Add a circle, seems better also

~Good luck!~
Topic Starter
just fix ar in easy and do something with 00:04:936 (1,2) - circle in survive diff
the rest seems fine for me
thank you~
Mod req from my queue~

  1. Red - Unrankable
  2. Purple - Highly recommended
  3. Black - Just suggestion
  • General
  1. 00:21:504 - Volume here 40% is light for me. How about 50%?

  2. 00:11:653 (2) - whistle instead of clap
  3. 00:20:608 (4) - delete NC?

  4. 00:09:190 (2) - turning point move to 420:288
  5. 01:08:071 (1) - whistle at end
  6. 01:10:533 - try to place something here

    I can't find problem in Hard and Survive..
    Sorry about the poor mod.. Shoot a star instead.
    Nice song and nice map. Hope soon ranked! Good Luck~!
Topic Starter
fix all except general and last point in normal diff
thanks a lot~

01:04:489 - restart a new kiai? still in chorus

00:01:802 (3,3) - NC
00:06:280 - finish?
00:10:086 - add clap?
00:13:668 - ^
00:42:101 (4,5) - blanket?
01:22:063 (14) - make the tail point up and curve down, which looks better, like

NC quite messy before 00:21:504 - . please check.
00:10:086 - clap?
01:07:175 (3) - blanket better

recommend adding more NCs, as current combos are too long imo. no other things to mention.


Good luck~
Topic Starter
ok fixed some
from my queue~


  1. i think 00:39:302 is a better preview point, this one is after kiai, not good!

  1. hp+1 or +2 (surviving at hp7 too easy, it doesn't feel like the diff name!
  2. 00:06:392 (1) - slider begin here? you can here a sound at the blue tick
  3. 00:09:862 (4,5) - hitsounds feel empty, i think adding clap on slider ends are better
  4. 00:13:668 (5) - clap at beginning and end
  5. 00:17:250 (5) - ^
  6. 00:23:966 (1) - i think better flow to put this note to x:192 y:172 and 00:24:414 (3,4) - ctrl+G ww
  7. 00:39:302 - add note? that triple stream sounds lonely
  8. 00:51:727 (5) - put it here ww
  9. 01:04:265 - add stream? o.o

  1. 00:42:101 (4) - too short on the left.. try this
  2. 00:51:951 (1) - jump on the left may be confusing with the next one o.o

  1. 01:06:280 (1) - this goes out of the world

  1. 00:03:593 (3) - this looks like a bad blanket, i would suggest a pattern of
  2. 00:48:369 (3) - rotate 5 degrees (selection center), prev/next distance is not even
Topic Starter
fixed all except preview time cuz I want that in there \:3/
thanks a lot~

This is the weirdest artist I've ever seen. :V

  1. Please, check if your Caps Lock works correctly. I'm sure that correct source is Devil Survivor 2 The Animation
  2. Add some more tags, so we'll be able to find your map faster! For example Bridge (name of the studio). Also you can add some character names.
  3. you should think about using slider tick rate 2 here. It fits with music better, imo.
Mention in creator's word that [Survive] is [Insane] diff :<
  1. Reduce HP Drain by two ticks to make diff and diff spread better balanced. There's no reason to use THAT high HP Drain at all!
  2. 00:13:444 (4) - whoaa. x2.7 jump which doesn't really fits with music and feels too unexpected here. Why is it here? You really should reduce distance of this jump because it is really confusing!
    Note: if you're that lazy, just Ctrl+G 00:13:668 (5) - it'd work here, too!
  3. 00:24:414 (3) - wild jump again. I don't mnd jumps, but they should be reasonable and fit with music! That one is too fast + I can't hear anything jumpy in music!
  4. 00:39:302 (8) - in fact, there's no ANY beat at 00:39:302! So, please, do not overmap and remove that circle!
  5. 00:43:332 (2) - same sound appears at 00:42:660 - but there it is mapped with 1/4 reversed slider. Do the same here? yeah, just replace 00:43:332 (2) with reversed 1/4 slider :)
  6. 01:22:063 (8) - second reverse arrow here isn't readable and doesn't flows so good. How about starting that slider 1/4 later + adding a circle at 01:22:063 - ? example
    Note: probably you should place NC at 01:21:504 (9) - because rhythm changes here a bit + combo comes out the way too long!

    Just some strange jumps and nothing else. Pretty nice diff!
  1. 00:49:265 (1) - x0.75 SV Multiplier would be better here. THis slowdown is too sudden and too unexpected here. I really don't like the way how you use it here. :<

    Really nice and enjoyable [Hard]. Except for one slowdown, that bugs me.

  1. 00:00:011 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - I'd recommend you to end this sliders 1/4 later. You shouldn't use too many 3/4 sliders here, because this is a [Normal]diff and tricky thythm is confusing for players. Simple 1/2 rhythm will fit here + it's much easier to play!
  2. 00:08:071 (2) - it's a bug. Place NC here to fix it.
    Note: just in case if you've never seen these bugs before: circle has number 1 but C here isn't enabled. See?
  3. 00:26:653 - you've missed a circle here, right? Circle here will fit with music, vocals and it'll make your rhythm more consistent and easier understandable!
  4. 00:34:489 (1,2) - please, replace them with 1/1 slider. (2) sounds too quite, so it's hard to hear/feel that beat while playing. Slider will make rhythm here a bit easier :)
  5. 00:50:160 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) - this pattern looks too hard, imo. You shouldn't overuse 1/2 beats here, this is still a [Normal] diff, remember?

  1. AR4 is the way too fast! This is the easiest diff! Do you really think that beginners are able to read AR4? Do you think that AR4 fits with slow BPM and Slider Velocity? Please, reduce AR by one tick!
  2. 00:00:011 (1,2) - no-no-no! - (2)'s tail is TOO close to (1). So, players may mistakenly hit (2)'s tail after (1). It's all about your flow, that is really weird here. Consider moving (2)'s tail somewhere else. You shouldn''t use such patterns just because it "looks cute with your style"!
  3. 00:30:459 (3) - nazi - the way how slider changes its direction isn't really really readable for beginners, please change its shae to something smoother, maybe something like this
  4. 00:40:310 (2) - instead of having that gap in your consistent 1/1 rhythm, you could add reverse to this slider. So, you'll follow vocals better + it will make your rhythm more consistent!
  5. 00:49:265 - don't ignore vocals there! At least try to hitsound slider-tick or sliderslide. But I'd recommend you to completely re-do this slider, it sounds unfitting, imo. see if you like this or not
  6. 00:57:772 - you could place here a circle to follow music, it'll make your rhythm more consistent and a bit easier understandable for beginners!
  7. 01:17:474 (1) - you've placed NC to emphasize vocals here, right? Then, why you didn't do the same to 01:15:683 (2)? So, yeah swap NC on 01:15:235 (1,2) - from (1) to (2)! It'll bring some consistency to your comboing
  8. 01:20:608 (1) - can't say that I like how this slider change its direction, it's kinda too curvy. That'd be great if you'll make it's shape to something more readable instead. ;_;

    This is too hard for an [Easy]diff! Please, reduce your diff settings and work on your rhythm a bit more!
Please, get some more mods for [Easy] diff before calling a BAT. I'm really sure that [Easy] needs more work, sorry ;_;
Good luck!
Topic Starter
fixed some..
btw I'm following source from here
thanks a lot~

in new page again
Thank you for your visit to my queue!

  1. it is better that Kiai-time end at 01:21:951, isn't it? (all diff same this)
  2. 00:08:071 (1) - move to x:264 y:224. it looks good, I think
  3. 00:53:295- add crap
  1. 01:07:623- add crap
    01:11:205 (3) - ^
  • Good!
  1. 01:00:011 (4,5,6) - move to x:208 y:316. it looks good, I think
"Ranked" is near !
~Good Luck~
add crap, oh rofl xD

Miya wrote:

add crap, oh rofl xD
I'm dying xD
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

Thank you for your visit to my queue!

  1. it is better that Kiai-time end at 01:21:951, isn't it? (all diff same this) nope weird to me
  2. 00:08:071 (1) - move to x:264 y:224. it looks good, I think ok
  3. 00:53:295- add crap nope, weird for me lol crap.. you mean clap?
  1. 01:07:623- add crap same as easy
    01:11:205 (3) - ^ ^
  • Good! yay \:3/
  1. 01:00:011 (4,5,6) - move to x:208 y:316. it looks good, I think ok
"Ranked" is near !
~Good Luck~
thanks xD

RandomEffect wrote:

add crap
Oh god xD
Hi there, I love that song.

Summoned via Konei, Irre and Luka's Modding Queue
:shock: Feel free to ignore anything, they are only suggestions based on my personal feelings. Please don't feel offended. :shock:


Preview Point:
Diff spread:
Offset: Why does it say 12 here? i'm confused.
Other stuff: add some craps Maybe write that 'Survivor' is the Insane diff, in your creator's words.

For the hitsounds of the map, I ask a friend if he could mod them for you more focused.


Gameplay: Well, it's okay I suppose. The hitsounds were annoying me very much if I'm honest, I try to give you suggestions about that.. well, at least my personal suggestions (it doesn't mean that they are bad). But overall, it looks okay, even if the rhythm is a bit monotone. It has some nice jumps :3 There were no very bad parts too.

About the hitsounds: I really suggest you not using drums. In my opinion another hitsound, maybe only claps and whistles (the clap is very good though) would fit much better.

Modding: 00:00:011 (1,2,3) - Hmm, this part, I'm not sure about it. If you listen closely, you can hear that everything is kinda together, and the way how you placed it doesn't really fit it..And after all, it's a bit hard to get it, because the placing of 00:00:907 (4,5) - confuses me too. Try to place it a bit different at least, please. A suggestion would be if you would make a slider of instead of a circle here 00:00:011 - .. I hope you can try it.
00:03:929 (4,5,6) - Make this to a nice triangle please, while you add a NC 00:03:929 (4) - here. The player will get (most of the cases, I suppose) that there is another rhythm.
00:05:384 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Moving this combo would create a nice triangle as well, it would be a nice overall-triangle pattern in this part. (mark everything and move it to x:316 y:136)
00:06:392 (1) - Let this circle end at 00:06:616 - and add a 1/4 slider from 00:06:727 - here on? It would sound pretty cool! But that's not really necessary.
00:19:041 (5) - Move the second white point to x: 416 y:156, I think the flow would be better then.
00:23:966 (1,2,3,4) - Really nice pattern you created there!
00:26:653 (5,6) - What about mapping this a bit more to the vocals? the current rhythm gives it a stress, which is weird to play.
00:29:004 (2,3) - Hm, it sounds nice but it's not in the song itself. It's up to you if you leave it or not, just wanted to mention .
00:37:959 (2,3) - The fact, that the slider is gonig to the left and the circle is on the right gives everything a weird flow. Please try to get a better one, if you use a curve flow it will be better :P
00:38:966 (5,6,7) - If you want something to use like this there please make this:
Yes, two 1/4 sliders, if you listen to the background closely, you'll know why.
00:42:548 (5) - Ctrl + G please, and move 00:42:996 (1) - please to x: 256 y: 300. It will look cool :P I hope it works for you.
For the KIAI: The clap doesn't sound good to my ears. It's definetly too loud, try to lower the volume at least, maybe even look for a new one, it's up to you.
00:53:742 (1) - Add parts like this, please use finish! It will empathise the song pretty good.
00:58:444 (3) - x:396 y:244, for a better looking
00:59:451 (2,3,4) - The drums.. why did you use them just there? xD Please don't.
01:20:608 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Nice finish of the map :)

That's it! The map itself is well made :) I hope you think some suggestions can help you to make it even better!


00:00:235 (2) - I prefer the method you used afterwards, please do so as well as you did there.
00:05:384 (1) - What about ending the spinner here? 00:06:727 -
00:13:892 (3) - It would be nice if you would rotate this slider a bit, for something like 20°. or maybe only 15.
00:42:660 (5) - Well, that's just some personal mapping style, but for things like this i use less DS. If you wanna try it, move it to x: 424, y: 124
00:50:832 (3,4,5) - Try this! It looks nice and has a good flow.
01:17:026 (1) - Well, it's the only 'special' slider you used.. it looks a bit weird to me. Please try to use a regular shape, like you've did before. It's nothing bad to use it! But if you do, try to do it more.


Wow, very high SV. If you're not lazy try to reduce it by 0.2, but if you are, leave it.
00:22:847 (2) - This slider really doesn't fit the rhythm at all. Try listen to the vocals a bit more, since this part definetly should be calmed.
00:26:653 (4,1) - If you listen again, .. she says something like dee, and this starts at 4. So the slider should be at the place of 4, obviously.
00:33:817 (4,1) - Nice pattern~
01:05:832 (4,1) - Try to get a better flow here, remember: it's not good to get something like this in a normal, it will look very quickly a bit odd. Try to get a nice path between circle > slider, or even slider > slider.


00:16:578 (4) - Try this?
01:12:548 (1) - o.o Well.. xD What about going on with the rhythm you used before?

Really nice job here! :)

I hope i could help you! that big mod, sorry. xD star because naisu song *-*
From my modding queue~

Just some suggestions.

00:03:929 (4) - Consider adding a NC here.
00:12:884 (2) - That slider looks a bit too crumbled. :c
00:32:250 (1) - Remove the whistle on the slider trail? It doesn't really fit imo.
00:39:190 (7) - One gird right and one up.~
00:58:668 (4) - Ctrl+G?
01:04:489 (1) - Remove this NC and add one here if you did so 01:04:713.
01:07:175 (8) - Remove the clap on the slider start and add a whistle instead? It sounds better imo.
01:11:205 (6) - Remove the whistle and add a clap instead?
01:11:653 (1) - Remove this NC and add one here 01:12:324 (11).

00:00:235 (2) - A bit too crumbled. How about making it straight?
00:19:713 (3) - Add a clap on the slider end? I think it sound pretty nice.
00:26:653 (1) - Remove the NC and add one here 00:27:324 (5)
00:28:444 (1) - If you applied the NC's i've mentioned above delete this NC and add one here 00:29:339 (6)
00:30:235 (1) - Same as above. If you applied the NC's remove this one here and add a NC here 00:31:130 (1). Also remove this NC 00:32:026 (1).
00:41:429 (2,5) - They are a bit too crumbled. It doesn't look so nice. :c
00:56:877 (4) - Remove the whistle and add a clap instead~
01:00:011 (2) - Sampleset: Soft with a whistle instead?
01:07:175 (3) - Remove the whistle on the slider end and add a clap instead?~
01:11:205 (4) - Remove whistle and add a clap?

00:10:310 (4) - Add a clap instead? Sound better imo.
00:34:489 (1) - Blanket better with 00:33:593 (3)~
00:52:847 (2) - Clap on the slider end instead~
00:55:533 (1) - I think you are missing a whislte on the slider end.
01:07:623 (3) - Clap on the slide start instead~
01:11:205 (3) - Missing clap.

00:17:922 (1) - I think you can make the wave a bit more nicer.
00:19:713 (3) - Add a clap on the slider end~
00:52:847 (5) - Add a clap on the reverse instead.
00:58:220 (1) - Remove the whistle on the reverse and add a whistle on the end instead.
01:07:623 (4) - Clap instead
01:12:101 (5) - Consider adding a note here. This part feels a bit weird without one.
01:19:265 (3) - Add a Whistle on the slider end.

That's all.
Nice map!

Good luck :)
Topic Starter
fixed some \:3/
thanks both of you~

Rawr, sorry, im late =3=

  1. The source should be Devil Survivor 2: The Animation ( ... _Animation , ... _Animation)
  1. 00:31:803 (4) - Add a whistle here, not consistent with your whistle rhythm.
  2. 00:57:773 (5,1) - Switch NC here, doesnt consistent with other NC pattern especially 01:12:101 (1,2) -
  3. 01:19:265 (3) - Add a whistle here since you constantly fill 3rd beat with whistle but not here.
  4. 01:19:265 (3) - Put NC here since you add NC at 01:17:474 (1) - and this note has similar vocal at that note.
  1. 00:24:191 (3) - I don't hear any rhythm here thus this note doesn't follow anything from the music. To make better rhythm, you can delete this circle, then make 2 new circle at 00:23:967 - and 00:24:414 - because i can clearly hear piano sounds at that time. It will be good if you add whistle at both of those circles too~
  2. 00:26:877 (1) - This slider doesnt follow the music properly too because there is no beat nor rhythm at 00:26:871 -. It will be better if you just delete this slder, then add a new slider at 00:26:653 - to 00:27:325 - then you can add a new circle at 00:27:773 - or if you want to follow the vocal, you can add another circle or new slider here 00:27:549 -
  3. 00:30:907 (2) - Move this circle to 00:31:131 -, or delete this circles, and make a new 1/2 slider at 00:31:131 - if you want more simpler pattern. You can add a repeat to the new slider too to follow the vocal more properly.
  4. 00:38:519 (1) - This slider start should have a soft whistle at slider start according to your previous rhythm at 00:36:728 (2) - . Both of this note has similar rhythm in vocal.
  5. 00:36:728 (2) - I think soft whistle at slider repeat will give you better and more consistent whistle rhythm here.
  6. 00:47:474 (4) - Same, add a soft whistle at this slider start too.
  7. 00:57:997 (2) - Add another whistle at this slider end, feels empty here.
  8. 01:09:862 (3) - Whistle here, it's very not consistent since you always put a whistle at every long downbeat except here.
  1. 00:01:019 (4) - Ok, tbh, this note is very hard to read, it requires me a few try to understand what rhythm it is. A note that very hard to read doesn't make sense here since the part itself is calm. I really encourage you to just change these circles 00:00:683 (3,4,1) - into a slider with repeat instead., since it's much much easier to read.
  2. 00:13:892 (3) - A note below slider is unrankable except insane diff. Change this pattern.
  3. 00:16:467 - How about a circle here? I can clearly hear a 1/4 rhythm here.
  4. 00:24:638 (1) - Skipping a vocal at 00:24:862 - is not a good idea because at the last part 00:23:967 (3,4) - you clearly follow the vocal here. Changing the rhythm so suddenly while the vocal still on going is very not good idea. So, map this slider instead. Delete this slider, then add a new 1/2 slider at 00:24:638 - then you can add a 1/1 slider at 00:25:086 - to create more better rhythm.
  5. 00:52:623 (3) - This clap at slider start is overused and doesn't make sense. Remove it.
  6. 01:06:728 (2) - Ctrl+g for better flow?
  1. 00:25:758 (3) - Add a whistle here at slider start, it similar with 00:23:071 (3) - start.
  2. 00:29:340 (4) - Add a whistle here too, it have similar rhythm with point above.
  3. 00:42:549 (5) - According to previous hitsound 00:38:967 (5,6) - this slider hitsound should be normal. Remove the whistle if you do this.
  4. 00:55:086 (5) - Add a whistle at this slider repeat too to be consistent with previous whistle rhythm.
  5. 01:11:206 (6) - The hitsound here should be clap, not whistle. It's very not consistent.
  6. 01:21:392 (8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Okay, this stream is very very very overmapped. If you hear clearly to the music, the 1/4 rhythm end here 01:21:280 -. It doesn't make sense if you extend the stream until here 01:22:400 -. It doesn't fit with the music too.
That's all i think. Overall, this is a good map, but more work can be done. I'll leave my star for now.
Good luck Yasora~
/me play the game :P
Topic Starter

Miya wrote:

Rawr, sorry, im late =3=

  1. The source should be Devil Survivor 2: The Animation ( ... _Animation , ... _Animation) now I'm confused with this.. alright, after discussing in game, I follow you
  1. 00:31:803 (4) - Add a whistle here, not consistent with your whistle rhythm. already whistle in there .-.
  2. 00:57:773 (5,1) - Switch NC here, doesnt consistent with other NC pattern especially 01:12:101 (1,2) -
  3. 01:19:265 (3) - Add a whistle here since you constantly fill 3rd beat with whistle but not here.
  4. 01:19:265 (3) - Put NC here since you add NC at 01:17:474 (1) - and this note has similar vocal at that note.
  1. 00:24:191 (3) - I don't hear any rhythm here thus this note doesn't follow anything from the music. To make better rhythm, you can delete this circle, then make 2 new circle at 00:23:967 - and 00:24:414 - because i can clearly hear piano sounds at that time. It will be good if you add whistle at both of those circles too~ that's too hard imo, but I add slider in there
  2. 00:26:877 (1) - This slider doesnt follow the music properly too because there is no beat nor rhythm at 00:26:871 -. It will be better if you just delete this slder, then add a new slider at 00:26:653 - to 00:27:325 - then you can add a new circle at 00:27:773 - or if you want to follow the vocal, you can add another circle or new slider here 00:27:549 - changed into another pattern~
  3. 00:30:907 (2) - Move this circle to 00:31:131 -, or delete this circles, and make a new 1/2 slider at 00:31:131 - if you want more simpler pattern. You can add a repeat to the new slider too to follow the vocal more properly.
  4. 00:38:519 (1) - This slider start should have a soft whistle at slider start according to your previous rhythm at 00:36:728 (2) - . Both of this note has similar rhythm in vocal.
  5. 00:36:728 (2) - I think soft whistle at slider repeat will give you better and more consistent whistle rhythm here.
  6. 00:47:474 (4) - Same, add a soft whistle at this slider start too.
  7. 00:57:997 (2) - Add another whistle at this slider end, feels empty here.
  8. 01:09:862 (3) - Whistle here, it's very not consistent since you always put a whistle at every long downbeat except here.
  1. 00:01:019 (4) - Ok, tbh, this note is very hard to read, it requires me a few try to understand what rhythm it is. A note that very hard to read doesn't make sense here since the part itself is calm. I really encourage you to just change these circles 00:00:683 (3,4,1) - into a slider with repeat instead., since it's much much easier to read.
  2. 00:13:892 (3) - A note below slider is unrankable except insane diff. Change this pattern.
  3. 00:16:467 - How about a circle here? I can clearly hear a 1/4 rhythm here.
  4. 00:24:638 (1) - Skipping a vocal at 00:24:862 - is not a good idea because at the last part 00:23:967 (3,4) - you clearly follow the vocal here. Changing the rhythm so suddenly while the vocal still on going is very not good idea. So, map this slider instead. Delete this slider, then add a new 1/2 slider at 00:24:638 - then you can add a 1/1 slider at 00:25:086 - to create more better rhythm.
  5. 00:52:623 (3) - This clap at slider start is overused and doesn't make sense. Remove it. noo, I want follow vocal and same in here 00:55:534 (1) -
  6. 01:06:728 (2) - Ctrl+g for better flow?
  1. 00:25:758 (3) - Add a whistle here at slider start, it similar with 00:23:071 (3) - start.
  2. 00:29:340 (4) - Add a whistle here too, it have similar rhythm with point above.
  3. 00:42:549 (5) - According to previous hitsound 00:38:967 (5,6) - this slider hitsound should be normal. Remove the whistle if you do this.
  4. 00:55:086 (5) - Add a whistle at this slider repeat too to be consistent with previous whistle rhythm.
  5. 01:11:206 (6) - The hitsound here should be clap, not whistle. It's very not consistent. ngg following piano and same in hard diff
  6. 01:21:392 (8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Okay, this stream is very very very overmapped. If you hear clearly to the music, the 1/4 rhythm end here 01:21:280 -. It doesn't make sense if you extend the stream until here 01:22:400 -. It doesn't fit with the music too. but this stream is epic </3 kay added into some notes
That's all i think. Overall, this is a good map, but more work can be done. I'll leave my star for now.
Good luck Yasora~
/me play the game :P

*Bolded = Unrankable or strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

  1. 00:03:594 (3) - Not even a visible issue, but maybe place it exactly below 00:00:011 (1)?
  2. 00:20:609 - The finish is not needed, IMO; go ahead and keep the drum sampleset, but finish makes it sound unnecessarily loud.
  3. 01:17:026 (3,1) - Move (3) one grid up and (1) one grid right so the blanket pattern will look nicer? The spacing between 01:17:474 (1,2) will be inconsistent though, so fix them if you do this.
  1. ...134 BPM + 1,5 SV for a Normal is... oh well, whatever works, I guess.
  2. 00:17:922 (4,1) - I'm sure enough the NC here needs to be swapped...
  3. 00:20:385 (4) - ...and that this needs to be NC'd to follow the stanzas accordingly.
  4. 00:28:220 (3,1) - What's with the spacing here? Looks slightly... different from the usual ones.
  5. 00:29:340 (2,3) - ^
  6. 00:46:579 (3) - One grid up so it won't touch 00:46:131 (2)?
  7. 00:57:325 (3,1) - Uh, swap NC? I don't see why should you place the NC on the current (1)...
  8. 01:19:937 (2) - The flow here would be better if you make it look like this.
  1. 00:14:564 (4) - Why going for NCs every two stanzas at all sudden? I don't think there's a reason to do that here, so NC this?
  2. 00:17:922 (5,1) - Swap NC? I think it's obvious why.
  3. 00:19:713 (3) - NC?
  4. 00:28:444 (1) - Move the middle anchor point to (200,192) so the blanket pattern of 00:27:773 (4,1) looks better?
  5. 00:40:758 (4,1) - Why is the spacing 0.99x? Also, I think the flow is weird around here...
  6. 01:06:952 - Uh, add a clap here since you added it on a similar part in the kiai time?
  7. 01:10:534 - ^
  1. 00:03:929 (4) - Uh, NC since this is the beginning of a new rhythm pattern?
  2. 00:07:176 - 00:20:832 - Why are you suddenly using drums here while the previous diffs don't have them? This inconsistency just seems to have no reason...
  3. 00:29:340 (4,5,6,7) - This pattern looks random. I'd move 00:30:012 (7,1) to (344,284).
Uh, that's it I guess? o.o

Good luck on the way 8-)
Topic Starter
fixed some
thanks for mod~

nothing o.o okok


00:03:594 (1,2,3,4) - I don't really like this rhythm

00:21:056 - I suggest you add a note here and have the finish hitsound on this note instead of half a beat before


00:42:101 (3) - move to y228 x44

Eh gomen not much OAO

You have been modded out by Yurun Ceroia Neram
Topic Starter
fixed something >3<
thank you~
Hello Yasora

The map has been downloaded on June 25th and the mod was started and done on June 30th, every changes you have made after the 25th, are not considered for me. Sorry in advance.

  1. 00:14:339 (1) - The spacing of this slider is a *bit* inconsistent with the previous objects. For an example, if you click on it, the spacing of the previous object is 1,00x but, with the next one, the spacing is 1,04x. Of course, it's minor, but it could be more consistent :3
  2. 00:21:504 (1) - This is more like a question than a suggestion: Why is this slider having a jump from the previous object?
  3. 00:42:548 (3) - Just a minor thing: the spacing after this circle is not the same as the spacing of the previous object, which makes it inconsistent. With the Distance Snap, space it properly.
  4. 00:46:578 (1) - Personally, I would like to see a more symmetrical slider.. (Make the spacing consistent after it)
  5. 00:50:608 (2) - I have troubles with that kind of slider.. The circle is placed behind it, which makes a very weird flow. What I suggest you is to make a reverse of 90 degres anticlockwise and then, you replace it in a consistent way. So, right now, the flow will be less weird and it will be easier to catch the next circle.
  6. 00:56:877 - Previously, on 00:53:295 - , you have added a whistle instead of a clap. (You were adding claps on the upbeats and whistles on the downbeats) Personally, I think the whistles sounds pretty well because it makes some changes, which are simples but, was it a mistake? Did you wanted to add a clap instead of a whistle? Actually, you have two choices here, either you replace the whistle by a clap or at 00:56:877 - , you replace the clap by a whistle. I would personally, like said earlier, replace the clap by a whistle. (...) After looking a bit further, I think it was mostly a mistake you have commited. At 01:11:205 - , you have also added a whistle like you have done with the previous objects and it is basically the same exact thing but, placed further.
  7. 01:19:713 - Have you forgot to add a whistle here? Since you are adding whistles on the downbeats and claps on the upbeats, it would be better to keep the same consistency by adding a whistle.
  1. 00:10:757 (1,2,3,4,1) - Those objects are almost making a pentagone form (in other word, a star form). Since it's very close on making that kind of form, would like to move the objects (3,4,1) a bit to make that sort of shape?
  2. 01:05:160 - It sounds very empty here.. What if you add a circle or delete the circle (3) to make another slider? It would emphasize the vocals and will makes it less empty.
  3. 01:11:205 (3) - I think there's a missing a clap here. Add one to keep the consistency with your upbeats hitsounds.
There's nothing *wrong* here; simple difficulty.

  1. 00:09:862 (3,4) - At the end of both sliders, there's a strong noice which can be emphasized with claps. I highly suggest you to add claps to both slider's end instead of keeping them empty.
  2. 00:14:563 (4) - I don't understand why there's no new combo here, it has a different tone of the three previous objects. So, I don't understand why it is connected with the previous objects. Add a new combo please.
  3. 00:17:922 (4) - You could also do the same thing here, delete the combo of 00:18:817 (1) - and then, add another new combo to 00:19:713 (3) - .
  4. 00:23:742 (2) - I don't think this circle is actually needed, it isn't emphasizing anything. I suggest you to delete it and then, you make the spacing consistent with the next objects.
  5. 00:51:504 (4) - The spacing with the next circle is acutally wrong: it is spaced by 1,00x instead of ~1,10x. You should fix it to make it more consistent c:
Take care of your combos.. please.

  1. 00:06:280 - The electric bass/guitar is starting a sort of loop here and you have placed a circle and then, a slider. First, it sounds very bad the way it is right now. Second, to emphasize the sound of the bass/guitar, the slider could be moved here instead and after, you could stack the next circle at the end of the slider.
  2. 00:08:071 - By muting the song and then, listening to the next objects.. are you sure this finish belongs here? For an example, if I look on the next combos, there's no finish at this similar downbeat, so I wonder.. is it needed?
  3. 00:48:145 (5) - The blanket is not perfectly perfect. What I suggest you is to, first, disable the grid snap and move this circle on x:263 y:177. After doing that, make sure to move the next circle to make a consistent spacing. the blanket should be looking better after that.
  4. 00:57:324 (1) - *Comment* i find this slider a bit.. meh. ;-;
  5. 01:06:280 - I highly suggest you to add a new combo here, the combo is actually, very long and also, your previous and next combos are always *or almost all* starting on a big downbeat. Why not doing the same thing here? There's a thing I understand here: you haven't added any new combo here because it was following the vocals. But actually, the combo is way too long.
If you have any problem or want some more suggestions, try to catch me in game or, if I am offline, send me a forum private message anytime!
Can you try to get at least, 2 more mods? After you are done, you can call me back for a recheck :3!
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

Hello Yasora

The map has been downloaded on June 25th and the mod was started and done on June 30th, every changes you have made after the 25th, are not considered for me. Sorry in advance.

  1. 00:14:339 (1) - The spacing of this slider is a *bit* inconsistent with the previous objects. For an example, if you click on it, the spacing of the previous object is 1,00x but, with the next one, the spacing is 1,04x. Of course, it's minor, but it could be more consistent :3
  2. 00:21:504 (1) - This is more like a question than a suggestion: Why is this slider having a jump from the previous object? already consistent 1.0x o.o
  3. 00:42:548 (3) - Just a minor thing: the spacing after this circle is not the same as the spacing of the previous object, which makes it inconsistent. With the Distance Snap, space it properly.
  4. 00:46:578 (1) - Personally, I would like to see a more symmetrical slider.. (Make the spacing consistent after it)
  5. 00:50:608 (2) - I have troubles with that kind of slider.. The circle is placed behind it, which makes a very weird flow. What I suggest you is to make a reverse of 90 degres anticlockwise and then, you replace it in a consistent way. So, right now, the flow will be less weird and it will be easier to catch the next circle.
  6. 00:56:877 - Previously, on 00:53:295 - , you have added a whistle instead of a clap. (You were adding claps on the upbeats and whistles on the downbeats) Personally, I think the whistles sounds pretty well because it makes some changes, which are simples but, was it a mistake? Did you wanted to add a clap instead of a whistle? Actually, you have two choices here, either you replace the whistle by a clap or at 00:56:877 - , you replace the clap by a whistle. I would personally, like said earlier, replace the clap by a whistle. (...) After looking a bit further, I think it was mostly a mistake you have commited. At 01:11:205 - , you have also added a whistle like you have done with the previous objects and it is basically the same exact thing but, placed further.
  7. 01:19:713 - Have you forgot to add a whistle here? Since you are adding whistles on the downbeats and claps on the upbeats, it would be better to keep the same consistency by adding a whistle. in the end right? already~
  1. 00:10:757 (1,2,3,4,1) - Those objects are almost making a pentagone form (in other word, a star form). Since it's very close on making that kind of form, would like to move the objects (3,4,1) a bit to make that sort of shape?
  2. 01:05:160 - It sounds very empty here.. What if you add a circle or delete the circle (3) to make another slider? It would emphasize the vocals and will makes it less empty.
  3. 01:11:205 (3) - I think there's a missing a clap here. Add one to keep the consistency with your upbeats hitsounds.already clap~
There's nothing *wrong* here; simple difficulty.

  1. 00:09:862 (3,4) - At the end of both sliders, there's a strong noice which can be emphasized with claps. I highly suggest you to add claps to both slider's end instead of keeping them empty.
  2. 00:14:563 (4) - I don't understand why there's no new combo here, it has a different tone of the three previous objects. So, I don't understand why it is connected with the previous objects. Add a new combo please.
  3. 00:17:922 (4) - You could also do the same thing here, delete the combo of 00:18:817 (1) - and then, add another new combo to 00:19:713 (3) - .
  4. 00:23:742 (2) - I don't think this circle is actually needed, it isn't emphasizing anything. I suggest you to delete it and then, you make the spacing consistent with the next objects.
  5. 00:51:504 (4) - The spacing with the next circle is acutally wrong: it is spaced by 1,00x instead of ~1,10x. You should fix it to make it more consistent c:
Take care of your combos.. please.

  1. 00:06:280 - The electric bass/guitar is starting a sort of loop here and you have placed a circle and then, a slider. First, it sounds very bad the way it is right now. Second, to emphasize the sound of the bass/guitar, the slider could be moved here instead and after, you could stack the next circle at the end of the slider.
  2. 00:08:071 - By muting the song and then, listening to the next objects.. are you sure this finish belongs here? For an example, if I look on the next combos, there's no finish at this similar downbeat, so I wonder.. is it needed? uh.. no finish sound in there now
  3. 00:48:145 (5) - The blanket is not perfectly perfect. What I suggest you is to, first, disable the grid snap and move this circle on x:263 y:177. After doing that, make sure to move the next circle to make a consistent spacing. the blanket should be looking better after that.
  4. 00:57:324 (1) - *Comment* i find this slider a bit.. meh. ;-; but I like this slider xD
  5. 01:06:280 - I highly suggest you to add a new combo here, the combo is actually, very long and also, your previous and next combos are always *or almost all* starting on a big downbeat. Why not doing the same thing here? There's a thing I understand here: you haven't added any new combo here because it was following the vocals. But actually, the combo is way too long. adding in (5), cuz I want same combo (1-4)
If you have any problem or want some more suggestions, try to catch me in game or, if I am offline, send me a forum private message anytime!
Can you try to get at least, 2 more mods? After you are done, you can call me back for a recheck :3!
thanks gabe >3<//
DEAncientNaga's Mod Queue

Nicely mapped >.o /

00:50:161 - Preview Point
01:11:653 - KIAI time ends here
Backgroun needs to be resized to 1024x768 (16:9) in order to be ranked


Recommend to use distance snap for all notes, your current common DS is x1.1
00:07:623 - Add something here

00:35:832 (1) - This slider follow distance snap


Feel like it can be ranked >.o /
Topic Starter
fixed something
thank you~~
Yo! From my queue

00:02:026 (1) - move NC on 00:01:803(3), you know why but if no -> 00:02:026(1) placed on downbeat and it requires NC
00:01:355 (1) - remove NC
00:03:929 (1) - move NC on 00:03:594(3), you know why.
00:03:146 (1) - remove NC
01:03:594 (1) - move NC on 01:02:698(4)
01:04:713 (1) - move NC on 01:04:489(8), you know why.
00:33:146 - add note for a smooth flow
01:00:235 - add note, sounds is really good and for a smooth flow

same as in survive -
00:01:579 (1) - move NC on 00:01:803(2)
00:03:146 (1) - move NC on 00:03:594(3)
00:04:265 (1) - remove NC
00:04:937 (3) - NC
00:53:071 (4) - add note for a smooth flow

00:07:623 - add note and move NC on this pattern from 00:08:071(1) IMO better rhytm
00:18:370 (1) - move NC on 00:17:922(4), you know why.
00:26:653 (1) - remove NC
00:53:967 (1) - move NC on 00:53:743(3)
00:57:773 (1) - ^ on 00:57:325(3)
00:51:952 (1) - remove NC
00:55:534 (1) - ^
01:10:086 (1) - ^
01:13:892 (1) - ^
01:17:026 (1) - ^

00:41:653 (1) - move NC on 00:41:206(3), you know why
01:01:355 (1) - move NC on 01:00:907(4)
01:17:474 (1) - move NC on 01:17:026(3)
01:19:265 (1) - move NC on 01:18:817(3)

The main problem of your map that you have violated the sequence of NC. I strongly recommend to use my recommendations, because it is very important. That's all.
Topic Starter
about nc, I want to have same amount of notes in a combo on certain section
btw applied some mods

translated by someone. my bad english kkkk X''D
hi from queue.

Black: feel free to ignore
Blue: might consider
Red: Unrankable issue

[General]At Kiai Part, i wish you can use S:C1 instead than use S:Original. if you denied can you explain why you use S:Original?


00:03:146 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - you can make a 6-shaped star
00:06:952 (3) - NC and 00:07:176 (1) - remove, it make more clear
00:07:847 (4,5,6) - little ugly, make 6 down a bit so it's can see more curve
00:55:982 (2) - i prefer to make a straight slider at here
01:12:549 (5) - ugly, too curve.


00:08:407 (4) - i think for Hard is little bit hard, i suggest use two note instead than this slider
00:43:892 - why you didn't put note at here, 00:44:564 - this too. it's not fun imo :<
01:11:206 (4) - +clap




np, but i think this CS is too big...

Good Luck~
Topic Starter
almost fixed all
thank you very much~

btw I used default clap in kiai because I feel it's more fit with vocal instead the custom o3o
Hi ^^
A Free Mod from Coffee Party Queue

Legenda wrote:

:!: → Unrankable things, must fix
:?: → My human doubts, things to consider
:idea: → Tips & Tricks to make your map better
♥ → Greetings
* → Just comments, not mods
Naked Lines → Mods
* No General issues to point.

* And no complaints nor suggestions for [Easy], [Normal] and [Hard].

:!: 00:23:967 (1,2,3,4) - why not make these notes like this? → ← In other words: setting 00:24:191 (2) at x:320 y:36 and 00:24:638 (4) at x:300 y:120 .

Aaaaand that's it ^^

Oh man! So beauty and perfect song ! So wise choice ^^ and the Survive animation feels really awesome <3

LET'S RANK as soon as possible, my BATs :)

Topic Starter
alright, seems interesting lol
thank you~
~00:52:847 (5) - Add clap on slider tail to keep the patter.
~00:56:877 (4) - ^Same for slider head.
~Didn't find anything else.

~00:10:758 (1,2,3,4) - Snap this with 0.8x distance spacing? Jumps too far for newbies.
~00:14:340 (1,2,3,4) - ^
~00:17:026 (2,3,4,1) - ^
~00:27:773 (2,3) - ^
~00:35:385 (2) - ^
~00:40:310 (1,2,3) - ^
~00:49:713 (3) - ^
~Everything else fine.Just my distance snapping suggestions.

~00:56:877 (4) - Clap?
~01:07:176 (3) - ^On slider end?
~01:20:609 (1) - You could decrease the volume of this note.It's too loud for me atm, why not try 50%?

~00:23:967 (1,2,3) - Maybe put these notes further more apart for a more fun jump.
~You could add a triplet here and distance snap it by 0.8x, cuz there's a gap.It shouldn't be that easy for insane. Suggestion -->
~01:17:138 - Add circle for a triplet.

That's all from me ^^ Good luck!
Topic Starter
fixed some
thanks >3<~
hi, from my queue

01:22:400 - why kiai doesn't extend until here o.o
01:25:982 - 5% volume?

maybe try slidertick hitsounds on this diff to fill in all the missing claps (e.g. 00:58:668 - )

01:07:623 (3) - missing clap on start

00:32:026 (1) - add whistle

00:03:929 (1) - add clap like at 00:00:235 (2) -
00:31:131 (4) - add whistle on end? matches piano imo
01:02:250 (3) - try ctrl+G? here vocals are soft, so it might be better :?
01:03:146 (5) - clap on end to match previous pattern
01:17:698 (3) - clap on end to match previous pattern

that's it, sorry I couldn't find much ._.//
nice map and good luck ~
Topic Starter
fixed some
thanks >3<~
Text shown in red means unrankable stuff (you must fix it)
  1. 00:01:579 (2) - Hapus ini, susah bagi pemula
  2. 00:03:370 (4) - ^
Maaf cuma mod kecil, karena kebanyakan mod

Cuma, kok suara orang yg nyanyi itu mirip Kagamine Len?
Topic Starter
makasih mod nya~

oh ya? ga nyadar lol

new page yey
I forgot to recheck, sorry.

Bubbles, Bubbles everywhere
\^.^/ You won a bubble Yasora ^^

So so so near of glorious day ^^
J'ai craqué gabe :s

Topic Starter
thanks gabe \o3o/

  1. 00:49:041 (6) - NC better, it's a big jump

  1. 00:52:847 (2) - Slider end, clap instead of whistle would be better
  2. 01:07:623 (3) - Slider head, I guess you have mistaken this clap to whistle

  1. 00:52:847 (5) - Reverse point, shouldn't this be a clap?
  2. 00:56:877 (4) - Slider head, ^, well, it seems you do it on purpose, nothing wrong, all depends on yourself
Call me back when you are ready
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done all
thank you~
Shohei Ohtani
Oh This map I knew quite long in my queue. But I don't have time to mod it. Congratz! :D
Yaaaay, congrats />///<\
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thank you o3o/
Gratz ~
미네랄 잘 캐시는 일꾼님 ㅊㅊ
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