
Joined circle clicking gang

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My friend introduced me to this game about a month ago. I've never had much interest in osu! before, but here I am a month later clicking circles daily and making an introduction post in hopes of making friends (?).

I'm Cin! So far my experience has been super fun, I fc'ed my first 5* yesterday (it was harumachi clover but still). I don't really have a preference for what beatmaps I like, but I enjoy challenging myself with long maps (3-4 mins) instead of TV sizes. They're more fun (and more painful when you break combo)! I'd love to have some more recommendations for longer maps if anyone has some they'd like to recommend!

And I think that's it! Have a nice day/night everyone :)

since you joined the circle clicking gang, might i interest you in the key mashing gang known as osu!mania. our bi-weekly meetings have cookies, brownies, AND koolaid.
Hello there Cin!
ah yeah long maps is better than TV sizes.
Why play 3-4 mins if u can play 10 mins >:)
beatmapsets/578332#osu/1281221 some recommendations from me. Search some songs compilation if u want a longer maps.
circle clicking gang, nicee
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