
A not so new player looking for friends.

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Update: I'm re did my introduction since the last one was confusing, and I want my introduction to be about me not about how I got here.

When I started playing in 2018 I got pretty invested early on, but It was at a bad time because I developed a ganglion cyst that limited my playing because it would cause pain, so I have basically been playing on and off since then, and was only able to really play as of early 2020.

About me.
-I'm 20 years old currently (nov 2020)
-I like hidden
-I really enjoy SS farming and score farming

-I'll be updating this more later when I think of something good to add about me-
Hello Izetta!
Welcome to osss
Im glad your wrist is ok rn , never heard of ganglion cyst though ._.
Hi Izetta, glad your wrist is ok. If you want you can add me as friend. I started in 2010 but then stopped for many years and came back just last year
hey, hmu!
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