
Lily Allen - Not Fair

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domenica 18 ottobre 2009 at 20.54.55

Artist: Lily Allen
Title: Not Fair
BPM: 121,5
Filesize: 3187kb
Play Time: 02:44
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4,77 stars, 367 notes)
  2. Insane (4,99 stars, 499 notes)
  3. KyO's MiX (4,98 stars, 527 notes)
  4. Sir Minelli's Normal (4,35 stars, 257 notes)
Download: Lily Allen - Not Fair
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Omg my third beatmap in 2 weeks :O

01:40:80 (7) - Suona meglio se finisce qui : 01:41:301
01:43:27 (2) - New combo causa jump.
01:43:77 (3) - ^
01:44:26 (4) - New combo.
01:50:68 (2) - Aggiungi clap.
02:06:48 (2) - ^

Ottima mappa. Migliore sempre piu bravo fury. Star :)
Star for hard
hi hi

00:14:63 (7) - move this back 1/4 so it lands on blue tick, then space it
00:20:56 (5) - ^ same here, move back 1/4 to blue tick
00:22:53 (4) - ^ same here
01:03:89 (4) - ^
01:17:84 (6) - ^
02:44:26 (1) - this, I think this should end on 02:45:992

it's not finished, but it looks pretty fine so far

btw, hard was pretty fun ;D
Sir Minelli


forgot to star now it starred from me xD
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
K Claps looks cool dude

but fix ur breaks in insane, and slighty fix em in hard, but if this advice isn't worth it, don't give kudosu, cause ur not done yet

01:03:505 - add note here and make sure its still spaced with the pattern
01:32:88 (6) - end on the white tick it's close to
Topic Starter
ok ty EEeee...i've fixed all ur things :P
Found nothing on hard, just some nazi things on Insane.


00:09:43 (2,3) - 1 grid right? dunno
00:10:17 (4) - 1 grid left
01:12:14 (8) - 1 grid up
02:01:28 (1,2,3) - these overlaps aren't realy visible
Sleep Powder
01:01:03 (5) - Make it a smoother horizontal slider
02:09:18 (3) - Take out grid snap to make this a smoother vertical slider
02:11:65 (4) - End this on the white tick 02:12:394
02:23:75 (4) - Just a suggestion but add finishes after the end of the combos like this one?
02:33:62 (4) - You could align this with 1

00:52:39 (8) - Make the slider start at 8 instead?
01:34:12 (5) - Start the slider at 5
01:55:23 (4,5) - Place on the blue ticks instead
02:01:28 (1,2,3) - This will probably confuse some people
02:10:41 (x) - Add a note here?
02:11:40 (1) - End at white tick before break
02:23:75 (7) - Add a finish?
02:25:72 (8) - ^
02:27:70 (8) - ^
02:31:40 (9,10,11) - The spacing doesn't seem right here
02:44:98 (15) - This also might trick people

The beatmap seems fun :)

00:16:34 (1,2) - Spacing too far.
02:06:46 (2,3) - Spacing too close.



And star.
Blue = design/minor issues. you do not have to change these if you don't want to
Orange = moderate issues. it would be best if you change these, but you may be able to get away with not changing it
Red = major issues. you need to change these


01:01:03 (5) - the end of this sldiers a little off. move it up a little so its completely horozontal
01:12:39 (8) - maybe start the combo here instead of (1)?


01:03:01 (2) - maybe start combo here instead of (1)?
02:01:28 (1,2,3) - im not sure whether overlapping sliders like these are legal in maps anymore. i'd ask a BAT whether you can have these like that
02:34:86 (5) - new combo?
02:39:55 (10) - move this over to the left by 1, grid level 3

pretty good map. pretty fun too, streams <3

plz think about what kioukiou and Doomsday93 mod
i will take a look again

by the way
use volume 85% is better IMO
i see a big improvement in hitsounds
good job
Topic Starter
lol ok Alace ty :) i've fixed all your things ty and ty doomsday93 :P <3
  1. 02:11:65 (4) - Redo break after this slider.


  1. 00:52:51 (9) - Redo break after beat.
  2. 02:11:40 (1) - Redo break after spinner.
  3. 02:30:41 (6) - Move this up a tick so it aligns diagonally.
Good job.
Topic Starter
ty Mafiamaster :) fixed

00:14:36 (6,7,8) - Where's the claps?
01:40:78 (7) - You know, you had a break after this area before. Why not do it again?

01:42:51 (x) - Add beat? Or replace this whole thing with a spinner like the area before.
02:01:28 (1,2,3) - Hidden sliders :(

You're a beatmap factory. <_>;;; This is good work you did. Not so many mistakes~

you didn`t fix what i suggest (85% volume)
if you) don`t like the suggestion
plz post that
I won`t change that................... blabla

Perfect <3


00:08:93 (8) - Necessary?
00:10:91 (7) - ^

Awesome Beatmap!!! <3 Starred!

PS: 02:38:07 (7) and 02:44:98 (15): ROTFL@Skype XDXDXD
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Luxary wrote:

PS: 02:38:07 (7) and 02:44:98 (15): ROTFL@Skype XDXDXD
loooool Luxary however ty ;) fixed
00:52:39 (6) - Align the end with the start
01:06:96 (1,2,3,4,5) - Align with 01:05:97 (5)
01:32:88 (6) - Align end with start.

00:10:66 (5,6,7) - Align on end of 4 properly
00:27:45 (5,6) - ^
00:33:87(x) - Place one here?
00:41:53 (2) - Align on end of 1 properly.
00:42:76 (9) - 1 grid 3 up.
01:05:72 (4) - Align on end of 3 properly.
01:20:78 (1,2,3) - Align 1 with end of 5.
01:34:86 (6,7) - Align with end of 5.
01:38:56 (7) - Align with 01:38:19 (4)
01:39:06 (1) - ^
01:41:28 (10) - Align the end with 7.
02:01:77 (2) - Align under 1 properly.

Nice map.
Topic Starter
Ty Hikato :) fixed
Since I won't be able to find some flaws without nazi-modding, ill nazi-mod :D

00:10:66 (5) - You see this? Remove the 3 beats that are stacked here and replace them on the sliders end. There are more places with this, I'll mark them with a (*) In many cases yit's hard to see the difference though xD
00:16:34 (6) - Move 1 up and fix the beats after it all following the straight pattern.
00:19:55 (2) - *
00:24:98 (4) - Place 1 to the left
00:27:45 (5) - *
00:41:53 (2) - *
00:49:67 (4) - can you make this stream more rounded?
01:05:72 (4) - *
01:11:90 (6~8) - Place this triple in a line
02:01:28 (1~3) - illegall pattern, Make the sliders more visible, players must see that there are no reverse arrows on the sliders.
02:11:15 (6) - Replace with Distance spacing 1,1x
02:27:94 (9) - New combo
02:29:43 (7) - Un-combo
02:29:92 (1) - New combo
02:30:17 (2) - Un-combo

00:20:41 (5) - *
00:28:44 (2) - *
00:28:93 (3) - *
00:29:43 (4) - *
00:50:41 (6) - *
01:01:03 (5~7) - *
01:24:98 (2) - *
02:09:67 (4) - *
02:33:38 (3~6) - This spacing seems out of place

yeah, like Alace said, hitsound volume 85% plz. This doesn't sound right.
Topic Starter
k lesjuh i've fixed all and i've changed the hitsound's volume to 85% :) ty
i think you sent me a request but i cant remember, anyway heres my mod ^^

Couldnt find anything

After this note, 00:33:38 (6), put a note here 00:33:87 (7) ?
if you do make sure you do it on the other places aswell

01:19:80 (4) - abit out of the screen

great map

ma lol!
è possibile che tu mappi tutte canzoni che adoro???
Grande Marco <3
Ti darei una stella ad occhi chiusi, ma preferisco aspettare che torni il PC, almeno per provarla XD
Spero che sia Ranked prima del mio ritorno...
  1. 00:18:073 - Add a note here,
  2. 00:29:43 (4) - Move it 1/2 foward, add a note at 00:29:431 and then cut the slider by 1/2,
  3. 00:51:15 (1) - Align vertically with (6),
  4. 00:57:82 (5) - Move it 1/2 foward, add a note at 00:57:826 and then cut the slider by 1/2,
  5. 01:50:912 - Add a note here,
  6. 02:06:715 - Add a note here,
  7. 02:29:43 (4) - New combo here,
  8. 02:34:369 - Add a note here,
  9. Just a little suggestion:
    1. 02:43:75 (7) - Move 1/2 foward, add a note at 02:43:628 and then extend slider to 02:44:986 and then 02:44:24 (1) - should start at 02:45:110 and end at 02:45:974.
You should make an easier diff (like Easy).
For now -> .
00:54:86 (1,1,1,1) - Maybe you could tone this down a little? As in make the spacing a little smaller.
01:42:76 (1,1,1) - ^

Eh, I think this needs an easier difficulty as well for this to be ranked, though. ;S
Have a star for now, though.
Topic Starter

Takuma wrote:

00:54:86 (1,1,1,1) - Maybe you could tone this down a little? As in make the spacing a little smaller.
01:42:76 (1,1,1) - ^

Eh, I think this needs an easier difficulty as well for this to be ranked, though. ;S
Have a star for now, though.
ok i'll make it :)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Armin wrote:

Really, this is a cool beatmap!
Star 8-)
ty :) now i make the normal difficult :P
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Sir Minelli

00:23:75 (4) - Finish sound


00:23:75 (4) - Finish sound
Topic Starter

Sir Minelli wrote:


00:23:75 (4) - Finish sound


00:23:75 (4) - Finish sound
ty sir :) and ty for your difficult in this song :oops: :P :D
Sir Minelli
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Sir Minelli wrote:

Here you go.
can i add it?? anyway thanks sir minelli :oops: :P

EDIT: i've posted Sir Minelli's Difficult :lol: enjoy
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so i've added another difficult: KyO's MiX :) :D ;) enjoy
Modded in IRC/SKYPE the preview point, SO give me a kudosu NAU o.o xD

Also, added kiai sections in my diff, here it is the lastest version.

Ps: Starred~! ;P

Download: Lily Allen - Not Fair (lthefuryl) [KyO's MiX].osu
Topic Starter

Kyocciola wrote:

Modded in IRC/SKYPE the preview point, SO give me a kudosu NAU o.o xD

Also, added kiai sections in my diff, here it is the lastest version.

Ps: Starred~! ;P
ty kyo...i've added your lastest all is ok..
Gran bella canzone!
Per ora, non ci metterò le mani, ma intanto la mia stella è tua!
[Sir Minelli's Normal]:
Lower HP Drain by a bit so at least it can be more of an 'easiest difficulty'?

[KyO's MiX]:
There are now new rules about the usage of Kiai Time. D: Basically fountain-abusing them isn't acceptable anymore. I'll give you the quote:
Do not overuse kiai time (general rule is one toggle per minute of playable length). Do not use kiai time just for fountains unless you are doing this extremely rarely. Kiai time is meant to accent chorus sections. You can toggle it off and on halfway through the chorus if that looks good, but using it constantly every 4-8 beats is just stupid.
Can you do something about that? ^^

Other than that, it's a pretty solid map. Please move this into Pending.
Kiai now its only in the refrains and at the end of the sliders... Tell me if I have to change it again, but I dont want to do that .-. 'cause I don't like kiai so much, but when I use it in my maps/difficulties I try to use it with method...


Download: Lily Allen - Not Fair (lthefuryl) [KyO's MiX].osu
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ty kyo :)
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sir minelli normal and kyo's mix are ok kirby :)...i've fixed all :)
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sir minelli normal and kyo's mix are ok kirby :)...i've fixed all :)
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ops...double post...lag :X sorry
Sir Minelli
[KyO's MiX]

Please lower the hp drain. It is way too much.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Sir Minelli

EEeee wrote:

well anyways always a nice map, i liked all the diffs, except sir's his was gay j/k j/k Sir, c'mon i was just messin with ya ;_;
Fuck you

EEeee wrote:

Yo, bro i remember u offered me a chance to make a diff, can i still make one? if not, no problem, i should've when u u asked ;_;
Say no, too much difficulties already and his difficulties sux


Also, I hope a BAT mods this map, I really like this gay song and i want it ranked ok? kkthxbai
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Sir Minelli wrote:

EEeee wrote:

well anyways always a nice map, i liked all the diffs, except sir's his was gay j/k j/k Sir, c'mon i was just messin with ya ;_;
Fuck you

EEeee wrote:

Yo, bro i remember u offered me a chance to make a diff, can i still make one? if not, no problem, i should've when u u asked ;_;
Say no, too much difficulties already and his difficulties sux


Also, I hope a BAT mods this map, I really like this gay song and i want it ranked ok? kkthxbai
ahahahahah lol sir :P so plz BAT mods this map!!!!!!!!!
Topic Starter

EEeee wrote:

Sir Minelli's Normal
00:52:888 - fix break
00:56:83 (5) - new combo?
01:03:75 (3) - what the hell is this, it sounds like ass bro, put in on the white tick, 1/4 divisor
01:06:96 (7) - new combo

01:55:851 - fix break
wow that's it ;_; ur good

KyO's MiX
00:40:04 (2) - new combo
00:42:76 (1,2) - Nice jump, and the others that look like this
01:43:25 (2) - new combo just like b4, i think it's necessary and will help spacing ^^ (if i missed some that looked like this, plz add new combo)
01:58:56 (2) - ^

00:55:35 (1) - move down a bit so it's straight like the rest of the pattern
wow again, that's it ;_;

Yo, bro i remember u offered me a chance to make a diff, can i still make one? if not, no problem, i should've when u u asked ;_;

well anyways always a nice map, i liked all the diffs, except sir's his was gay j/k j/k Sir, c'mon i was just messin with ya ;_;
ok EEeee i've fixed all ;)
Topic Starter

mtmcl wrote:

ty mark :P
Get a better mp3.

Sir Minelli's Normal:

01:41:53 - Remove break.
01:58:07 (1) - Remove, replace break


00:37:08 (4,5,6) - Remove, extend break.

00:54:86 (1) - Remove, extend break.
00:55:35 (1) - Moving this in the top centre to create a triangle pattern would be effective.
01:10:66 (1,2) - Remove, extend break.
01:41:28 - Remove break.
01:56:09 - This break really isn't necessary.

KyO's Mix:

00:29:55 (1) - Too short.
00:55:35 - Remove kiai and all those other bursts. In fact...
Add kiai to the final chorus of all difficulties.
00:42:76 (1) - Annoying jump.
00:44:73 (1) - ^ Yeah, all of those styled jumps are.
01:32:76 (1) - Too short.


00:52:51 (9) - Remove.
00:54:86 (1) - Remove, extend break.
01:58:07 (1) - Remove, extend break.
02:44:98 (9) - Unpredictable.
Topic Starter

JarJarJacob wrote:

Get a better mp3.

Sir Minelli's Normal:

01:41:53 - Remove break.
01:58:07 (1) - Remove, replace break


00:37:08 (4,5,6) - Remove, extend break.

00:54:86 (1) - Remove, extend break.
00:55:35 (1) - Moving this in the top centre to create a triangle pattern would be effective.
01:10:66 (1,2) - Remove, extend break.
01:41:28 - Remove break.
01:56:09 - This break really isn't necessary.

KyO's Mix:

00:29:55 (1) - Too short.
00:55:35 - Remove kiai and all those other bursts. In fact...
Add kiai to the final chorus of all difficulties.
00:42:76 (1) - Annoying jump.
00:44:73 (1) - ^ Yeah, all of those styled jumps are.
01:32:76 (1) - Too short.


00:52:51 (9) - Remove.
00:54:86 (1) - Remove, extend break.
01:58:07 (1) - Remove, extend break.
02:44:98 (9) - Unpredictable.
omg this song is in waiting since 9 months...all osu's players have seen and have moded this song and all of these players haven't found all these problems...i think that for 2011 this song will be ranked... :roll: :roll:
Add "Sir Minelli" to the tags.


00:29:55 (1) - Yeah, too short.
01:32:76 (1) - ^
Add "Kyocciola" to the tags.


00:52:51 (9) - Doesn't sound too good since it doesn't go with anything.

Fix and I'll bubble.
Topic Starter

Mafiamaster wrote:

Add "Sir Minelli" to the tags.


00:29:55 (1) - Yeah, too short.
01:32:76 (1) - ^
Add "Kyocciola" to the tags.


00:52:51 (9) - Doesn't sound too good since it doesn't go with anything.

Fix and I'll bubble.
thanks mafiamaster...fixed
Kay, bubbled.
Topic Starter

Mafiamaster wrote:

Kay, bubbled.
ty :P
Kay ranked.
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