Artist - Natsuyume Noisy (TV Size)
beatmapsets/1895960#osu/3907305 \\ 1:26
There is only one diff you can map (according to your rules) so insane it is
Short answer on question "Why do you start mapping?"
first I miss some "good" beatmaps on some songs i like. but now i just want to improve and get a map ranked and make mu bucketlist more complete.
beatmapsets/1895960#osu/3907305 \\ 1:26
There is only one diff you can map (according to your rules) so insane it is
Short answer on question "Why do you start mapping?"
first I miss some "good" beatmaps on some songs i like. but now i just want to improve and get a map ranked and make mu bucketlist more complete.