
The best citrus fruit is here

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I've played Osu! for quite a bit, but never had any intention to be part of the forums. However, things have changed since then, so here I am. Nice to meet you all!

I'm a 16-18 y/o girl from Europe, and... hmm. Most say I'm a polite and kind person, so I suppose that's how I should describe myself? I'm a huge daydreamer, I space out a lot and need to think before speaking so if you ever saw me IRL, I'd definitely give off the aura of someone introverted and quiet. But that's not true. I'm always interested in meeting new people!

If you're confused about the title of this introduction, as silly as it sounds, oranges are kind of my trademark~? Even my name means orange. Though most pronounce my nickname as "Apple", which I'm okay with... even if it's super tragic 🍊

Anyway, that's about it. I'll see you around^^
Welcome to the text cave of osu!, citrus-based friend. Before venturing out on the forums be sure to get familiar with the forum-wide rules if you haven't already! Enjoy your stay and above all have fun!
Hoshimegu Mio
Welcome to the forums! Hugs are available in OT or FG! Please enjoy your stay and remember: the best game mode in osu! is osu!Forums!
hello there and welcome to osu! aaaaaa

tervetuloa or something, hope you enjoy your stay. How do you feel about blood oranges?
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Oh my~ That actually surprised me. Thank you!

Blood oranges are fine..ish, but nothing beats the originals. They'd be very fitting for tomorrow though.
Hoshimegu Mio
What about green oranges then?
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Limes. I actually forgot about their existence until a few days ago. 5/10, very bleh.
Hoshimegu Mio

Appelsiinin wrote:

Limes. I actually forgot about their existence until a few days ago. 5/10, very bleh.
No. Oranges that have green peels.
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Googles green oranges

What the frick
Hoshimegu Mio

Appelsiinin wrote:

Googles green oranges

What the frick
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YyottaCat wrote:

Appelsiinin wrote:

Googles green oranges

What the frick
Opinion: Ultra bleh, cursed stuff. Shouldn't exist.
your username is cute, Appelsiinin! ^^
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michaelatheswag wrote:

your username is cute, Appelsiinin! ^^
Aw, thank you! Unfortunately "Appelsiini" was taken, so I had to improve <3

Appelsiinin wrote:

I'd definitely give off the aura of someone introverted and quiet
> that flag
yea this checks out

femboy mapper wrote:

hello there and welcome to osu! aaaaaa

tervetuloa or something, hope you enjoy your stay. How do you feel about blood oranges?
The word "blood orange" gives me the horrible mental image of biting into a yummy orange but instead of yummy juice it just gushes blood. Disgusting. I'm sure the actual fruit tastes nice, it just could have gotten a better name.
Hoshimegu Mio
How about small oranges?
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Too sour. Bleh.

YyottaCat wrote:

Appelsiinin wrote:

Googles green oranges

What the frick
I thought I was the only one that tried green oranges.

Most of them are sour as shit.
Calm Mango
I too love oranges. They are no 2 on my list. The no 1 you can probably guess. And its very cool that we both identify with fruits and our introductions are just side by side in the introduction page as I posted my into after you did.
Edit: I realized thats not how forums work here. but its still pretty cool that are intros are side by side(for now atleast).
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