
Hey guys!!!

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So obviously I'm not a new player by any means, in fact I actually have been off the grid of osu due to technical problems (for literally almost 5-6 years ;-;), BUT, as we all know I have actually never been here to the forums page sadly, I'm a huge gamer fanatic (Literally follows the old dumb saying of "SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK" type deal)...anyways before I get off topic, I've gone by another name OkazakixNagisa (don't bully me I made this after watching my first legit anime which of course you named it was Clannad (Correction Clannad Afterstory than the prequel (I blame my old elementary school for that -3-), I am level 41/42-ish (not that it matter since I've seen much higher levels than me ;3;) but now i've been watching anime for about 10 years i know my account won't add up but the first username came from the first anime I watched ;-;, now by the name Atsuko or you may all call me Suko for short, I am just here to say hello and what a way to start off me coming back, I know it was probably sent to a few thousand people but I literally got messaged a wonderful message (You know who you are <3) so yeah, that was my introduction...oh and I forgot to mention i primarily play normal osu, once in a while Osu!Taiko as well as Osu!catch and once in a blue moon I'll play Osu!Mania so yeah basically all of them, I don't like beating around the bush too much but I think a lot of us will get along well so with that hope y'all will give me a poke or greet me if not it's all coolio <3.

- Suko
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