
Hanazawa Kana - Monochrome*HAPPY DAY (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年7月7日 at 1:09:33

Artist: Hanazawa Kana
Title: Monochrome*HAPPY DAY (TV Size)
Source: Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai.
Tags: ED ending Monokuro*HAPPY DAY Oreimo Kuroneko Gokou Ruri 俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない。 俺妹
BPM: 134
Filesize: 2714kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.95 stars, 96 notes)
  2. Hard (4.94 stars, 228 notes)
  3. Normal (4.17 stars, 148 notes)
Download: Hanazawa Kana - Monochrome*HAPPY DAY (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
anime「俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない。」ending「モノクロ☆HAPPY DAY」
黒猫 theme
2 - 4
4 - 8
8 - 10
0 - 0
Cerulean Veyron
Umm... Hi, From my queue *^*

Why no tags?
Your map doesn't have a BG... But that's okay

01:12:317 (3,3) - Slider's end overlapped
01:23:735 (4,3) - ^

Nice diff ~ Why not add some hitsounds?
00:29:556 (1,2,3) - Make a different move than you did this 00:28:661 (2,3,4) -

You added some hitsound in this diff, why didn't you add some on the other diffs?
Anyways, My first time modding a BAT's map, i hope my mod is useful. (o_o'')
* for moe Kana~
request from QQ

Source:Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai. (第二季多个句号you know

00:15:004 (1) - 这开头没音你放个note相当维和啊
00:27:541 (1,2) - 我觉得这样的你还是放一个slider里
00:34:705 (1,2) - ^
01:12:317 (3,3) - 没问题?
01:23:735 (4) - 开头不补个whi?

00:00:676 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 我觉得normal的note足够的话不如把whistle都加到重音白线跟钢琴
00:15:004 (2) - 维和
00:32:914 (3,4,1) - 真是挺难看。。
00:49:034 (1,2) - 确定不是作死节奏?

00:18:362 (1,2,3) - 不等距?
00:25:750 (1,2,1) - 120度多好看啊。。

Req from our queue

All just suggestions
TV Size 没视频 0.0?
建议把00:52:616 - 01:21:273 段设置为瞎眼段(KIAI)0.0

  • 00:05:153 (3) –弧度可以小点
    00:15:004 (1,2,3) –滑条首均clap
    00:19:258 (3) –滑条首whistle
    00:21:273 (5) -^
    00:26:646 (2) -^
    00:33:810 (2) -^
    00:40:526 –add note?
    00:48:138 (2) –首whistle
    00:49:705 (2) –add whistle ,clap保留
    00:59:780 (1) –whistle
    01:15:004 (3) –首段whistle去掉和前面三段一样0.0?


  • NC要不要考虑剪短,一根大白线一放如何0.0,有些到7最后到8感觉不怎么好.
    00:20:377 (1) –whistle
    00:23:959 (1) –好震撼0.0 ,H的时候都没这样感觉
    00:25:750 (3) –首端不来发whistle;w;
    00:27:541 (1) -^
    00:28:661 (2,3) –折返处whistle
    00:32:243 (2) –改成reserve
    00:33:810 (4,1) –首whistle0.0
    00:35:825 (2,3) –折返whistle
    00:38:735 (2) –滑条把后面00:40:750 (5) –给交♂合了,不怎么好看0.0
    00:48:138 (5,1) –首whistle
    00:54:183 (4) –首whistle,后面两段歌曲的相同部分同样和第四段统一了比较好(虽然第四段特殊)
    01:04:258 (3) –加个clap感觉空空的0.0

00:03:362 (4) - 拉到00:03:698 - 结束
00:28:661 (2) - 中间加whistle
00:29:556 (3) - 同上
01:28:437 (8) - 加finish(sc:2的finish可能好点?
00:28:885 (3) - 加whistle
00:29:780 (2) - 同上
00:29:332 - 建议加note
00:30:228 - 同上
00:36:496 - 同上
00:37:728 (5) - 建议方向01:28:437 (6) - 建议加finish

祝rank :)
  1. Increase OD by 1 tick to balance with the difficulty settings.
  1. 01:27:317 (5) - Add a new combo here due to the new stanza and music change.
  1. Increase OD by 1 tick to balance with the difficulty settings.
  1. 00:12:989 (4,1) - I don't really like such overlaps on a Normal difficulty, they might be confusing to read for beginners.
  2. 00:15:899 (4) - I'm not sure if this kind of slider shape is okay to go for this difficulty.
  3. 00:54:855 (5,6) - Maybe a bit too hard to hit these two notes in a row, what about making them as a slider? Better to me.
  4. 01:27:317 (6) - Same as Easy.
Hard is great, nothing to say.
Topic Starter
updated, thanks for modding :3
hi there, mod request from baldrace's queue~

Just some suggestions, not necessary. : )

  1. why am I so lazy.... :o
  1. 00:34:705 (1) - 我觉得开头应该加个whistle
  2. 00:45:676 (1) - 不太确定这个开头是不是应该加个whistle
  3. 00:50:377 (2) - whistle不太合适 可以换个finish
  1. 00:06:049 (4) - top+whistle
  2. 00:09:407 (4) - ^
  3. 01:28:437 (8) - finish?
  4. 01:02:467 (7) - 3/4

  1. 00:30:452 (4,5) - 我打了2遍都没发现这是4分拍;______;
  2. 00:39:183 (5) - top+whistle
  3. 01:06:049 (4,5) -
  4. 01:11:870 (6) - ctrl + g了flow会更好 虽然不美观 不过你可以换成别的
  5. 01:20:153 (3) - 感觉不像你的作风.. 可以想想怎么变的更2 比如x229 y135?
  6. 01:23:735 (3) - flow and pattern not good D:
No problem
哈?这图还不rank想什么呢= =?
From my queue.

remove anime from tags, because the map itself will be located in the section "Anime"
also select letterbox during breaks because you haven't a video.

00:25:302 (2,3) - spacing
00:25:750 (3,4) - ^
00:09:183 (2) - move on x:328 y:320 IMO better
01:28:437 (6) - NC?

00:45:676 (1) - maybe stack this tail on 00:44:108(5) ?
01:28:437 (8) - same as in easy, maybe NC(because note placed on downbeat)?

Hard is awersome, nothing to say.
DEAncientNaga's Mod Queue


00:28:437 - Slider here which replace the current (2)
00:29:332 - Add Circle
00:29:780 - Whistle / Clap
00:30:228 - Add Circle
01:27:317 - Spinner starts here and ends 01:29:332 - with a slicence at the tail


Approach Rate: -1 or -2 (cuz the song speed is not too fast)
01:06:049 (4) - Lower a little sound of this slider
01:06:273 (5) - Put some hitsound at this note to make it more clear
01:20:377 (4,5,6,1) - Suggenst the spacing to be closer a bit or make 01:19:705 (1,2,3) - further spacing

Good luck on the rank >.o /
Topic Starter
thanks for modding, updated
From mod queue~

Feel free to ignore any of these suggestions, I did not see anything critical.

00:18:810 (3) - possibly remove and make (2) end at where this is? feels a little hard for easy
01:10:526 (1,2) - combine to make one long slider? I think it feels better that way

00:06:049 (4,5) - make a little closer together or do something like jump feels awkward
I like this normal :)

00:22:840 (3,4,5) - make 4 a long non-repeating slider or similar? feels too hard
00:30:564 (5,6) - make closer, jump is kind of hard to read and perform
00:50:937 (1,2) - kind of similar to ^
01:02:019 (2) - offscreen?
01:06:049 (4,5) - feels too hard, similar to 00:50:937 (1,2) - in a way
01:10:526 (1) - offscreen?
01:13:661 (4,5) - ^

I like the way this mapset feels.
Good luck on rank~!
Woo~ Cool sweet song.


-- Adding a volume reduction at 00:15:004 will be cool.


00:17:690 (2,3) - Make Hit sound consistent with 01:22:168 (2,3).
00:51:273 (3) - NC feels better imo.


00:14:108 (1,2) - Starting NC from (2) may fit the song, but if this was an intention of you to make readable by 00:12:989 (4), then fine to keep.
00:15:899 (4) - Was this an intention to emphasize the Clap? Well just a smooth slider would be better in flow though,,
00:16:795 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Add some whistles where you want plz~
00:21:944 (4,5,6) - ^
00:45:676 (1,2) - Swapping NC feels better in emphasizing (2)'s rhythm.
00:51:720 (6) - NC?


-- AR 7 please. Currently feels tooooo fast for a slow song, and also unbalanced between diffs.

00:14:444 (6) - Yes this fits the song, but changing to a single note will make 00:15:004 (1,2) look better.
00:22:840 (3) - I think this is too far with the previous note.
00:23:064 (4) - NC may make the slider jump better to read, imo.
01:21:049 (6) - I think rotating clockwise more would be better in looking<<

Nice clear map as usual (well actually some challenged in hard :P) but the usage of soft-whistle seemed to be a little lacking to me.
Good luck ^^
From my queue~

  1. 00:44:556 (4,1) - the following is better, I think
  1. 00:03:698- remove whistle
  2. 00:06:720- ^
  3. 00:07:392 (6) - add whistle
  4. 00:10:079 (5) - add slider from 00:10:079 to 00:10:302 instead of a note
  5. 00:15:004- NC
  6. 00:50:377 (4) -change it to note + slider like this

  1. 00:15:899 (4) - I like the following style
How cute the BG is!
~Good Luck~

I thought this is a ending song of the anime so where is the video?


mapset is fine.
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well the video is saying about nothing imo, so I didn't take it
btw there's a .(period) at the end of the source in the season2
ok then.
Gratz! ^^
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thanks you all :3
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