
Shishishishi - Utsuke Ronsou

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, January 6, 2025 at 7:59:54 PM

Artist: Shishishishi
Title: Utsuke Ronsou
Tags: 有夜無夜 Uyamuya 4444 Japanese Pop jpop j-pop male vocal self cover Lobelia [ abhor ] [_abhor_] alevi Vanya Vanya2 arronchu1207 chu
BPM: 128
Filesize: 7959kb
Play Time: 03:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. alevi's Extra (5.36 stars, 628 notes)
  2. Chu's Hard (3.27 stars, 578 notes)
  3. Foolish Controversy (5.87 stars, 816 notes)
  4. Lobelia's Insane (4.76 stars, 683 notes)
  5. Vanya's Extra (5.46 stars, 695 notes)
Download: Shishishishi - Utsuke Ronsou
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Me using my favorite as a bg and I like it because it fits

Foolish Controversy by me
expert by Vanya
extra by alevi
insane by Lobelia
hard by arronchu1207

Hs and Ks by me
Ryuusei Aika/-Mikan

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