
Hello everyone! Just a short introduction of myself.

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Unknown Duck
So... I didn't know that there is a community forum about introducing yourself so this is a bit awkward... I should've done this first before playing the game. Oops. Neverthless, I still kept the courage and lit up an interest in introducing myself like the other newbies did. Unlike me, who isn't one and joined the game way back from May of 2016. Yeeeaaahhh... Better late than never, I guess.

Hi everyone! My name is Unknown Duck and I'm currently playing osu! for more than 3 years now. My female cousin, Xerrapin, (which currently isn't playing anymore), introduced this game for me to "check out". At first, I wasn't really into it but when I knew that we can play together through setting up a multiplayer lobby and have the ability to spectate, it suddenly sparked a huge interest to me to play it. (Yes, they were really weird reasons)

Honestly, I've never played any other game that lasted me this long to play it. This game is the first for me. As you can probably see in my profile, I'm currently a 5 digit player with 3k pp from the Philippines and I LOVE setting high accuracy scores with mod combinations, either HDNC, HDHR, or HD only. Don't judge me if I'm playing the game in a weird way. I remember when my cousin told me that "combo is more important than accuracy in winning in multiplayer", but then I told her, "I don't like getting 100s and 50s though." So I started solo playing and aimed to improve my accuracy instead rather than setting high combo plays. Then it just happened to me some point in time that it became my normal playstyle in playing osu!.

As of now, I'm starting to get pretty good at 4* maps, and STRUGGLE at 5* maps with no-mod. (I can barely pass them as of now). My weakness? STREAMS. I just couldn't stand with them. If you saw a play of mine with a bit of streams but somehow manage to get an S-rank, don't worry, it was just out of sheer luck.

That's it for my introduction! If you want to send me a message or add me as a friend, please feel free to do it! That'll be great for me personally and my channel! Just don't forget to subscribe, give this one a thumbs up and-
Hi im HifumiBest and im a washed up 13k player thanks for coming to my TED takl
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Unknown Duck

HifumiBest wrote:

Hi im HifumiBest and im a washed up 13k player thanks for coming to my TED takl


Unknown Duck wrote:

HifumiBest wrote:

Hi im HifumiBest and im a washed up 13k player thanks for coming to my TED takl


- Marco -
Hello and umm...Welcome to the osu!Forum

i play EZ or FL btw
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Unknown Duck

- Marco - wrote:

Hello and umm...Welcome to the osu!Forum

i play EZ or FL btw

OwO thank you!
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