This queue aims to promote mapping techniques disallowed by the Ranking Criteria. If your map features Offscreen elements, Slider Distortions, 2B, TAG, Quantum Sliders, Slider Animations, Gameplay Storyboarding or other elements prohibited by the Ranking Criteria, this queue is for you. Please note that this queue isn't trying to help you rank your map, but simply to improve it outside the restrictions of the Ranking Criteria.
- Your map must contain unrankable elements
- Your map must not aim for Ranked (unless RC changes to allow it)
Example maps:
beatmapsets/1097974 (2B)
beatmapsets/772636 (2B)
beatmapsets/764254 (slider animations)
beatmapsets/1140912 (variable sv)
beatmapsets/484896 (2B)
beatmapsets/484689 (literally everything)
beatmapsets/594751 (^+ slider distortions)
beatmapsets/710630 (TAG4)
beatmapsets/209865 (hitsounded vocals)
beatmapsets/957741 (2B)
beatmapsets/1350561 (2B)
beatmapsets/772636 (2B)
beatmapsets/764254 (slider animations)
beatmapsets/1140912 (variable sv)
beatmapsets/484896 (2B)
beatmapsets/484689 (literally everything)
beatmapsets/594751 (^+ slider distortions)
beatmapsets/710630 (TAG4)
beatmapsets/209865 (hitsounded vocals)
beatmapsets/957741 (2B)
beatmapsets/1350561 (2B)
also this monstrosity