
This is my Introduction~

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Whenever you discover something new and enjoy it, What Would be the first thing that goes through a persons mind? they would try to Join the Community!, So Here I am doing an Introduction.
I really like the Moderators and The Community of this game. they all seem pretty nice!
well sometimes People are rude but mostly welcoming! I live in South Korea! I am Male if you wanted to know(not looking for a relationship). age would be 18. I may seem to have a bad attitude, But Mostly I am just not serious about somethings and maybe you might read as offensive, I am sorry if I do, Anyways Hope to enjoy the game with you all! Please take care of me I'm bad at this game. Thankyou For Listening to my TedTalk! (someone whispering from behind) This is not a TedTalk Well anyways Hope we all get along!
hi and welcome to the community! lets be friend yo :D
Welcome xD
Quite an introduction you did there, welcome to the community! just know that this game takes some time to get better at and it may be frustrating, but don't give up!! if you want any questions answered you can always DM me, either in game (if im online) or through the website's chat!
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