
Hey people!

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So hello... I guess I'm Astasin I've been playing osu since march. It has been extremely fun so far and i love every second of just clicking circles. Whether it's maps for pp or loved maps I still enjoy it. What else?...

Im on youtube sometimes my channel name is Astasin. The reason I named my self Astasin was because I had a imaginary friend named Astasin when I was 9. Weird name I know but I was obsessed with science 6 years ago and still am to this day. The rarest element in the universe is Astatine so basically I took out the e and the t and put an s there.

Anyway hope you found this long winded paragraph at least somewhat entertaining to read follow me on twitch plz even if my mobile set up is trash and most of all...keep clicking circles to the beat.
i love seeing people enjoying this game
and no thats not a weird name there are weirdest than this one
have fun friend
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Thank you
Welcome to the Forums dude
- Marco -
Welcome :D/
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Thank you all, also do you have any tips on improving finger control when playing? Because I've been trying to get use to streams but I double tap off beat in the end of them and it messes me up.
youtube is the solution for everything *smug*
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NGL your probably right XD I'll check there. Don't know why I didn't think of that Im on there all the time.
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