
Hello, semi-new to osu!

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I've almost been playing osu! for a year now, but never bothered making an introduction. I decided I'd go out of my way to do so now since I'm curious about osu! forums. As this could be a neat little way to make some new friends, I figured I'd give it a shot.

I discovered osu! through a friend, and I immediately got addicted. I love grindy games where continuous effort leads to minor improvement. There is no better feeling than turning impossible tasks, into effortless ones.

I recently switched to tablet because I wanted to see what it was like, and I overall prefer it to mouse. It's not "easier", it just feels more natural to me. Been using it for about two months now and I'm still hoping to improve with it.

Anyways, that sums up my introduction. Hope whomever may read this has a glorious day <3.
Hey there!

I was just skimming through forums and randomly found your post! Welcome to forums!
I've been playing for some years now and also switched to tablet about a year ago - I can tell you confidently: You'll get used to it pretty quickly :)
Maybe I'm assuming too much here, but you seem like a pretty competitive guy to me, which is a good thing! In fact, I am aswell! Just don't forget to have fun playing :P After all, that's what the game is all about!
Maybe we can even play together sometime, since we're about equal in skill level!

Well that's all I got for now!
Last thing I wanna say is, that last paragraph of yours really made me smile :)
So you have a wonderful day yourself! Take care!
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