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Sorry, my introduction should have been done sooner, I just recently found out about the forums.
Now with that out of the way, Greetings all I'm IronGraye or Iron whichever people prefer. I'm an avid gamer and play stuff from all genres, I have been playing Osu off and on for the past 2 years so I'm still bad at it. Though I want to finally work on improving

I used to play semi-pro halo 3 on console but for the past few years I have drifted away from it and moved too pc gaming, Currently I am employed as a Library page and bounce between work and games all of the time other than that there is nothing particularly interesting about me. I play games off and on and never r=got really good at any of them (other than halo) so Pretty much average in the gaming department too, Though I'm still 18 so there is a lot of time for me to continue Improving.

So I'm going to keep this short and sweet and just say that I look forward to seeing what I can achieve and what others around me can do.

Hoshimegu Mio
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