
Problema BATs.

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Cosa ne penso lo sapete. Gli unici BATs che apprezzo al momento sono Larto e vytalibus, che mi sembra svolgano il loro lavoro in maniera più o meno coerente, e che si sanno gestire tra richieste e priority modding.
Il discorso di foulcoon è "Io adesso faccio solo priority modding, perchè il kudosu system esiste per questo, se ci sono dei BAT che accettano le richieste chiedete a loro."
Non fa una piega, vero? Se non fosse che lui e tutti quelli che dicono come lui non moddano AFFATTO. La storia del priority modding è ovviamente una scusa per non moddare un cazzo (o se moddano, moddano solo la prima mappa in pending che di solito ha tipo 40-50 stelle).
Non mi sembra ci sia molto da dire se non: ribelliamoci!
Ma non discutendo in chat, piuttosto organizziamo un metodo per farci notare (e per fargliela pagare). Io una cosa non proprio etica l'ho già accennata a Kyo e Yumiko poco fa, ma sta a voi decidere.
Cosa dovremmo fare? idee?
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xxheroxx wrote:

Cosa dovremmo fare? idee?
Ciò che avevo suggerito è... Fare esattamente ciò che ci hanno chiesto.
Alle nostre lamentele, foulcoon ha risposto con "guadagnate della priorità, e quando sarete in cima alla pending list, modderemo le vostre mappe, oppure moddate quelle degli altri e usate i vostri kudosu per darvi priorità"
Quindi pensavo che tutti noi italiani dovremmo stellarci e moddarci le mappe a vicenda (ovviamente andandoci anche abbondanti con i kudosu) finchè la prima pagina della pending list non sarà invasa da noi. A quel punto dovranno per forza mantenere la loro parola (o andare a lamentarsi in giro, ma avremmo comunque vinto noi). Forse è un "piano" un po' meschino, ma ricordiamoci che è solo una risposta al loro sistema fallato e alle loro scuse penose.
La funzione delle stelle non è proprio questa ma a mali estremi, estremi rimedi... ci sto!

Kyocciola wrote:

FU. A BAT told me to send PM if I want Mods. Go cry in a corner, Emo Kid -.-
afaik, I am the only BAT to ask for a PM. Sending to all of the other BATs as well sends a bad message. Foul didn't tell you to send him a PM, Rolled didn't tell you to send him a PM, I did. I did NOT tell you to PM all of the BATs, just me.

What makes you any more special than everyone else randomly PMing me with mod requests, most of those with higher priority than yours?
Topic Starter

RemmyX25 wrote:

Kyocciola wrote:

FU. A BAT told me to send PM if I want Mods. Go cry in a corner, Emo Kid -.-
afaik, I am the only BAT to ask for a PM. Sending to all of the other BATs as well sends a bad message. Foul didn't tell you to send him a PM, Rolled didn't tell you to send him a PM, I did. I did NOT tell you to PM all of the BATs, just me.

What makes you any more special than everyone else randomly PMing me with mod requests, most of those with higher priority than yours?
Not only you. Btw, OK, you're right, you've won, you're the leader, right? Btw I really think that its UNFAIR that ppl cannot have BATs mod on their maps until they have 600000000 stars. Give ppl a chance. And dont tell me "go for utents mod before and take stars" cause a lot of ppl do it, my map have frequently around 12-17 stars and bats dont mod it. Except someone. I have to catch 60 stars before your mod, dear BATs? You see that its' REALLY unfair? ò_ò" I think im not telling shit o_o"
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I usually would avoid using these language specific forums, but this thread was pointed out to me by someone. If you want to make personal attacks, I'd be glad to take those via PM. Just don't send me your mod requests anymore. The whole thing is somewhat amusing to me. If you honestly we're so bad at modding or we aren't doing our job, mod more and get on the BAT yourself.

What Kyo doesn't show you is what irritates us as a team the most

Message subject: Mod Requests
From: Kyocciola
Sent at: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:10 am
To: RemmyX25 awp Mogsworth Rolled mtmcl vytalibus Cyclone foulcoon Hara Pasonia
Hatsune Miku - Vegetable Juice (Po Pi Po)

Guru Guru - Il cerchio della magia


Message subject: Mods Request.
From: Kyocciola
Sent at: Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:05 pm
To: RemmyX25 awp mtmcl vytalibus Larto foulcoon Pasonia
Pls mode this ^^

Hatsune Miku - PoPiPo!

I understand your concerns, I know that your maps are important to you. The fact of the matter is there are, currently (at the time of this post), 37 maps more important to me than your map. Why? These people ACTUALLY MODDED or GAINED PRIORITY. They work with our new system, and play by the rules. There are still BAT that take requests, but that's not what were here for. BAT members are here for the final approval of maps, and in-game and forum moderation. I really think you guys misunderstand me, which may partly stem from my use of such language. I apologize for coming across so harsh, but I was just trying to make a point.

Also: if you believe that our kudosu system is a flawed or unjust system, please help peppy fix that. If you can think of a better way to run things, a REALISTIC AND FAIR WAY, by all means head over to the Feature Request forums.
Pasonia, what you're saying feels totally... wrong.
Cause if I can understand what foulcoon means with his (actually right) concept of priority modding, I can't really accept what you said. Like it or not, you're not normal players anymore here. I know that you're offering your modding as a free service to the community, but when you've been asked to be a BAT, and you accepted, you also accepted some responsibilities: "I only mod my favourite mappers' beatmaps" is something that only a normal player could say, surely not a BAT, imo. And it is even worse when I think you've actually asked us to mod other people maps to gain kudosus: we would need to mod "ugly" maps too, but you only want to mod Alace's? Bah.
By the way, as I said, foulcoon's concept of modding is actually the right one. The kudosu/stars system requires priority modding, so it's fine if a part of the BATs only does prioirity modding (as long as there's also a part of the BATs who mods by requests/queue). The problem is: are you really modding? AT ALL?. Cause I remember very well the day I asked Remmy to mod my first map when it had +11 priority and he told me "Get more priority". So I did. It finally got in the middle of the first page, so I asked him to mod it again and he told me "Sure send me a PM, I'll mod it after class". I waited for 2 days and he hadn't modded it yet, so I asked him again and he said he had put it in his queue. Another day passed and I started asking for the help of other BATs on IRC. He read what I wrote and told me he hadn't forgotten my map. Days passed again, and my map was finally modded, bubbled, and ranked. By whom? Just the BATs who accepted my requests, and Remmy isn't one of them. Neither is Pasonia or foulcoon. My map was ranked and Remmy didn't even check it out. Is it still on his queue?
What I'm trying to say is: we're tired of these lies. If you don't want to mod our maps because you're busy, it's fine. Just tell us. We know you have a life outside of here too, but don't use priority modding as an excuse to avoid.. modding.
And please, if you have to say "no", don't be dicks. We're also tired of your sarcasm, your rude answers, the way you all consider us as noobs. Another italian user here, has a screenshot that can show you very well what I mean. I hope he posts it soon.

Italian translation:

Pasonia, quello che dici è totalmente...sbagliato.
Perchè se posso capire il concetto di priority modding di foulcoon (che poi è giusto), non posso davvero accettare quello che hai detto. Che vi piaccia o meno, non siete più dei semplici giocatori qui. Lo so che state offrendo il vostro modding come servizio gratuito alla community, ma quando vi è stato chiesto di far parte del BAT e voi avete accettato, avete accettato anche delle responsabilità: "Io moddo solo le mappe dei miei mappers preferiti" è qualcosa che potrebbe dire un semplice player, ma non un BAT, secondo me. Ed è anche peggio se penso che ci avete detto di guadagnare kudosu moddando le mappe degli altri. Noi dovremmo moddare anche quelle "brutte", mentre tu vuoi considerare solo quelle Alace? Bah.
Comunque, come ho già detto, il concetto di modding di foulcoon è in effetti quello giusto. Il sistema di kudosu/stelle, richiede il priority modding, quindi va bene se una parte del BAT fa solo questo (sempre finchè c'è anche un'altra parte che modda su richiesta o per coda). Il problema è: ma davvero moddate? Perchè io ricordo benissimo il giorno in cui ho chiesto a Remmy di moddare la mia prima mappa, quando aveva +11 di priorità e mi ha detto "Guadagna più priorità". Ed io l'ho fatto. Sono riuscito a farla arrivare in prima pagina, così gli ho chiesto di nuovo di moddarla e mi ha detto "Certo, mandami un PM e te la moddo dopo la lezione". Ho aspettato 2 giorni e ancora non l'aveva moddata, così gliel'ho chiesto ancora e mi ha detto di averla messa nella sua "coda". E' passato un altro giorno e ho cominciato a chiedere l'aiuto di altri BATs in IRC. Remmy lo ha visto e mi ha detto che non si era dimenticato della mia mappa. Sono passati altri giorni, e finalmente la mia mappa è stata moddata, bubblata e rankata. Da chi? Solo dai BAT che avevano accettato le mie richieste, e Remmy non ne fa parte. Neanche Pasonia e foulcoon. La mia mappa è stata rankata, e Remmy neanche l'aveva guardata. Sarà ancora nella sua coda?
Ciò che sto cercando di dire è: siamo stanchi di queste bugie. Se non volete moddarci le mappe perchè avete da fare, ci va bene. Basta che ce lo dite. Sappiamo che avete delle vite fuori da qui, ma non usate la scusa del priority modding per evitare di moddare.
E per favore, se dovete dire "no", non fate gli stronzi. Siamo anche stanchi del vostro sarcasmo, delle vostre risposte arroganti, e del modo in cui ci considerate tutti dei noobs. Un altro utente italiano qui, ha uno screenshot che dovrebbe spiegare molto bene ciò che voglio dire. Spero che lo posti presto.
D: That's quite some text there Crabman, I think you made clear what is meant here o.o gg.. :P
Topic Starter
I totally agree with Harry. Look, im near you with kudosus xD"

foulcoon wrote:

Also: if you believe that our kudosu system is a flawed or unjust system, please help peppy fix that. If you can think of a better way to run things, a REALISTIC AND FAIR WAY, by all means head over to the Feature Request forums.
Give BATs an heart. (Lol.) Its the only way to let them understand that all player of osu must have the same chances to get BATs-mode.

Kyocciola wrote:

[20.14.06] Iris scrive:il fatto è... come posso vedere se c'è qualcosa di sbagliato nelle mie mappe se i BAT, i mod + bravi di osu, non me le controllano?
Translating: "How can I see if there's something wrong in my maps if the BATs, the best mods of osu, dont check them?"

Btw I hope all BATs have read my apologies that I said yesterday night in #osu. Sinistro was there and read all, tho I highlighted fuolcoon and vytalibus in first way.

HarryOrunitia wrote:

Another italian user here, has a screenshot that can show you very well what I mean. I hope he posts it soon.
Un altro utente italiano qui, ha uno screenshot che dovrebbe spiegare molto bene ciò che voglio dire. Spero che lo posti presto.
...I didn't want anything to do with this, similar things happened to me before... now that I've read Pasonia's post, I'm very angry.

I didn't know he had this opinion. I had my song ranked with a very low priority; 2 stars, given to me by 2 friends who modded it without me even asking for it. Why didn't I ask to all the italians to star my map? Because it seemed unfair. That's why. In my opinion, gettin 20-25 stars only becase you have a lot of friends in game, is quite stupid.

People should be interested and attracted by the song, they should play, and if they find any errors and mod it, I follow their advices and I try to improve it. If then they are satisfacted with it, they give me a star. That's how it works.

For the BATs, it could be a bit different. But the process is the same. They have more songs to check, and they often don't have the time to. So what? No problem. We can send you an email with the link to the song, you save it, and when you're done with the other maps, you check it. If you're too busy for a while, you can decline the latest requests. But please, not like this.
And, if you really can't do it, resign. When peppy made you BATs, he gave you a huge responsibility, and you should've known this.
But modding only half of the beatmaps to work less isn't right, it really isn't,

Pasonia, I understand what you mean. DJPop, darrihuka and the others, are great beatmappers, and in the future I hope to become as good as them. But when they started, were they this good already? I guess they had their little problems too.
Darrihuka, a great person, left osu for something similar to this matter we're discussing. Don't you think this is too much? This is a simple online game, not a battleground, guys. Let's try to be mature, and let's hope to find a solution together.


Italian translation:

...Non volevo far parte di questa vicenda; già altre volte mi erano capitate cose simili... ora che ho letto il post di Pasonia, sono davvero arrabbiato.

Non pensavo la giudicasse così. La mia canzone sono riuscita a farla rankare con una priorità davvero infima; 2 stelle, donatemi da 2 amici che l'hanno controllata senza che io gliel'avessi chiesto. Perchè non ho chiesto le stelle a tutti gli altri ragazzi della community italiana? Perchè mi sembrava scorretto. Ecco perchè. A mio parere, prendersi 20-25 stelle solo perchè si hanno degli amici sul gioco, è davvero una stupidaggine.

Le persone devono essere incuriosite ed interessate alla canzone, devono giocarla, se trovano errori me li presentano, io seguo i loro consigli e la miglioro. Se loro ne sono soddisfatte, mi danno una stella. Ecco come si fa.

Per i BAT, il discorso può essere un po' diverso. Ma il procedimento è sempre lo stesso. Loro hanno molte più canzone di controllare, spesso non avete tempo. E allora? Nessun problema. Vi mandiamo un email con il link alla canzone, voi la salvate e quando avete finito con le altre la controllate. Se avete troppi impegni, potete rifiutare le ultime richieste. Ma gentilmente, non così.
E, se proprio non ce la fate, dimettetevi. Quando peppy vi ha nominato BAT, vi ha dato una grande responsabilità, e dovevate esserne consapevoli.
Ma, fare una beatmap sì e una no per diminuire il lavoro, no, quello proprio no.

Pasonia, io capisco cosa intendi. DJPop, darrihuka ed altre persone sono beatmapper che io stimo moltissimo. E in futuro spero di diventare come loro. Ma quando hanno iniziato, erano già così bravi? Anche loro avranno avuto le loro piccole difficoltà.
Darrihuka, una persona stupenda, ha abbandonato osu per una faccenda simile. Non vi sembra troppo? Questo è un semplice gioco online, non un campo di battaglia, ragazzi. Cerchiamo di fare le persone mature, e speriamo di arrivare un compromesso.


HarryOrunitia wrote:

The problem is: are you really modding? AT ALL?. Cause I remember very well the day I asked Remmy to mod my first map when it had +11 priority and he told me "Get more priority". So I did. It finally got in the middle of the first page, so I asked him to mod it again and he told me "Sure send me a PM, I'll mod it after class". I waited for 2 days and he hadn't modded it yet, so I asked him again and he said he had put it in his queue. Another day passed and I started asking for the help of other BATs on IRC. He read what I wrote and told me he hadn't forgotten my map. Days passed again, and my map was finally modded, bubbled, and ranked. By whom? Just the BATs who accepted my requests, and Remmy isn't one of them. Neither is Pasonia or foulcoon. My map was ranked and Remmy didn't even check it out. Is it still on his queue

Check the approval dates of your map Harry, I think you might understand what this image is about ;S

foulcoon wrote:

HarryOrunitia wrote:

The problem is: are you really modding? AT ALL?. Cause I remember very well the day I asked Remmy to mod my first map when it had +11 priority and he told me "Get more priority". So I did. It finally got in the middle of the first page, so I asked him to mod it again and he told me "Sure send me a PM, I'll mod it after class". I waited for 2 days and he hadn't modded it yet, so I asked him again and he said he had put it in his queue. Another day passed and I started asking for the help of other BATs on IRC. He read what I wrote and told me he hadn't forgotten my map. Days passed again, and my map was finally modded, bubbled, and ranked. By whom? Just the BATs who accepted my requests, and Remmy isn't one of them. Neither is Pasonia or foulcoon. My map was ranked and Remmy didn't even check it out. Is it still on his queue
Check the approval dates of your map Harry, I think you might understand what this image is about ;S
Ok, then you're justified. But you're not the only BAT. (or are you?)

Oh and also... Why didn't you tell Kyocciola your video card was broken instead of creating this fight?
Topic Starter
And I dont think that you've been so kind with me. I've just send you a PM where i've ask to you for mod my map. But HOW?

Kyocciola wrote:

Pls mode this ^^
And you've answer to me in a sharply way. I hate this thing, I've not ask to you "Hey son of a b**** mod my map or I'll kill your family." o_o
I've tried to be more kind as I can. So I'll be very glad if u'll give me ur apologies about that.

foulcoon wrote:

I understand your concerns, I know that your maps are important to you. The fact of the matter is there are, currently (at the time of this post), 37 maps more important to me than your map. Why? These people ACTUALLY MODDED or GAINED PRIORITY. They work with our new system, and play by the rules. There are still BAT that take requests, but that's not what were here for. BAT members are here for the final approval of maps, and in-game and forum moderation. I really think you guys misunderstand me, which may partly stem from my use of such language. I apologize for coming across so harsh, but I was just trying to make a point.
Yeah so I've decided to start biting my tongue (figuratively of course) before I speak. Once again, I'm sorry for what I said. As for why I didn't just say my video card was broken? At the time I didn't even care. It's not like this is a first time occurrence or anything. I wasn't irritated by the fact that I got these PMs, I was irritated when I saw who the PM was sent to (and how many it was sent to).
Topic Starter

foulcoon wrote:

foulcoon wrote:

I understand your concerns, I know that your maps are important to you. The fact of the matter is there are, currently (at the time of this post), 37 maps more important to me than your map. Why? These people ACTUALLY MODDED or GAINED PRIORITY. They work with our new system, and play by the rules. There are still BAT that take requests, but that's not what were here for. BAT members are here for the final approval of maps, and in-game and forum moderation. I really think you guys misunderstand me, which may partly stem from my use of such language. I apologize for coming across so harsh, but I was just trying to make a point.
Yeah so I've decided to start biting my tongue (figuratively of course) before I speak. Once again, I'm sorry for what I said. As for why I didn't just say my video card was broken? At the time I didn't even care. It's not like this is a first time occurrence or anything. I wasn't irritated by the fact that I got these PMs, I was irritated when I saw who the PM was sent to (and how many it was sent to).
Mh, this is fine :). So, I'll give you again my apologies for irritating you ^^ Btw, this discussion doesn't end here, we have to find a way to prevent things like this to happen again in the future, and we should make sure that all the BATs do their job seriously.

Luxary wrote:

HarryOrunitia wrote:

Another italian user here, has a screenshot that can show you very well what I mean. I hope he posts it soon.
Un altro utente italiano qui, ha uno screenshot che dovrebbe spiegare molto bene ciò che voglio dire. Spero che lo posti presto.
...I didn't want anything to do with this, similar things happened to me before... now that I've read Pasonia's post, I'm very angry.

I didn't know he had this opinion. I had my song ranked with a very low priority; 2 stars, given to me by 2 friends who modded it without me even asking for it. Why didn't I ask to all the italians to star my map? Because it seemed unfair. That's why. In my opinion, gettin 20-25 stars only becase you have a lot of friends in game, is quite stupid.

People should be interested and attracted by the song, they should play, and if they find any errors and mod it, I follow their advices and I try to improve it. If then they are satisfacted with it, they give me a star. That's how it works.

For the BATs, it could be a bit different. But the process is the same. They have more songs to check, and they often don't have the time to. So what? No problem. We can send you an email with the link to the song, you save it, and when you're done with the other maps, you check it. If you're too busy for a while, you can decline the latest requests. But please, not like this.
And, if you really can't do it, resign. When peppy made you BATs, he gave you a huge responsibility, and you should've known this.
But modding only half of the beatmaps to work less isn't right, it really isn't,

Pasonia, I understand what you mean. DJPop, darrihuka and the others, are great beatmappers, and in the future I hope to become as good as them. But when they started, were they this good already? I guess they had their little problems too.
Darrihuka, a great person, left osu for something similar to this matter we're discussing. Don't you think this is too much? This is a simple online game, not a battleground, guys. Let's try to be mature, and let's hope to find a solution together.

I agree with Lux ♥

I'm not an active mapper, and I've never had problems with the BATs, but after reading Pasonia's post, I can't do anything but agree with my fellows italians. By the way, Pasonia helped my time ago with my first map, i was very sad when I read his post :|

Pasonia wrote:

It's not that we don't want to mod maps or anything, otherwise our existence is futile.

It's that we'd rather see one spectacularly made map, one that makes us want to play too, than see many other maps which provide the basics (score requirements, spacing, background images, etc...) It may be a bit tough to swallow such a remark, yes, so maybe you'll want to take a look at maps from people like Alace, Al-Azif (I'll always mention these two for general map epicness), DJPop, happy30 and darrihuka. They make maps people drool over.

Kyocciola, I might be a bit harsh, but... unfortunately, as it stands now, you're falling very short of any of the mappers I mentioned. Your maps are there with its technical difficulties and all, but overall they seem to be very run-of-the-mill, very... ordinary, compared to the epicness we've come to associate with DJPop/happy30/etc. maps.

It's like you're a PC running a PC Game. How well the game run depends on how powerful you are. I hope that clarifies the situation.
BATs are not meant for mass-hating, please. Especially not in a foreign-language section where we sure as hell don't know what you spoke of.
I have to say I disagree with this as well. Are you saying the BATs should only mod exceptional quality maps? How do we predetermine what maps are exceptional? How do we discover new exceptional mappers? How do we aid in improving a decent mapper to exceptional status?

That said, the BAT-bashing breaks my heart. It looks like it comes mostly from problems with communication. That's why it's usually non-English osu-ers who seem to start these mini-"revolutions".

My final verdict: Maybe it's wrong to PM multiple BATs with mod requests and the like. But it is NEVER JUSTIFIED to respond rudely. NEVER. I can't stress this enough. I've seen enough jackassery from the BATs. Rudeness is not constructive. Not even from peppy.

I love this guy <3
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This is great, I didn't even have to do anything, although i wanted to try..a bit, didn't want to get TOO involved, but HarryOrunitia had enough wise words to make my things clear too. And at least the fight is over (If i understood it right :P).

I also agree with mtmcl, my thoughts were: The BATs should be helping the more new mappers, since they are the "best" mods, maybe you should just say like.."that BAT helps a bit with modding the maps of the new ones, that BAT does that and etc etc. Mod maps of the better mappers? Ok, but help the new too.
Maybe change the title to something nicer, translate all the italian > english, and move this thread too an other forum(?).
Just an idea :? Henkie out
Beat me up for it then. I stick by what I say. What I say only represents myself, and is not one for all BATs. Most certainly not Mark.

If you guys (including Mark, who has once again and not surprisingly taken the side of the aggrieved) decide that I am supposed to be pulverised for my opinion, then I suggest you use that anger, convert it into motivation, and show me you're willing to go beyond rankable. I've already given you names in my first reply here, use those people's maps as an indicator if you would care.

Over and out.
Card N'FoRcE
Ok, i don't want to start flame, but i want to report this.
This map was ranked in ONE day. With One user star and two bat stars.
But there's something i want to point out.
There are spacing errors (and don't answer me something like "it's creative" because that's not the case); and there's M980 that one day told me "I mod only maps with purple stars". But i don't see any purple stars there.

I didn't want to complain because i know bats are busy and such, but when i seee something like that i really get angry too.
*shakes head* Rolled should know better than to do this. However, I'm not about to apologise on anyone's behalf x.x
BATs do only what they want... This is ridicoulous... -.-
The mods do what they want, they don't observe the priorities of the beatmaps, they observe the person who created the beatmap and STOP,they ignore mappers unknown...

EDIT: not all do this, but the majority
Accroding to my modding experience, Yes. Most of BAT/Modders like to mod exceptional quality maps. (So am I but I mod newbie's map when they requested :p)
Modding newbie's map is little annoying.
Human is SELFISH ANIMAL so we tend to mod exceptional quality maps because it's easier/more comfortable to mod.
This problem should be fixed but it's really hard.
We need some countermeasures.

1. If we modded newbie's map, we would get 1.5 Kudosu.
2. BATs should reject any kind of mod requests if they don't want to mod it.
I didn't send any mod request PMs to BATs.
Peoples, be patient! BATs will mod your map someday.
(This word proves why I have only 1 ranked beatmap :( But it's okay. I'm yielding. :) )
If players(Especially great beatmappers) send a mod requests, exceptional quality maps will be ranked more and more.

Well, this opinion has no posibility
But at least,
Requesting PMs must be restricted.
Giving stars just because you can/are friends is abuse and may be banned if we see it happening. That's all I have to say without reading 10 pages of textwall.
Card N'FoRcE

peppy wrote:

Giving stars just because you can/are friends is abuse and may be banned if we see it happening. That's all I have to say without reading 10 pages of textwall.
Then what can we do?
We usually ask in our channel for modding and then we ask BATs.
When something like that happened i scolded them because i didn't want to see something like that too.
If you say that, we can't even ask for help...

I think it's something they said because of the anger of the situation.
I bet you know well when maps are starred just to give stars and starred when modded well.

I hope i didn't misunderstand you.
Topic Starter
I hate the arrogance that some BATs have with some users.
I hate that some BATs tell "get more priority stars" and after we see a situation like this.
I hate that new mappers (as I am, as some my friends are and as a lot of ppl here in osu are) cannot have the same "priority/chance" of the great mappers.
I hate all this things and I REALLY hope that, all together, we could do something and reach a meeting-point for avoid this things happens again in the future. I know we can, guys ^^
woah woah rage mode on. I got most of this out in the MSI's thread, but let's do some of it here too.

Pasonia wrote:

*shakes head* Rolled should know better than to do this. However, I'm not about to apologise on anyone's behalf x.x
Shaking your head is more or less apologizing. I don't mean to be egotistical but I made no mistake ranking that map. If I do make a mistake I will own up to it. I've explained myself numerous times on why I modded Seibei's map, though none of you deserve an explanation. Ask some people in the #mod channel. I MOD FOR MOD. This means, if you mod my map I will mod yours. I don't care how new you are, how terrible you are at modding, how much of a dick you are. If you take the time to mod my map I will take the time to mod yours. Me modding theirs may weigh heavier than them modding mine, since I may bubble/rank/nuke maps. However, first of all, Seibei is a BAT too. Therefor the outweighing isn't even a point of argument here. If any of you think I was showing favoritism towards Seibei's map, please get in line to kiss my ass. Priority system or not, I have been modding the same way for 2 years (I don't MOD, or NOT MOD a map for any specific reason) and it is just now going to become a problem? no thx.

Osuplayer3123208 wrote:

BATs do only what they want... This is ridicoulous... -.-
See above wall of text. However, you may be right. Maybe I do do what I want. However, "what I want" varies between priority modding, taking mod requests, and mod4mod. I apologize if you haven't asked me to mod your map in a respectful, civilized way, though that is not my problem.

xxheroxx wrote:

The mods do what they want, they don't observe the priorities of the beatmaps, they observe the person who created the beatmap and STOP,they ignore mappers unknown...

EDIT: not all do this, but the majority
I'm going to assume this was aimed towards me regarding Seibei's map, since your reply was shortly after Cn'F's. As I've replied to pasonia and osuplayer, the same applies. I won't have you feeling left out though, so I will say that just because Seibei mapped the song, does not mean that's why I modded the song. He modded my map, therefor I modded his. Yes, we both bubbled each other's maps. Big deal? We both deserved a bubble, so we both got a bubble. It has nothing to do with our positions in the community, and it shouldn't have anything to do with the priority (if I map DESERVES a bubble, it should get a bubble.) There seems to be a general misunderstanding here that a map requires a certain amount of priority to be ranked. This is nottttttt the case at all. Priority is it simply get it there faster, and show your support for the map. I supported seibei's map so I bubbled it, as did m980, so he ranked. We just got there before anybody managed to give it priority. Woops.

cnf wrote:

Ok, i don't want to start flame, but i want to report this.
This map was ranked in ONE day. With One user star and two bat stars.
But there's something i want to point out.
There are spacing errors (and don't answer me something like "it's creative" because that's not the case); and there's M980 that one day told me "I mod only maps with purple stars". But i don't see any purple stars there.

I didn't want to complain because i know bats are busy and such, but when i seee something like that i really get angry too.
I had no idea it was only a day old. I agreed I would mod it. Was I supposed to be like "woops, you just submitted this. Call me in a week."
Numerous, numerous, numerous times users have complained when we ask them to change spacing. It's been realized by the community and specifically BATs that users have their own style when creating beatmaps. We encourage mappers to showcase their creativity while beatmapping, and Seibei showcased his well. He does not fall into this whole "correct spacing" idea. Correct spacing is spacing that is hittable, readable, and predictable in my opinion. And I can honestly say that that map contained it all.

flsadjflsdjf890sdhfsd9 dfysdfdh fksd hfkhsdk hkfhas

K, all done. Carry on.

EDIT: woops, missed one.

kyocciola wrote:

I hate the arrogance that some BATs have with some users.
I hate that some BATs tell "get more priority stars" and after we see a situation like this.
I hate that new mappers (as I am, as some my friends are and as a lot of ppl here in osu are) cannot have the same "priority/chance" of the great mappers.
I hate all this things and I REALLY hope that, all togheter, we could do something and reach a meeting-point for avoid this things happens again in the future. I know we can, guys ^^
Hi, welcome to the forums.
BATs do not show arrogance for no reason. It's a cause and effect type situation. Here, check this out.


Kyocciola wrote:

Message subject: Mod Requests
From: Kyocciola
Sent at: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:10 pm
To: RemmyX25 awp Mogsworth Rolled mtmcl vytalibus Cyclone foulcoon Hara Pasonia
Hatsune Miku - Vegetable Juice (Po Pi Po)

Guru Guru - Il cerchio della magia
Foulcoon rage.

foulcoon wrote:

I wasn't irritated by the fact that I got these PMs, I was irritated when I saw who the PM was sent to (and how many it was sent to).
So, you showed no intent to politely ask a BAT, or any other member to my knowledge, to mod your map. It's just a little automated form you threw to everybody you know could rank it. I haven't even been introduced to you btw, at the point of that PM. So nice to meet you too.

We are not bad people. Show us respect, we show you respect. Unluckily for you, the opposite applies too.
Ok, i'm sorry for say this, you've right. But im angry, maybe it's me but BATs sometimes tell me liar. Close this discussion now, peace ^^ Anyway don't joke with my nickname please, you aren't funny.
Rolled, the problem for me is not which maps you choose to mod, at this point (since you've explained your reasons). It just kind of "hurts" to see m980 ranking a map with just one star, when he refuses to see ours if they haven't got at least one "purple" star. That's why we think of favoritism.
Okay, I can't speak with m980 but he's likely sleeping or something right now, but I'm sure he'll be able to fill you in on his reasoning when he gets back. Also osuplayer111, i wasn't joking, I just didn't feel like looking up what numbers were after your name. Also don't lie, I'm very funny.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Rolled wrote:

Okay, I can't speak with m980 but he's likely sleeping or something right now, but I'm sure he'll be able to fill you in on his reasoning when he gets back. Also osuplayer111, i wasn't joking, I just didn't feel like looking up what numbers were after your name. Also don't lie, I'm very funny.
Lol about osuplayer's name.
Btw, Rolled, seriously. You're taking this as a personal attack, but it isn't. We're not accusing you of anything except being a bit too hasty with the bubbling, but IT'S FINE.
The real problem is: normal users have to wait a lot to get a bubble. We have to gain a lot of priority, and it requires a lot of time and people, then we have to wait for a bat who doesn't see anything wrong with our map, then if he bubbles it, we have to hope that another bat likes it and ranks it. If he doesn't, the bubble is revoked, and we have to wait more. This could take days, weeks, or even months (Card's Ai no Melody for example?). Seibei's map was bubbled and ranked in one day, and the fact that he is a bat makes this situation even less comfortable for all of us.
Again, please don't take this personally. All of you.
Card N'FoRcE
I think this is going out of hand.
I think you're misunderstanding each other.
Rolled, you think everyone is accusing you for favoritism, but it's not like that.
Italians are angry because lately BATs kept ignoring them (sometimes with bad attitude) or tell lies (like m980 and his purple stars thing).
That's what they are trying to tell you.

If you ( a generic "you") are busy, just tell us you have something else to mod and tell us to remind you another day.
We can wait, but we don't like to wait and see maps ranked after one day when other maps are in pending for weeks or months.
im just wondering, are you guys suggesting that an italian gets to become a BAT? (just a question)
Topic Starter
Well, nice to meet you too, Rolly. Im your fan, i love your maps.
BUT. I have to say that:

Rolled wrote:

Yes, we both bubbled each other's maps. Big deal? We both deserved a bubble, so we both got a bubble.
U know how much we have (normal utents i mean) to sweat to have a bubble? Tho our maps are near perfection. Im not attacking you, keep in mind. Im just trying to let understand you that is a little unfair that ppl hear the BATs saying: "get more priority stars and ill mod it" and MAYBE get a stars from them...

Rolled wrote:

BATs do not show arrogance for no reason. It's a cause and effect type situation.
Click here.
Ps: consider the meVSfoulcoon argument closed. We exchange apologies to each other, before. I dont want to talk about that anymore.

Gabi wrote:

im just wondering, are you guys suggesting that an italian gets to become a BAT? (just a question)
We're not asking for it directly (I mean, it is not the point of this thread and everything else that happened in these days), but having one would be useful for us and the whole community, and I think peppy knows it (if I'm not mistaken he mentioned the possibility on IRC)
In all honesty, it was a personal attack. This last page of posts have been about the Kill The Rock incident, which was m980, seibei, and my doing. If it's not a personal attack against me, than it's a personal attack against one of the other people who aren't here atm. If they were here though, I'm sure they'd have a few things to say in their defense.

On the same note, this isn't a personal attack against Italians either. Luxary was unlucky enough to get seibei's bad side, but I'm sure if that was any other person in the community Seibei would have been equally grumpy.

I don't have anything against an Italian becoming a BAT, but you must understand that getting an italian bat solely to mod italian maps is exactly the problem you guys want to prevent. If a person is qualified to become a BAT, it will get brought up to Ivalset. I'm not sure if its a requirement, but it's pretty important that they speak fluently in english as well. And a italian BAT to mod only italian maps is simply out of the question.

edit: Also, kyocciola, it is not that hard for a map to get attention as you are making it out to be. There is at least one BAT every day that is open to requests. Their queue may fill up fast (as there is a lot of people in the same boat as you,) but keep in mind it's one BAT a day minimum. There are many, many people that take requests in #mod, and in #osu as well. Generally, people don't always reply happily to mod request PMs because if they were modding at the time, it would be open about it. I recommend nobody PM via forums, as 99% of the time the mod request will get ignored. PMing via IRC is similar, though with a bit of a higher success rate. If I were a user trying to get my mod ranked, I'd head over to #mod and ask anybody if they'd like a mod exchange. Even if they aren't BATs, you'll find an exchange quickly and at the minimum, you will get some +priority on your map which in turn will get your map noticed quicker from BATs.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
i dont wanna discuss this on forums, but i did tell you about the BAT situation in irc.... treating it like racism almost :P
I just have to ask: why do you need your maps ranked so badly? I mean, what do you get out of your map being ranked extremely fast? What do you lose when it's a slow process? The same amount of time is invested.
I agree with some of the things coming from this thread, and this is my main stand in combat. Also, I totally agree with Mark.

However, I totally disagree with a lot of other things coming from this thread. How will demoting BAT positions help to solve anything? Hey, I have a suggestion! Why don't we just make rank to those beatmaps instantly upon submission? That will eliminate all upholding persecution and inditement against BATs and mappers! Problem solved. Also, I think I remember reading something in thread, but I couldn't find it so I could quote, so I'll paraphrase instead: I thought BATs were only here for the final say about if a map is ready for ranks, nothing else more.

Most of BAT/Modders like to mod exceptional quality maps.
Why? Wouldn't you? Personally, I like to play beatmaps and songs that I like.

Also, I was going to talk about the complaining about maps "not getting looked at enough", but maybe later I'll say something.

EDIT: Also, I totally support Two's opinion.

Gabi wrote:

Harry, what stops the "italian community" from helping each other now? language wise etc. take for example cnf (just an example no offense cnf) if he becomes a BAT, he would still know as much as he knows now and could help modding.
We're already helping each other now. Just look at some italian mappers' maps, and you'll notice they're full of posts from other italians (HELPFUL posts, not just stars or something like that).
If CNF, for example, became a BAT (I think he actually would like to, but he can't atm), he would finally be able to turn his modding efforts into something more valuable. We all know that the more BATs there are, the faster the ranking process goes. And we all know that a bubble is better than a star. Plus, all the italians really need to get more active in the international osu community... And an italian BAT is probably the only way to achieve this. It was kind of sad seeing peppy and the others wondering about who we are and what kind of maps we make, today in the chat.

HarryOrunitia wrote:

It was kind of sad seeing peppy and the others wondering about who we are and what kind of maps we make, today in the chat.
Peppy has played like 16 maps total lol
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