
Who knew circles could be this addicting?!

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Hey what's up everyone! Hope you're all doing well. I'm from Southern California and I originally found Osu! back in 2018 but I couldn't complete a single map which led to me dropping it. Eventually I came back earlier this year in February to try and get into it again, and I sort of got the game down. I'm still practicing increasing my accuracy and what not, but man this game is super fun and addicting!

My favorite map is so far is Fuyu ga Kureta Yokan by Sakaue Nachi! Yes, if you go through my maps played you'll see I mostly play Love Live! maps haha(love that series). Anyways I'd love to hear what everyones favorite maps are.

I think that'll do it for my intro, like I said I'm still a noob at this game and I'd appreciate any advice/tips!
Welcome to ossss!

I don't play standard much anymore (and i'm not good by any means lol), but one of the most important things i learned while i was still playing is consistency. It's important to practice different concepts of the game like triples, streams, being comfy with jumps, etc... Once you practice that kind of stuff repeatedly, you'll gradually find it much easier to read maps and it'll somewhat be built in as muscle memory so playing will feel a bit more comfy. With this, your accuracy will eventually increase and be consistent!

Another tip I'd like to share is to find a playstyle that you find comfortable playing with and stick with it, and if you're still using the default skin, you should look for more minimalist and clean looking skins to help with gameplay. Also, your profile says you only play with mouse? I advise you to play with your keyboard too! Use the mouse to aim, and then the keyboard to click the circles instead (default binding is z and x). This'll help for faster beatmaps and streams and triples, among many others.

Last tip is just to play more and have fun! I remember struggling a lot when I first started, but it eventually became really fun, there's just a pretty big learning curve.

p.s. the reason why i really felt like replying here is because i used to be huge love live trash, and i'm trying to crawl back to love live hell lmao umi best μ's girl
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futabas wrote:

Welcome to ossss!

I don't play standard much anymore (and i'm not good by any means lol), but one of the most important things i learned while i was still playing is consistency. It's important to practice different concepts of the game like triples, streams, being comfy with jumps, etc... Once you practice that kind of stuff repeatedly, you'll gradually find it much easier to read maps and it'll somewhat be built in as muscle memory so playing will feel a bit more comfy. With this, your accuracy will eventually increase and be consistent!

Another tip I'd like to share is to find a playstyle that you find comfortable playing with and stick with it, and if you're still using the default skin, you should look for more minimalist and clean looking skins to help with gameplay. Also, your profile says you only play with mouse? I advise you to play with your keyboard too! Use the mouse to aim, and then the keyboard to click the circles instead (default binding is z and x). This'll help for faster beatmaps and streams and triples, among many others.

Last tip is just to play more and have fun! I remember struggling a lot when I first started, but it eventually became really fun, there's just a pretty big learning curve.

p.s. the reason why i really felt like replying here is because i used to be huge love live trash, and i'm trying to crawl back to love live hell lmao umi best μ's girl

Ah yes I'm currently practicing triples, I kind of got them down but I still get overwhelmed when they're back to back. I've done some streams and they're hard lmao. I'll push those aside for now.

That's also what I love about this game, all the unique skins! I've downloaded a few to find the one thay suits me best. Also I do play with mouse+keyboard, that was my mistake, forgot to add the keyboard.

Yeah it's frustrating at first because you can't keep up or you click at the wrong time, but it's really fun now that i sort of got it.

Lmao Umi is so cute when she gets embarrassed. I just got into it pretty recently and I see no way out lol. Kotori best girl for me!
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Thank you!!
Hello i know this is kind of late for me to introduce my self but i want to do it.
My first time playing osu is when i see my sister playing it, i was like: "What are you playing?". And my sister respond with: "I'm playing osu!".
so thats the first time i startted playing osu!, the first time i play it i was like, this game completes me. so yeah now o already played for a year maybe and my sister don't play osu! anymore.
p.s. sorry if my spelling is bad im only a 5th grader and im Indonesian
thaks for reading this
p.p.s. can you tell me how to change my profile picture
ok now im done by
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