Yesterday I read the book "No longer human", so I thought to check the manga adaptations, for context, if I had to rate the novel, I would give it a 9.
No Longer Human (Junji ito): 5/10: what the fuck happened here?, this doesn't even feel remotely related to the original book. For context, the original no longer human is not horror, it's just basically a autobiography of osamu dazai, who shortly after would commit suicide, there are some weird/unsettling moments in the book but it's never horror, junji ito took some elements of the original book like the spectral-style paintings and just went OFF with that, it's not really an adaptation, it's more just junji ito doing his typical style of manga just with the skin of no longer human, can't say I liked it
No Longer Human (Usamuru Furuya): 7/10: I liked this one, it's basically no longer human but set in the modern day, but it's close to the original work and it's actually really cool, my only complain is that they really skip on the youth of dazai and they basically just start when the drama starts, but I think that is a bit of a shame, yes, the first 20 pages or so of the book are pretty uneventful, but I think that is still an important part of the book that heavily affects the interpretation of the work later
Ningen Shikkaku (Variety artworks): 8/10 the least popular one and the worst rated, somehow, my personal favourite, this is the most faithful, it's not a reimagining, it's itself just a direct adaptation, this isn't better or worse, reimagining are fine, I like them. Point is, my complain with the previous two mangas is that they kinda forced a certain interpretation on the story, junji ito turned it into horror furuya usamuru mainly focused on the drama and the exciting parts, this keeps the soul intact, tho it's by far the shortest, being only 1 volume instead of the 3 the other two are, so it doesn't really explore it as deeply, but that is not the point of the manga
Variety Art Works is a production company that provided artists to work on the Manga de Dokuha series (ใพใใใง่ชญ็ ด, Reading Through with Manga). Manga de Dokuha is a series of manga versions of worldwide classic literature with the aim of introducing average manga readers to important literary works they would otherwise not be aware of or willing to read.
so it's just a introduction, and it works, it does feel like the original book and if you hadn't read it, reading this may be a good push
there is another one I will read today probably