
Monkey Majik - Sunshine (TV Size)

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Topic Starter

MeatloafCereal wrote:

Hi! from my queue
Liking this song and mapset :)
Just light suggestions
Easy and Normal look excellent

00:40:735 (3) - Remove circle?
00:43:139 (4) - ^
00:47:346 (1) - Start the spinner later on the white tick and put a circle on the blue tick

00:02:121 (5) - Remove reverse arrow and lengthen the slider instead
00:02:722 (6) - Remove reverse arrow
00:19:700 (5) - Put 2 circles instead
00:24:808 (10) - Flip the direction of this slider
00:25:259 (1,2) - I think this could follow the somg better
00:32:321 (8) - Remove circle?
00:32:621 (2) - ^?
00:39:683 (1) - Place so it makes a triangle rather than zig-zag. Slider starts around x:436 y:312
00:48:097 (5) - Shorten the slider so it ends on the red tick and put a circle on the blue

Hope it helps
Sorry if it's not helpful :o
Nop Its Helpful >w<!
Fixed Almost all~

BPM 99.855
Offset 1192
mod……等乃改完叫我recheck XD
你现在一定有杀了我的冲动……我做十字路的时候就是这样的 O rz(学姐版Orz)
Topic Starter

ts8zs wrote:

BPM 99.855
Offset 1192
mod……等乃改完叫我recheck XD
你现在一定有杀了我的冲动……我做十字路的时候就是这样的 O rz(学姐版Orz)
Wow 怎如此神通廣大w 連0.02都能偵測


不瞞乃說 其實舔乃俺就滿足了:3 (?


Tsumetaku wrote:

ts8zs wrote:

BPM 99.855
Offset 1192
mod……等乃改完叫我recheck XD
你现在一定有杀了我的冲动……我做十字路的时候就是这样的 O rz(学姐版Orz)
Wow 怎如此神通廣大w 連0.02都能偵測 我把程序测的除二了……口算(是这么值得炫耀的么!)XD


不瞞乃說 其實舔乃俺就滿足了:3 (? 警察叔叔!就是这个人!

00:22:522 (10) - NC
>00:22:823 (1) - Remove NC
00:24:025 (6) - NC
00:47:008 (2,3) - 是不是转急了
01:20:507 (1) - 包住6?
00:05:998 (1) - 这滑条……删掉重拉?
01:21:708 (5) - 往左边移一下
[Leon's Normal]
00:21:321 (3) - Didn't fits 1's approachcircle perefctly
00:35:742 (2) - ^
01:18:103 (4) - 不柔和
00:46:858 (1) - 提前或延后1/2开始
01:10:893 (1) - 最后一个点在卖萌么

Good luck
Topic Starter

ts8zs wrote:

还以为能多骗一个呢……切……算了反正会被deny:3 我絕對不會說我是忘記點
再次吐槽……为啥Sunshine会用一张夜色当背景啊!!! =3= 為什麼我都沒有發現!!! 前面也沒有人發現!!! 天理哪去!!!
00:22:522 (10) - NC
>00:22:823 (1) - Remove NC ok
00:24:025 (6) - NC ok
00:47:008 (2,3) - 是不是转急了 趕夜班車 緩和了些
01:20:507 (1) - 包住6? =ˇ= 之前改太多次好像就歪了 原來是包好的
蛮不错的:3 >w^
00:05:998 (1) - 这滑条……删掉重拉? ok~
01:21:708 (5) - 往左边移一下 fixed~
00:46:858 (1) - 提前或延后1/2开始 ok 提前x1
01:10:893 (1) - 最后一个点在卖萌么 回老家了:3

做的蛮不错的 喔喔 能讓包子神看上真是 阿嘶~~~
Good luck

Tsumetaku wrote:


ts8zs wrote:

还以为能多骗一个呢……切……算了反正会被deny:3 我絕對不會說我是忘記點 我口算了整整一分钟XD
再次吐槽……为啥Sunshine会用一张夜色当背景啊!!! =3= 為什麼我都沒有發現!!! 前面也沒有人發現!!! 天理哪去!!!你是笨蛋么!!!

做的蛮不错的 喔喔 能讓包子神看上真是 阿嘶~~~ 我又不是什么大人物
Good luck
From modding queue
Please use this hitsound it would sound much better
01:00:678 - appropriate preview point
01:23:511 (1)
01:24:713 (2)
01:25:914 (3)

00:14:260 (6,1)
01:11:944 (3,4)
00:03:595 (1,2,3,4,5) - move further away
Omg I love this map please rank!
My plays
osu! gameplay



yea cant full combo so i no play ;w;
Topic Starter

zorefire wrote:

From modding queue
Please use this hitsound it would sound much better
01:00:678 - appropriate preview point
01:23:511 (1)
01:24:713 (2)
01:25:914 (3)

00:14:260 (6,1)
01:11:944 (3,4)
00:03:595 (1,2,3,4,5) - move further away
Omg I love this map please rank!
Sound added & All fixed~~
And Thanks for your support >w<
EDIT to zore fire:I can't FC Shining too, ;w;
Great playing at Hard I always misses...~w~ Thanks for playing xD
OS to tz8zs"搜嘎 原來是包子'神' 之前一直沒看到(? 口算辛苦了xD
做過個測試我是20%的BAKA+10%的蘿...咳咳... 總之還算正常~w~
From my queue

00:27:630 (1,2,3) - 2和3的距離與1和2的距離差不多 打圖時可能會令人誤以為2和3之間是1/2
00:30:033 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 跟人聲的話,00:30:184 - 這裡不應該有東西

00:16:814 (1) - 開始在00:18:016 -
00:30:184 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 跟人聲的話,00:30:184 - 這裡不應該有東西
00:49:862 (1) - Spinner後面要NC
01:01:279 (2) - NC

00:30:033 (1) - finish
Topic Starter

Kawaiwkyik wrote:

From my queue

00:27:630 (1,2,3) - 2和3的距離與1和2的距離差不多 打圖時可能會令人誤以為2和3之間是1/2 ok 減小2&3的間距了
00:30:033 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 跟人聲的話,00:30:184 - 這裡不應該有東西 改成反向Slider 如果空著感覺很詭異

00:16:814 (1) - 開始在00:18:016 - ok 加了個Slider
00:30:184 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 跟人聲的話,00:30:184 - 這裡不應該有東西 原是反向Slider 不改
00:49:862 (1) - Spinner後面要NC ok
01:01:279 (2) - NC ok

00:30:033 (1) - finish ok~

00:07:200 (3) - x:140 y:112 (suggestion)
00:33:639 (5,6,7) - bad spacing? I look like that.
00:54:068 (1) - I think putting the 3 notes are better. but its not bad. (suggestion)
00:56:171 (5,1,2,3) - Do you like this? if you change to this I give you the code.(suggestion)


00:37:995 (3,4) - intentional spacing? I want you to change same spacing as 00:37:244 (1,2)

How nice map @_@

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic Starter

waxman wrote:


00:07:200 (3) - x:140 y:112 (suggestion) ok~~ And I make a series of Ctrl+G xD
00:33:639 (5,6,7) - bad spacing? I look like that. yea pretty bad... Fixed~
00:54:068 (1) - I think putting the 3 notes are better. but its not bad. (suggestion) ok I put 2 note instead of slider~~
00:56:171 (5,1,2,3) - Do you like this? if you change to this I give you the code.(suggestion) wow awesome shape and design~~


00:37:995 (3,4) - intentional spacing? I want you to change same spacing as 00:37:244 (1,2) Hmm ok make it same Distance

How nice map @_@ @w@

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
来自 ax_pokl's Modding Queue
M4M Chindren's Song Remix.


01:27:717 (1) - 这个拉的有点难看。

['s Normal]

00:31:686 (7,2) - 最好不要叠起来。

00:40:549 (3) - 有点挡住了。

Topic Starter

ax_pokl wrote:

来自 ax_pokl's Modding Queue
M4M Chindren's Song Remix.


01:27:717 (1) - 这个拉的有点难看。噢本來是要配合陸雄的頭髮 拉圓一點好了...

00:31:686 (7,2) - 最好不要叠起来。
(hp-1) 好都改了~

00:40:549 (3) - 有点挡住了。 找不到位子能放了。。 所以就沒改~

最近再趕報告 可能沒什麼機會回摸你的圖 抱歉''~
嗨~ Random req~ 真久沒mod你圖啦。。。。
進步很多呢.. 我還在原地踏步(倒




00:07:501 (4) -
這個可疊在00:09:003 (1) - 上 然後跟00:08:102 (5) - 滑條缺口對準

00:12:007 (3) - 疊好
00:16:514 (1) - 缺口跟00:17:115 (2) - 對齊
00:20:419 (1,2,3) - 感覺排列形狀不太好看
00:29:432 (3) - 弧形
00:39:046 (5) - 沒跟後面的滑條00:39:647 (1) 疊好
00:40:248 (2) - 這跟後面00:41:450 (2) - 間距應該要一樣?
00:44:304 (8) - 好像弧形有點突出
01:05:485 (9) - ctrl+g?

01:12:695 (6) -
應該能和這些01:11:493 (3,4) - 尾端併成一個三角? 較美觀。 看你要不要小改一下。
不過改的話 那個01:12:545 (5) 要注意有沒有辦法點擊到。

01:13:296 (1,2,3) - 那邊要不要成個弧形?
01:15:700 (1,2,3) - ^
01:27:717 (1,2) - 感覺有點亂擺 盡量跟後面有關聯性

OK,完成。 祝早日Rank喔. (我還不知多久才會Rank.. :roll: )
Topic Starter

smallboat wrote:

嗨~ Random req~ 真久沒mod你圖啦。。。。 >A</
進步很多呢.. 我還在原地踏步(倒
都抄來的也是慢慢學習的~w~ 你也有進步很多啦~~




00:07:501 (4) -
這個可疊在00:09:003 (1) - 上 然後跟00:08:102 (5) - 滑條缺口對準 好!!

00:12:007 (3) - 疊好 被花現了
00:16:514 (1) - 缺口跟00:17:115 (2) - 對齊 ok
00:20:419 (1,2,3) - 感覺排列形狀不太好看 改順一點了w
00:29:432 (3) - 弧形 ok 連同前面的一起改了
00:39:046 (5) - 沒跟後面的滑條00:39:647 (1) 疊好 又被花現了
00:40:248 (2) - 這跟後面00:41:450 (2) - 間距應該要一樣? 沒注意到-ˇ-
00:44:304 (8) - 好像弧形有點突出 向下拓寬了一點~~
01:05:485 (9) - ctrl+g? 換成菱形了ww

01:12:695 (6) -
應該能和這些01:11:493 (3,4) - 尾端併成一個三角? 較美觀。 看你要不要小改一下。
不過改的話 那個01:12:545 (5) 要注意有沒有辦法點擊到。 喔喔 這個好梗 那邊也都能按的到在1.6x以內~~ 讚~~

01:13:296 (1,2,3) - 那邊要不要成個弧形? 好~~ 順便加大了間距
01:15:700 (1,2,3) - ^ ^
01:27:717 (1,2) - 感覺有點亂擺 盡量跟後面有關聯性 摁摁 換成了三角形類似的排列

OK,完成。 祝早日Rank喔. (我還不知多久才會Rank.. :roll: )
謝謝小船桑的Mod~~xDD 不會啦你的Map也會頗快Rank的OwO// +U+U~~
Hi there, from my queue :3

Monkey Majik!!

  1. 00:19:218 (4) - Hmm, I don't know about this slider. It's not really mapped to anything. However, a note at 00:19:518 would be ok so that the player can gauge that blue note afterwards.
  2. 00:19:668 (5,6) - Arguably, there should be an 1/8 note between these two notes. I can hear it when I slow down the playback rate. What you have works absolutely fine, but here it is anyway:
  3. 00:25:226 (6) - This is obviously just my opinion, but this note feels a bit weird to play. I really like the flow of the notes preceding this though, but after that reverse slider at 00:24:776 (5), having a motionless period by placing a note on the slider tail kind of hinders flow. You know what I'm trying to say? Maybe put it where 00:24:625 (4) was if you think it fits.
  4. 00:26:578 - Add a note here? It seems you were following the vocal before.
  5. 00:30:033 - I think you should add a note here with a finish on it. You can hear the cymbal and it's the start of the new measure.
  6. 00:49:261 (3,4) - The spacing between these is closer than 00:49:862 (4,5), but I think you need to make this more obvious. Therefore, make the former closer since they are only separated by a 1/4 beat.
  7. 00:50:463 (6,7) - ^Same as above.
  8. 00:53:167 - Add a note here as well? Kind of an awkward space if you don't have one I think.
  9. 00:58:875 (1) - Don't quote me on this, but I believe utilising 0% volume is unrankable. It shouldn't be a problem to change though, just make it 5% instead :)
  10. 01:00:528 (1,2) - I think this part would work a lot better if you strip it down to just two notes at 01:00:678 and 01:00:978. Works fine though, since the vocals don't start exactly at these times.

  1. 00:18:016 (1) - Add a clap on the spinner?
  2. Other than that, I like this difficulty :)

Leon's Normal
  • Nice Normal diff :D

  1. 00:18:016 (1) - Add clap, like I mentioned in Hard.
  2. 00:46:707 (1) - Should this spinner start on the blue tick? I would start it on the white tick 00:46:858

Annnddd that's all from me! Nice mapset and song :)

Most (if not all) of the above suggestions are just me being picky. Feel free to consider them or not.

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Unsfamiliar wrote:

Hi there, from my queue :3

Monkey Majik!! >A<///

  1. 00:19:218 (4) - Hmm, I don't know about this slider. It's not really mapped to anything. However, a note at 00:19:518 would be ok so that the player can gauge that blue note afterwards.
  2. 00:19:668 (5,6) - Arguably, there should be an 1/8 note between these two notes. I can hear it when I slow down the playback rate. What you have works absolutely fine, but here it is anyway:
    About the two suggestions above~ I mixed them to change just about this><:
  3. 00:25:226 (6) - This is obviously just my opinion, but this note feels a bit weird to play. I really like the flow of the notes preceding this though, but after that reverse slider at 00:24:776 (5), having a motionless period by placing a note on the slider tail kind of hinders flow. You know what I'm trying to say? Maybe put it where 00:24:625 (4) was if you think it fits.
    Oh i just thought it end a vocal at ''Cha'' so i stop the flow... but seems your are better .w.
  4. 00:26:578 - Add a note here? It seems you were following the vocal before.
    ok Added~~
  5. 00:30:033 - I think you should add a note here with a finish on it. You can hear the cymbal and it's the start of the new measure.
    Hmm Someone mentioned me to take it out before... but your seems better still :3~
  6. 00:49:261 (3,4) - The spacing between these is closer than 00:49:862 (4,5), but I think you need to make this more obvious. Therefore, make the former closer since they are only separated by a 1/4 beat.
  7. 00:50:463 (6,7) - ^Same as above.
    I didnt noticed their Distance before :o thanks for noticing me~~ I make them for 1.4x Ds now~
  8. 00:53:167 - Add a note here as well? Kind of an awkward space if you don't have one I think.
    Great suggestion~~ just seems awkward if i didnt placed it xD
  9. 00:58:875 (1) - Don't quote me on this, but I believe utilising 0% volume is unrankable. It shouldn't be a problem to change though, just make it 5% instead :)
    Thought 5% still too loud... but ill change due to unrankable xDD
  10. 01:00:528 (1,2) - I think this part would work a lot better if you strip it down to just two notes at 01:00:678 and 01:00:978. Works fine though, since the vocals don't start exactly at these times.
    Great~~ I dont know why,,it feel better than before OwO//

  1. 00:18:016 (1) - Add a clap on the spinner?
  2. Other than that, I like this difficulty :)

Leon's Normal
  • Nice Normal diff :D

  1. 00:18:016 (1) - Add clap, like I mentioned in Hard.
  2. 00:46:707 (1) - Should this spinner start on the blue tick? I would start it on the white tick 00:46:858
    Oh Maybe youre right should start at blue tick .w.

Annnddd that's all from me! Nice mapset and song :) >w</ Thanks For your Encourage~~~~~~

Most (if not all) of the above suggestions are just me being picky. Feel free to consider them or not.
Not Really xD your suggestions are all strong to the mistakes and improve it many~~ Hondoni Aligado xD

Good luck~
Ooh are you still getting mods? :3 I've been waiting for this map to get ranked
Topic Starter

yurunneram wrote:

Ooh are you still getting mods? :3 I've been waiting for this map to get ranked
;w; yeah im trying to call BATs... almost wait for four months QAQ...
Sorry for let you waiting ;w;~~
Do some IRC in shining diff

21:05 leon1341414: 我中午看到之後有稍微再看一下,好像有幾點想講der
21:05 leon1341414: 我找找
21:05 leon1341414: XD
21:06 Tsumetaku: :O
21:06 Tsumetaku: ok的wwww
21:07 Tsumetaku: 噢~~我Userpage也用好了ww 我自己畫的 (字
21:07 leon1341414: 00:52:866 - 這邊感覺Slider到(7)會比較和
21:07 leon1341414: wow
21:08 leon1341414: 因為是長白線,歌聲又拉長
21:08 leon1341414: 這樣
21:08 Tsumetaku: 好~
21:09 leon1341414: 或是加個迴轉到(1)那邊,因為那邊開頭的音比尾巴弱
21:09 leon1341414: 所以這樣建議
21:10 leon1341414: 00:58:575 - (5)這個距離可以在遠一些
21:10 leon1341414: 把它當作1/2拍的距離會比較有趣
21:11 Tsumetaku: 哦哦~~讚
21:11 Tsumetaku: 前面的改回轉了w神梗
21:11 leon1341414: XD
21:11 leon1341414: 01:25:313 - 這個(5)可以再包好些
21:12 leon1341414: 不適(5)是(1)說錯
21:12 leon1341414: :P
21:13 Tsumetaku: wow我一直覺得他有包好(?
21:13 leon1341414: 01:27:717 - (1,2)改短滑條吧,跟最後一個短滑條比較對稱
21:13 leon1341414: 感覺是有,但是單看的時候不太漂亮:O
21:13 Tsumetaku: 哦哦~~又一神梗
21:14 leon1341414: 算是個nazi吧
21:14 leon1341414: 微調圓依些叫好
21:14 leon1341414: 微調圓一些就好
21:14 Tsumetaku: 往下拉一格了:P
21:14 Tsumetaku: 應該有點圓
21:15 leon1341414: 恩恩
21:15 leon1341414: 00:48:510 -
21:15 leon1341414: 這邊感覺不適合3連耶
21:15 leon1341414: 有點突然
21:15 leon1341414: :O
21:16 Tsumetaku: 唔這邊我是跟背景的電子音w
21:16 leon1341414: 喔喔:O
21:16 leon1341414: ok
21:17 leon1341414: 不過我是覺得那因不明顯,加上下一個又是比較強的音的另一句歌詞開頭
21:18 leon1341414: 不過還是給你決定:3
21:18 Tsumetaku: 摁 前個Slider拉到藍線了=w=
21:18 Tsumetaku: 感覺比較贊
21:20 Tsumetaku: ok~調好了
21:20 leon1341414: 豪
21:20 leon1341414: 感覺說完惹
21:20 Tsumetaku: :O 去PO騙KD吧(?
21:20 Tsumetaku: XDD
21:21 leon1341414: 喔對惹,我的Diff的名稱幫我改成"leon's Normal"吧 :O
21:21 leon1341414: 小寫的
21:21 leon1341414: :3
21:21 Tsumetaku: 好~
21:21 leon1341414: 片kd喔XDDD
21:21 leon1341414: 可是我忘己怎麼輸出對話了
21:21 Tsumetaku: 其實也不算騙www 幫助抄~~~~~大
21:21 Tsumetaku: ./savelog
21:22 Tsumetaku: 忘記打點結果自己存了...
Topic Starter

leon1341414 wrote:

Do some IRC in shining diff

21:05 leon1341414: 我中午看到之後有稍微再看一下,好像有幾點想講der
21:05 leon1341414: 我找找
21:05 leon1341414: XD
21:06 Tsumetaku: :O
21:06 Tsumetaku: ok的wwww
21:07 Tsumetaku: 噢~~我Userpage也用好了ww 我自己畫的 (字
21:07 leon1341414: 00:52:866 - 這邊感覺Slider到(7)會比較和
21:07 leon1341414: wow
21:08 leon1341414: 因為是長白線,歌聲又拉長
21:08 leon1341414: 這樣
21:08 Tsumetaku: 好~
21:09 leon1341414: 或是加個迴轉到(1)那邊,因為那邊開頭的音比尾巴弱
21:09 leon1341414: 所以這樣建議
21:10 leon1341414: 00:58:575 - (5)這個距離可以在遠一些
21:10 leon1341414: 把它當作1/2拍的距離會比較有趣
21:11 Tsumetaku: 哦哦~~讚
21:11 Tsumetaku: 前面的改回轉了w神梗
21:11 leon1341414: XD
21:11 leon1341414: 01:25:313 - 這個(5)可以再包好些
21:12 leon1341414: 不適(5)是(1)說錯
21:12 leon1341414: :P
21:13 Tsumetaku: wow我一直覺得他有包好(?
21:13 leon1341414: 01:27:717 - (1,2)改短滑條吧,跟最後一個短滑條比較對稱
21:13 leon1341414: 感覺是有,但是單看的時候不太漂亮:O
21:13 Tsumetaku: 哦哦~~又一神梗
21:14 leon1341414: 算是個nazi吧
21:14 leon1341414: 微調圓依些叫好
21:14 leon1341414: 微調圓一些就好
21:14 Tsumetaku: 往下拉一格了:P
21:14 Tsumetaku: 應該有點圓
21:15 leon1341414: 恩恩
21:15 leon1341414: 00:48:510 -
21:15 leon1341414: 這邊感覺不適合3連耶
21:15 leon1341414: 有點突然
21:15 leon1341414: :O
21:16 Tsumetaku: 唔這邊我是跟背景的電子音w
21:16 leon1341414: 喔喔:O
21:16 leon1341414: ok
21:17 leon1341414: 不過我是覺得那因不明顯,加上下一個又是比較強的音的另一句歌詞開頭
21:18 leon1341414: 不過還是給你決定:3
21:18 Tsumetaku: 摁 前個Slider拉到藍線了=w=
21:18 Tsumetaku: 感覺比較贊
21:20 Tsumetaku: ok~調好了
21:20 leon1341414: 豪
21:20 leon1341414: 感覺說完惹
21:20 Tsumetaku: :O 去PO騙KD吧(?
21:20 Tsumetaku: XDD
21:21 leon1341414: 喔對惹,我的Diff的名稱幫我改成"leon's Normal"吧 :O
21:21 leon1341414: 小寫的
21:21 leon1341414: :3
21:21 Tsumetaku: 好~
21:21 leon1341414: 片kd喔XDDD
21:21 leon1341414: 可是我忘己怎麼輸出對話了
21:21 Tsumetaku: 其實也不算騙www 幫助抄~~~~~大
21:21 Tsumetaku: ./savelog
21:22 Tsumetaku: 忘記打點結果自己存了...

  1. Inconsistency in tags. The L in leon should not be capitalized. Change it in Easy, Hard and Shinging please.
  2. The video dimensions are too large. The maximum for 16:9 format is 854x480, yours is 856. Also the video is quite large, maybe you could re-encode it and lower the size a bit. ><
  3. I think you should remove the kiai bursts at 00:39:647 and 00:49:261 because some would argue that it's an abuse of kiai time, which is unrankable. There is really nothing special in the song that they are following.
  1. 00:19:668 (4) - Try a clap on the end.
  2. 00:21:621 (6) - NC is nice.
  3. 00:22:522 (1,2) - Switch these NC is more fitting imo and consistent with 00:25:226 (6,1).
  4. 00:24:776 (4) - Imo this pattern would be nicer if you moved this slider left 1/4 on the timeline.

    This way it's consistent in rhythm with 00:23:724 (4,5,1) in that we have two notes and then the slider. It also fits vocals better this way, try it.
    Or maybe you can try something more intuitive like this:
  5. 00:27:630 (1,2) - I think you should switch these NC's to follow vocals like you do at other places.
  6. 00:30:184 (1,2,3,4,5) - This rhythm is not correct, you need to move these 1/4 sliders forward 1/4 to match vocals. Like 00:32:737 (2,3,4,5).
  7. 00:33:939 (6) - Move it 1 grid to the left to make a more even spacing in the blanket.
  8. 00:40:849 (1) - Remove NC for consistency with 00:50:463 (6).
  9. 00:51:665 (1) - Imo remove finish fits better in your hitsound pattern.
  10. 00:57:073 (2,3) - Since each slider has a different velocity, maybe you can add a NC to each. It will make the speedups easier to catch. If you do, add one at 00:58:274 (4) also for consistency.
  11. 00:58:875 (1) - Maybe you can make the end of the spinner soft sample set if you think it's too loud.
  12. 01:08:189 (5) - How about add a repeat to this slider? I think it fills out the rhythm here nicely.
  1. 00:17:715 - How about add a note to fill the gap before the spinner?
  2. 00:20:870 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think you should make this section easier. When you place 1/4 sliders on the blue tick, it makes it very difficult to read the rhythm with this AR. It would be more intuitive to play if you used a rhythm with sliders placed on the white or red ticks. Just look at the pattern in the Shining diff. Try to work on this rhythm, here is a sample one:
  3. 00:23:274 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ same concern as above.
  4. 00:29:733 (5) - Finish missing from the end.
  5. 00:30:184 (1) - Same concern as the Insane diff. This slider should be at 00:30:334 to follow vocals properly. Also try to avoid having 1/4 sliders starting on the blue tick.
  6. 00:46:858 (6,7) - I think it would fit the music better if you delete these, place a circle at 00:46:858, and have the spinner start at 00:47:158 when the vocals hold.
  7. 00:58:875 (1) - Same as Insane, you can make the end soft sample if you'd like.
  8. 01:00:528 (1) - I suggest shorten this by 1/4 and start it at 01:00:678 like in the Insane.
[leon's Normal]
  1. 00:20:419 (1) - Replace clap with finish?
  2. 00:21:020 (2) - Replace finish with clap?
  3. 00:32:136 (5) - I suggest remove finish from the end because it breaks your pattern since you don't use one at 00:34:840 (6) or 00:37:244.
Easy is fine.

Try to work on making Hard a bit easier in those sections and you can call me back for a recheck. :)
Topic Starter

UnitedWeSin wrote:


  1. Inconsistency in tags. The L in leon should not be capitalized. Change it in Easy, Hard and Shinging please. :O Fixed~~
  2. The video dimensions are too large. The maximum for 16:9 format is 854x480, yours is 856. Also the video is quite large, maybe you could re-encode it and lower the size a bit. >< wow ok~ its 7mb now~ i converted it for a afternoon xD
  3. I think you should remove the kiai bursts at 00:39:647 and 00:49:261 because some would argue that it's an abuse of kiai time, which is unrankable. There is really nothing special in the song that they are following. Oh removed :P i like Fountain
  1. 00:19:668 (4) - Try a clap on the end. added
  2. 00:21:621 (6) - NC is nice.added
  3. 00:22:522 (1,2) - Switch these NC is more fitting imo and consistent with 00:25:226 (6,1). changed~
  4. 00:24:776 (4) - Imo this pattern would be nicer if you moved this slider left 1/4 on the timeline. wow great pattern~ choosed the second version~

    This way it's consistent in rhythm with 00:23:724 (4,5,1) in that we have two notes and then the slider. It also fits vocals better this way, try it.
    Or maybe you can try something more intuitive like this:
  5. 00:27:630 (1,2) - I think you should switch these NC's to follow vocals like you do at other places. changed~
  6. 00:30:184 (1,2,3,4,5) - This rhythm is not correct, you need to move these 1/4 sliders forward 1/4 to match vocals. Like 00:32:737 (2,3,4,5). ok~ fixed~ after seriously(? listening sure its started at red line.. ww
  7. 00:33:939 (6) - Move it 1 grid to the left to make a more even spacing in the blanket.Moved
  8. 00:40:849 (1) - Remove NC for consistency with 00:50:463 (6). Removed~
  9. 00:51:665 (1) - Imo remove finish fits better in your hitsound pattern. Removed~
  10. 00:57:073 (2,3) - Since each slider has a different velocity, maybe you can add a NC to each. It will make the speedups easier to catch. If you do, add one at 00:58:274 (4) also for consistency. ok~ added
  11. 00:58:875 (1) - Maybe you can make the end of the spinner soft sample set if you think it's too loud. xD i forgot something called soft ww
  12. 01:08:189 (5) - How about add a repeat to this slider? I think it fills out the rhythm here nicely. :O great~ added
  1. 00:17:715 - How about add a note to fill the gap before the spinner? wow added
  2. 00:20:870 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think you should make this section easier. When you place 1/4 sliders on the blue tick, it makes it very difficult to read the rhythm with this AR. It would be more intuitive to play if you used a rhythm with sliders placed on the white or red ticks. Just look at the pattern in the Shining diff. Try to work on this rhythm, here is a sample one: oh oh~~ i got it... ww and changed like your suggestion~~
  3. 00:23:274 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ same concern as above. changed also~
  4. 00:29:733 (5) - Finish missing from the end.added
  5. 00:30:184 (1) - Same concern as the Insane diff. This slider should be at 00:30:334 to follow vocals properly. Also try to avoid having 1/4 sliders starting on the blue tick. oh~~ same fixed as Insane~ thx for the information :3
  6. 00:46:858 (6,7) - I think it would fit the music better if you delete these, place a circle at 00:46:858, and have the spinner start at 00:47:158 when the vocals hold. :D surely better when changing~
  7. 00:58:875 (1) - Same as Insane, you can make the end soft sample if you'd like. changed also
  8. 01:00:528 (1) - I suggest shorten this by 1/4 and start it at 01:00:678 like in the Insane. w forgot to changed when applying previous mod fixed~

Easy is fine.

Try to work on making Hard a bit easier in those sections and you can call me back for a recheck. :)
ok decrease DS of some 3 hit in hard by 1.2x >w<~
And waiting leon san online for reply ww~
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Fixed all for leon and

Alright then. Good luck with your first rank. :3
Topic Starter
thanks UWS san~~
Happy to see other mapper map monkey majik song in osu, this is the 2nd monkey majik map, we need more monkey majik!
Annnnnnnnnnnnndm congratulations to your 1st rank
Hey gratz :3
Gratz :3
Gratzz!! Tsumetaku and leon1341414!!^^ for first Ranked Maps!!^^
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:

Happy to see other mapper map monkey majik song in osu, this is the 2nd monkey majik map, we need more monkey majik!
Annnnnnnnnnnnndm congratulations to your 1st rank
Thanksssssss Breeze大 ;w;~~
Osu needs more Monkey majik!!~

and leon san for giving me such much advice w

超級感謝~ thank you everybody >w<~~
omg this song
一直很想做但是不会做 =A=


decent mapset as a 1st rank
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wow 來了好多神麻婆

thx you guys~~
- Miomio Chii -
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- Miomio Chii - wrote:


CONGRATZ, TSUMETAKU :D Nice Song and Nice Background Images too (specially the one at Hard/Insane ;) )

Topic Starter

THANKSSSSS 623 and Alarido!!!!!!!

>3< do anyone discover that ''Sunshine'' with BG in night?ww

Congratz congratz :DDDD I've been waiting for this rank for so long~~
Topic Starter
Sorry for let you wait so long ;w;~

and thx everyone again~~

and thanks to giving me 2 kudosu!

I'm so happy cuz this map is ranked and I got famous right now.

Nice map 4 ever!
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