This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Freitag, 10. Januar 2025 at 15:25:45
Artist: cosMo@BousouP
Title: Oceanus
Source: Deemo
Tags: Stardust Prism Sanyi Lacrima myle dust BoberOfDarkness cwc 2021 cwc2021 osu!catch world cup semifinals sf nm3 no mod 3 Okeanos cosMo AD:PIANOⅢ Diverse System instrumental CHUNITHM LUMINOUS electronic video rhythm mobile game piano rayark
BPM: 196
Filesize: 10676kb
Play Time: 03:40
Difficulties Available:
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Artist: cosMo@BousouP
Title: Oceanus
Source: Deemo
Tags: Stardust Prism Sanyi Lacrima myle dust BoberOfDarkness cwc 2021 cwc2021 osu!catch world cup semifinals sf nm3 no mod 3 Okeanos cosMo AD:PIANOⅢ Diverse System instrumental CHUNITHM LUMINOUS electronic video rhythm mobile game piano rayark
BPM: 196
Filesize: 10676kb
Play Time: 03:40
Difficulties Available:
- Collab Rain (4,81 stars, 1042 notes)
- Collab Salad (2,4 stars, 501 notes)
- Cup (1,81 stars, 379 notes)
- Deep Marine (6,67 stars, 1025 notes)
- Platter (3,34 stars, 972 notes)
- Sanyi's Overdose (5,63 stars, 1229 notes)
- Stardust Prism's Overdose (5,91 stars, 1027 notes)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
- Deep Marine
Overdose 2 by Stardust Prism
Overdose 1 by Sanyi
Rain Collab with Lacrima
Salad Collab with BoberOfDarkness
Have fun!