
Joined in July and I am pretty decent but-

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So I did not where to go because there is so many forum subjects but I've been playing for a few months and I am ok at the game (despite me only playing for fun) where I struggle is I started to play because my boyfriend really likes the game and has been playing it for years so he kinda pushed it before then and I played a bit to see what all the hots are about. I also now watch Binfy, who my boyfriend also watches. And here is my problem (beginners BADluck huh) I do not understand the "vocabulary" used for osu! at all. Terms like "FC" or "collab" so I was wondering if someone could maybe message me and give me a little bit of guide (to vocab and gameplay, getting better at it) my discord is linked on my profile and my twitter as well. Thank you! :)
FC stands for full combo. so when you play a map and hit every note without missing or slider breaking

also if you don't already know a slider break is when you are on a slider and your cursor goes off and breaks your combo
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the slider break was very helpful!! i knew what FC was just not what it stood for :( thank you!
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