
good morrow, fellow comrades!

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hello! i am lando_23, or, if you prefer, you can call me lando. (i know that ain't much of a nickname but meh.)

i've heard about this game for quite some time but didn't try it out until november of last year, and i gotta say, it's way more fun than i imagined. i originally downloaded the game to see if by playing it i could improve my aim in some fps games, but i think i got hooked on osu now lol.

other games that i play are fortnite (i've met a ton of people who hate the game so...meh), minecraft, animal crossing, and a few others.

also, i've seen all of the cool artwork featured for a contest that was held last year, and that kinda got me inspired to make art like that of mine own, so i might submit stuff in the future, probably. idk yet cuz i haven't made anything, but i do hope i can do sick drawings that's on the same level as the artwork those contestants submitted, cuz they are epic.

anywho, enough ramblin'. that's pretty much my whole introduction thingy. if you want to reach out to me, my discord and twitter are linked in me profile page. (although, i rarely ever use twitter these days. i use discord more often than any other social media platform currently, so that's probably your best bet on contacting me outside of osu.)

well, i do hope to contribute something to the osu community, but for right now, i must go.

see y'all soon!
Welcom to osu!
welcome to OSS!
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