
Hi, this is your boy FRAGRANCE from Valorant, and sneakDIFFERENT

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So. Put a little effort into it?
I type... all the fucking time.
Maybe a little too much, and so it's depressing that I have to say that I type everything, almost all things I ever contribute to the internet by hand.
Which is depressing because there is one source, for college students, about making side money, saying that writers get paid up to $50/hour.
&& I was like....
What the hell?
I don't see no 50 an hour.

But anyway,
I came here to the forums,
because I was like oh! they have local rankings now? What makes it local? by city or??? so I was curious, can you answer that for me? && also I'm looking for lucrative avenues of income if anyone knows of a fresh industry or anything. thanks

like asap, with a quick ROI
tbh i dont understand what your asking ... and saying

Anyways, Welcome!
wtf did i just read but welcome to the forums
i play valorant as well but im new to it. my discord tag is XBox Squeaker#0884 if you ever wanna talk and my riot username is Vixxi225
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