
Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Scream Hard as You Can

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年5月30日 at 17:31:17

Artist: Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
Title: Scream Hard as You Can
Tags: j-pop
BPM: 198
Filesize: 6080kb
Play Time: 03:53
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.6 stars, 239 notes)
  2. Hard (4.94 stars, 645 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 1050 notes)
  4. Normal (4.21 stars, 330 notes)
Download: Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas - Scream Hard as You Can
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Scream Hard as You Can #11
(Best of 2013 #17)

BPM198~240! I can't FC xD


Easy - 100%
Normal - 100%
Hard - 100%
Insane - 100%

Oh... Good Song! Rock and Roll!!
Topic Starter
ohhh Thank you! :)
うほっっ いいvegas☆

Guyさんふぁいと ;)
Topic Starter
iyasineさんありがとう!! :)


00:29:355 (3,4,5,6) - 音取りこうじゃない?w

00:29:810 (7) - 流れ的に 00:28:294 (3) - ここの頭にスタックさせるのが個人的に好み、3角で綺麗に配置しても綺麗なんですが、こっちのほうがすとーんって落ちてる感があるのでどうかなーと
00:32:234 (5) - x252 y80に移動 図形にもなるし、良いと思う (ちなみにこの部分で綺麗になってる 00:31:173 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - )
00:33:673 - add noteで3連打のほうがいい?
00:37:082 (6) - 近いと思う たいした提案はなし・・
00:39:507 (1,2,3) - 譜面を大きく変えることになると思うのでお勧めしないけど流れ的に2と3は左側に来るべきだと思いました
01:00:870 (3) - なぜここに 00:59:810 (3) - スタックできる場所があるのにスタックしないのか(戒め
01:11:325 (6) - 手前に2個note追加して3連打でしょ・・
01:21:628 (1) - 01:21:022 (1) - 終わりのほうにスタックしたほうがジャンプ気持ち良い感じする
01:39:810 (2) - これは 01:40:113 - ココでとまったほうが良い感じだとおもう
01:53:749 (1,2,3,4,5) - 歪んでるのはここではあまりgoodじゃないかも・・

00:07:688 (2) - 気持ち程度でいいから少し曲げてあげるとgood


NormalとEasyも見ましたが特にこれといって良い提案は出せませんでした :(
good map です ! ☆
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:


Tick2がいいんじゃないかな! - tick2はあまり好きじゃないのでもう少し考えさせてください

00:29:355 (3,4,5,6) - 音取りこうじゃない?w - ホンマや(驚愕)

00:29:810 (7) - 流れ的に 00:28:294 (3) - ここの頭にスタックさせるのが個人的に好み、3角で綺麗に配置しても綺麗なんですが、こっちのほうがすとーんって落ちてる感があるのでどうかなーと - 3角重視で
00:32:234 (5) - x252 y80に移動 図形にもなるし、良いと思う (ちなみにこの部分で綺麗になってる 00:31:173 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - ) - 素晴らしい fixed
00:33:673 - add noteで3連打のほうがいい? - 3連ぽくないのでNG
00:37:082 (6) - 近いと思う たいした提案はなし・・ - ギリギリ許容範囲だと思う
00:39:507 (1,2,3) - 譜面を大きく変えることになると思うのでお勧めしないけど流れ的に2と3は左側に来るべきだと思いました - ここはあえてこうしています 自分はInsane diffでは流れにはこだわっていません。
01:00:870 (3) - なぜここに 00:59:810 (3) - スタックできる場所があるのにスタックしないのか(戒め - 一応 01:00:264 (1,2,3,4) - ここがキレイキレイだから崩したくない感があるので保留します
01:11:325 (6) - 手前に2個note追加して3連打でしょ・・ - 3連ぽくないのでNG
01:21:628 (1) - 01:21:022 (1) - 終わりのほうにスタックしたほうがジャンプ気持ち良い感じする - ヒドォンつけたらやりづらそうなのでこのままにします
01:39:810 (2) - これは 01:40:113 - ココでとまったほうが良い感じだとおもう - 終端のfinishの音を拾いたいのでこの長さになってしまいました
01:53:749 (1,2,3,4,5) - 歪んでるのはここではあまりgoodじゃないかも・・ - 変えてみましたがまだ歪んでるかもしれないです。

00:07:688 (2) - 気持ち程度でいいから少し曲げてあげるとgood - ok


NormalとEasyも見ましたが特にこれといって良い提案は出せませんでした :(
good map です ! ☆
mod&starありがとうございました :)
red: Unrankable issue.
blue: may be unrankable issue.
Bold: not unrankable, but should fix it.

  1. mp3の音のカットの仕方が悪く、譜面の終わりが不自然な終わり方をしています。
  2. tickrate2 fits this song.
  1. 00:05:719 (1,2,3,1) - ここのパートは一体どこを拾っているのでしょうか・・・?
    ボーカルを拾っているならば00:06:476 - で音を取らないというのはおかしいですし、かと言って楽器に合わせているならば00:08:598 - で何も置いていないことで、各upbeatに合わせて取られていたリズムが崩れています。
    また00:08:598 ではそれを無視するような特別な音が存在していないので私にはこれが不自然なリズムとなているように感じました。
  2. 00:09:810 - ここのtickのカスタムサウンドを削除。
  3. 00:21:628 (2,3) - スライダーで一つにまとめてしまいたい感じがします。
    00:20:416 - 00:21:628 - でそれぞれの楽器が始まっているので、00:20:416 (1) とそのポイントは対になった音になっており、そこをサークルを置くことで別のリズムに切り替えるメリットはほとんどないのでそこを一つのスライダーで纏めるのがベターだと思います。
  4. 00:24:052 (1) - このスピナーは最低難易度としては短く、また回し始めてから次のスライダーが表示されるまでの時間が短いので、これは改善をする必要があるように感じました。ただルールには一応触れていません。
    00:24:052 に5/2スライダー、00:25:113 にサークルを置くというのが思い浮かびましたが、その具体的なリズムに関してはそちらで決めてしまって構いません。
  5. 00:38:598 (3) - 00:35:567 (2,3) がボーカルを意識していて、また00:39:507 に音がないのでこれはボーカルを拾ったものだと思うのですが、00:38:901 - で00:38:598 - よりも強いボーカルがあり、それを意識したリズム構成となっていないのでそれに違和感を感じました。
    取る音の切り替えだとしても00:35:567 ~ 00:44:052 - あたりまでは近い曲調となっているので、このタイミングで切り替えてしまうとどこかが浮いてきてしまうと思います。

    1. 00:38:598 (3) - 1/1
    2. 00:39:507 (4) - circle
    一つの例として改善案を出しておきます。他にも00:38:901 - で2/1スライダーといった別の音取りでもいけるので、一つの参考程度に留めておいてください。
  6. 00:39:810 (1,2) - 上の物と似たところがあります
    00:35:567 (2,3) でボーカルを拾っていたことを考えるとここもそれにあわせて行きたいところです。
    00:40:113 からの2/1スライダーとかどうでしょう。
  7. 00:49:507 (1,2,1,2) - うーん、なんというかここで音を足しているので後ろの音を拾っている感じがしています。
    また個人的な意見としては00:49:810 - から1/2でリズムを刻んでいくことになってしまい、Easyとしては音を取りにくいのでそちらには合わせずに、00:47:082 (1,2) - と同じ音取りにしたほうが良いと思います。
  8. 00:54:355 (1,2,3) - ここは一体何の音を…
    00:56:779 からの音取りを考えるとここだけupbeatにある楽器を意識した音取りにしているのは不自然で、私はこれに違和感を感じました。
    というより00:56:779 (1,3) - がupbeatに合わせた音取りをしていないから変な可能性…?
  9. 01:00:113 (2) - clapミスってる?
  10. 01:01:325 - なぜここに間を?
    00:58:901 (4) - 01:00:113 (2) - とは異なりupbeatを拾わないような理由があるのでしょうか。
  11. 01:01:628 - なぜここからボーカル基準の音取りに?
    もしこれがリズムに変化を与えたものだとしても01:04:052 からもそれを継続する必要性はほぼ無く、これは単に一貫性を大きく欠いた
  12. 01:29:507 (1) - 00:24:052 (1)と同じ
  13. 01:39:204 (2,3) - スライダーに変えて一体化。
    01:39:431 - 01:39:658 - にも全く同じ音があり、ここだけ都合よくサークルで拾うのはリズムを狂わせてしまい、問題のある音取りとなっているように感じました。

  1. 00:04:507 (3) - NC
    00:02:082 (1,2)と同様に特定の音を意識したNCパターンとなっているので、このパターンならばNCはここにも入るべきなのではないでしょうか。
  2. 00:12:840 - add note
    後ろの音をよく聞くと00:11:931 - 00:12:234 - 00:12:537 - 00:12:840 - で鳴っていて、音付けがそれに準じたものになっているので、ここにも加えるべきなのではないでしょうか。
  3. 00:15:416 (1,2,3,4,5) - ここの音取りに何か違和感を感じました。
    00:15:416 (1)などの音のとり方を見ると、00:16:325 - 00:17:537 - でそれぞれ音が強くなってきているのでそれを無視して置くことは理にかなっておらず、単に曲を無視しているように感じました。
    ただ少し音のとり方を試してみましたが、1/2でのなんらかのリズムが必須になり、全体的に見た時にかなり浮くポイントとなってしまうので、00:16:173 - 00:17:385 - でそれぞれ1/1スライダーを置いて誤魔化す、というのが考えつく中で最もよい案として考えついたので、私はそれを提案します。
  4. 00:28:901 (3) - 多分1/1の間が開かないのでここをサークルにしているのだと思いますが、ここは1/1スライダーで良いと思います。
  5. 01:06:779 - ボーカル、楽器の両方の意味でここに置く十分すぎる理由があると思うのですが、ここに置いていない理由は…
  6. 01:20:113 (1) - このスピナーはちょっと短すぎませんか…?
  1. AR+1
  2. 00:05:567 - please do not use 5% ;_;
  3. 00:10:567 (1) - ^
  1. 5%の不安点を除いてルールに接触するところはなし。

mod time: 4 hours

Topic Starter

NewRulerNA wrote:

red: Unrankable issue.
blue: may be unrankable issue.
Bold: not unrankable, but should fix it.

  1. mp3の音のカットの仕方が悪く、譜面の終わりが不自然な終わり方をしています。
    本当に無責任なのですが、かなり修正をさせたい内容なので他の人にアドバイスを貰ってください。 - この曲カットするタイミングがとても難しくて何度も繰り返した結果こうなってます。カットする位置はかなり的確だと思うんですがやはりフェードの問題で少々違和感が生じてしまうのでしょうかね・・ もしUnrankになるような指摘があれば誰かに依頼してやってもらいます。
  2. tickrate2 fits this song. - 体が求める・・・tick1を・・・・
  1. 00:05:719 (1,2,3,1) - ここのパートは一体どこを拾っているのでしょうか・・・?
    ボーカルを拾っているならば00:06:476 - で音を取らないというのはおかしいですし、かと言って楽器に合わせているならば00:08:598 - で何も置いていないことで、各upbeatに合わせて取られていたリズムが崩れています。
    また00:08:598 ではそれを無視するような特別な音が存在していないので私にはこれが不自然なリズムとなているように感じました。
  2. 00:09:810 - ここのtickのカスタムサウンドを削除。
  3. 00:21:628 (2,3) - スライダーで一つにまとめてしまいたい感じがします。
    00:20:416 - 00:21:628 - でそれぞれの楽器が始まっているので、00:20:416 (1) とそのポイントは対になった音になっており、そこをサークルを置くことで別のリズムに切り替えるメリットはほとんどないのでそこを一つのスライダーで纏めるのがベターだと思います。
  4. 00:24:052 (1) - このスピナーは最低難易度としては短く、また回し始めてから次のスライダーが表示されるまでの時間が短いので、これは改善をする必要があるように感じました。ただルールには一応触れていません。
    00:24:052 に5/2スライダー、00:25:113 にサークルを置くというのが思い浮かびましたが、その具体的なリズムに関してはそちらで決めてしまって構いません。
  5. 00:38:598 (3) - 00:35:567 (2,3) がボーカルを意識していて、また00:39:507 に音がないのでこれはボーカルを拾ったものだと思うのですが、00:38:901 - で00:38:598 - よりも強いボーカルがあり、それを意識したリズム構成となっていないのでそれに違和感を感じました。
    取る音の切り替えだとしても00:35:567 ~ 00:44:052 - あたりまでは近い曲調となっているので、このタイミングで切り替えてしまうとどこかが浮いてきてしまうと思います。

    1. 00:38:598 (3) - 1/1
    2. 00:39:507 (4) - circle
    一つの例として改善案を出しておきます。他にも00:38:901 - で2/1スライダーといった別の音取りでもいけるので、一つの参考程度に留めておいてください。
  6. 00:39:810 (1,2) - 上の物と似たところがあります
    00:35:567 (2,3) でボーカルを拾っていたことを考えるとここもそれにあわせて行きたいところです。
    00:40:113 からの2/1スライダーとかどうでしょう。
  7. 00:49:507 (1,2,1,2) - うーん、なんというかここで音を足しているので後ろの音を拾っている感じがしています。
    また個人的な意見としては00:49:810 - から1/2でリズムを刻んでいくことになってしまい、Easyとしては音を取りにくいのでそちらには合わせずに、00:47:082 (1,2) - と同じ音取りにしたほうが良いと思います。
  8. 00:54:355 (1,2,3) - ここは一体何の音を…
    00:56:779 からの音取りを考えるとここだけupbeatにある楽器を意識した音取りにしているのは不自然で、私はこれに違和感を感じました。
    というより00:56:779 (1,3) - がupbeatに合わせた音取りをしていないから変な可能性…?
  9. 01:00:113 (2) - clapミスってる?
  10. 01:01:325 - なぜここに間を?
    00:58:901 (4) - 01:00:113 (2) - とは異なりupbeatを拾わないような理由があるのでしょうか。
  11. 01:01:628 - なぜここからボーカル基準の音取りに?
    もしこれがリズムに変化を与えたものだとしても01:04:052 からもそれを継続する必要性はほぼ無く、これは単に一貫性を大きく欠いた
  12. 01:29:507 (1) - 00:24:052 (1)と同じ
  13. 01:39:204 (2,3) - スライダーに変えて一体化。
    01:39:431 - 01:39:658 - にも全く同じ音があり、ここだけ都合よくサークルで拾うのはリズムを狂わせてしまい、問題のある音取りとなっているように感じました。

  1. 00:04:507 (3) - NC
    00:02:082 (1,2)と同様に特定の音を意識したNCパターンとなっているので、このパターンならばNCはここにも入るべきなのではないでしょうか。
  2. 00:12:840 - add note
    後ろの音をよく聞くと00:11:931 - 00:12:234 - 00:12:537 - 00:12:840 - で鳴っていて、音付けがそれに準じたものになっているので、ここにも加えるべきなのではないでしょうか。
  3. 00:15:416 (1,2,3,4,5) - ここの音取りに何か違和感を感じました。
    00:15:416 (1)などの音のとり方を見ると、00:16:325 - 00:17:537 - でそれぞれ音が強くなってきているのでそれを無視して置くことは理にかなっておらず、単に曲を無視しているように感じました。
    ただ少し音のとり方を試してみましたが、1/2でのなんらかのリズムが必須になり、全体的に見た時にかなり浮くポイントとなってしまうので、00:16:173 - 00:17:385 - でそれぞれ1/1スライダーを置いて誤魔化す、というのが考えつく中で最もよい案として考えついたので、私はそれを提案します。
  4. 00:28:901 (3) - 多分1/1の間が開かないのでここをサークルにしているのだと思いますが、ここは1/1スライダーで良いと思います。
  5. 01:06:779 - ボーカル、楽器の両方の意味でここに置く十分すぎる理由があると思うのですが、ここに置いていない理由は…
  6. 01:20:113 (1) - このスピナーはちょっと短すぎませんか…?
  1. AR+1
  2. 00:05:567 - please do not use 5% ;_;
  3. 00:10:567 (1) - ^
  1. 5%の不安点を除いてルールに接触するところはなし。

mod time: 4 hours

EasyのModding的な意味でのドレイン高かった - 正直な話配置重視で音取りほぼ無視してたので言われてみて気づきました。
All fixedです!E,NのModかなり助かりました!!
modありがとうございました :)
03:31 Guy: まじkkすあん
03:31 Guy: IRCModいつできますか?
03:31 maaagic: あ
03:31 maaagic: おkですよ
03:31 Guy: お
03:31 Guy: じゃあやってもらいたいです
03:33 maaagic: hai
03:33 maaagic: reDL必要ですか?
03:34 Guy: 多分大丈夫だと思います
03:36 maaagic: 00:20:416 (1,2) -
03:36 maaagic: これclapおかしいですあるとしても赤線かな曲的に
03:36 Guy: a
03:36 Guy: ほんとだww
03:37 Guy: なんかおかしいなって思ってたんですよね
03:37 maaagic: warota
03:37 maaagic: うまく提案はできないですtickもないし
03:38 maaagic: スライダー作り直すか音なにも置かないかかなー
03:38 Guy: とりあえず何も置かない方向でいきますね
03:38 maaagic: 00:43:749 -
03:38 maaagic: clapあってもいいかもしれない
03:39 maaagic: insaneも連打だった気がするし
03:39 Guy: なるほど
03:39 Guy: いいですね
03:39 maaagic: 00:49:507 - finish?
03:40 maaagic: 01:02:234 - remove clap
03:40 Guy: 何故かNだけfinishだったので全部finishにしておきました
03:40 maaagic: はいw
03:41 Guy: fix
03:42 maaagic: 01:35:264 (4) - clap?
03:42 Guy: are
03:42 Guy: なんで抜けてんだ
03:42 Guy: クッソ
03:42 maaagic: saaw
03:42 Guy: ナイスマジックサン
03:43 Guy: 音取りはるーらーさんのModで結構改善されたと思うから
03:43 Guy: 次は音付けとか細かいとこか
03:44 maaagic: 01:59:810 - ここ前のところNormal finishなのにこっちはsoftだしNormalにしたほうがいい気が
03:44 Guy: ああそうか・・
03:44 Guy: どうしようかな
03:45 Guy: 前をsoftにしておきますね
03:45 maaagic: haiw
03:45 Guy: これも全Diffですた
03:46 maaagic: あ、何も言ってなかったですけどEasyですよ
03:47 maaagic: 01:10:113 - ここclapあったほうが好き
03:47 Guy: okdesu
03:47 maaagic: 01:14:961 (2) -
03:47 Guy: ちょっと待ってくださいね
03:48 maaagic: あひ
03:48 Guy: やっぱりsoft合わないからNormalで統一しますw
03:48 maaagic: あはい
03:48 maaagic: 俺もそっちのほうがいいと思いました
03:51 Guy: yosidekita
03:51 maaagic: 01:14:961 (2) -
03:51 maaagic:
03:51 maaagic: こっちの音取りの方が面白いと思う
03:52 Guy: これスペーシング大丈夫か・・・?
03:52 maaagic: いやそこは調節しないといけないけど
03:53 maaagic: Normal~~~
03:53 maaagic: E終わったら行ってください
03:53 Guy: よしできました
03:54 maaagic: 00:13:749 (2,3) -
03:54 maaagic: 初めにclap
03:54 maaagic: 曲を聴く限り前と同じような感じで
03:54 maaagic: 00:14:658 - 00:14:961 - ここもか・・
03:54 Guy: okk
03:55 Guy: 後者のほうは
03:55 Guy: Insane hardでWhistleで統一してるんですよね
03:55 Guy: Insane見てもらうとわかるんですが・・
03:55 maaagic: hoi
03:56 maaagic: 01:10:113 -
03:56 maaagic: Easyと同じだけど
03:56 maaagic: どうだろう
03:57 Guy: 始端にClap?
03:57 maaagic: うん
03:57 Guy: okk
03:57 maaagic: 01:20:113 (4) -
03:57 maaagic: これ形いいね
03:57 Guy: wwwwwww
03:57 maaagic: 01:40:264 (1) - Easyのこれももうちょっとかっこよくして欲しかったw
03:58 Guy: むずかしいよう
03:58 maaagic: 01:33:446 - clap
03:58 Guy: Clap抜けおおすぎわろた
03:58 maaagic: 01:15:416 (3) - これ確かにDrumの音するけどなんか抜けるなあww
03:59 maaagic: NAさんに指摘された感じがぷんぷんするが
03:59 Guy: ええ
03:59 Guy: 抜けてます?
03:59 Guy: Drum clap入ってるはずなんですが・・
04:00 maaagic: いや、Drum clap入ってるけど
04:00 maaagic: なんか拍子抜けするっていうか(ダサい感じが)
04:00 Guy: wwwwwww
04:00 Guy: わからなくないけど
04:00 maaagic: ぽんっぽんっ
04:00 maaagic: wwwwwww
04:00 Guy: Drum音すぎて仕方ない
04:00 maaagic: 俺はそのままでもいいかも、まあ任せます
04:01 Guy: おkk
04:01 maaagic: ぽんっぽんって面白いですねこれ
04:01 Guy: かわいい
04:01 maaagic: 01:37:234 - finishとかどうですか
04:01 maaagic: 何か物足りないし
04:01 maaagic: 前後考えても合いそう
04:02 Guy: 合ってるしいいでdすね
04:02 Guy: 全diff追加
04:02 maaagic: ほい
04:02 maaagic: Hardかなー
04:02 Guy: Eは入らないか
04:02 Guy: おkです
04:02 maaagic: なんか音のチェックしかしてないや・・・
04:03 Guy: ああInsane入ってたし・・
04:03 maaagic: Easyはあんまり合わない気がしました
04:03 Guy: いやいや助かります
04:03 Guy: Easy赤じゃなくて白から取ってるんですよね
04:03 Guy: まあいいや
04:03 maaagic: 00:01:931 - 00:03:143 - 音が欲しい気がそしてclapをつけたい
04:05 Guy: いれるかああ
04:05 maaagic: リピートも合うけどジャンプになっちゃうね
04:06 Guy: 単発でも軽くジャンプしてる件
04:06 maaagic: 00:04:052 (3) - ていうかこっちは入れてるから入れたほうがいいかな
04:06 Guy: ちょっとスライダー調節しよう・・
04:06 maaagic: はいw
04:06 Guy: そこなんですよね
04:06 maaagic: これちょっと合わない気が00:04:507 (1,2,3) -
04:06 maaagic: clapが
04:07 maaagic: 00:09:961 (4,5,1) -
04:07 Guy: うーん
04:07 Guy: そうかなあ
04:07 maaagic: ここもfinishだしfinishにしてはいかがかと
04:07 Guy: そうかfinishか
04:08 Guy: GuySkinだったからデュンデュンうるさかったけど
04:08 Guy: 合うなこれ
04:08 maaagic: wwww
04:08 maaagic: finishの方が好きですね
04:09 Guy: 全diffok
04:09 maaagic: 00:14:355 (1,2,3,4,5) - さっきもいったところだけどやっぱりclapも欲しいような
04:09 maaagic: わかりません任せます
04:09 maaagic: clapとwhistleかぶってても変じゃないとは思います
04:09 Guy: koreha
04:09 Guy: うーんそうか・・
04:09 maaagic: うーん
04:10 maaagic: ちょっと自信ないからほかの人にも聞いてもらえるとありがたい
04:11 maaagic: 次いきますね次
04:11 Guy: 確かにかぶっててもおかしくないですね
04:11 Guy: 全diff追加しました
04:11 maaagic: あ、はいわかりました
04:11 maaagic: 00:16:628 (1) -
04:11 maaagic: これスタックしなくてもいい気が
04:12 maaagic: NCしてるしする必要性もそこまで感じないから・・・どうだろう
04:13 Guy: yosi
04:13 Guy: できました
04:13 maaagic: 00:33:446 - 音が欲しいかも
04:14 Guy: okdesu
04:15 maaagic: 00:36:022 (5) - これ削除?
04:15 maaagic: ^なおすなら00:35:567 (4) - 00:36:173 (1) - NC入れ替え?
04:15 Guy: ああこっちのが合いますね
04:16 Guy: おkk
04:16 maaagic: 00:44:961 -
04:16 maaagic: clapnuke
04:16 maaagic: みす
04:16 maaagic: あってた
04:17 maaagic: 00:44:658 - ~00:49:483 - この間音量小さいfinishとかにしたらどうだろう
04:17 maaagic: ちがう
04:17 maaagic: 00:44:658 - ~00:49:483 - この間音量小さいNormal hitsoundとかにしたらどうだろう
04:17 maaagic: 疲れてるのかな・・
04:18 Guy: wwwww
04:18 Guy: なるほど
04:18 maaagic: いや全部clapついかでもいいけども
04:18 maaagic: その場合taikoが全部青いのになっちゃうしな~
04:19 Guy: Normalhitsoundにしましたw
04:19 maaagic: 00:54:052 (4,1) - NC入れ替え?
04:22 Guy: u-n
04:22 Guy: やっぱKiaiの始まりからNCしたいからNoです
04:22 maaagic: 00:54:052 (1) - じゃあここnc
04:22 maaagic: ?
04:22 Guy: いらないかなー
04:23 maaagic: むぅ
04:23 maaagic: まあいいや
04:23 Guy: ><
04:24 maaagic: 01:16:173 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) -
04:24 maaagic: ここらへんclapが少しおかしい気が
04:24 Guy: やっぱりInsaneに合わせると
04:24 Guy: おかしくなっちゃうな
04:24 Guy: 普通につけます
04:25 maaagic: hai
04:25 maaagic: 間奏はすこし複雑で音指摘できないよー
04:26 Guy: 複雑すぎた
04:26 Guy: ギターに合わせてClapついてるなこれ
04:26 Guy: まあいっか
04:27 maaagic: 01:37:234 - ここにfinishするなら
04:28 maaagic: スクリーンショット制限なう
04:28 Guy: wwwww
04:28 maaagic: 01:39:204 (1,2) - ここhitsoundついてないのは仕様だっけ
04:29 Guy: are
04:29 Guy: つけときます()
04:29 maaagic: さっきの
04:30 maaagic: 01:36:476 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) -
04:30 maaagic: ここらへん
04:30 maaagic:
04:30 maaagic: こんな感じのncとnoteとかどうでしょうかね
04:33 Guy: よしできました
04:33 maaagic: 01:38:597 - finishあったほうがいいような別になくてもいいような
04:35 maaagic: 01:54:961 - この緑線70%くらいの方がいい気がしますちょっとうるさいかな・・・?
04:35 maaagic: Hardowari
04:37 Guy: よっしゃー全部おkです
04:37 maaagic: Insaneはいうことないです^^^^^^^
04:37 maaagic: うそです
04:37 Guy: wwwwww
04:38 maaagic: 00:17:385 (5) - remove clap?
04:38 Guy: おk
04:39 maaagic: 00:20:416 (1) - ほかのぢffにはふぃにsh付いてるみたい
04:39 Guy: あああ
04:39 Guy: おkです
04:40 maaagic: 00:21:628 - ここを境に音が変わってるのが変だと思うなあ
04:40 maaagic: 音楽聴く限り前後で変化はないかな
04:40 maaagic: どっちかに合わせたほうが
04:40 Guy: naruhodo
04:41 maaagic: 00:24:052 - ここまで同じようなのが続けばいいかなと思う
04:42 Guy: ああここ全部赤線にclapがよかったのか
04:42 Guy: なるほどなあ
04:42 maaagic: たぶん
04:42 maaagic: 00:44:658 - Hardとおなじ
04:43 Guy: kk
04:44 maaagic: 01:01:628 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) -
04:44 maaagic: ここらへんのclapが音楽とあってない気が
04:44 maaagic: 01:01:779 -
04:44 maaagic: 01:02:234 -
04:44 maaagic: 01:02:688 -
04:44 maaagic: 01:03:143 -
04:45 maaagic: 01:03:446 -
04:45 maaagic: ここらへんかなclapは音楽に合わせるなら
04:45 maaagic: Hard見てて気づかなかったけどHardも同様かな?
04:46 Guy: fmfm
04:46 Guy: タイミング取りづらくなりそうだけど
04:46 Guy: このほうがいいか
04:47 maaagic: 01:01:779 - 問題はここに音つけれないんだよな
04:48 Guy: tick2はやめちくり~~~~~~~
04:48 maaagic: www
04:48 maaagic: だが音が欲しい
04:48 Guy: とりあえずどうしようもないので
04:48 Guy: このままで
04:48 maaagic: Hardも直しました?
04:49 Guy: Hardなんかはそのまま裏の音Clapで拾うとおかしいとこあったので
04:49 Guy: 軽くオリジナリティを加えました
04:49 maaagic: ww
04:50 maaagic: 01:15:416 (3) - やはり何度聞いてもぽんっぽんっでわらう
04:52 Guy: ww
04:52 maaagic: 01:29:507 (1,1) - これclap削除?
04:53 Guy: ストリームは極力こんな感じでclap入れたほうがタイミング撮りやすいんですよね
04:53 maaagic: まあ確かに
04:53 Guy: あくまでプレイやー視点でやりたいのでこのままにしときます
04:53 maaagic: 01:28:749 (2,3,4,5,6) - このclapって何に合わせて付けてますか?
04:54 Guy: ギターっぽいですね
04:54 maaagic: うーんドラムとはあってないけどいいのかな
04:54 maaagic: まあいいや
04:55 Guy: もうこのパートドラムに合わせる気がないみたいなので
04:55 Guy: このままでやってみます
04:55 maaagic: www
04:55 Guy: 赤線Clapはプレイしづらいと思うんだよなあ
04:55 maaagic: 01:40:416 (1) - whistleいらないきがー
04:55 maaagic: たしかにそうですね
04:56 Guy: あらほんとだ
04:57 maaagic: 01:46:476 (1) - なぞfinishかと
04:57 Guy: 多分vocalに合わせたんでしょうね
04:57 Guy: 消します
04:57 maaagic: 01:54:961 - 緑線Hardと同じく
04:57 maaagic: Insaneおわり~
04:58 maaagic: 1:20くらいやってたのか遅くなってごめんなさいネ
04:58 Guy: あざっした!!!
Topic Starter

maaagic wrote:

03:31 Guy: まじkkすあん
03:31 Guy: IRCModいつできますか?
03:31 maaagic: あ
03:31 maaagic: おkですよ
03:31 Guy: お
03:31 Guy: じゃあやってもらいたいです
03:33 maaagic: hai
03:33 maaagic: reDL必要ですか?
03:34 Guy: 多分大丈夫だと思います
03:36 maaagic: 00:20:416 (1,2) -
03:36 maaagic: これclapおかしいですあるとしても赤線かな曲的に
03:36 Guy: a
03:36 Guy: ほんとだww
03:37 Guy: なんかおかしいなって思ってたんですよね
03:37 maaagic: warota
03:37 maaagic: うまく提案はできないですtickもないし
03:38 maaagic: スライダー作り直すか音なにも置かないかかなー
03:38 Guy: とりあえず何も置かない方向でいきますね
03:38 maaagic: 00:43:749 -
03:38 maaagic: clapあってもいいかもしれない
03:39 maaagic: insaneも連打だった気がするし
03:39 Guy: なるほど
03:39 Guy: いいですね
03:39 maaagic: 00:49:507 - finish?
03:40 maaagic: 01:02:234 - remove clap
03:40 Guy: 何故かNだけfinishだったので全部finishにしておきました
03:40 maaagic: はいw
03:41 Guy: fix
03:42 maaagic: 01:35:264 (4) - clap?
03:42 Guy: are
03:42 Guy: なんで抜けてんだ
03:42 Guy: クッソ
03:42 maaagic: saaw
03:42 Guy: ナイスマジックサン
03:43 Guy: 音取りはるーらーさんのModで結構改善されたと思うから
03:43 Guy: 次は音付けとか細かいとこか
03:44 maaagic: 01:59:810 - ここ前のところNormal finishなのにこっちはsoftだしNormalにしたほうがいい気が
03:44 Guy: ああそうか・・
03:44 Guy: どうしようかな
03:45 Guy: 前をsoftにしておきますね
03:45 maaagic: haiw
03:45 Guy: これも全Diffですた
03:46 maaagic: あ、何も言ってなかったですけどEasyですよ
03:47 maaagic: 01:10:113 - ここclapあったほうが好き
03:47 Guy: okdesu
03:47 maaagic: 01:14:961 (2) -
03:47 Guy: ちょっと待ってくださいね
03:48 maaagic: あひ
03:48 Guy: やっぱりsoft合わないからNormalで統一しますw
03:48 maaagic: あはい
03:48 maaagic: 俺もそっちのほうがいいと思いました
03:51 Guy: yosidekita
03:51 maaagic: 01:14:961 (2) -
03:51 maaagic:
03:51 maaagic: こっちの音取りの方が面白いと思う
03:52 Guy: これスペーシング大丈夫か・・・?
03:52 maaagic: いやそこは調節しないといけないけど
03:53 maaagic: Normal~~~
03:53 maaagic: E終わったら行ってください
03:53 Guy: よしできました
03:54 maaagic: 00:13:749 (2,3) -
03:54 maaagic: 初めにclap
03:54 maaagic: 曲を聴く限り前と同じような感じで
03:54 maaagic: 00:14:658 - 00:14:961 - ここもか・・
03:54 Guy: okk
03:55 Guy: 後者のほうは
03:55 Guy: Insane hardでWhistleで統一してるんですよね
03:55 Guy: Insane見てもらうとわかるんですが・・
03:55 maaagic: hoi
03:56 maaagic: 01:10:113 -
03:56 maaagic: Easyと同じだけど
03:56 maaagic: どうだろう
03:57 Guy: 始端にClap?
03:57 maaagic: うん
03:57 Guy: okk
03:57 maaagic: 01:20:113 (4) -
03:57 maaagic: これ形いいね
03:57 Guy: wwwwwww
03:57 maaagic: 01:40:264 (1) - Easyのこれももうちょっとかっこよくして欲しかったw
03:58 Guy: むずかしいよう
03:58 maaagic: 01:33:446 - clap
03:58 Guy: Clap抜けおおすぎわろた
03:58 maaagic: 01:15:416 (3) - これ確かにDrumの音するけどなんか抜けるなあww
03:59 maaagic: NAさんに指摘された感じがぷんぷんするが
03:59 Guy: ええ
03:59 Guy: 抜けてます?
03:59 Guy: Drum clap入ってるはずなんですが・・
04:00 maaagic: いや、Drum clap入ってるけど
04:00 maaagic: なんか拍子抜けするっていうか(ダサい感じが)
04:00 Guy: wwwwwww
04:00 Guy: わからなくないけど
04:00 maaagic: ぽんっぽんっ
04:00 maaagic: wwwwwww
04:00 Guy: Drum音すぎて仕方ない
04:00 maaagic: 俺はそのままでもいいかも、まあ任せます
04:01 Guy: おkk
04:01 maaagic: ぽんっぽんって面白いですねこれ
04:01 Guy: かわいい
04:01 maaagic: 01:37:234 - finishとかどうですか
04:01 maaagic: 何か物足りないし
04:01 maaagic: 前後考えても合いそう
04:02 Guy: 合ってるしいいでdすね
04:02 Guy: 全diff追加
04:02 maaagic: ほい
04:02 maaagic: Hardかなー
04:02 Guy: Eは入らないか
04:02 Guy: おkです
04:02 maaagic: なんか音のチェックしかしてないや・・・
04:03 Guy: ああInsane入ってたし・・
04:03 maaagic: Easyはあんまり合わない気がしました
04:03 Guy: いやいや助かります
04:03 Guy: Easy赤じゃなくて白から取ってるんですよね
04:03 Guy: まあいいや
04:03 maaagic: 00:01:931 - 00:03:143 - 音が欲しい気がそしてclapをつけたい
04:05 Guy: いれるかああ
04:05 maaagic: リピートも合うけどジャンプになっちゃうね
04:06 Guy: 単発でも軽くジャンプしてる件
04:06 maaagic: 00:04:052 (3) - ていうかこっちは入れてるから入れたほうがいいかな
04:06 Guy: ちょっとスライダー調節しよう・・
04:06 maaagic: はいw
04:06 Guy: そこなんですよね
04:06 maaagic: これちょっと合わない気が00:04:507 (1,2,3) -
04:06 maaagic: clapが
04:07 maaagic: 00:09:961 (4,5,1) -
04:07 Guy: うーん
04:07 Guy: そうかなあ
04:07 maaagic: ここもfinishだしfinishにしてはいかがかと
04:07 Guy: そうかfinishか
04:08 Guy: GuySkinだったからデュンデュンうるさかったけど
04:08 Guy: 合うなこれ
04:08 maaagic: wwww
04:08 maaagic: finishの方が好きですね
04:09 Guy: 全diffok
04:09 maaagic: 00:14:355 (1,2,3,4,5) - さっきもいったところだけどやっぱりclapも欲しいような
04:09 maaagic: わかりません任せます
04:09 maaagic: clapとwhistleかぶってても変じゃないとは思います
04:09 Guy: koreha
04:09 Guy: うーんそうか・・
04:09 maaagic: うーん
04:10 maaagic: ちょっと自信ないからほかの人にも聞いてもらえるとありがたい
04:11 maaagic: 次いきますね次
04:11 Guy: 確かにかぶっててもおかしくないですね
04:11 Guy: 全diff追加しました
04:11 maaagic: あ、はいわかりました
04:11 maaagic: 00:16:628 (1) -
04:11 maaagic: これスタックしなくてもいい気が
04:12 maaagic: NCしてるしする必要性もそこまで感じないから・・・どうだろう
04:13 Guy: yosi
04:13 Guy: できました
04:13 maaagic: 00:33:446 - 音が欲しいかも
04:14 Guy: okdesu
04:15 maaagic: 00:36:022 (5) - これ削除?
04:15 maaagic: ^なおすなら00:35:567 (4) - 00:36:173 (1) - NC入れ替え?
04:15 Guy: ああこっちのが合いますね
04:16 Guy: おkk
04:16 maaagic: 00:44:961 -
04:16 maaagic: clapnuke
04:16 maaagic: みす
04:16 maaagic: あってた
04:17 maaagic: 00:44:658 - ~00:49:483 - この間音量小さいfinishとかにしたらどうだろう
04:17 maaagic: ちがう
04:17 maaagic: 00:44:658 - ~00:49:483 - この間音量小さいNormal hitsoundとかにしたらどうだろう
04:17 maaagic: 疲れてるのかな・・
04:18 Guy: wwwww
04:18 Guy: なるほど
04:18 maaagic: いや全部clapついかでもいいけども
04:18 maaagic: その場合taikoが全部青いのになっちゃうしな~
04:19 Guy: Normalhitsoundにしましたw
04:19 maaagic: 00:54:052 (4,1) - NC入れ替え?
04:22 Guy: u-n
04:22 Guy: やっぱKiaiの始まりからNCしたいからNoです
04:22 maaagic: 00:54:052 (1) - じゃあここnc
04:22 maaagic: ?
04:22 Guy: いらないかなー
04:23 maaagic: むぅ
04:23 maaagic: まあいいや
04:23 Guy: ><
04:24 maaagic: 01:16:173 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) -
04:24 maaagic: ここらへんclapが少しおかしい気が
04:24 Guy: やっぱりInsaneに合わせると
04:24 Guy: おかしくなっちゃうな
04:24 Guy: 普通につけます
04:25 maaagic: hai
04:25 maaagic: 間奏はすこし複雑で音指摘できないよー
04:26 Guy: 複雑すぎた
04:26 Guy: ギターに合わせてClapついてるなこれ
04:26 Guy: まあいっか
04:27 maaagic: 01:37:234 - ここにfinishするなら
04:28 maaagic: スクリーンショット制限なう
04:28 Guy: wwwww
04:28 maaagic: 01:39:204 (1,2) - ここhitsoundついてないのは仕様だっけ
04:29 Guy: are
04:29 Guy: つけときます()
04:29 maaagic: さっきの
04:30 maaagic: 01:36:476 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) -
04:30 maaagic: ここらへん
04:30 maaagic:
04:30 maaagic: こんな感じのncとnoteとかどうでしょうかね
04:33 Guy: よしできました
04:33 maaagic: 01:38:597 - finishあったほうがいいような別になくてもいいような
04:35 maaagic: 01:54:961 - この緑線70%くらいの方がいい気がしますちょっとうるさいかな・・・?
04:35 maaagic: Hardowari
04:37 Guy: よっしゃー全部おkです
04:37 maaagic: Insaneはいうことないです^^^^^^^
04:37 maaagic: うそです
04:37 Guy: wwwwww
04:38 maaagic: 00:17:385 (5) - remove clap?
04:38 Guy: おk
04:39 maaagic: 00:20:416 (1) - ほかのぢffにはふぃにsh付いてるみたい
04:39 Guy: あああ
04:39 Guy: おkです
04:40 maaagic: 00:21:628 - ここを境に音が変わってるのが変だと思うなあ
04:40 maaagic: 音楽聴く限り前後で変化はないかな
04:40 maaagic: どっちかに合わせたほうが
04:40 Guy: naruhodo
04:41 maaagic: 00:24:052 - ここまで同じようなのが続けばいいかなと思う
04:42 Guy: ああここ全部赤線にclapがよかったのか
04:42 Guy: なるほどなあ
04:42 maaagic: たぶん
04:42 maaagic: 00:44:658 - Hardとおなじ
04:43 Guy: kk
04:44 maaagic: 01:01:628 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) -
04:44 maaagic: ここらへんのclapが音楽とあってない気が
04:44 maaagic: 01:01:779 -
04:44 maaagic: 01:02:234 -
04:44 maaagic: 01:02:688 -
04:44 maaagic: 01:03:143 -
04:45 maaagic: 01:03:446 -
04:45 maaagic: ここらへんかなclapは音楽に合わせるなら
04:45 maaagic: Hard見てて気づかなかったけどHardも同様かな?
04:46 Guy: fmfm
04:46 Guy: タイミング取りづらくなりそうだけど
04:46 Guy: このほうがいいか
04:47 maaagic: 01:01:779 - 問題はここに音つけれないんだよな
04:48 Guy: tick2はやめちくり~~~~~~~
04:48 maaagic: www
04:48 maaagic: だが音が欲しい
04:48 Guy: とりあえずどうしようもないので
04:48 Guy: このままで
04:48 maaagic: Hardも直しました?
04:49 Guy: Hardなんかはそのまま裏の音Clapで拾うとおかしいとこあったので
04:49 Guy: 軽くオリジナリティを加えました
04:49 maaagic: ww
04:50 maaagic: 01:15:416 (3) - やはり何度聞いてもぽんっぽんっでわらう
04:52 Guy: ww
04:52 maaagic: 01:29:507 (1,1) - これclap削除?
04:53 Guy: ストリームは極力こんな感じでclap入れたほうがタイミング撮りやすいんですよね
04:53 maaagic: まあ確かに
04:53 Guy: あくまでプレイやー視点でやりたいのでこのままにしときます
04:53 maaagic: 01:28:749 (2,3,4,5,6) - このclapって何に合わせて付けてますか?
04:54 Guy: ギターっぽいですね
04:54 maaagic: うーんドラムとはあってないけどいいのかな
04:54 maaagic: まあいいや
04:55 Guy: もうこのパートドラムに合わせる気がないみたいなので
04:55 Guy: このままでやってみます
04:55 maaagic: www
04:55 Guy: 赤線Clapはプレイしづらいと思うんだよなあ
04:55 maaagic: 01:40:416 (1) - whistleいらないきがー
04:55 maaagic: たしかにそうですね
04:56 Guy: あらほんとだ
04:57 maaagic: 01:46:476 (1) - なぞfinishかと
04:57 Guy: 多分vocalに合わせたんでしょうね
04:57 Guy: 消します
04:57 maaagic: 01:54:961 - 緑線Hardと同じく
04:57 maaagic: Insaneおわり~
04:58 maaagic: 1:20くらいやってたのか遅くなってごめんなさいネ
04:58 Guy: あざっした!!!
むっちゃ長いことありがとうございました :)
がいさん、こんちゃ!request ありがとう(ノ゚ο゚)ノ


Tags : j-pop追加とかってどうなんですかね?自分のvegasのやつに追加してみたんだけども!hardcoreとかrockのほうがいいのかな・・・。


01:31:628 (2) - ちょっとだけDistanceズレてるかな?DS1.0でちょっと触れたらピクッって縮まったんで!気のせいだったらすんませんw


01:02:840 (3) - ちょっと下に移動して手前からの流れ一直線にするとか!

01:08:901 (1) - この辺の位置が自分は好きです。ちょっと画面端になっちゃうけど、Break time前だし問題ないかなって思いました!


00:39:052 (2) - スライダー中間のドットを少し右に動かしたほうが次の3番綺麗に包み込めるかなぁと!

00:05:416 - clapよりfinishのほうがバックのドラムの音と合ってるかも?
01:15:870 - ^

00:42:688 (2) - BGMで微妙~にスネアの音あると思うんで、この2番だけAudio Volume30~40%にしてclap追加とかどうかな?


00:02:840 (3,4) - 3番と4番配置逆にしたほうがaimした感じ気持ち良いかも!

以上です・・・。気になるとこがなさすぎて開いた口がふさがらなかった :o
Topic Starter

iyasine wrote:

がいさん、こんちゃ!request ありがとう(ノ゚ο゚)ノ


Tags : j-pop追加とかってどうなんですかね?自分のvegasのやつに追加してみたんだけども!hardcoreとかrockのほうがいいのかな・・・。


01:31:628 (2) - ちょっとだけDistanceズレてるかな?DS1.0でちょっと触れたらピクッって縮まったんで!気のせいだったらすんませんw


01:02:840 (3) - ちょっと下に移動して手前からの流れ一直線にするとか!

01:08:901 (1) - この辺の位置が自分は好きです。ちょっと画面端になっちゃうけど、Break time前だし問題ないかなって思いました!


00:39:052 (2) - スライダー中間のドットを少し右に動かしたほうが次の3番綺麗に包み込めるかなぁと!

00:05:416 - clapよりfinishのほうがバックのドラムの音と合ってるかも?
01:15:870 - ^

00:42:688 (2) - BGMで微妙~にスネアの音あると思うんで、この2番だけAudio Volume30~40%にしてclap追加とかどうかな?
これも修正するときは全diff統一で! - 音量下げずとも違和感なさそうなのでclap追加しておきました~


00:02:840 (3,4) - 3番と4番配置逆にしたほうがaimした感じ気持ち良いかも! - (5)への入り方がなんか微妙になってしまうのでこのままにします!!

以上です・・・。気になるとこがなさすぎて開いた口がふさがらなかった :o
Modありがとうございました :)
P o M u T a
13:47 Guy: pomutaさんModしてくださいなんでもしますからオナシャス
13:47 P o M u T a: Guyさんパーフェクトmapすぎて何も出来ません
13:47 Guy: エ・・・・・
13:48 P o M u T a: 君のミステリーですか?ネバーランドですか?
13:48 Guy: Vegasのです!!!
13:48 Guy:
13:50 P o M u T a: 1個でも何か見つけたら
13:50 P o M u T a: 許して
13:50 Guy: wwww
13:52 P o M u T a: HardとInsaneの2番目のKiaiタイムとEasyとNormalの2番目のKiai Timeが合ってないけど統一しておく?
13:52 Guy: えまじすかw
13:52 P o M u T a: 特に理由も無かったらあわせたほうが綺麗だよ
13:52 Guy: 重大なミス
13:53 P o M u T a: 01:53:749 - E,NのKiai Time 終点. 01:52:537 - H,IのKiai Time 終点
13:53 P o M u T a: これ参考に!
13:54 P o M u T a: じゃ、( ´Д`)ノ~バイバイ
Topic Starter
pomutaさんありがとうございました :)
Topic Starter

Guy wrote:

Topic Starter

maaagic wrote:

Guy wrote:

\( 'ω')/ウオオオオオアアアーーーッ!

Guy wrote:

Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:

Guy wrote:

後半カッコイイからやっぱり作りたくなった :roll:
Ayesha Altugle
I can't ask one guest diff because I scream as hard as I can

IRC Log save

Guy wrote:

nice判断 :D
Topic Starter
finished all diffs!
00:01:265 (2,5) - don't consider overlay?
00:03:689 (2,4) - ^
Rhythm Change
01:58:537 (1) - remove
01:58:537 - add circle(NC)
01:58:613 - ^
01:58:689 - ^
01:58:841 (1) - remove
01:58:841 - add circle(NC)
01:58:916 - ^
01:58:992 - ^
02:26:528 (5) - x252 y44
02:26:903 (6) - x216 y128
The next note I think a little far is ok

00:43:083 (4) - ctrl+g
01:01:265 (4) - ^

Only find this Too hard for me >.<
Nice map
Hi~M4M here
Good enough so all are suggestions^^

Just some suggestions on mapflow, feel free to pick them if you like:
00:25:507 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
Exchange 3 & 7 then 4 & 6 then 5 & 7 , and see if you like it
00:39:447 (1) - Stack with 3?
00:42:780 (3) - Ctrl+G?
00:43:386 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - Prefer a line:
01:00:962 (4,5) - Try Ctrl+G on both sliders?
01:21:795 (2) - Stack with 3?
01:22:022 (3) - NC from here rather than 01:22:174 (1) seems better
02:07:022 - Finish+Clap? Try on EZ NM and Hard as well
02:44:778 (3) - Adjust the star?
02:57:903 (4) - I'd rather use the same distance^^
03:42:028 (5) - Try NC?

02:07:022 - Finish+Clap?
01:50:053 - Try finish
01:51:265 (5) - ^
01:51:871 - ^
03:35:028 - ^
03:39:028 - ^

Hmmm..the last part is a little difficult..maybe it's just too fast :s

02:07:022 - Try Finish+Clap

02:07:022 - Try Finish+Clap like the other diffs

Can't find more, so
GL for Rank~
Topic Starter
Thanks both!
some fixed~ :)
hi~~ m4m!!
the map is really good, so my mod will be mostly suggestions!

00:20:659 (3) - move a little bit more to the left? it was hard to see when i didn't dim the bg~
00:44:598 (1,4) - how about placing these on the green 2? (00:44:144 (2) ) The jumps get more fashionable imo
01:36:568 (6) - move this just a little bit more up to make it more clear?
02:59:528 (3,4) - dangerous overlap i think.. maybe NC them? or separate them more?
03:02:028 (1) - nice!!
03:43:278 (2,4,5) - confusing overlap imo~

i love the big sliders and streams xD I love fast streams

00:47:022 (1,2,3,4) - change these into 3 circles to give more variation??
03:40:028 (5,6) - overlap these?
03:52:403 (5,6) - overlap these? (place 5 on 6's head) to clarify the emptying beat
omg really awesome hard diff.. sorry i can't catch much

01:20:053 (4) - so nice..
01:36:416 (2,3) - stack 2 on 3's head?
03:52:528 (5) - start this slider here: 03:52:528 - and then end here?

(something like this would be nice~)

00:28:841 (3) - (nazi) make this slider shape more nicely? right now it's kinda crude..
00:39:750 - add a note maybe?
03:34:028 (1) - unnecessary NC?

That's about it! hope this helps at least a little bit ;_;
have my star~ GL! :)
Topic Starter
Almost fixed!
Thank you Broccoly :)
m4m from your queue ;w;

00:02:022 (2) - 1 grid left for symmetry
00:04:447 (2) - 1 grid up for symmetry
02:49:028 (1) - distance error?
03:01:028 (1) - move tail to 296|52 and remake (2) too. (copy from (1) ctrl+h ctrl+g) looks better :3
03:17:528 (1) - maybe delete this note because the beginner need the break after spinner

00:09:447 (3,4) - maybe make it to better flow?
01:32:780 - what about add note here? its sounds better. imo :3
01:39:750 - maybe try this beat

good diff -0-

01:36:568 (6) - move tail 1 grid left orz
02:44:528 (1,2,3,4,1) - maybe remake this star to same as 02:36:528 (1,2,3,4,1)? I think its looks better
03:24:028 (5) - 1 grid down for perfect stack?
nice diff orz

good luck and star :D
Topic Starter

P A N wrote:

m4m from your queue ;w;

00:02:022 (2) - 1 grid left for symmetry - already symmetry orz
00:04:447 (2) - 1 grid up for symmetry - ^
02:49:028 (1) - distance error? - oh..fixed
03:01:028 (1) - move tail to 296|52 and remake (2) too. (copy from (1) ctrl+h ctrl+g) looks better :3 - nice~ fixed
03:17:528 (1) - maybe delete this note because the beginner need the break after spinner - fixed

00:09:447 (3,4) - maybe make it to better flow? - fixed
01:32:780 - what about add note here? its sounds better. imo :3 - fixed
01:39:750 - maybe try this beat - fixed

good diff -0- - -0-

01:36:568 (6) - move tail 1 grid left orz - fixed
02:44:528 (1,2,3,4,1) - maybe remake this star to same as 02:36:528 (1,2,3,4,1)? I think its looks better - keep it!
03:24:028 (5) - 1 grid down for perfect stack? - fixed
nice diff orz

good luck and star :D
Thank you modding and star :)

though I can't handle the last part off the map =.=
yeah we need more maps which bring excitement

- Change offset to 356. I'm not feeling the negative there...

01:14:901 (2) - Clap on reverse instead of finish matches the bgm tone more imo
03:18:028 (1) - NC

01:15:356 (3) - Like Easy, I lthink clap on head sounds better
02:05:507 (1) - Custom clap would sound cool
03:10:028 (3,4) - Rhythm suggestion i was thinking that the new 03:11:028 (1,2) - 1/2 sliders give a "pushing" feel with the guitar in the bgm
03:52:528 (5) - Spacing

00:55:810 (2,3) - Try this rhythm , matches vocals a little more smoothly imo
01:15:356 (3) - If you're following the drums, this slider doesn't seem to create the jumpy feel from them; perhaps split into single notes
03:20:028 (4) - it feels like you're following the main vocals in this section so i think making a pattern similar to would be appropriate

00:59:144 (1,2) - hmm something feels funny about this...any reason to almost cover another slider? Spreading them out would fit the vocal tone maybe
01:15:356 (3) - same as Hard (but if you wanna keep it Ctrl+G will give some breathing space between this and the next note)
01:22:022 (3) - NC, delete NC on next note
01:26:265 (1,2,3) - Why don't you continue with the pause effect like 01:21:568 (1,2,3,1) - ? I think it's kinda cool xD
01:44:901 (7) - little flow break here, i suggest make a 1/2 slider from here
02:05:886 (2) - Unsnapped slider (both reverses and end)
02:06:492 (4) - ^
02:05:911 (2,4) - Shift forward by 1/6
03:06:153 - add something here, the guitar keeps going
03:11:278 (2,3) - Ctrl + G these separately, better cursor flow imo (I deleted earlier notes so you can see it better)
03:26:528 (1,2,3,4) - Looks a bit random atm, something like this? (i stacked (4) with 03:26:278 (8) - )

pretty epic.
Topic Starter

LunarSakuya wrote:


- Change offset to 356. I'm not feeling the negative there... - ok!

01:14:901 (2) - Clap on reverse instead of finish matches the bgm tone more imo - fixed
03:18:028 (1) - NC - fixed

01:15:356 (3) - Like Easy, I lthink clap on head sounds better - fixed
02:05:507 (1) - Custom clap would sound cool - nice~
03:10:028 (3,4) - Rhythm suggestion i was thinking that the new 03:11:028 (1,2) - 1/2 sliders give a "pushing" feel with the guitar in the bgm - ok fixed
03:52:528 (5) - Spacing - fixed ><

00:55:810 (2,3) - Try this rhythm , matches vocals a little more smoothly imo - fixed
01:15:356 (3) - If you're following the drums, this slider doesn't seem to create the jumpy feel from them; perhaps split into single notes - fixed
03:20:028 (4) - it feels like you're following the main vocals in this section so i think making a pattern similar to would be appropriate - fixed

00:59:144 (1,2) - hmm something feels funny about this...any reason to almost cover another slider? Spreading them out would fit the vocal tone maybe -ok~
01:15:356 (3) - same as Hard (but if you wanna keep it Ctrl+G will give some breathing space between this and the next note) - fixed
01:22:022 (3) - NC, delete NC on next note - fixed
01:26:265 (1,2,3) - Why don't you continue with the pause effect like 01:21:568 (1,2,3,1) - ? I think it's kinda cool xD - oh nice!
01:44:901 (7) - little flow break here, i suggest make a 1/2 slider from here - fixed
02:05:886 (2) - Unsnapped slider (both reverses and end)
02:06:492 (4) - ^
02:05:911 (2,4) - Shift forward by 1/6 - fitting 1/6! nice~
03:06:153 - add something here, the guitar keeps going - add note
03:11:278 (2,3) - Ctrl + G these separately, better cursor flow imo (I deleted earlier notes so you can see it better) - very nice!
03:26:528 (1,2,3,4) - Looks a bit random atm, something like this? (i stacked (4) with 03:26:278 (8) - ) - fixed

pretty epic.
All fixed!
Thank you for modding :) :)
  1. 02:56:028 (2) - 02:55:028 (1) - をコピペしてCtrl+H,Ctrl+G?
  1. 03:18:028 (2) - y:156に移動してみてはどうでしょうか。流れがよくなると思います。
  1. 01:57:931 (1) - x:256 y:232にreverse部分が中心に来ると思います。
  1. 00:02:780 (3,4,5) - 00:01:568 (3,4,5) - や00:03:992 (3,4,5) - のように少しずらして配置?
ないすまっぷ!ヾ( ノシ。ÒㅅÓ)ノシ
Topic Starter

litoluna wrote:

  1. 02:56:028 (2) - 02:55:028 (1) - をコピペしてCtrl+H,Ctrl+G? - ok
  1. 03:18:028 (2) - y:156に移動してみてはどうでしょうか。流れがよくなると思います。 - ok
  1. 01:57:931 (1) - x:256 y:232にreverse部分が中心に来ると思います。 - 盲点でした orz
  1. 00:02:780 (3,4,5) - 00:01:568 (3,4,5) - や00:03:992 (3,4,5) - のように少しずらして配置? - ちょっとずらしました
ないすまっぷ!ヾ( ノシ。ÒㅅÓ)ノシ


All fixedです!
Mod&Starありがとうございました :)
here's a shitty mod ;_;

  1. tag album name All That We Have Now
  1. tickrate2 (some sliders need it)
  2. 00:02:780 (3,4,5) - I really dislike the patterns here. The spacing between (5,1) are just... not as far as a jump? You should place jumps at every places like this. You can try this instead, which is much better imo ;_; (or you can try a same-spacing-triangle between these three notes, just like what you did at 00:01:568 (3,4,5) - )
  3. 00:36:719 (4,5,6,1) - Try this instead? The spacing in current patterns between (3,4) are so huge imo.

    (ps: (5) x:280, y:320)
  4. 00:53:992 (6) - Creative sliders? ((6) 3/4slider)
  5. 02:06:517 (4,1) - If you like this, make it more challenge o3o

  6. 03:53:653 (3) - I can hear a sound in the music actually.. just like something I heard from 03:53:028 -. You add a whistle at there to emphasize that sound, so add here too for emphasizing :>
Istillcan'tentermygame, wtf
Topic Starter

Flask wrote:

here's a shitty mod ;_;

  1. tag album name All That We Have Now - ok~ added
  1. tickrate2 (some sliders need it) - hmm.. ok changed
  2. 00:02:780 (3,4,5) - I really dislike the patterns here. The spacing between (5,1) are just... not as far as a jump? You should place jumps at every places like this. You can try this instead, which is much better imo ;_; (or you can try a same-spacing-triangle between these three notes, just like what you did at 00:01:568 (3,4,5) - ) - nice~
  3. 00:36:719 (4,5,6,1) - Try this instead? The spacing in current patterns between (3,4) are so huge imo. - fixed

    (ps: (5) x:280, y:320)
  4. 00:53:992 (6) - Creative sliders? ((6) 3/4slider) - wow nice slider. changed
  5. 02:06:517 (4,1) - If you like this, make it more challenge o3o - sorry, i like current pattern ><

  6. 03:53:653 (3) - I can hear a sound in the music actually.. just like something I heard from 03:53:028 -. You add a whistle at there to emphasize that sound, so add here too for emphasizing :> - ok!
Istillcan'tentermygame, wtf
Thank you for mod!! :)
Requested mod as asked for in-game.

Why was the offset placed incorrectly and quite early too?

Timing points you'll need are these -

Also, the background featuring Hatsune Miku formed out of water doesn't really match the song, just saying.

Note: All of these mods are after the offset correction has been implemented.

  1. 00:01:578 (3,4,5) - I really didn't like playing such a weird looking overlap during the few test runs I did on this and actually would of preferred if you had made this into a really nice flowing section like so -
  2. 00:02:033 (1,2) - I know you ran into the corner here but it just feels weird trying to get out of it with this abrupt angled turn.
  3. 00:02:790 (3,4,5) - This one was even more confusing than the prior combo as you go from movement to an instant dead stop. I would really advise to do something else.
  4. 00:04:002 (3,4,5) - Another confusing overlap for the direction. Suggestion for here would be to apply the same flow style which leads into your three sliders -
  5. 00:06:578 (4,5) - This should really be swapped around the other way.
  6. 00:07:714 (2) - I don't hear a triple here; remove this.
  7. 00:07:942 (3,4,5) - Why are you mapping this with a 1/2 slider? Not only does it play unintuitively it also feels weird; swap it out for -
    00:07:942 (3) - Circle.
    00:08:093 (4) - 1/2 slider.
    00:08:396 (5) - For this you can either do two circles on the 1/2 ticks or use a 1/2 slider with repeat end.
  8. 00:09:154 (2) - This doesn't feel right, swap it for two circles instead.
  9. 00:10:517 (1) - This slider lasts too long; cut it to end on 00:10:820 - instead as that's when you should be ending sliders.
  10. 00:13:396 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - All of this felt lacking in my opinion, try to liven this area up a bit more.
  11. 00:17:714 (10) - This was really confusing as you've mapped an unnecessary beat in that actual stream which doesn't exist.
  12. 00:17:790 (11) - Why are you mapping over such dominant audio tones with this dull slider? You've got a really nice rhythm that is just waiting to be correctly mapped here so map to it.
  13. 00:18:320 (2) - Another made up beat, they don't exist so stop making them up please.
  14. 00:19:457 (9) - This ruins the stream tempo itself; map out the actual length of this with circles.
  15. 00:19:760 (1,2,3,4,1) - Why is everyone so obsessed with doing these stupid 1/4 slider stream jumps? It makes no sense and just plays really unintuitively especially after you get in the tempo of streaming them from before.
  16. 00:20:366 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Having this after you finish streaming was not really fun to play in my opinion. I would really like for you to get the flow away from where the streams were so it actually plays smoothly.
  17. 00:21:578 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - What's with all the overlaps? It just feels really lazy to map the combos purely with overlapping patterns as 00:24:002 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - played perfectly and actually felt fun to snap to.
  18. 00:29:381 (4) - Another made up beat.
  19. 00:36:653 - Stuff like this you should be making into a triple as the tone is audible and it allows for some variance in the rhythm you play to.
  20. 00:37:184 (1) - Another slider that is mapped over a really audible guitar riff. It's still possible to keep to the vocal mapping just use a circle here with a 1/2 slider afterwards.
  21. 00:38:850 (3,1,2) - With this you're missing a circle on 00:39:078 - ; my advise would be to have (3) as a 1/2 slider and then end it with two circles directly afterwards to get that triple happening.
  22. 00:40:366 (2) - I would suggest to use a 1/2 slider with a repeat instead.
  23. 00:43:093 (4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - This made no sense at all as you're both; making up beats and not mapping the correct ones. The rhythm goes like this -
    00:43:093 - Have this start as a 1/2 slider.
    00:43:320 - Circle.
    00:43:396 - Circle.
    00:43:547 - Circle.
    00:43:623 (6) - Circle.
    00:43:699 (7) - Circle.
    00:43:850 (8) - Circle.
    00:43:926 (9) - Circle.
    00:44:002 (1) - Circle.
  24. 00:44:305 (3) - This you could make into a 1/ length slider instead so you hold the "Just" vocal.
  25. 00:53:699 (5,6,1) - This I didn't enjoy playing as it looked quite messy and the (6) was a made up beat end. Just use a single circle for (6) instead.
  26. 00:56:729 (1) - End this 1/2 tick shorter and place a circle on the white tick.
  27. 00:57:941 (1) - I hear a really audible triple in this area but yet it's mapped over by a 1/1 slider.
  28. 01:01:578 (1,2,3,4,5) - This was just frustrating to play as (2) was far too close to the slider's end but then you have that large jump for (3,4).
  29. 01:03:320 - Unmapped audible circle strikes yet again!
  30. 01:03:396 (1,2,3) - Don't bother having 01:03:472 - mapped at all, just use a 1/2 slider to kick this stream off.
  31. 01:05:366 (2) - Map this as a 1/4 slider with a repeat instead.
  32. 01:05:669 (3,4) - These should really be 1/2 sliders instead of just the single circles which you have currently.
  33. 01:13:699 (1,2,3,4) - These play really weird especially considering you have such high drain rate. Ideally I want them removed completely so you start from 01:16:123 (1) - instead.
  34. 01:20:063 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This wasn't appealing to play. The stream is fine it's just the shaping of this felt dull.
  35. 01:29:457 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is just really confusing, you go from pure guitar riff mapping to just mapping every tone that's around here for this. My advice is to plainly remove 01:29:532 (2,4,6,8,6) - from the stream completely and have 01:30:063 (1) - as an actual stream that you play to.
  36. 03:10:531 (5) - This and other weird repeat sliders that you use like this I really want to play as a full length circle stream instead.
I was going to list out all the new combo corrections but I've run out of time. It does need a lot of attention put to it though as you've gone and placed new combos in really awkward areas and not where they should be.

Wtf happened to bbcode?

- Edit -
Fixed bbcode random shit that happened...
Topic Starter
Thank you for modding ampzz!
what happened this code ww


ampzz wrote:

Requested mod as asked for in-game.

Why was the offset placed incorrectly and quite early too?

Timing points you'll need are these - a bit different, but fixed it.

Also, the background featuring Hatsune Miku formed out of water doesn't really match the song, just saying. - nope. this bg is really fit imo.

Note: All of these mods are after the offset correction has been implemented.

  1. 00:01:578 (3,4,5) - I really didn't like playing such a weird looking overlap during the few test runs I did on this and actually would of preferred if you had made this into a really nice flowing section like so - First, i don't think about flow in insane diff for pro players. Arrangement is contrary to the flow will amuse very player. this part is following guitar sound. so i use some triangle placement. cuz i like this pattern.  Also proposed similar below is the same opinion.
  2. 00:02:033 (1,2) - I know you ran into the corner here but it just feels weird trying to get out of it with this abrupt angled turn.
  3. 00:02:790 (3,4,5) - This one was even more confusing than the prior combo as you go from movement to an instant dead stop. I would really advise to do something else.
  4. 00:04:002 (3,4,5) - Another confusing overlap for the direction. Suggestion for here would be to apply the same flow style which leads into your three sliders -
  5. 00:06:578 (4,5) - This should really be swapped around the other way. - nope
  6. 00:07:714 (2) - I don't hear a triple here; remove this. - fitting vocal sound imo
  7. 00:07:942 (3,4,5) - Why are you mapping this with a 1/2 slider? Not only does it play unintuitively it also feels weird; swap it out for - hm, sorry i like current pattern.
    00:07:942 (3) - Circle.
    00:08:093 (4) - 1/2 slider.
    00:08:396 (5) - For this you can either do two circles on the 1/2 ticks or use a 1/2 slider with repeat end.
  8. 00:09:154 (2) - This doesn't feel right, swap it for two circles instead. - no.. current is fitting
  9. 00:10:517 (1) - This slider lasts too long; cut it to end on 00:10:820 - instead as that's when you should be ending sliders. - i fit the vocal.
  10. 00:13:396 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - All of this felt lacking in my opinion, try to liven this area up a bit more. - current pattern is enjoy enough.
  11. 00:17:714 (10) - This was really confusing as you've mapped an unnecessary beat in that actual stream which doesn't exist. - no, sound is exsit. i can hear drum sound here.
  12. 00:17:790 (11) - Why are you mapping over such dominant audio tones with this dull slider? You've got a really nice rhythm that is just waiting to be correctly mapped here so map to it. - because sound is extending from here.
  13. 00:18:320 (2) - Another made up beat, they don't exist so stop making them up please. - I think no problem here.
  14. 00:19:457 (9) - This ruins the stream tempo itself; map out the actual length of this with circles.
  15. 00:19:760 (1,2,3,4,1) - Why is everyone so obsessed with doing these stupid 1/4 slider stream jumps? It makes no sense and just plays really unintuitively especially after you get in the tempo of streaming them from before. - 1/4 slider jumps is really fun. i like it. many player will also prefer
  16. 00:20:366 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Having this after you finish streaming was not really fun to play in my opinion. I would really like for you to get the flow away from where the streams were so it actually plays smoothly. - no, that jumps is my favorite placement. really cool.
  17. 00:21:578 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - What's with all the overlaps? It just feels really lazy to map the combos purely with overlapping patterns as 00:24:002 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - played perfectly and actually felt fun to snap to. - no, Hidden mod difficult to stack notes with slider start. so i shifted a little notes.
  18. 00:29:381 (4) - Another made up beat.
  19. 00:36:653 - Stuff like this you should be making into a triple as the tone is audible and it allows for some variance in the rhythm you play to.
  20. 00:37:184 (1) - Another slider that is mapped over a really audible guitar riff. It's still possible to keep to the vocal mapping just use a circle here with a 1/2 slider afterwards.
  21. 00:38:850 (3,1,2) - With this you're missing a circle on 00:39:078 - ; my advise would be to have (3) as a 1/2 slider and then end it with two circles directly afterwards to get that triple happening.
  22. 00:40:366 (2) - I would suggest to use a 1/2 slider with a repeat instead.
  23. 00:43:093 (4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - This made no sense at all as you're both; making up beats and not mapping the correct ones. The rhythm goes like this -
    00:43:093 - Have this start as a 1/2 slider.
    00:43:320 - Circle.
    00:43:396 - Circle.
    00:43:547 - Circle.
    00:43:623 (6) - Circle.
    00:43:699 (7) - Circle.
    00:43:850 (8) - Circle.
    00:43:926 (9) - Circle.
    00:44:002 (1) - Circle.
  24. 00:44:305 (3) - This you could make into a 1/ length slider instead so you hold the "Just" vocal.- i follow the drum sound.
  25. 00:53:699 (5,6,1) - This I didn't enjoy playing as it looked quite messy and the (6) was a made up beat end. Just use a single circle for (6) instead.
  26. 00:56:729 (1) - End this 1/2 tick shorter and place a circle on the white tick.- i like current pattern
  27. 00:57:941 (1) - I hear a really audible triple in this area but yet it's mapped over by a 1/1 slider.
  28. 01:01:578 (1,2,3,4,5) - This was just frustrating to play as (2) was far too close to the slider's end but then you have that large jump for (3,4). - i see, changed some pattern.
  29. 01:03:320 - Unmapped audible circle strikes yet again!
  30. 01:03:396 (1,2,3) - Don't bother having 01:03:472 - mapped at all, just use a 1/2 slider to kick this stream off.
  31. 01:05:366 (2) - Map this as a 1/4 slider with a repeat instead.
  32. 01:05:669 (3,4) - These should really be 1/2 sliders instead of just the single circles which you have currently.
  33. 01:13:699 (1,2,3,4) - These play really weird especially considering you have such high drain rate. Ideally I want them removed completely so you start from 01:16:123 (1) - instead.
  34. 01:20:063 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - This wasn't appealing to play. The stream is fine it's just the shaping of this felt dull. - This is made to elaborate.
  35. 01:29:457 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is just really confusing, you go from pure guitar riff mapping to just mapping every tone that's around here for this. My advice is to plainly remove 01:29:532 (2,4,6,8,6) - from the stream completely and have 01:30:063 (1) - as an actual stream that you play to. - i fit the durm sound. and i think If I player, stream and this placement is very interesting!
    [*:00693]03:10:531 (5) - This and other weird repeat sliders that you use like this I really want to play as a full length circle stream instead.
I was going to list out all the new combo corrections but I've run out of time. It does need a lot of attention put to it though as you've gone and placed new combos in really awkward areas and not where they should be.

Wtf happened to bbcode?

- Edit -
Fixed bbcode random shit that happened...
fixed a NC and like 2 notes irc

Awesome map!!

がんばって <3
Topic Starter

LunarSakuya wrote:

fixed a NC and like 2 notes irc

Awesome map!!

がんばって <3
Thank you a lot Lunar~! xD
go rank
go go~ (^з^)-☆
rebub, fixed small timing issue
Topic Starter
Thank you Lunar <3
\o3o/ Go go go go!~
Shohei Ohtani


go go go rank btw.
  1. Lemme know how you feel about OD8. I feel it works great with the intensity here.
  2. 02:07:028 - Gotta add 240bpm timing point here!
  3. 02:43:034 (3,4,5) - Make these like 02:51:034 (1,2,3) - ; either use extended sliders for both or neither - this consistency can really bring out the call and response style of this chorus.
Hard OD5 doesn't seem hard. Recommend you bump it up to OD6 regardless of whether you change Insane.
Topic Starter

those wrote:

  1. Lemme know how you feel about OD8. I feel it works great with the intensity here. - hm, but i think that fitting OD7 this song.
  2. 02:07:028 - Gotta add 240bpm timing point here! - added
  3. 02:43:034 (3,4,5) - Make these like 02:51:034 (1,2,3) - ; either use extended sliders for both or neither - this consistency can really bring out the call and response style of this chorus.- i see, changed
Hard OD5 doesn't seem hard. Recommend you bump it up to OD6 regardless of whether you change Insane. - BPM240 of single tap isn't easy for me. so i setting OD5 in Hard diff.
Thank you for modding! :)
It also seems that 00:49:452 (1) - is unsnapped on the Hard diff, because of the inherited section at 00:49:452 - which is unsnapped by 1ms, making this slider still go 0.75x fast instead of 1x. Remember to snap it correctly! I guess that later today I will be modding the map itself as well!

EDIT:Here's the mod!


  1. 02:09:028 - As you have added a red timing section thanks to those at 02:07:028 - , you probably won't need this one anymore, so you should totally delete the red timing section here.

  1. 00:05:665 (1) - Not really a big deal, though why don't you make this slider shorter by 1/1? I think it works great following the vocals here rather than the drums, if we consider that you have been following them in the next pattern, so it would be quite better to use this here as well. If you do that, I'd recommend you to set a clap at the slidertick at 00:06:119 - as well!
  2. 00:38:543 (3) - With the same reasoning I would suggest you to make this slider longer as well by 1/2, it continues really well your patterns there, even though your actual pattern is still pretty good! :D
  3. 01:02:786 (3) - Another really little thing, though a clap on the end of this slider would fit very well with the drums being played right there, as it starts that stream :P
  4. 01:03:998 (1,2,3) - Well, this pattern doesen't really fit that well here, considering how you've used your patterns so far. This 3/2 gap here combined with the use of just the red ticks makes the whole pattern stop pretty badly and could be tricky to play as well for beginners. I would suggest you instead a different configuration which follows all your vocal chords there: by making use of a 3/2 slider you can make the whole pattern continue in a much better way, imho! Here's an example:

    I have made a pattern based on this as well! Feel free to use it and modify it as well :p

  5. 02:27:034 (3,4,5) - Just a little pattern suggestion here: this pattern's actually ok to play, though it would have liked it to follow a bit smoother 02:26:034 (2) - 's oval flow there, so I have a little idea: what about placing 02:27:034 (3) - at x:80/y:84 and 02:27:534 (4) - at x:228/y:20? I think this pattern really goes perfect with both the sliders 02:26:034 (2,5) -! The final result should look like this.
  6. 03:33:034 (3,4) - Hmm... The flow between these two sliders didn't convince me that much, considering it doesen't continue the flow started from 03:32:034 (2) - so smoothly... What about instead structuring these so that they continue themselves encircling 03:32:034 (2) - 's start? I think this works pretty good, actually :D Here's what I have done, see if you like it!


  1. 00:59:149 (1) - This is a really minor aestetic thing, though I can't really understand this semi-wave slider... D: I would see it quite better evolved as a total wave slider, considering that it's really good to see and it smooths out a bit the slow there, as it points directly to 01:00:058 (2) - , so I think you should really use it! Here's what I've done, see if you like it!

  2. 01:07:937 - Shouldn't you add a S:C2 inherited section here, to use a clap on the tick that is here? It would be quite logical, considering that there are drums that are being played right here, no? :p
  3. 02:43:909 (3) - Hmm, I wondered why you used just a 1/1 repeated slider here, considering you have been following the vocals beat-per-beat in these parts... I would have prefered something else to follow a bit more the vocals, resulting in a funnier pattern to play. After some adjustments, I came out with this: see if you like it!


  1. 01:05:665 (3) - It could be just me, though this slider seems too much simplified, considering that it just follows some drum/vocal chords. Honestly, I would prefer to separate the drums from the vocals there: using a 1/2 slider plus a 1/1 would work more than well. Here's a pattern I have made with this rhythmical pattern in mind, see if you like it!

  2. 01:18:846 (2) - What do you think of using CTRL+G on this slider? Imho it would work out really well, considering the drum progression, as it makes a really funny jump to play which is really smooth and also follows the pace of the song here. Also, these opposed sliders play really well with the next pattern as well! :D
  3. 01:37:634 (4) - Hmm, considering the 3/2 finishes you have been using here, why don't you use one as well at the beginning of this slider? It is a really little thing, though it continues really well your pattern! :D
  4. 02:02:483 (2) - As 01:18:846 (2) -, a CTRL+G would just fit perfectly there and it creates a really nice jump with the next slider encircling this slider's beginning, plus it really fits with the bg there! Try it out :p
  5. 03:13:784 (5,6,7) - Huh? I can't really understand what you are trying to follow here... Both the vocals and the guitars seem to have different patterns than yours, so it's really hard to tell what you are following. I would really suggest you to change at least this pattern, it's really confusing to play and doesen't really follow the song that good... What about something like this? EDIT: I guess that now I get what you are following, but still I think this pattern is quite more understandable

    I have made a pattern for you as well ussing this setting. See if you like it! :D

  6. 03:39:034 (1) - I'm pretty sure that a finish should go at the top of this slider. If you listen to the bg carefully, you'll hear some cymbals being played right here, so why not adding it? It sounds pretty cool actually :D

  1. 00:02:786 (3,4) - This is actually a quite subjective thing, so just fix if you want: what do you think about reversing these two notes, using CTRL+G? I think it really goes great, considering that the stack you have used there was kinda unexpected, and this kind of pattern could represent without any problem the change of pitch in the guitar chords, so why not? :P
  2. 00:23:998 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Another really little thing... Seeing how the drums played here, I would have expected a different hitsounds pattern here, you could emphatize all these drums by using some claps at 00:24:149 (2,4,5) - , maybe removing the one at 00:23:998 (1) - (as you may hear the drums begin 1/2 later). Imho, that really sounds well :D
  3. 00:51:574 (7,8) - Why have you decreased the spacing here, compared to the rest of the pattern? It doesen't really make sense, as the drums are still progressing, and I find it quite strange to use this setting. If I were you, I would space them out: what about putting them at x:348/y:372? I think it goes pretty well there!
  4. 01:09:452 (3) - As now, I think that this slider is a bit sloppy to play, I would have prefered a different pattern considering that this slider doesen't really follow that well 01:08:846 (1) - 's oval flow... What about instead reversing this slider and putting the following note at x:72/y:304? Other than making the flow there smoother I think that it makes a pretty good continuation with the next pattern, because of the change of direction! Here's an example on what I've suggested you
  5. 01:39:755 (2) - I didn't really like how you've skipped that drum at 01:39:755 (2) -, mixing it with the vocals there doesen't really sound that good... I would have prefered instead to have this slider shortened by 1/2 with a note at 01:40:210 - , so that you can follow both the drums and the vocals to finish pretty good this pattern... Here's what I've done here: see if you like it!

  6. 02:49:034 (1,2) - The current pattern is okay, though what about using a pattern implying two opposed sliders, similar to 02:41:034 (1,2) - ? It would really be awesome to play, considering that it fits completely the pace of the song and continues the pattern really nicely with 02:49:534 (3) - . Here's what I've done, see if you like it!

  7. 03:20:034 (1) - Nothing really big here, though I expected this pattern to be reversed considering the flow there going clearly downwards. With some tweaking, you can also create a funny to play pattern, with 03:20:409 (2) - reversed as well and 03:20:659 (3,4,5) - adjusted to follow it. Here's what I have done again, see if you like it!

It's not finished yet, I have to go shortly and I still have to mod the Insane diff. I will probably finish tomorrow, in the meanwhile I hope I have been helpful :D And I'm done!
As I guess those will rebubble the mapset because of that unsnapped slider call me back once you will have your mapset bubbled again! :D
Topic Starter

-kevincela- wrote:

It also seems that 00:49:452 (1) - is unsnapped on the Hard diff, because of the inherited section at 00:49:452 - which is unsnapped by 1ms, making this slider still go 0.75x fast instead of 1x. Remember to snap it correctly! I guess that later today I will be modding the map itself as well!
ok~ fixed!
Thank you for check! :) i wating your mod~ :33
Topic Starter

Guy wrote:

-kevincela- wrote:

It also seems that 00:49:452 (1) - is unsnapped on the Hard diff, because of the inherited section at 00:49:452 - which is unsnapped by 1ms, making this slider still go 0.75x fast instead of 1x. Remember to snap it correctly! I guess that later today I will be modding the map itself as well!
ok~ fixed!
Thank you for check! :) i wating your mod~ :33

-kevincela- wrote:

EDIT:Here's the mod!


  1. 00:05:665 (1) - Not really a big deal, though why don't you make this slider shorter by 1/1? I think it works great following the vocals here rather than the drums, if we consider that you have been following them in the next pattern, so it would be quite better to use this here as well. If you do that, I'd recommend you to set a clap at the slidertick at 00:06:119 - as well!
  2. 00:38:543 (3) - With the same reasoning I would suggest you to make this slider longer as well by 1/2, it continues really well your patterns there, even though your actual pattern is still pretty good! :D
  3. 01:02:786 (3) - Another really little thing, though a clap on the end of this slider would fit very well with the drums being played right there, as it starts that stream :P
  4. 01:03:998 (1,2,3) - Well, this pattern doesen't really fit that well here, considering how you've used your patterns so far. This 3/2 gap here combined with the use of just the red ticks makes the whole pattern stop pretty badly and could be tricky to play as well for beginners. I would suggest you instead a different configuration which follows all your vocal chords there: by making use of a 3/2 slider you can make the whole pattern continue in a much better way, imho! Here's an example:

    I have made a pattern based on this as well! Feel free to use it and modify it as well :p

  5. 02:27:034 (3,4,5) - Just a little pattern suggestion here: this pattern's actually ok to play, though it would have liked it to follow a bit smoother 02:26:034 (2) - 's oval flow there, so I have a little idea: what about placing 02:27:034 (3) - at x:80/y:84 and 02:27:534 (4) - at x:228/y:20? I think this pattern really goes perfect with both the sliders 02:26:034 (2,5) -! The final result should look like this.
  6. 03:33:034 (3,4) - Hmm... The flow between these two sliders didn't convince me that much, considering it doesen't continue the flow started from 03:32:034 (2) - so smoothly... What about instead structuring these so that they continue themselves encircling 03:32:034 (2) - 's start? I think this works pretty good, actually :D Here's what I have done, see if you like it!


  1. 00:59:149 (1) - This is a really minor aestetic thing, though I can't really understand this semi-wave slider... D: I would see it quite better evolved as a total wave slider, considering that it's really good to see and it smooths out a bit the slow there, as it points directly to 01:00:058 (2) - , so I think you should really use it! Here's what I've done, see if you like it!

  2. 01:07:937 - Shouldn't you add a S:C2 inherited section here, to use a clap on the tick that is here? It would be quite logical, considering that there are drums that are being played right here, no? :p
  3. 02:43:909 (3) - Hmm, I wondered why you used just a 1/1 repeated slider here, considering you have been following the vocals beat-per-beat in these parts... I would have prefered something else to follow a bit more the vocals, resulting in a funnier pattern to play. After some adjustments, I came out with this: see if you like it!


  1. 01:05:665 (3) - It could be just me, though this slider seems too much simplified, considering that it just follows some drum/vocal chords. Honestly, I would prefer to separate the drums from the vocals there: using a 1/2 slider plus a 1/1 would work more than well. Here's a pattern I have made with this rhythmical pattern in mind, see if you like it!

  2. 01:18:846 (2) - What do you think of using CTRL+G on this slider? Imho it would work out really well, considering the drum progression, as it makes a really funny jump to play which is really smooth and also follows the pace of the song here. Also, these opposed sliders play really well with the next pattern as well! :D
  3. 01:37:634 (4) - Hmm, considering the 3/2 finishes you have been using here, why don't you use one as well at the beginning of this slider? It is a really little thing, though it continues really well your pattern! :D - hm, but i don't add finish in all diffs. sorry no change.
  4. 02:02:483 (2) - As 01:18:846 (2) -, a CTRL+G would just fit perfectly there and it creates a really nice jump with the next slider encircling this slider's beginning, plus it really fits with the bg there! Try it out :p
  5. 03:13:784 (5,6,7) - Huh? I can't really understand what you are trying to follow here... Both the vocals and the guitars seem to have different patterns than yours, so it's really hard to tell what you are following. I would really suggest you to change at least this pattern, it's really confusing to play and doesen't really follow the song that good... What about something like this? EDIT: I guess that now I get what you are following, but still I think this pattern is quite more understandable

    I have made a pattern for you as well ussing this setting. See if you like it! :D

  6. 03:39:034 (1) - I'm pretty sure that a finish should go at the top of this slider. If you listen to the bg carefully, you'll hear some cymbals being played right here, so why not adding it? It sounds pretty cool actually :D
It's not finished yet, I have to go shortly and I still have to mod the Insane diff. I will probably finish tomorrow, in the meanwhile I hope I have been helpful :D
except one, all fixed. really helpful mod!
Thank you for modding :) and again I wating your mod of insane diff~ :3

oops sorry double posts :?


-kevincela- wrote:


  1. 00:02:786 (3,4) - This is actually a quite subjective thing, so just fix if you want: what do you think about reversing these two notes, using CTRL+G? I think it really goes great, considering that the stack you have used there was kinda unexpected, and this kind of pattern could represent without any problem the change of pitch in the guitar chords, so why not? :P - hm, I also thought many times, but I like the current pattern!
  2. 00:23:998 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Another really little thing... Seeing how the drums played here, I would have expected a different hitsounds pattern here, you could emphatize all these drums by using some claps at 00:24:149 (2,4,5) - , maybe removing the one at 00:23:998 (1) - (as you may hear the drums begin 1/2 later). Imho, that really sounds well :D - fixed
  3. 00:51:574 (7,8) - Why have you decreased the spacing here, compared to the rest of the pattern? It doesen't really make sense, as the drums are still progressing, and I find it quite strange to use this setting. If I were you, I would space them out: what about putting them at x:348/y:372? I think it goes pretty well there! - I thought this placement enjoy to play for player >< sorry no changed
  4. 01:09:452 (3) - As now, I think that this slider is a bit sloppy to play, I would have prefered a different pattern considering that this slider doesen't really follow that well 01:08:846 (1) - 's oval flow... What about instead reversing this slider and putting the following note at x:72/y:304? Other than making the flow there smoother I think that it makes a pretty good continuation with the next pattern, because of the change of direction!Here's an example on what I've suggested you - I want to jump to this part. .
  5. 01:39:755 (2) - I didn't really like how you've skipped that drum at 01:39:755 (2) -, mixing it with the vocals there doesen't really sound that good... I would have prefered instead to have this slider shortened by 1/2 with a note at 01:40:210 - , so that you can follow both the drums and the vocals to finish pretty good this pattern... Here's what I've done here: see if you like it! - nice idea~ changed.

  6. 02:49:034 (1,2) - The current pattern is okay, though what about using a pattern implying two opposed sliders, similar to 02:41:034 (1,2) - ? It would really be awesome to play, considering that it fits completely the pace of the song and continues the pattern really nicely with 02:49:534 (3) - . Here's what I've done, see if you like it! - fixed

  7. 03:20:034 (1) - Nothing really big here, though I expected this pattern to be reversed considering the flow there going clearly downwards. With some tweaking, you can also create a funny to play pattern, with 03:20:409 (2) - reversed as well and 03:20:659 (3,4,5) - adjusted to follow it. Here's what I have done again, see if you like it! - sorry, i like current pattern :o

Thank you for modding many time :)
suteki na
Topic Starter

those wrote:

suteki na
Thank you those :) <3
Rechecked, and I think this map is now ready to go.


Great work, I really like the map :D
Congratz~~~~~ :)
Topic Starter
Thank you kevin and everyone! :)
This song is what my mother sounds like when she's mad at me :<

-kevincela- wrote:

Great work, I really like the map :D
gratz~ :3
gratz :)

iyasine wrote:

Topic Starter
thank you everyone :)
bpm240の表現に驚いて楽しみにしてもう一度驚きます。omedeto ~
waaaaaaaaaaaaaa congrats! :D
Kanye West

alacat wrote:

Alma Wade
Epic screaming is epic ~
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