This queue is for standard osu! difficulty only.
2 NORMAL MOD and 2 M4M's at a time. (1st 4 responses)
You can state which difficulty you'd like me to mod or I'll pick at random.
M4M's get priority (same day or done within 1 day). Normal mods will be done in 2-4 days.
IMPORTANT: This is a free service and I am not obligated to mod your map if you request, so please don't get upset If you request and I don't mod it. Please read the last 4 posts before you to know which mod I am accepting. If slots are already filled do not post. Kindly wait till I am accepting more requests.
Here's my current map: beatmapsets/1214187#osu/2527079
WIP Map: beatmapsets/1228676#osu/2554792 (any feedback/mods will help thank you)
What I mod:
Insane(this includes those crazy names yall be having)
Guest Difficulties:
CLOSED (for now)